Card file: “Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle” (Senior group) TOPIC: “Child and health”

Card file: “Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle” (Senior group) TOPIC: “Child and health”

Municipal preschool educational institution Suslongersky kindergarten “Forest Fairy Tale”

Card file: “Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle”

(Senior group)

TOPIC: “Child and health”

Prepared by: teacher 1st quarter. categories Idrisova T.V.


Card file: “Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle”

(Senior group)

TOPIC: “Child and health”

P.s.: to develop children’s initial skills in protecting life and health. Based on situational moments, learn to draw conclusions about life safety. Foster a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help each other.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Talk about health, find out how children understand the word “health”:

health is the best wealth;

healthy - everything is great.

2) Bring in a casually dressed boy doll. Please note that dressing this way can harm your health.

3) Analyze situations when you need to behave carefully and take care of your health (how to walk on a wet floor so as not to slip; how to go down the stairs; how to dress when going for a walk).

Reading poems - advice.


TOPIC: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products”

P.S.: clarify children’s knowledge about healthy foods, their purpose for health and good mood. Fix the names of vegetables and their taste. Cultivate a desire to eat fruits.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Invite the children to remember what time of year it is now, show the gifts of autumn - a basket of fruits (examine and describe them).

2) Tell children about the health benefits of fruits for children and adults.

3) Ask what fruits parents buy for their children, remind them that in order to be strong and healthy, they must eat fresh fruits.

D/i “Guess the taste”, “Wonderful bag”.


TOPIC: “Personal hygiene”

P.s.: develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures. Find out what accessories children use when washing. Learn to read clearly and emotionally.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Reading an excerpt from Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.”

2) Questions:

Which boy do you like better?

Why did you like the neat, neat boy?

Did anyone like the other boy?

Why didn't you like it?

What toiletries do you need to wash away dirt and be clean?

What, besides soap and a sponge, is needed for washing?

Invite children to show how children wash their hands and face (imitation movements)

3) Offer to learn a pure phrase:

Milu's mom

With soap soap...


TOPIC: “Human Body”

P.s.: Clarify children’s knowledge of what parts the human body consists of, talk about the role of the senses. Learn to understand the meaning of certain parts of the body: arms, legs, head, torso. It is clear to answer the teacher’s questions. Cultivate the desire to grow up strong and healthy.

GCD with children of the senior group on the topic: “What is health?”

Author: Murzaeva Natalya Nikolaevna

teacher at MBDOU "Rucheyok"

GCD with children of the senior group on the topic: “What is health?”

Conversation with older children on the topic: “What is health?”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we will talk about health. Who wants to be healthy? Why do you want to be healthy? It is in your power not only to maintain your health, but also to strengthen it. Wise proverbs say about this:

Is there a greater misfortune than illness and need? I take care of my health, I will help myself.

Let's learn the second proverb by heart. (Memorization).

How do you understand what health is? Health is strength, beauty, when the mood is good and everything works out. Now let’s talk about how we can help ourselves improve our health. What do you think you can do for your health? Do physical exercise, do exercises, harden yourself, eat right, follow a daily routine, keep clean, take vitamins.

Finger gymnastics “Morning”

The morning has come, the sun has risen. Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors! Get up, big one! Get up, pointer! Get up, middle! Get up, little orphan! And little Mitroshka! Hello, palm! Everyone woke up and stretched! Well done!

Now check, have your fingers become stronger and more obedient?

You know, guys, today Moidodyr came to our group. He really wanted to see you. It’s such a pity that Moidodyr didn’t wait for you, because he has so many worries in the morning! But he left you this little bag.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Children guess personal hygiene items by touch (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush, clothes brush) and tell what they are for and how to use them. Then the teacher reads the riddles and suggests finding the answer among the items , which the children took out of a wonderful bag.

