Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group

Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group

Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group
A week Subject Conversation Games Targeted walks Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 Street.

Goal: to form the concept of “one-way and two-way traffic”; consolidate knowledge of parts of the street: sidewalk, roadway, “safety island”, boundary line


Compiling a story based on the painting “City Street”.

"Road Users"

Did. "Crossroads" "Guess what's changed"

"Moving the Streets"

Builds “Different types of roads”

Fantasy game “What’s wrong”

S.-role "Auto Builders"

To the street (nearest roadway). S. Mikhalkov “Our Street”.

A. Domkhovsky “Wonderful Island”

Theater on the table “Avtosha hits the road”

Construction of a “Town for Favorite Toys”

Drawing "City Street"

Mathematics “The houses we live in”

We construct houses for a toy town from boxes.
2 Fire.

Goal: repeat familiar fire safety rules with children; continue to teach careful handling of fire; conduct a survey.


Compiling a story based on a picture that depicts extinguishing a fire in a residential building. Did. "Fire hazardous items"

Verbal “Secure fire-hazardous words”

M. movable “If there is a fire”

Kindergarten “Fire extinguishing equipment” - introduction S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” Drawing “Matches are not a toy for children”
3 “The nose is the organ of smell”

Goal: to introduce children to the organ of smell - the nose, the features of its functioning, its significance for human life; teach how to take care of this important organ.


"My wonderful nose"

(S. Shukshina “Me and My Body” p. 47)

Did. "What do you know about..."

“Dunno came to us”

In medical office “How to cure your nose” E. Moshkovskaya “My wonderful nose”

S. Shukshina “I ran through puddles for a long time”

Making up “Rules for a Healthy Nose”
4 "Poisonous Plants"

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the plant world, to form ideas about the benefits and harms of plants, the appearance of medicinal and poisonous plants.


“What are the benefits of nettle?”


K. Belaya p. 27)

Did. "Dangerous - not dangerous"

“What grows where?”

To the kitchen “Getting to know herbs and seasonings” Evening of mysteries Drawing “Medicinal herbs” Looking for useful herbs at home
A week Subject Conversation Games Target walk reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Houseware"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about household items and the rules for using them; continue to teach children to put all objects in strictly designated places; instill in children the ability to obey adult prohibitions. ****

"The Hard Life of the Boy Petya"

(OBPD O. Chermashentseva p. 149)

Did. "The game is a serious matter"

S. role-playing

“Family” “Pick up a toy for Tanya” “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous”

In the kindergarten kitchen - how dangerous items are stored. Drawing “sketches from Petya’s life” Individual conversations: we reinforce the rule “Every thing has its place”,
2 "Child at home alone"

Goal: to teach children to behave correctly at home when they are alone; form the idea that you should not open the door to anyone outside.


"When Mom Isn't Home"

(OBPD O. Chermashentseva p. 143)

We act out scenes using finger theater. RNS "Geese - Swans" Drawing "My Family"
3 "Traffic and pedestrian traffic"

Goal: to form the concept of “right-hand traffic”; teach children to move correctly on sidewalks and to avoid buses correctly.



Examination of the painting “Detour of transport”

"History of right-hand traffic"

Did. “Right - left”, “Guess what has changed”

I am building a “Bus depot”

Situations “We are getting off the bus”, “I am crossing the road”

S.-role “Bus excursion”

To the bus stop Y. Pishumov “The ABC of the City” Dramatization “At a Forest Crossroads”

Drawing “Intersection with traffic flow”

Consultation “Teach children to avoid traffic correctly”
4 "Fire is friend or foe"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the role of fire in human life; expand knowledge about fire safety rules; form ideas about behavior in the event of a fire threat; clarify knowledge about objects dangerous to life and health.


“So that there is no trouble”

(Lifestyle for older preschoolers by N.S. Golitsyn)

Did. “Dangerous objects” “Do’s and don’ts”

M. movable “Stomp clap”

We are studying evacuation routes in time for emergencies. D. Lapinya “Don’t fool around with fire” S. Marshak “Fire” Evening of mysteries Folder – movement “Symbols on the evacuation diagram”
A week Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Skeleton and muscles"

Goal: to give children an idea that every person has bones inside that make up a movable structure - the skeleton of our body, which protects our internal organs from damage; introduce the prevention of dislocations and fractures.


“Armor, hanger?!”

