Methodological development of a holiday for mothers "Mother's Day" grades 1-4

Development of the Mother's Day holiday

Mother's Day celebration in elementary school. Scenario

Development of a holiday for Mother's Day. “My mommy is the best in the world!”

Author of the work: Primary school teacher Brief summary: Extracurricular event with the presentation “Mother's Day”. An interesting holiday for schoolchildren and their mothers and grandmothers. Before the holiday, children draw portraits of their mothers and grandmothers and write essays about them. There are wonderful poems about mothers and grandmothers, interesting songs. Comic ditties and funny scenes are performed. Various competitions are held not only with children, but also with mothers and grandmothers. At the end of the holiday, children present gifts to their mothers and grandmothers, made with their own hands during technology lessons.

Goals: - to cultivate respect and caring attitude towards the mother; - develop a sense of duty and responsibility for one’s actions; — contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere; - encourage students' creative abilities.


multimedia, computer, screen, children's drawings and writing, balls.

Progress of the event:

1 student.

Who said that there are no angels on Earth?
It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them moms. 2 student.
There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated.
In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. 3 student.
Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place.
This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. 4 student.
Mother's Day was established in 1998.
In accordance with Decree of Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 “On Mother’s Day,” Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. 5 student.
Today we will say words of gratitude to our mothers who give us love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
6 student
The most beautiful word on earth is mother.
This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world: in English - maze in German - mutter in Kyrgyz - apa in Georgian - deda in Ukrainian - nennka in Russian - mother, mother in Belarusian - matsi, matulya 7th student:
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything.


Good afternoon, dear mothers, hello dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day, filled with the bright colors of autumn, the aromas of greenery and fruits collected in gardens and forests. We would really like today’s meeting to bring you joy, taking you away from everyday worries at least for a short time, so that you feel how much your children love you, how valuable your attention is to them. Happy holiday!

What do you need for birds? 1 student.

The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
2 student.
And for the sea?
3 student.

4 student.

And for skis?
5 student.
For skis - snow.
6 student.
Well, to us, we’ll say it straight
So that mom is with us!


Mother. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts the love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for mother accompanies a person, nourishes him and gives him new hopes and strength for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our children to the center of the hall!

1 student.

Mom means tenderness,
2nd student.
This is affection, kindness,
3 student.
Mom is serenity,
4th student.
This is joy, beauty!
5 student.
Mom is a bedtime story,
6th student.
This is the morning dawn,
7th student.
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
1 student.
This is wisdom and advice!
2 student.
Mom is the green of summer,
3rd student.
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
: Mom is a ray of light, Mom means LIFE!

4th grade students will perform the song “Song of the Baby Mammoth”

And now a small competition

“Do I know my mother?”
Before the holiday, our mothers filled out questionnaires, now we will ask the same questions to their children and find out how well you know your mothers.

So, questions:

1) When is your mother's birthday?8) 2) Favorite color. 3) Favorite song. 4) Favorite dish. 5) Favorite singer or singer. 6) What holiday does mom like most? 7) Favorite TV show Favorite time of year 9) Does mom believe in dreams? 10) Mom's dream.

Children read

(slide with photo of moms)

1.Childhood is a golden time. How wonderful it is to know that Mom is with me - like an angel of goodness, My best friend, dear.

2. Beloved mother, I congratulate you, I wish you happiness and health on Mother’s Day. You are in my heart, even if you are apart, I always remember your tender hands.

3. May your every day be filled with light, May you be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun. I'm sorry, at times I upset you, believe me, it's involuntary. I scold myself.

4. Thank you, dear mother, for your kindness, affection and love. I was disobedient and stubborn, But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

5. To anyone who lives in this world, To love, who can, think and breathe, On our blue planet there is no more dear word than mother.

6. Over the years, becoming more mature, my feelings become stricter. Suddenly you begin to understand in your heart. There is no person closer or dearer. Than the woman whose name is Mother.

7. Hurry to her through years and separations. To console her and hug her. Kiss your hands with reverence.

That woman whose name is Mother!


And, indeed, there is no one better than mothers in the world.

A wife, a mother is a cheerful, affectionate sun in the sky of a home community; it is a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily play the role of a big mistress of a small state. You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time.

- And now children, let’s play the 2nd competition “Chamomile”

Now, mothers are asked to guess the name of the flower. This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names: popovnik, whitehead, Ivan's flower. This flower is considered a symbol of Russia.

- That's right, chamomile.

Our magic chamomile will help you find out the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called “The Samaya.”

Mothers tear off the petals of a flower, on which is written:

  • The most charming
  • The most attractive
  • The most caring
  • The most beautiful eyes
  • The most charming smile
  • The kindest
  • The most affectionate
  • The most economical
  • The most generous heart
  • The most charming.

Teacher. Well done! Now let’s watch the scene “Disputants”.

Scene "Disputants".
1 student
I have such a mother, everyone is jealous, I know!
2 student
Why? Mom is better than me! 3 student
Who said what you have?
My mother is the best! 2nd student
Here you are, Nina, why do you love your mother?
1 student
Because we can trust her with our hearts without concealment and directly, And simply because she is our mother, We love her deeply and tenderly.
1 student
Diana, why do you love your mother?
3 student
We love her like a good friend.
Because she and I have everything together. Because when things are tough for us, We can cry at our own shoulder. 3 student
Danil, why do you love your mother?
2nd student
We also love her because sometimes the wrinkles in her eyes become stricter.
But as soon as you come forward and confess, the wrinkles will disappear and the storm will fly away. 1 student
Snezhana, what should we do so as not to upset our mother?
4 student
And you don’t always see your mother In her worries at work, And if sometimes your mother comes tired from work, Warm her with your care, Help her in everything then!