Guessing riddles

It slips away like something alive, But I won’t let it go. It foams with white foam, It’s not too lazy to wash your hands. (Soap)

I walk and wander not through the forests, but through my mustache, through my hair. And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. (Comb)

Plastic back, Stiff bristles, Good with toothpaste, Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

And it shines and glitters, It flatters no one, But it will tell the truth to anyone - It will show him everything as it is. (Mirror)

I wipe, I try, After the boy’s bath. Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled - There is no dry corner. (Towel)

The tail is made of bone, There are bristles on the back. This thing will help us Clean trousers and caftan. (Brush)

Moidodyr also left us a cartoon. Now we'll look at it. (View the film “Moidodyr”). Conversation on the content of m\f). Why was Moidodyr angry? Which soldiers was Moidodyr talking about? What made Moidodyr happy? Which episode did you like best? Why?

Physical school

The sun looked into the crib. One, two, three, four, five. We are all doing exercises. We need to sit down and stand up. Stretch our arms wider. One, two, three, four, five. Bend over - three, four. And jump in place. .On the toe, then on the heel. We do exercises together.

Oh, here’s another gift from Moidodyr. Interesting drawing. What does it show? Teeth. Here in this picture the teeth are white and cheerful. And here they are dark and sad. What is your opinion about what happened to these teeth? White teeth are brushed and fed healthy food, but dark teeth are not cared for, not cleaned, and fed food that destroys teeth. What food do you think destroys teeth? Sweets, cakes, chocolate, lollipops, ice cream destroy my teeth. What food is good for teeth? Vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese.

Didactic game “Helpful - Harmful”

On a large sheet of paper (board) various food products are depicted (vegetables, candies, fruits, chips, milk, a carbonated drink in a bottle, fish, ice cream, eggs, brown bread, etc.). Children circle what is useful with a green marker. The teacher explains why you should not eat chips and other junk food, and why you should eat sweets in moderation.

Remember and name what healthy foods you are fed in kindergarten. (Children list products from the kindergarten menu).

You are given bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rye bread is especially healthy. Now we will taste very healthy rye bread. Tasting means trying. And the person who tastes is called a taster. Repeat this word and try to remember. (Children try the bread).

You guys said that we need to toughen up. How is it, what should be done? Listen to a poem about hardening:

Everyone who wants to be healthy, toughen up with me. In the morning, run and have an invigorating shower, like for adults, a real one. Open the windows more often, breathe fresh air. Wash your hands with cold water. And then the hungry germ will never overcome you.

How do you and I harden ourselves after a nap? We walk barefoot on the rug. But you need to temper yourself gradually, wisely. Listen to the proverbs:

“You can’t become strong instantly—temper yourself gradually.”

“If you want to be healthy, show will and patience.”

There is another very simple hardening method that can be done every day. This is self-massage. Listen to this word. What is "massage"? This is stroking, rubbing, pressing. And what does the first part of the word “self-massage” - “self” mean? That a person does this massage to himself.


Have you washed your forehead? Have you washed your cheeks? Have you washed your ears? Have you washed your hands? Have you washed everything? Clean now! Open the door to health!

You did great today. I see a smile on your faces. This is very good! After all, a joyful, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. A good mood and a smile are like protection from diseases. Let's give each other smiles more often.

Good health to you all!

Card index of conversations on healthy lifestyle in the senior group

Look at your hand. What parts does it consist of? What work does each part of the hand do? Why do you think the hand is movable? (Children's answers.)

Then the children look at the legs. Compare the legs (arms) of children and adults (according to the drawings). Pay attention to the fact that they are all different in size, but have the same structure.


Draw a large face.
Please note: all the faces turned out different, but they still have something in common - eyes, nose, mouth, ears. We call these organs sense organs. Why were they given this name? (Answers from friends.)
Yes, we smell with our nose;
with our eyes we see light; we hear with our ears, i.e. we feel the sound; With our lips we feel the temperature of food, and with our tongue we feel its taste. Now it’s clear why all these organs are sense organs - with their help we feel something. (A conversation is held about the importance of the senses, about the need to treat them with care.)

The role of drugs and vitamins.


Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about medicines and vitamins; give an idea of ​​caution when using medications and vitamins; reinforce confidence in the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the conversation.


We talked a lot about health and we know that health is one of the main values ​​of human life.
Tell me, why does a person need to be healthy so much? (When a person is healthy, he is cheerful, energetic, enjoys working and playing.)
What should a person do in order to maintain his health?
(He must follow a daily routine, exercise, be in the fresh air more often, and eat right.)
Unfortunately, people still get sick, some more often, some less often.
There are very serious diseases that take a long time to be treated and only in a hospital. But today we will talk about colds and viral diseases that people get most often. What kind of diseases are these ?
(Sore throat, flu, common cold.) These diseases can be defeated at home, but most often with the help of doctors.