(“Me and my body” S. Shukshin p. 54)

Who will put it on faster? N. Kushnevitskaya “Skeleton”

V. Kataev “Flower - seven flowers”

We come up with a set of exercises to train different muscle groups We make up rules with our children “How to keep bones healthy and strong”
2 “The cat and the dog are our neighbors”

Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the behavior of animals, about the ways and methods of handling them.


“Dog, whose dog are you?

(N. Golitsyna OBZH for older preschoolers, page 76; K. Belaya FOBUD, page 56)

"Dog show" E. Blaginina “Kitten”

G. Novitskaya “Mongrel”

Drawing “My Favorite Animal”
3 “Take care of your health from a young age”

Goal: to develop in children the ability to properly relate to their vital organs; cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and others.


"The Adventures of Petya and Vova"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD pp. 130, 135)

Did. “If I do this” “Dangerous - not dangerous” Puzzles Drawing “Episodes and lives of Petya”
4 “Introduction to the rules of table setting”

Goal: to expand knowledge about hygiene, to develop personal hygiene skills, to introduce the rules of table setting.



(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 110)

Did. "Family" "Put it in its place" We establish table setting rules at home
A week Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Transport"

Goal: to form the concept of “transport”, to exercise in the classification of vehicles (passenger and cargo transport)


Compiling a descriptive story “My favorite mode of transport”

“What kind of cars does a person need”

Did. "Miracle Machine"

"Find by action"

Builds. "Street with bus stops"

Fantasy game “Everything is the other way around” “What I travel on”

S.-role-playing “Garage”.

To the roadway “Transport on our street” M. Ilyin, E. Sigal “Cars on our street” Construction of "Bus" Folder – movement “Road and transport injuries”
2 "Meet Fire"

The goal is to introduce children to some of the properties of fire; develop an understanding of the danger of a fire that gets out of control; instill respect for the firefighting profession.


"What do we know about fire"

(Teacher 7/2010)

Did. "It burns - it doesn't burn"

"What firefighters need"

B. Zhitkov

"Smoke", "Fire"

Modeling “Fire dogs”
3 "The Great Worker and the Magic Rivers"

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the work of the heart, its location, structure; show the importance of the heart and blood for human life; cultivate sensitivity and respect for the life of another person.


“Knock, knock, my heart beats”

(“Me and my body” S. Shukshin p.57)

S. role-playing “Hospital” To the nurse's office "Introduction to the phonendoscope" H. H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”

Y. Olesha “Three Fat Men”

Drawing "My Heart" We are developing “Rules for a healthy heart”
4 "The winter vacation"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about behavior on the street in winter, namely: in winter you can’t walk under the canopies of houses, you can’t push on ice; continue to instill in children attention to the people around them, to be considerate.


"Hooray, holidays"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 84)

S. role-playing


Medical office “What you need for first aid for bruises” Drawing “Winter fun”
A week Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
2 “Dangerous situations of contact with strangers”

Goal: to prevent children from contacting strangers; promote the development of caution and prudence in communicating with strangers.


"Delicious sweets"

(K. Belaya “KOBD” p.83)

Did. "Dangerous - not dangerous" Children telling the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” Role-playing situations of communication with strangers
3 “On the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions”

Purpose: to give the concept that a pleasant appearance does not always correspond to good intentions; teach to understand a situation that carries danger, to react correctly in such cases, to be able to call for help, to be able to say no to the proposals of an unfamiliar adult.


"The Tale of the Kolobok"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 168)

Call for help. Fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"
4 "Traffic light"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and the rules of behavior when changing them.


“The history of the creation of a traffic light”

"Traffic Signals"

Did. "Turn on the signal"

"Who comes to the rescue"

Builds. "We are pedestrians"

Situations “Children on the roadway”

S. Prokofiev, G. Sapgir “My friend traffic light”

M. Plyatskovsky “Traffic Light”

Manual labor “Making a traffic light from waste material” Folder - movement "Winter fun, children and transport"
Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 “Every citizen knows this number – 01”

Goal: to familiarize children with the basic rules of fire safety, with the primary actions when a fire is detected; Learn how to correctly report a fire by phone.


“We won’t live a day without fire” Verbal “Questions and Answers”

Attention "Yes or no"

Builds. Fire Department"

K. Chukovsky “Confusion” Drawing “Fire safety in pictures”

Re-enactment of “Baba Yaga and the coals in the oven”

Creation of the album “Fire Safety in Poems and Pictures”
2 "In the Land of the Lungs"

Purpose: to give an idea that breathing is one of the most important functions of the body; show the importance of breathing for human life; introduce the respiratory tract and the breathing mechanism.