3 competition

-And now the girls will perform ditties for our dear mothers.


On this day we give ditties to all mommies, so that our mommies can have fun!

1. We say this word two hundred times every time: Mom, give it! Yes, bring it! Mom, mom, help!

2. Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup, to do laundry, to wash dishes, who forgives everything in the world, this is MOTHER - the children know.

3. Our mother is greatly respected at work, but when she comes home she is greatly adored!

4. I love my mom, She is a kind soul, If I mess around somewhere, she forgives me everything.

5. Dad solved the problem for me and helped me with math. Then my mother and I decided what he couldn’t solve.

6. Julia washed the floors, Olya helped, It’s just a pity - mom washed everything again.

7. Olya cleaned the smoked pan with sand. Olya washed it with sand for two hours in the trough. Grandma then washed it.

All: Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere. We are for everything, for everything, dear ones, We say: “Thank you!”

We sang ditties for you, whether good or bad. And now we ask you to clap for us.

Q: The guys have prepared skits in which you will see familiar situations and, perhaps, smile at this. 1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, a mother tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school. Mom: - Get up, son, you'll be late for school again for the start of classes! Son: - I don’t want to! Petrov always fights with me! Mom: - Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school when classes start! Son: - Well, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me! Mom: - Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again! Son: - I won’t go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot! Mom: - Son, you have to go to school, you are the director after all!

Competition 4 “Say the Word”

(for children) The Word is hidden somewhere, The Word is hidden and waiting. Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me - That’s my whole... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap. We washed the dishes ourselves. We washed the dishes ourselves - We helped our... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden and water them from a watering can. Asters, lilies, tulips Let them grow for our... (mother) Would you like to try on these balls on a string? For all your tastes In my mother’s box….(beads)

They sparkle in mom’s ears, they sparkle with the color of the rainbow. Drops and crumbs of jewelry turn silver....(earrings)

Name the utensils: The handle is attached to the circle. Damn, baking for her is nonsense. This is... (frying pan)

The water in his belly bubbled from the heat. Like an angry boss. Boils quickly...(kettle)

Mom will cook this dish for everyone for lunch. And the ladle is right there - He pours it into plates... (soup)

Competition 5 “Rationales”

(for moms)

1. This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life. This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical. When it happens, we always admire and rejoice (miracle). 2.They hide under dirty nails. They are so small that you can't see them. They can make you sick (germs). 3. It happens often and in many places you have to waste time because of it. But if you need something, you have to put up with it. You wait as long as necessary and you get what you wanted (queue). 4.Every person should have it, but some people have forgotten about it. It helps you become a real person. When you do the wrong thing or hurt someone in vain, it torments you (conscience) 5. If he is not there, then there is no joy, without him there is no life, but existence. They always wish it to each other, especially in letters. You can't buy it for any money. (Health) 6.Every person dreams of it, wants everything to be good in life. But no one knows where to look for him. There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness) 7. A person brings everything to his house, whether he needs it or not. He doesn't like giving gifts or sharing candy. And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give anyway (greed). 8. A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed. Adults say that this helps to educate correctly. A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to go out for walks because of a bad deed. (Punishment)

Poem dramatization

1 I help my mother: I’ll cook soup in the sandbox, I’ll wash the cat in a puddle... How, Mom, I love you!

2 And I’m drawing a portrait of Mommy on the wallpaper in the hallway. Little brother will help me too... Mommy, is it similar or not?

3 I’ll put on my mother’s dress, As soon as I cut the length, it will suddenly become clear to everyone: I love only my mother!

4 And I’m preparing a gift for her - On my dad’s new car I scratch: “To mom - with love!” No one can replace you!”

5 And I’ll immediately turn your new hat into a bunny: I’ll sew on his ears and paws... I want to give him a gift!

6 And I got into a fight with Danil - I have a huge bruise under my eye. He said that his mother is better, I don’t agree with him at all!

7 I’ll wash my mother’s shoes, I’ll put the boats in the bathroom. And mom will come and see that I love her very much!

8 I replaced the ball with lipstick at Katya’s neighbor’s place. And mommy will be delighted, And she will say: “Here is my son!”

9 We will not argue in vain, We will tell our mothers, That their children are simply beautiful... TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

Our holiday is coming to an end, the guys have prepared gifts for you. Gifts are presented Presenter 2Who came to me in the morning? All: Mommy! Presenter 1Who said “It’s time to get up!” All: Mommy! Presenter 2 Who managed to cook the porridge? All: Mommy! Presenter 1 Should I pour some tea into my glass? All: Mommy! Presenter 2Who picked the flowers in the garden? All: Mommy! Presenter 1Who kissed me? All: Mommy! Presenter 2Who as a child loves laughter? All: Mommy! Presenter 1. Who is the best in the world? All: Mommy!

Closing song

You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly. The string will pierce the tight height with a fragment of echo. Today we celebrate Mother's Day with success. It's great that we are all here today.

We wish you health and happiness! Good luck and patience! Mommy, smile! And we firmly promise that we will not let you down. It’s great that we are all here today! Our solemn part is coming to an end.


: No matter how far humanity has stepped in progress, no matter what era has come, the care of a woman’s hands and a wise mother’s word will never depreciate. And the greatest value in the world will always be your love - a jewel that cannot be bought for any money.

May the sun shine brighter for you, and may there always be a strong man’s shoulder nearby.

Dear mothers! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive. Let your home be decorated with comfort, prosperity, and love. At the end of our holiday, allow me to once again congratulate you and present you with gifts made by the hands of children.


Dear women, nice women! I don’t wish a different fate for you, Be beautiful, be loved, Be happy, every single one of you!

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