Let's remember what to do if someone gets sick. (Call a doctor at home or go to a doctor’s appointment at a clinic.)

How does a doctor treat a sick person?
(He prescribes medicine for him.)
Medicines come in different forms.
In what forms are medications produced? Do you know what medications you have at home and where they are stored? (Children's answers.)
Many of you could not answer this question. And this is good. Adults should always keep medications out of the reach of children. Many medicines look attractive and taste good. But this does not mean that they are always harmless to everyone. Medicines are intended for treatment only. They can only be treated under the guidance of a doctor or experienced adults. One beautiful tablet can cause irreparable harm to human health. That is why it is better for children not to know where the medicines are at all. After all, children should not use medications on their own.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Reading an excerpt from Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad”



Which boy do you like better?

Why did you like the neat, neat boy?

Did anyone like the other boy?

Why didn't you like it?

What toiletries do you need to wash away dirt and be clean?

What, besides soap and a sponge, is needed for washing?

Invite children to show how children wash their hands and face (imitation movements)

3) Offer to learn a pure phrase:

Milu's mom

With soap soap...

TOPIC: “Human Body”

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge of what parts the human body consists of, to talk about the role of the senses. To teach them to understand the meaning of certain parts of the body: arms, legs, head, torso. It is clear to answer the teacher’s questions. Cultivate the desire to grow up strong and healthy .

Card index of conversations about health.

Card file of conversations about health in the middle group

Topic: Rules of personal hygiene.

Goal: To consolidate the sequence of actions when washing and knowledge about the purpose of toilet items; cultivate a desire to be clean and tidy; develop dialogical speech, teach friendly communication with each other and with adults.

Progress of the conversation

The teacher reads poems about dirty and neat children. Children look at the illustrations - neat and dirty.

There's a knock on the door. Moidodyr enters, greets, reads an excerpt from a poem by K. Chukovsky.

Moidodyr: I am the great washbasin,

The famous Moidodyr,

Umyvalnikov chief

And the commander of the washcloths.

- Come on, guys, give me an answer, are there any dirty people among you? Tell me, what places on your body get dirty the most?

— You know: in order to wash off the dirt and put yourself in order, you need special objects. Which ones - you will remember when you solve the riddles.

I walk and wander not through the forests,
but through my mustache and hair, and my teeth are longer than those of wolves and mice. (Comb)
The rain is warm and thick, This rain is not easy, It is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day.
Slipping away like something alive, But I won’t let him out. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands. (Soap)

Moidodyr praises the children and asks them if they know how to wash their hands and face correctly. He invites everyone to go to the washroom and show them how to use soap correctly, etc.

Moidodyr gives children toys for blowing soap bubbles. Everyone plays together in a group or on a walk.

Topic: Tablets growing in the garden.

Goal: To provide knowledge about vegetables, introduce the concept of vitamins, develop a caring attitude towards loved ones and a desire to help them.

Progress of the conversation.

A re-enactment is being held with the participation of Piggy and Stepashka. Piggy has his throat tied, Stepashka has a basket of vegetables.

The heroes say hello. Stepashka asks Khryusha why he is sad. He replies that he has a headache and feels very bad, he wants to lie down. Stepashka asks Khryusha where he is going. Piggy answers - to the pharmacy, buy medicine and vitamins to be cured. Stepashka teaches Khryusha how to do the right thing: “If you are sick, you need to call a doctor, only a doctor can cure a sick person. But you, Piggy, most likely just didn’t eat right and that’s why you became weak. Well, tell us honestly what you’ve been eating lately.” Piggy confesses - ice cream, chocolate, cookies, waffles. The teacher invites the children to explain to Khryusha what he did wrong.

Then the teacher discusses with the children what foods they need to eat in order to be strong, healthy and less sick.

The children notice Stepashka’s basket and wonder what’s in it. Stepashka reports: “Vitamins.” The children are surprised, because in fact there are just vegetables in the basket. There is a conversation about the garden, about how and where vegetables grow and how they need to be cared for so that they grow large and sweet.

