Gaming technologies for the musical development of preschool children

Gaming technologies in music classes at preschool educational institutions

Gaming technologies in music classes at preschool educational institutions

Play is the main activity of a child. This is a free and independent activity that arises on the initiative of the child. The whole personality of the child is involved in the game process: cognitive processes, will, feelings, emotions, needs, interests. As a result, amazing changes occur in this personality. A game is a very specific type of activity, which has all the characteristics of an activity, but all of them are special.

Every activity has a purpose. What is the goal of the game? In fact, the game has a goal, not obvious, but no less significant than the goal of any other activity. This is the child’s awareness of himself as involved in the world of adults, transference into “adult” life.

What is the content of gaming activity? The game is, as it were, given by nature itself, so that the child prepares for adult life.

When we talk about activity, we also talk about its process. If in any other non-game activity the goal, the result, is important first of all, then in a game it is mainly the process that is important, since the game does not seem to have a visible goal. It is the interest in the game process itself that is the driving force that allows the game to last.

Any activity can take place as an amateur activity. The game is always an amateur activity. For example, you can work with both joyful feelings and hostility. Playing without having fun is impossible. The game is always joyful for those who play. If negative emotions arise in the game, then it stops and falls apart.

As already mentioned, a game is a type of activity whose motive lies not in the results, but in the process itself. For a child, play is a means of self-realization and self-expression. She allows him to go beyond the limited world of the nursery and build his own world. The game provides the child with emotional well-being, allows him to realize a variety of aspirations and desires and, above all, the desire to act like adults, the desire to control objects.

The game develops the ability to imagine and think creatively.

In the game, the child also gains experience of voluntary behavior, learns to control himself, observing the rules of the game.

Let us turn to the game as a pedagogical category. Since play occupies a huge place in development, it has long been used as a pedagogical tool.

Play in the pedagogical process can “merge” with other types of activities, enriching them. For example, it is well known that the merging of work and play activities in childhood has a positive effect. In addition, didactic games occupy a special place in pedagogy, significantly enriching the learning process.

What tasks can gaming activities help a teacher accomplish? First of all, it is establishing contact with the child. Speaking about this method of establishing contact, teachers call it contact of community, co-creation, the best way to enter into a trusting, friendly relationship with a child.

The game is also an excellent diagnostic tool for both individuals and groups. In addition to the personal development of the child, the game allows you to establish what the child strives for and needs, since in the game he strives to take the desired role. If a child does not want to do any work, if he is not interested in learning, then the game can come to the rescue, because it is a powerful stimulant.

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies”

includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result.

The game form of classes is created by game motivation, which acts as a means of inducing and stimulating children to educational activities.

The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the classroom takes place in the following main areas:

  • a didactic goal is set for children in the form of a game task;
  • educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;
  • educational material is used as its means;
  • an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms a didactic task into a game one;
  • successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

The place and role of gaming technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups are distinguished:

  • teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;
  • cognitive, educational, developmental;
  • reproductive, productive, creative;
  • communicative, diagnostic, psychotechnical, etc.

The specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, board-print games; indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer, as well as with various means of transportation.

Game functions.

Game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished:

Communication function

– uniting children and adults, establishing emotional contacts, developing communication skills.

Relaxation function –

relieving emotional (physical) stress caused by the load on the child’s nervous system during intensive study and work.

Compensatory function

– creating conditions for satisfying personal aspirations that are not feasible (difficult to achieve) in real life.

Psychotechnical function

– formation of skills to prepare one’s psychophysical state for more effective activities, restructuring of the psyche for intensive assimilation.

Educational function

– development of general educational skills such as memory, attention, perception and others.

Entertainment function

– creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, transforming a lesson and other forms of communication between an adult and a child from a boring event into an exciting adventure.

Self-expression function

– the child’s desire to realize his creative abilities in play and to more fully discover his potential.