"The Journey of the Air Men"

(“Me and my body” S. Shukshin p. 59)

Excursion “For health in the winter forest” N. Knushnevitskaya


Practical exercise “Inhale – exhale” Compiling “Rules for Healthy Lungs”
3 "Vitamins in human life"

Goal: talk about the role of vitamins in human life.


“Tasty or healthy?”

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD page 92)

Did. “Vitamins grow in the garden” Evening of mysteries
4 “Every dangerous object has its place”

Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the rules for using piercing and cutting objects; educate children to be careful when working with dangerous objects.


"A Bunny's Story"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 163)

Did. "Find and neutralize" We are drawing up “Rules for the storage of piercing and cutting objects”
A week Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Alone at home"

Goal: to teach children to behave correctly at home when they are alone; form the idea that you should not open the door to anyone outside.


"If you're home alone"

(N. Golitsyna Lifestyle for older preschoolers p. 74).

Did. "How to Avoid Trouble" E. Tambovtseva - Shirokova “Who is your friend and who is your enemy” Staging situations
2 "Road signs."

Goal: consolidate knowledge of familiar traffic rules using road signs: pedestrian crossing, be careful children, attention.


"Journey to the Crossroads"

"Why do we need road signs"

Did. "Find it on the plan"

"Talking Signs"

Situations “How can an old lady cross the road”

To the roadway: “To a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light” V. Semerin “Forbidden - Permitted” Drawing “Our village” “Crossroads”

Evening of mysteries

Competition "Best Manufacturer of Road Signs"
3 "Fire and the Fire Tamer"

Goal: continue to familiarize children with fire safety rules; teach careful handling of fire; to instill in children respect for the firefighting profession and an awareness of the dangers of this profession.


"Smoke is worse than fire"

(Basics of safe behavior for preschool children by O. Chermashentsev p. 53)

M. mobile “Stomp - Clap”

To the attention “This is me, this is me and my friends are with me”

To the fire station K. Paustovsky “Hare's Paws” Drawing "Fire Truck"

Evening of mysteries

Accompanying children on excursions
4 “About the amazing transformations of food inside us”

Goal: to introduce children to the digestive tract, its main sections and functions; learn to understand your body and its needs; show the relationship between various organs in the human body.


“Where did the food go?”

(S. Shukshina “Me and My Body” p. 62).

Excursion “Journey to the Kitchen” B. Zakhoder “Ma-Tari-Kari”

S. Marshak “Robin – Bobbin”

Drawing “Salad?!” Compiling “Rules for Healthy Eating”

"Rules for healthy teeth"

Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Dangerous insects"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior when encountering different insects, to form ideas about a variety of insects and methods of protection against them.


“Not a bird, but with wings”

(K. Belaya FOBud p. 49)

"Who lives where"

“Guess what insect this is”

I. Andenko “Ant” riddles Drawing “Beautiful insects”
2 “We raise thrifty people”

Goal: to introduce children to the concept of “thrift”; to form in children a thrifty attitude towards objects, intolerance towards sloppiness and negligence; cultivate respect for working people.



(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 171)

K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief” We are creating an exhibition of your favorite books
3 "Communication with Nature"

Goal: to teach children a responsible and caring attitude towards nature, not to destroy bird nests, anthills, and not to break branches.


"Lesovik's Letter" The game is a riddle “Who is this?” Walk in the forest. We repeat the rules of behavior in nature.
4 "Rules of conduct in transport"

Goal: to clarify the rules for using public transport: transport must be waited at a special area, in transport you should hold on to the handrails, do not push, enter from the back platform, exit from the front.


"In city transport"

“Why do passengers need rules?”

Compiling a story based on the painting “Bus Stop”

Did. "Correct - dangerous"

"What from the beginning and then"

Situations “A disabled person gets on the bus”

"To the bus stop" S. Mikhalkov “Tram number ten was walking”

S. Marshak “Bus number 26”

Drawing "People coming and going"

Dramatization “We’re going to the theater”

Individual conversations “How to develop exemplary behavior when using public transport”
Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy"

Goal: to form an understanding of the world around us, skills of safe behavior in extreme situations, to introduce the history of man’s mastery of fire and its use in everyday life and work.