Stepashka invites Khryusha and the children to look at what he brought. Children examine, naming each vegetable. Stepashka explains to Khryusha and the children why vegetables are vitamins, tells how healthy they are and why they should be eaten all year round.

Stepashka suggests playing the game “Wonderful Bag” - recognizing vegetables by touch. After the game, Stepashka gives the vegetables to Khryusha - let him eat his vitamins and be healthy. Piggy thanks his friend, looks into the basket and says that there are a lot of carrots there; treats all the children. The heroes say goodbye to the children and leave.

Topic: Healthy and unhealthy foods.

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​proper nutrition; consolidate knowledge about food; create a desire to take care of your health; teach to show care.

Progress of the conversation.

The teacher invites the children to prepare lunch for the dolls who live in the group.

Educator: First we need to decide what we will cook. Let's cook what you love to eat most. (Each child names his favorite dishes.) You named so many things, well done. But perhaps our dolls shouldn’t eat so much. After all, if you eat too much food, your stomach may hurt and you may vomit. What else could happen? (Children share relevant personal experiences.)

Let's decide what we'll cook. Today we will not have a festive, but an ordinary lunch. What do you and I eat for lunch every day? (Soup, main course, salad, bread, compote.) We need to buy everything we need at the store.

Everyone “goes to the store” together; the role of the seller is played by the teacher, who asks what the children want to buy. In the dialogue between the teacher and the children, healthy products are named. The seller, “making an advertisement,” praises all products, including candies, cakes and other sweets. But children should only choose ingredients to prepare lunch, and not buy everything they want.

Everyone prepares dinner together and sets the table, then feeds the dolls. In the process, there is a conversation about what is healthy and should be eaten for lunch, and what is not very healthy; Which foods should you eat less often than others?

Topic: Getting to know your body.

Goal: To consolidate basic knowledge about the organs of the human body and their functioning.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: Today we will talk about us. How can we all be called in one word? (People.) And one of us? (Human.) All people are different - women and men, girls and boys, children and adults. Let's think about how different people differ from each other.

The teacher shows pictures of girls and boys. Children look at the pictures first, and then at the girl and boy from their group. Find differences in hairstyles, clothes, facial features. Then they examine the images of a young man and an old man, finding differences in posture, clothing, and hairstyles.

The teacher shows a poster depicting the internal structure of a person.

Educator: We have already talked about what is inside us, thanks to which organs we live, breathe, move, think. What is the most important organ in the body? (Heart.) That's right, it is also called the motor of the body.

Children show a heart on a poster; clench your fist to determine the size of your heart; find the approximate location of the heart in your body; listen to the heartbeat. The teacher asks the children to jump, and then listen again to how the heart beats. Children understand that after physical activity the heart beats stronger and faster.

Educator: Thanks to what organs do we breathe? (Easy.)

Children find the lungs on the poster and examine them. Then place your palms on your chest and take a deep breath in and out; feel how the lungs expand and contract.

Educator: What other organs do you know?

Children talk about the stomach, intestines, brain and other organs and find them on the poster. The teacher clarifies and expands knowledge.

Educator: - Does a person need to know how his body works? Why does he need this knowledge?

Children talk, the teacher complements and clarifies. Together they find out that knowledge about the body helps a person take care of his health.

Educator: How can you and I take care of our health?

Children talk. Next, situations that are unfavorable for health are discussed - sitting for a long time in front of the TV or computer, low mobility, etc. The teacher explains to the children: if they take care of their health from childhood, they will definitely grow up strong, strong and will be able to do what they love.

Topic: Health is the main value of human life.

Goal: To foster the need to organize a correct lifestyle; contribute to the formation of a desire to maintain and strengthen one’s health by performing physical exercises, following a daily routine, etc.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: How do people greet each other when they meet? Let's talk about the word "hello". What does it mean? By saying hello, one person seems to wish another person good health. After all, health is the most important value given to a person.