Methodology for organizing didactic games.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its conduct and analysis

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:

  • selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalizing knowledge, developing sensory abilities, activating mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;
  • establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;
  • determining the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);
  • preparation of the necessary did. material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures, etc.);
  • preparation of the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;
  • preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.

Conducting didactic games includes:

  • familiarizing children with the content of the game, with did. material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);
  • explanation of the course and rules of the game;
  • demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly;
  • determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of training, and the complexity of the task. tasks, game rules;
  • summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management, because Based on the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used with interest in children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game and promises that next time they can play a new game, it will be also interesting. Children usually wait for this day.

Analysis of the game

is aimed at identifying methods of its preparation and implementation: which methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help improve both the preparation and the process of playing the game, and avoid subsequent mistakes. In addition, the analysis will allow us to identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game and enrich it with new material in subsequent work.

Guide to didactic games.

Successful management of didactic games primarily involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process, and interaction with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging children’s cognitive activity, independence and initiative, their use of different ways to solve game problems, and should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help their comrades.

When playing with toys, objects, materials, small children should be able to knock, rearrange, rearrange them, disassemble them into their component parts (collapsible toys), put them back together, etc. But since they can repeat the same actions many times, the teacher needs to gradually change the game

The development of interest in didactic games and the formation of play activities in older children (4-6 years old) is achieved by the fact that the teacher sets increasingly more complex tasks for them and is in no hurry to suggest play actions. The play activity of preschoolers becomes more conscious; it is more aimed at achieving a result, and not at the process itself. But even for older preschoolers, the management of the game should be such that the children maintain an appropriate emotional mood, ease, so that they experience the joy of participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the assigned tasks.

The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex in content, didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Individual isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system cannot achieve an overall educational and developmental result. Therefore, the interaction of learning in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

It should be taken into account that in a didactic game, the correct combination of clarity, the words of the teacher and the actions of the children themselves with toys, play aids, objects, etc. is necessary.

When directing games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influence on preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game, he directs the game unnoticed by them, supports their initiative, and empathizes with them the joy of the game. Sometimes the teacher talks about an event, creates the appropriate gaming mood and maintains it during the game. He may not be involved in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, preserving and preserving its amateur character, he guides the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and, unnoticed by the children, leads them to a certain result. When supporting and awakening children's activity, the teacher most often does this not directly, but indirectly: he expresses surprise, jokes, uses various kinds of playful surprises, etc.

We must remember, on the one hand, the danger of over-intensifying the teaching moments, weakening the beginning of the game, giving the didactic game the character of an activity, and, on the other hand, being carried away by the entertainment, escaping from the task of teaching.

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game, its pace is naturally slower. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. By the end of the game, the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again.

When finishing the game, the teacher should arouse children’s interest in continuing it and create a joyful prospect. Usually he says: “The new game will be even more interesting.” The teacher develops versions of games familiar to children and creates new ones that are useful and exciting.

Pedagogical value of didactic games.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties.

They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge

These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.

The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.


In my classes I use the following types of didactic games:

  • role-playing;
  • movable;
  • desktop

Each game has its own task aimed at perceiving various properties of sound.

Characteristic of each didactic game is the presence in it of:

  • learning task;
  • contents and rules;
  • game actions.

I use the following types of musical and didactic games:

  • for the development of pitch hearing;
  • to develop a sense of rhythm;
  • on the development of timbre hearing;
  • for the development of memory and hearing;
  • for the development of children's creativity.

I use musical teaching aids and games:

  • in the process of singing;
  • while listening to music;
  • in the process of rhythmic movements;
  • while playing children's musical instruments.

Gaming technologies in music classes at preschool educational institutions

Childhood is a special world that remains in a person’s soul for the rest of his life if happiness and joy of being oneself reign in it. The world of fantasy and fiction in children is associated with play

. In all historical times, children of different nations played and play, imitating adults, realizing their desires and creative abilities.

The most useful games for a child of senior preschool age are those that focus on the development of cognitive abilities, attention, memory, and thinking.