"Fire and Man"

(Child in kindergarten 6/2011 p. 49)

Did. “The best” “Good bad”

"What firefighters need"

Verbal “Call on the phone”

S. - role-playing “Rescuers”

S. Marshak “The Tale of Matches” Drawing “Fire is a faithful friend”


Participation in the preparation and conduct of KVN
2 "Learning about your body"

Goal: expand information about how the human body works.


"Letter from Why"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 87)

Did. "What do you know about..." N. Kushnevitskaya “Stomach” “Liver” “Kidneys”
3 "Safe outdoor recreation"

Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature and the possible dangers that may lie in wait if these rules are not followed.


"Rules of behavior in nature"

(K. Belaya FOBud p. 47)

What grows where? Along the ecological trail of the kindergarten Puzzles. Drawing “My favorite plant”
4 “We learned the rules of life safety”

Goal: to systematize the basic rules of life and upbringing - the rules of communication culture, food intake, routine moments and personal hygiene, rules of behavior in public places.


“We’ll tell you about this in confidence...” Game - excursion according to the rules of life safety
Subject Conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Bicycle, scooter"

Goal: to introduce children to dangerous situations that can arise when riding a bicycle or scooter.


"The street is not a place to play"

"Games in the yard"

Did. "Prohibited-allowed"

"Far close"

Situation: “They bought me a new bike”

"In the courtyard of a residential building"

"To the playground"

I. Konchalovsky “Scooter” Modeling "Scooter"

Drawing “Bicycle with reflectors”

Sports "Road Relay"

Consultation “Child in the yard”
2 "Children's pranks with fire and their consequences"

Goal: repeat the already familiar fire safety rules.


"Dangerous Items" Did. "It burns - it doesn't burn"

M. movable “If there is a fire”

For kindergarten: learning escape routes. S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” Game training “Road of Safety”. Folder – movement “Evacuation signs”
3 "Where do diseases come from"

Goal: to form an idea of ​​health, illness, microbes; provide basic information about infectious diseases, methods of spreading diseases; teach you to care not only about your own health, but also about the health of those around you.


"On a visit to Aibolit"

(O. Chermashentseva OBPD p. 89)

Did. “We are writing a letter to a sick friend” “Healthy and unhealthy food” Practical exercise “Wound treatment.”
Subject conversation Games Target walk Reading Leisure entertainment Working with parents
1 "Rules of behavior during a thunderstorm"

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.


"Storm" L. Pilipenko “Angry Thunder” Drawing "Rainbow" Folder – moving “Rules of behavior during a thunderstorm”
2 "Dangers All Around Us"

Goal: expand knowledge of safety rules at home, on the street, in water; continue to form the basis of correct behavior in critical situations.


“To avoid trouble, do it right!” Did. "Find and neutralize" A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” Folder – movement “Rules for handling dangerous objects”
3 “Aibolit visiting children”

Purpose: to inform children about the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human life and health; teach children not to be afraid of the doctor, to be able to provide assistance themselves.


“The good doctor Aibolit will heal us, heal us” Did. "Ambulance" Excursion to the vegetable garden. S. Marshak “Doctor Aibolit” Drawing “My friends vitamins”
4 "Country Road"

Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the difficulty of pedestrian movement on a country road; introduce the road sign “Railway crossing”.


"How I Traveled" compiling a story from experience Did. "Trip out of town"

Builds. "Route" "Highway"

Situations “The barrier has not been raised yet”

S.-role-playing “Journey”.

"Common nature hike" B. Zhitkov “What I saw” Drawing “The blue carriage is running and swaying...” Accompanying children on a hike.

Questionnaire on PPB

1. State your first and last name, home address and telephone number.

2. How to call the rescue service?

3. List the rules for handling household electrical appliances (did. game “Our Helpers”).

4. Name fire hazardous items.

5. What causes a fire?

6. List the rules of conduct in case of fire.

7. Who helps people in case of fire? Tell us about the work of firefighters.

8. List the rules of behavior at home (solving the problem situation “When children are left at home alone”).

Conversation-training on life safety for older preschoolers “Safe behavior on the street”

Conversation-training on life safety


(senior preparatory group)

Compiled the article. teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 6 (Krupskoy 7)

Khodulina I.N.

Goal:1. Introduce children to the rules of playing in the yard.