Describe a healthy person. What is he like? (Children's answers.) When we are healthy, we want to read, study, play; We have a good, friendly mood, we just feel good. Let's now think about how a sick person feels. Remember how you felt when you were sick. (Children's answers.) When a person is sick, he does not want to do anything; he is in a bad mood; sometimes he cries. What does a sick person think about? What does he want? (Children's answers.) Of course, the patient wants to be cured as soon as possible. In order to recover, you need to take bitter medicines and give injections. Remember how your loved ones or doctor treated you. (Children's answers.)

Adults often blame themselves for both their illness and the illness of their children. Is it always people themselves who are to blame for getting sick? (Children’s answers.) Of course, we often get sick because we don’t take care of our health. But this doesn't always happen. After all, a person, regardless of his actions, can get sick in his heart, stomach and other organs. However, we can avoid the most common colds - colds. What should you do for this?

Children answer the question. The teacher encourages children to think about the right choice of clothing and food, clean hands, limiting contact with people who have a cold, physical education, and daily routine. Everyone looks at the corresponding illustrations together.

Educator: How can you help a sick mother, father, brother, sister? (Children's answers.) Of course, you can bring something at the request of an adult, provide all possible assistance, read a book to your younger brother or sister. And most importantly, you can help create peace and quiet at home - don’t make noise, don’t demand unnecessary attention, don’t be capricious.

Topic: How the human body processes food.

Purpose: To introduce the digestive tract; cultivate a conscious attitude towards food consumption; consolidate the idea of ​​healthy food; learn to set the table.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: What does it mean - a person is full or hungry? When is a person full? How many times a day does a person need to eat? What are regular meals called? (Children's answers.)

Let's look at the picture and understand how food flows inside the body. First, food enters the mouth, is moistened with saliva and goes down the esophagus into the stomach. (Children find the location of the stomach in their body.) The stomach contains a special liquid (gastric juice) that saturates food and dissolves even solid pieces. But when well-digested food enters the stomach, it is easier for it to cope with it. Having turned in the stomach, the food passes into the intestines - a tunnel with soft fleecy walls. The length of the intestine is approximately 7-9 meters. (Shows the children a rope of appropriate length.) In the human body, the intestines are coiled. Digested food passes through the intestines, and at this time its beneficial substances are taken up by different organs. And we throw everything that the body does not need into the toilet.

Cards with pictures of products are laid out on the table. Children are asked to arrange the cards into three groups:

  1. products that a person cannot live without (bread, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.);
  2. products that a person can do without (sweets, waffles, cakes, cookies, etc.);
  3. foods that are harmful to health (chips, hamburgers, Coca-Cola, etc.).

The teacher suggests looking at illustrations and instructions for setting the table. Children talk about how they set the table at home and in kindergarten. The table is properly set for the doll who is receiving guests.

Topic: My assistants.

Objectives: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the external structure of the human body; give an idea of ​​the purpose and importance of the senses; evoke a desire to take care of vital organs.

Progress of the conversation.

Children draw people walking, standing, playing, working, etc. then look at the drawings.

Educator: Can we understand from the image what a person is doing? How can we understand this? (Children's answers.) Yes, indeed, by the position of the arms and legs of the person depicted in the picture, by his posture, we can guess what he is doing. We already know why a person needs arms and legs; why we call our hands and feet our helpers. With the help of our legs we walk, run, squat; hands help us perform the actions necessary for life. Which? (Children list what they do with their hands - hold a spoon, comb their hair, get dressed, draw, etc.)

Look at your hand. What parts does it consist of? What work does each part of the hand do? Why do you think the hand is movable? (Children's answers.)

Then the children look at the legs. Compare the legs (arms) of children and adults (according to the drawings). Pay attention to the fact that they are all different in size, but have the same structure.

Educator: Draw a large face. Please note: all the faces turned out different, but they still have something in common - eyes, nose, mouth, ears. We call these organs sense organs. Why were they given such a name? (Answers from friends.) Yes, we smell with our nose; with our eyes we see light; we hear with our ears, i.e. we feel the sound; With our lips we feel the temperature of food, and with our tongue we feel its taste. Now it’s clear why all these organs are sense organs - with their help we feel something. (A conversation is held about the importance of the senses, about the need to treat them with care.)

Topic: The role of drugs and vitamins.

