Calendar-thematic plan for the theme of the week: “Mother’s Day” (school preparatory group)

Work plan for the week Topic “I love my mother very much!”


1 Work plan for the week Topic “I love my mother very much!” Target. Creating conditions for nurturing love for mother and grandmother through social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development. Daily. Morning exercises. Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast. Tasks. Improve cultural and hygienic skills; develop basic table behavior skills; encourage children to perform cultural and hygienic procedures and control their actions while eating. Walk. Tasks. Expand children's understanding of the weather in spring. Ensure children stay in the fresh air; improve health; improve motor activity. Organization of nutrition and sleep. Tasks. Improve the ability to hold a spoon correctly; consolidate the ability not to wet clothes when washing, wash hands and wrists, face, not to splash water; develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, carefully place shorts and tights on the seat. Lifting, aerial procedures. Gymnastics after sleep. Educational activities Activities during restricted periods Independent activities Individual activities Work with parents Monday Artistic creativity (Drawing) Topic. “Sunshine for Mom” - the ability to draw a circle, complete straight lines, cultivate love for mom Physical education Morning. Review of the album “My Mother” Tasks. Systematize children’s knowledge about the work of their mothers, cultivate respect for their mother D/I “Who needs what for work?” Tasks. Familiarizing children with objects that people of different professions need. Walk: Observing the shadow on a sunny day. Tasks. Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “light” and “shadow”, note that on a sunny day all objects cast a shadow, the contour of which follows the silhouette of the object. S/R game “Family” provides conditions for role-playing games, encouraging children to retell familiar fairy tales, poems, and sing songs during the game. I\U “Who will throw the snowball next.” motor activity of children. Puzzles “Kolobok”, D/I “The sun is shining brightly” rays from clothespins on a yellow circle fine motor skills, consolidate the yellow color. D/i “What is made of what.” Tasks. To promote the ability to distinguish between metal, wood, rubber, plastic Preparation for the March 8 holiday

2 P/I “Mouse in the pantry” Objectives: development of motor activity.. Crawling under the cord on the stomach. P/I “The little white bunny is sitting”, the ability to clearly pronounce the text, perform actions in accordance with the words. Labor assignment. Removing snow from the area. Tasks. Form the idea that on a sunny day, snow on the asphalt melts faster than on the ground; continue to develop the ability to use a shovel and work together. 2 Half day Gymnastics after sleep, massage track. Tasks. Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health. “Turnip”: independence during the game, perseverance, attention. Finger gymnastics “Turnip” Outdoor games Tasks. Provide interesting outdoor activities for children; improve health; improve motor activity. items. D/I “Sort out the pictures” Tasks. To develop the ability to classify clothes and shoes; use generalizations in speech. Learning the poem by Y. Akim “Mom” Mom! I love you so much that I don’t even know! I will give the name “MOM” to the big ship. Tasks. Help you understand the meaning of the poem, cultivate kindness towards your mother. Tuesday FEMP Topic. More - less, as much - as Tasks. Develop the ability to compare two unequal groups S/r game “Getting ready for a walk”, the ability to select clothes for different seasons, correctly name the elements of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others. Morning Conversation: “That’s what mom is like, she’s so golden” Word game “kind words for mom” Tasks. develop a dialogical form of speech; involve children in conversation. Walk. Tree watching. S/R game “Let’s dress the doll Katya for a walk” interest in play activities P/I “Salki” D/I “Where is whose mother” Tasks. Consolidating the names of baby animals in speech, consolidating the skills of word formation, attention, and memory. “Development of fine motor skills of the hands”