The development of a child depends on the conditions of upbringing and education in kindergarten and in the family. The task of teachers, musical

leaders and parents - to contribute in every possible way to the full development of children, and pedagogical

What is pedagogical (educational) technology ?

Under educational technology

refers to an ordered system of actions, the implementation of which leads to the guaranteed achievement of pedagogical goals.
Thus, technology
reflects the sequence of pedagogical activity, its logic and therefore is always represented by stages of activity, each of which has its own goal. Only after achieving the goal of one stage does the transition to the next stage of activity occur.

Moreover, the first stage of any technology is diagnostic

, and this is the distinctive feature
of technology
from traditional teaching methods.
To implement the technological
approach, detailed information about the initial state of each child is needed. The initial object of the teaching methodology is the “average” preschooler (a pupil whose initial state does not matter for constructing a methodological system.

Types of educational technologies

“TRIZ” technology

Problem-based learning technology

Maria Montessori technology


" Game "

, etc.

Game pedagogical technology

— organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is the consistent activity of the teacher in:

• selection, development, preparation of games;

• inclusion of children in play activities


• implementation of the game itself;

• summing up the results of gaming activities


Pedagogical technology of music

education is a tool that allows
the music
director of a preschool educational institution to effectively solve the problems of his professional activity.

Unlike methods, methods and techniques, pedagogical technology allows musical

the manager should not only state:
“I know how
,” but also answer the question
“Why am I doing this
In addition, the use of pedagogical technologies
makes the process of solving problems consistent, orderly, thoughtful and conscious, allowing the teacher to achieve the planned result.
This is a very important point, since technology
is one of the characteristics of a teacher in the 21st century.

Gaming technologies in music classes



elementary music playing - use

technology T

E. Tyutyunnikova “Elementary music-making with preschoolers”
promotes the development of their creative abilities, natural
, creates conditions for broad orientation in
and the accumulation of a stock of
musical impressions
, and helps to successfully solve the problems of the preschool education program.

This technology

includes rhythmic games with various objects (game with sticks, game with spoons, game with buckets, with cups, with balloons, with balls, paper orchestra, etc.)


– is the basis for the development of a sense of rhythm and motor abilities of students, allowing them to freely, beautifully and correctly perform movements to
in accordance with its character, rhythm, and tempo.
This section includes special exercises for coordinating movements with music
musical tasks and games
Goal: to develop children's sense of rhythm and motor abilities. Teach children to perform movements to music beautifully
, freely, and with coordination.

Game gymnastics

– serves as the basis for the child to master various types of movements, ensuring the effective formation of skills and abilities necessary when learning dance movements: to strengthen posture, to relax muscles, rhythmic exercises
( game massage , finger games)

The practical development
of musical
information is based on the application of acquired knowledge, on the activation of auditory perception and imaginative
musical thinking
At the initial stage of learning, the child’s practical activity is manifested in various actions with rhythmic, sound or theoretical material. To organize such activities, visual aids are needed: cards, lotto, pictures, tables. Operating with auxiliary objects reinforces previously obtained sound images and theoretical information. The manifestation of student independence leads to the development of creative abilities. This technology includes
: listening to
, thinking about
, singing in chorus, games:
“guess the melody”
“what am I playing”
“What is music
, “

, etc. d.

• theater and gaming technology


Theatrical and gaming technology

has a special place in the work
of a music director
The main task of work in this direction is the development of theatrical abilities of preschool children through all types of musical activities

In working with children in preschool educational institutions, musical performances and musical

-rhythm games are of great importance. Development of a sense of rhythm, speech, singing breathing, coordination of movements, sense of orientation in space, expansion of the singing and speech range.

Songs - dramatizations, theatrical musical miniatures

-rhythmic games and exercises, recitation to

Classification of songs for dramatization:

Folklore songs – round dances

Children's pop song

Singing songs

Songs - noisemakers.