Objectives: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about medicines and vitamins; give an idea of ​​caution when using medications and vitamins; reinforce confidence in the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: We talked a lot about health and we know that health is one of the main values ​​of human life. Tell me, why does a person need to be healthy so much? (When a person is healthy, he is cheerful, energetic, enjoys working and playing.) What should a person do in order to maintain his health? (He must follow a daily routine, exercise, be in the fresh air more often, and eat right.) Unfortunately, people still get sick, some more often, some less often. There are very serious diseases that take a long time to be treated and only in a hospital. But today we will talk about colds and viral diseases that people get most often. What kind of diseases are these? (Sore throat, flu, common cold.) These diseases can be defeated at home, but most often with the help of doctors.

Let's remember what to do if someone gets sick. (Call a doctor at home or go to a doctor’s appointment at a clinic.) How does a doctor treat a sick person? (He prescribes medicine for him.) Medicines come in different forms. In what forms are medications produced? Do you know what medications you have at home and where they are stored? (Children's answers.) Many of you could not answer this question. And this is good. Adults should always keep medications out of the reach of children. Many medicines look attractive and taste good. But this does not mean that they are always harmless to everyone. Medicines are intended for treatment only. They can only be treated under the guidance of a doctor or experienced adults. One beautiful tablet can cause irreparable harm to human health. That is why it is better for children not to know where the medicines are at all. After all, children should not use medications on their own.

The teacher shows bright packages of vitamins.

Educator: What is this? (Vitamins.) What are they for? Is it possible to recover by taking only vitamins? Do you think vitamins are more like medicine or candy? Neither one nor the other is correct. Vitamins do not treat the body like medicine, but only strengthen it, helping to resist disease. And although vitamins are sweet and tasty, you cannot eat them like candy. Vitamins eaten in large quantities will harm your health. Remember - children cannot eat vitamins whenever they want.

Topic: Injury: how to avoid it.

Goals: Continue to learn how to provide all possible assistance in case of injury; cultivate a sense of mercy and compassion; teach how to behave correctly at home and on the street; avoid injury.

Progress of the conversation.

Children look at posters and illustrations demonstrating first aid for injury. They are trying to understand what happened to the person in each specific case, how and why the person was injured. Children recall similar incidents from their lives: they tell how they were injured; discuss whether the injury could have been avoided. Then a conversation starts about general caution, compliance with safety rules at home and on the street. Children must understand that often a person himself is to blame for what happens to him.

It is advisable to pay the most attention to examples from the lives of children (broke a knee or nose, got a splinter in their finger, hit themselves, fell, etc.) It is important to explain to children that in case of injury they should immediately ask adults for help. But in some cases, you can try to do something yourself. For example, a clean handkerchief or plantain leaf is applied to an ordinary scratch.

Trauma Care game with cards or objects. Children choose a “traumatized” person (drawing, toy) and help him. Along the way, they tell you what and how they do.

Topic: The importance of physical education and sports for maintaining health.

Objectives: To consolidate, clarify and expand knowledge about the importance of physical education and sports; strengthen the need for physical education; instill respect for people involved in physical education.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator: Why do we do physical education? What physical education activities do you enjoy most? What is physical education and what is sport? How are physical educators different from athletes?

How many of you want to become an athlete? What is needed for this? Do you think it is easy to become an athlete?

Do you think it is necessary to engage in physical education for someone who plans to become not an athlete, but a salesman, a cook, or a driver? Of course yes. After all, physical education improves health; a person gets sick less, becomes cheerful, energetic, slim, fit.

Children talk about how they and their parents engage in physical education in winter and summer. They look at photographs from family albums.

A conversation is held about physical education events in kindergarten: morning exercises, physical education classes, physical education leisure activities, sports events, competitions, sports days.

Relay race “Strong, Agile, Fast.” Children are divided into 2 teams. The teacher selects 5-6 sports exercises for speed and agility.

Ball game “Catch it, throw it, don’t let it fall.” The teacher throws the ball, the child catches it and, throwing it back, names a word related to physical education and sports, for example “skates”, “football”, “hockey”, “ball”, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Talk about health , find out how children understand the word health


health is the best wealth;

healthy - everything is great.

2) Bring in a casually dressed boy doll. Please note that dressing this way can harm your health .