3 items; -indicate the results of comparison with words: more - less, as much as. World of nature. “What are the colors of spring?” Objectives: To introduce children to the first signs of spring. To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. Wednesday Artistic creativity (Applique) Topic Flowers as a gift for mom. Tasks. Strengthen the ability to glue the required material. To promote the development of seeing and highlighting beautiful objects. Tasks. To develop the ability to observe natural objects, distinguish and name them. Learning the nursery rhyme “The Sun and the Bell”: memory, speech, attention. P/I “Sparrows and the cat” Problem. Develop motor skills Work assignment. Collecting toys on the playground. Task. To teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area; encourage adults to help. 2 half day. Gymnastics after sleep, massage track. Tasks. Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health. Reading the poem “Spring” by A. Pleshcheev Tasks. Introduce verbal art, develop the ability to listen to new poems, and repeat the most interesting phrases. P.I. “Tall and low trees” children’s physical activity Morning Conversation “How do we help mothers and grandmothers?” Looking at pictures on the topic. Walk: Ice Problems. Introduce the natural phenomenon of ice, tell how it forms, introduce the rules of safe movement during ice, watch how the ice glistens in the bright spring sun. P/I “Shaggy Dog” Problems. To help harden the body and physical activity. Outdoor games. Tasks. Ensure children stay in the fresh air; improve health; improve motor activity. Drawing “Flowers for Mom” artistic creativity. S/R game. "Cafe" conditions for independent games, developing the storyline. S/R game. “Kindergarten” provides conditions for independent play, developing a storyline, using many attributes, including substitute objects. P/N “Train” P/I “Hush, don’t make noise, mice!” ability to walk on toes moving forward, quietly perform sneaking movements. D/I on FEMP Tasks. Introduce geometric shapes, develop the ability to find objects of a given shape in the environment. Drawing “Icicles are dripping” Task. To promote the development of droplet drawing using the dipping method, carefully pick up paint, and thoroughly rinse the brush. D/I “Visiting the forest dwellers” for parents “Walk with children”

4 Physical education Rolling the ball over the goal, ribbed board. P/I “Birds in nests” Thursday Speech development Topic. Reading of I. Kosyakov’s poem “She’s All.” Tasks. Introduce a new poem. Who loves you, children, more, Who loves you so tenderly And takes care of you, Without closing his eyes at night? "Mom dear." Who rocks the cradle for you, Who sings songs to you, Who tells you fairy tales and gives you toys? "Mom is golden." If, children, you are lazy, disobedient, playful, which happens sometimes, who sheds tears then? children, continue to improve skills in basic types of movement. P/N “Shoot, don’t miss.” Tasks. Continue to develop the ability to throw at a horizontal target while performing an energetic swing. Labor activity. Collect toys Tasks. Teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area. 2. Half a day. Repeating poems with children for the holiday “I love my dear mother” is a condition for nurturing love for mother and grandmother. Conversation “Guests have come to the holiday” Listening to A. Filippenko’s song “Guests have come to us” Tasks. To develop children’s ability to meet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down; develop speech, the ability to listen carefully and consciously to a song. Walk: “Signs of early spring” Tasks. Consolidate knowledge about the seasons; study the signs of early spring. P/I "Hares". Tasks. Strengthen push-off skills when jumping on two legs. P/N “Jump, turn around.” the ability to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher. Labor activity Clearing paths from snow on the site, removing snow on the veranda. Objectives: Continue to develop the ability to shovel snow using shovels to a specific place. Half a day physical activity; contribute to the hardening of children’s bodies, S/R game “Tell Masha how to greet guests” Tasks. To develop children’s ability to meet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down; develop speech, the ability to listen carefully and consciously to a song. Ball games - the ability to independently play ball games. S/R game “Family” - the ability to independently play role-playing games, developing the ability to distinguish forest inhabitants. P/I “At the Bear in the Forest” Objectives: continue to improve skills in basic types of movement. D/I “Lace up the shoe” – fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to tie shoelaces. P/I “Teddy Bear” Problems. Continue to develop the ability to walk on the outside of the foot and maintain balance in this position. for parents “Children’s clothing for groups and outings”