Songs - dramatizations, such as “Two Cheerful Geese”

“Little Hedgehog”
and others, allow

children to develop creative abilities, communication skills, and emotions in children music classes

• dance - gaming technology



- a new term in the field of choreography.
Two words that are so clear and familiar to everyone. What is the main thing in the game? Someone will say that it is getting pleasure, someone will remember joy. What is the main thing in dance? Firstly - movement, secondly - rhythm, thirdly - music
That is, dance is a rhythmic movement to music
that brings joy, pleasure, and instills confidence in one’s abilities.

Igrodance includes

: dance
game songs
, mass dances, show dances (mirror dance, rhythm games, animated dances. Each
game dance
is aimed at developing a sense of rhythm, creating a special atmosphere, and the ability to quickly change roles.

In a music lesson

games are developmental in nature and are aimed at children mastering motor and intellectual skills, sensory abilities, developing cooperation skills, effective interaction based on cognitive interests.

In a music game

As in singing and rhythmic movements, children master the means of artistic expression characteristic of
music and speech - rhythm
, dynamics, tempo, pitch.
This gives the teacher the opportunity to differentially influence children with different rates of development. games with musical
helps to find the necessary motor pattern, gives plasticity and expressiveness to movements.
Through musical
play, children's abilities develop naturally and harmoniously.

The use of musical and gaming technologies will help the musical

the leader can conduct this or that section
of the lesson more entertainingly and effectively - singing
, listening, improvising.


1. Anisimova G. I. “100 musical games for the development of preschoolers”

, Yaroslavl
"Academy of Development"

2. Davydova M. A. Musical education in kindergarten”


3. Selevko G. K. “Modern educational technologies

, M. 2006.

4. Kasatkina E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler. - M., 2010.

5. Kasatkina E. I. Gaming technologies

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. //Management of preschool educational institution. - 2012. - No. 5.

6. Karpyuk G. A. Realization of the child’s right to play. //Senior teacher. — 2007 — No. 6.

7. Penkova L. A., Konnova Z. P. Game

activity of preschoolers.
Shmakov S. A. “Student games - a cultural phenomenon”
, - M.: New School, 1999.

8. Shchurkova N. E. “Workshop on pedagogical technology

, M. 2001.


“Innovative approaches in music education and development of preschool children”

Author: Kucher Lyudmila Petrovna

Musical director of MBDOU "DS" Solnyshko"

“Innovative approaches in music education and development of preschool children”

Innovative approaches in music education and development of preschool children.

“Music inspires the whole world,

supplies the soul with wings, promotes

flight of imagination; music gives life

and joy to everything that exists...

it can be called an incarnation

everything beautiful and everything sublime"

Music occupies a special, unique place in the education of preschool children. This is explained by the specifics of this type of art and the psychological characteristics of preschoolers. Music is called the “mirror of the human soul”, “emotional cognition” (B.M. Teplov), “model of human emotions” (V.V. Medushevsky): it reflects a person’s attitude to the whole world, to everything that happens around and in itself person. Primary musical education is designed to play a very important role in a person’s life.

The work of a music director in a preschool educational institution at the present stage is filled with new content - to raise a person capable of independent creative work, an active, searching person. Music is a source of special children’s joy, and the use of various pedagogical methods in music classes solves the most important task of early musical education - the formation of the leading component of musicality - the development of emotional responsiveness to music. When carrying out GCD, children develop the ability to perceive, feel, understand the beauty in life, art, and become involved in artistic and creative life. Therefore, I consider the goal of my work to be to ensure that every child develops musical communication and creative abilities, and strengthens mental and physical health.

Changing life around us dictates that modern teachers need to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies.

The use of innovative methods, forms and technologies in music education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard became the goal of my work.

I implement the goal in tasks that meet the urgent needs of the child:

  • creating conditions that provide opportunities for each child to demonstrate their individual abilities when communicating with music;
  • creative development of the child’s natural musicality;
  • creating conditions for spontaneous creative manifestations.

The main principle that guides my work is attention to each child: taking into account his age, speech, individual musical characteristics and needs. There are a number of other principles that I adhere to in music classes:

  • The musical director is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly and show creativity.
  • Gives children the right to choose a musical repertoire, knowledge, skills,
  • Focuses on the individual capabilities and abilities of children.