2. Discuss various dangerous situations with children. Play out the situation - “game on the sidewalk.”

3. Teach children the necessary precautions. Together, develop rules for behavior on the street and playground.

Hod: Guys, today we will talk about how to behave on the street, where you can and cannot play. Dunno will also participate in our conversation.

-In the evening. When you come home from kindergarten or on weekends, where do you usually go for a walk?

Children: In the yard, in the park, my brother and I go to the next street.

Educator: Where in the yard do you play? What is this place called?

Children: playground.

- Who do you think is doing the right thing (shows posters). Nikita or Yulia?

- Why?

Tell me, is it possible to play on the roadway of the street or yard?

Children: No, you can't.

Educator: Why not?

Well done, I agree with you. Which of you thinks the same as Alina?

Show pictures.

Educator: Look carefully at the two pictures and tell me where the children do the right thing and where they don’t? Why do you think that? Prove it to everyone.

— In the picture on the left, the children are doing the wrong thing because they are playing on the roadway, and in the picture on the right...(correct)

Educator: So, where should we play?

At the playground.

Educator: Remember, guys and you, Dunno, remember the rule: It’s only unsafe to play on the playground

Dunno: If I can’t play on the roadway, I’ll play on the sidewalk.

Educator: Guys, what is a sidewalk?

That's right, it's a walking path for pedestrians, it's a limited space.

Educator: Do you think it is convenient to play on the sidewalk?

Let's try it, let's conduct an experiment.

Game training is carried out with children.

Educator: Go to the carpet.

How can we limit our play sidewalk?

(children offer and limit the edge of the carpet with bricks from the builder).

Educator: The sidewalk has been limited. We will be divided into children who will play on the sidewalk - jumping rope, rolling a car, playing with a ball, and pedestrians - who will walk along the sidewalk in one direction and the other.

Everyone will take a card that will tell them who they will be in the game.

Children take cards (jump ropes, balls, cars, road signs - pedestrians are drawn on them.)

Now take what you need to play.

(Music plays, children play out a problem situation - some play on the sidewalk, others move in opposite directions.)

EducatorL after the game) Was it convenient for pedestrians to walk? Why is it inconvenient? Was it comfortable for you to play? Why?

Please take your seats at the tables.

Educator: So what can we say about playing on the sidewalk?

Tell the dunno.

Children say in turns:

It is inconvenient for children to play on the sidewalk.

There was also little room for pedestrians to pass, everyone was jostling.

Educator: Children, playing on the sidewalk is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Why do you think?

Children: the ball can get under the feet of pedestrians and people can fall, the ball can roll onto the road where there are cars. It's dangerous to run after him.

Educator: Correct. Remember. When you and I walked to the stadium, we saw an open hatch. This is very dangerous; you can accidentally fall into it and get injured. Therefore, what should you always be like?

Well done, really, very attentive. If you see an open hatch where repair work is not being carried out, what should you do in such cases - pass by or inform one of the adults about the disorder?

Children: Inform adults about this so that they can close the hatch or fence off the area with a sign.

Educator: Children, what danger can threaten in winter or spring, when the snow melts?

That's right, you can slip, fall, break, and even worse, break your leg.

What danger awaits children who play under the roof of a house on which huge icicles or blocks of snow hang?

Of course, icicles or snow can fall at any time and cause irreparable harm.

We must always remember this, do not forget the rules and place of the game, and be attentive.

Educator: Let's remember, children these rules:

1. Never play on the roadway. Playing on the sidewalk is inconvenient and also dangerous!

2.Play only in the yard, on the playground.

Dunno, always follow these rules and teach them to others.

Educator: Now I want to make sure that all these rules are understood and learned.

(cards on the tables - invites you to look at them, think about whether the children are doing the right thing, and then tell everyone). The time taken is -10 seconds.

Children work in groups of two.

Come out, Yulia and Seryozha.

What's on your card? A boy plays ball on the roadway. Where should I play? ( At the playground)

All children answer this way.

The teacher, together with the children, draws conclusions for each situation.

Educator: Well done! I made sure that you understood and remembered that you need to play in the yard, on the playground, and ride a bicycle or scooter on the sidewalk, and not on the roadway. I hope that you will always follow the rules of safe behavior on the street.

Dunno: And now I will only play according to the rules of safe behavior on the street!

Educator: And now, children, it’s time for us to go for a walk on the playground.

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