3) Analyze situations when you need to behave carefully and take care of your health (how to walk on a wet floor so as not to slip; how to go down the stairs; how to dress when going for a walk).

Reading poems - advice.

TOPIC: “Healthy Products”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about healthy foods, their purpose for health and good mood. Fix the names of vegetables and their taste. Cultivate a desire to eat fruits.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Show pictures depicting strong, healthy people , bring to the understanding that good health requires proper nutrition. Talk about the children's favorite foods.

2) Talk about vitamins, what foods they contain and what organs they help with.

3) Talk about products that are not very healthy (sweets, black coffee)


TOPIC: “All kids need to know how to walk on the street”

Goal: To consolidate the rules of behavior on the street: traffic rules, the concept of a traffic light and its purpose. Teach the rules of safe behavior on the streets. Contribute to the formation of a culture of verbal communication in transport.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Invite the children to remember what time of year it is now, show the gifts of autumn - a basket of fruits (examine and describe them)


2) Tell children about the health benefits of fruits for children and adults .

3) Ask what fruits parents buy for their children, remind them that in order to be strong and healthy , they must eat fresh fruits.

TOPIC: “Personal hygiene”

Goal: to develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures. Find out what accessories children use when washing. Learn to read clearly and emotionally.

Summary of a conversation for children 5-7 years old on the topic: Healthy lifestyle

Summary of the conversation for children of the senior preparatory group “If you want to be healthy”
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of the conversation “If you want to be healthy” for children of the senior and preparatory group. This material will be useful to physical education instructors, teachers of senior and preparatory groups, and additional education teachers. The summary of the educational conversation is aimed at developing an idea of ​​the importance of physical activity in a person’s life, the ability to use special physical exercises to strengthen one’s organs and systems. Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical development”, “Speech development” Goal: Formation in children of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: Educational:
Expand understanding of the role of sunlight, air, physical exercise in human life and their impact on health.
Form the need for daily physical activity.
Strengthen skills in performing sports exercises. Educational:
Maintain interest in physical education and sports.
Foster initiative, independence, and creativity. Aids: Easel, photographs of children, outdoor switchgear diagrams, illustrations of sports.
Place photographs of children on an easel in which they study and play in the fresh air. Host: Guys, look, why are you all so rosy and joyful? Children: And here we play, have fun, and study! Host: Aren’t you tired? Children: No, we have a lot of strength! Show strength through gestures. Host: Do you think someone who has a lot of strength or a little strength will be healthy? Children: Who has a lot of strength. Host: Okay, but where do you get these powers? Children: We need to run and jump. Presenter: Okay, so the more we move, the stronger our health will be. Do you agree? Children: I agree. Presenter Do you want to be healthy? Then we definitely need to move! Children get up from their chairs and walk around the group at a normal pace, waddling. Presenter: We seem to be moving, but our health is not increasing. Something is wrong here! There is some kind of secret! How do you think? Give children the opportunity to reason and come to the conclusion that in order to strengthen their health, they need to do special exercises or dance. Presenter: That’s right, I agree with you, because only special exercises train the muscles, the heart, and, therefore, make us healthy. Let's try, and funny people will help us! Place a diagram of the sequential implementation of general developmental exercises on the easel. Children perform the outdoor switchgear complex with musical accompaniment. Host: Oh, we're out of breath, it's hard to breathe. It seems we have forgotten about the most important thing. Have you guessed it yet? Children: Open the window, do exercises outside, play more outside. Host: Indeed, if we exercise in the fresh air, then with every breath our body will be saturated with oxygen. But it is so necessary. Oxygen-enriched blood carries nutrients throughout the body and immediately the head begins to think better and make decisions, the legs run faster, the hands become more dexterous and skillful, and the person himself is active, attentive, cheerful and, most importantly, healthy. It's time to go outside and play outdoor games. Organize outdoor games of varying degrees of activity on the sports ground. In the evening, look at the illustrations and repeat sports with children in the form of board games or playing with a ball: the leader in the middle of the circle throws the ball in a circle to each player with the word “summer” or “winter”, and the player returns the ball back to the leader and names the corresponding kind of sport.

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TOPIC: Health is fine , thanks to exercise!”

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