Integrated musical activity becomes the norm of musical life in kindergarten, as in my work. The purpose of this type is to give children an idea of ​​the specifics of various types of art (music, painting, theater, choreography, poetry), the expressive features of their artistic means, the ability to convey thoughts and moods in different types of artistic activity of children in their original language.

The success of work on the musical development and education of children is impossible without the joint work of the music director and educators, whose work is aimed primarily at preserving the health of children. Health preservation is becoming a priority in the work of our preschool educational institution and many others. Science has proven that musical development is inextricably linked with the physical well-being of a child. Singing develops the vocal apparatus, speech, strengthens the vocal cords, and regulates children's breathing. Rhythm improves a child’s posture, coordination, confidence and plasticity of movements. Playing instruments develops a sense of rhythm, the ability to play alone and in an ensemble. All types of GCD contribute to solving the following problems:

  1. Preservation and promotion of children's health;
  2. Development of sensory and motor functions.
  3. Formation of the need for physical activity;
  4. Acquiring the skill of proper breathing;

5.Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, spatial orientation, etc.);

  1. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activity;
  2. Formation of a harmonious personality.

Using the computer allows me to enliven joint educational activities with children. Computer techologies

expand the opportunity to present musical and didactic material provided for in the educational program of a preschool institution.

Using ICT

In musical educational activities, in my opinion, the cognitive interest of preschoolers in music began to intensify, children's attention intensified, as new motives for mastering the proposed material appeared, children became more active in the joint discussion of a musical work. Musical activity has become more meaningful, harmonious and productive.

The basis of innovative technologies for musical education of children is collective activity, combining: singing, rhythmic speech, playing children's musical instruments, dancing, improvised movement to music, voicing poems and fairy tales, pantomime, improvised theatrical performance.

The forms of musicality development that I use in practice are:

Communicative dances.

Involving a child in the process of playing music lies through creating an atmosphere of acceptance of each other and emotional and mental emancipation. Here, communicative dances are indispensable assistants, the use of which solves the following problems:

  • development of communication skills,
  • working on the sense of form,
  • development of motor coordination,
  • developing a sense of rhythm.

Finger games (musical and speech).

The value of finger games in the context of the development of children's musicality lies in the fact that they represent the first experiences of performing artistry. Finger games:

  • develop the muscular system, fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity;
  • increase the overall level of organization of the child;
  • are aimed at developing a sense of rhythm, expressive speech intonation, and coordination of movements.

Rhythmic recitation to music

– synthesis of music and poetry. It can be defined as a musical pedagogical model in which the text can be sung and rhythmically recited. For example, the poem “April” by S. Marshak.

Carl Orff technique

opens up a wonderful world of sounds for children: the music of rain, sun, wind, icicles, snowflakes. Children develop skills of improvisation, imagination, and independent creativity. The educational activities I conducted on the topic “Autumn Mood”, “Winter Fantasy”, “Journey to the Spring Forest” contributed to the development of a sense of rhythm, creativity in playing musical instruments and free dancing, and to hear the “music of nature” through the perception of music.

Design method

The modern method of integrating activities allows you to solve a set of problems subordinated to one topic. The method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. In addition, project-based activities allow children to develop research skills and cognitive interest.

Theme of patriotism

is relevant and significant in the work of our kindergarten.
I pay special attention to this topic, because it teaches children kindness, generosity, love for their Motherland and native land, respect for their parents and each other. Children participate in festive and folklore events, learn a lot about folk traditions: “ Old people, young at heart

«My land is northern Yamal";

“In the friendship of the Nars is the unity of Russia”;

of hearts for beloved mothers”;
Tsvetik - seven-colored” - Family Day and others.

The innovative technologies that I use in my work are focused on the full development of the child as an individual, on the desire to help him enter the modern world and join its values. An analysis of the work shows that the method of integration and variability in the use of innovative programs and technologies makes it possible to increase the level of musical development of children.

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