Conversations in the “Good Manners” circle for preschoolers

Talking to children about behavior

Conversation with children on the topic “How well-mannered people act”

Goal: explain to children the rules of behavior in a team and the need to comply with them. Activate the appropriate vocabulary in speech.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher tells the children:

“Mom with her son and daughter, your peers (can you imagine how old the children were?), got on the bus. There were no empty seats.

-Where do we sit? - the girl asked loudly.

- We will stand with you. “You are already big enough, and the playground is free, and no one will push you,” my mother noted.

Hearing this conversation, one of the passengers suggested: “Seat the children,” and made room for them. Mom didn’t even have time to say a word, but the guys had already sat down and, pleased with themselves, looked at their mother. She had a sad face.

- You are tired? Are you sick? - the son and daughter were alarmed.

- No, I didn’t get sick, but I was very, very upset. After all, now I have learned that my children cannot be called well-mannered people.

“Who did you find out from?” the daughter asked in bewilderment.

- I found out from you! - Mom explained and turned to the window.”

The teacher asks if the children liked the story. She clarifies from whom the mother learned that her children were not very well-mannered people, and how the children should have behaved so as not to upset their mother.

After listening to the children’s answers, the teacher summarizes them, then offers to repeat (in chorus and individually) the phrases with which it is customary to address a person when giving up his seat on public transport.

“Imagine,” the teacher continues the conversation, “that you and your grandmother got on the bus. And there is only one free seat on the bus. What should I do? And what do educated people do in this case?

And now you have made a transfer and are traveling by trolleybus. We saw two empty seats and sat down. And at this time a woman with a heavy bag stopped opposite. What will you do?

In conclusion, the teacher suggests making buses out of chairs and heading out of town, observing the necessary rules of behavior during the trip.

Memo “Rules of behavior at the table for older preschoolers”

  1. Sit up straight, don’t “fall apart”;
  2. Feet together, do not cross your legs;
  3. Don't shuffle your feet;
  4. Don't talk while eating;
  5. Don't twist or push;
  6. Eat and don’t get dirty, don’t spill food on the tablecloth;
  7. Don’t bite off big pieces – eat slowly;
  8. Eat with your mouth closed, do not slurp;
  9. Hold your spoon, fork and knife correctly;
  10. Don't crumble the bread, bite it over your plate;
  11. Bend over the spoon, do not bring it to your mouth;
  12. When you drink, raise the cup to your mouth;
  13. After eating, put the cutlery on the table;
  14. When you get up from the table, pull up your chair and thank the adults.
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