5 “That’s all, dear.” Music. Continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully and consciously to a piece of music; to cultivate interest in musical and artistic activities Conversation “March 8th Holiday” Objectives. To introduce the holiday, to those who are congratulated on the first spring holiday, to form a respectful attitude towards mother, grandmother, and adults. D/U “I love mommy very much, because...” Improve dialogic speech. Cultivate love for mom. storyline using many attributes, including substitute items. Friday Music Continue to develop children's ability to listen carefully and consciously to a piece of music; learning a song for the holiday of March 8th. Physical education (outdoors) P/I “Shaggy Dog”, “Planes” Morning Conversation “What did we see on the way to kindergarten?” D/I “Yes or no” memory, the ability to describe objects or phenomena seen, attention, develop the ability to listen to a question and answer it briefly. Work in a corner of nature. Planting onions (on greens) Tasks. In the presence of children, organize the planting of onions, accompanying your actions with explanations. Encourage to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Walk. Bird watching. Tasks. Draw children's attention to changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring. P/I “Sparrows and the cat” Problems. Improve motor activity; ability to navigate in space. P/I "Geese" Problems. Continue to develop the ability to goose-step, move forward 3-4 meters, keep your hands on your belt, strengthen your muscles. Canteen duty. Tasks. Continue work on developing children's skills in serving the dining room, the ability to help, and setting the table in a certain sequence. Construction from sand Problem. Develop the ability to independently construct from sand. S/R game “Guests have come to us” conditions for independent games, developing the storyline, using many attributes, including objects Modeling “Treat for dolls” Tasks. Formation of skills in rolling and flattening plasticine, making bagels, cakes, and candies from plasticine. D/I “One many” - the ability to distinguish single objects and sets in the environment. Sensory work “The nesting dolls scattered” - the ability to assemble matryoshka dolls one by one. for parents “Walk with children on a day off”

6 children. Let's put things in order on the site. Objectives: To teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area; encourage adults to help. Half a day. Reading the nursery rhyme “Grass Ant” Tasks. Introduce verbal art, develop the ability to listen to new nursery rhymes; repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the read work. D/I “Who does what?” Tasks. Expand children's understanding of the actions of people in different professions. Finger game "Family"

Calendar-thematic plan for the theme of the week: “Mother’s Day” (school preparatory group)

Budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 95"

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children

preparatory school group

Topic of the week: "Mother's Day"

Author: Bratchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Omsk — 2020

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2021 academic year

Theme for the 4th week of November: “ Mother’s Day”

(23.11.2020 — 27.11.2020)

To update children’s ideas about relationships in the family, about how mothers take care of children and teach them. Show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the most dear person - the mother. Make it clear that only women with children are called mothers, and only them are congratulated on this day. To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.

Final event:

Holiday "Mother's Day"

Day Daily regime OO integration Independent activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities of children
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Monday 11/23/2020 Morning Z





“The history of the Mother’s Day holiday”


Introduce the history of the World Mother's Day holiday. To form in children a holistic image of the mother - the keeper of the home, who plays a big role in the life of every person. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.


"Grandma Malanya"


Teaching children various dance movements. Cultivating friendly relations with each other.

Morning exercise complex No.


help improve children's health and create a joyful emotional upsurge.

Compiling a story using reference tables on the topic “Late Autumn”


develop coherent speech in children through learning to compose a story using reference words and pictures. Develop attention, imagination, associative thinking, and the ability to select signs for an object.


Aldiyar, Margarita, Elvira, Anton


"The world of dangerous things and how to make it safe."


Form children's ideas
safe behavior in the kitchen

Add illustrations “Mother’s Day”, supporting tables on the topic “Late Autumn”.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Fill the book corner with literature on the topic of the week.

GCD Cognitive-research. (FEMP) I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina, p. 61, no. 7

Software tasks:

Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers. Strengthen the ability to determine the previous, subsequent and missing number to the named or indicated number within 10. Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure. Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.

Musical activity According to the music director's plan
Fine (modeling/applique) Application “Fish in an aquarium”,

T.S. Komarova, p. 51 No. 23

Program content: Learn

children cut out silhouettes of simple-shaped objects by eye. Develop hand-eye coordination. Learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images. Learn to achieve a distinct form. Develop a sense of composition.

Walk Z




Bird watching


: Find out which birds remain for the winter, observe which of them flies to the feeder. Draw the attention of children that it is becoming increasingly difficult for birds to obtain food; discuss how you can help.

Labor activity:

Insulation of tree roots with snow.


reinforce the idea of ​​the protective properties of snow.

Outdoor game



Develop children's dexterity and attention. Learn to navigate in space.

Individual work

"Get into the ring."


practice the ability to act on a signal; strengthen the ability to throw objects at a target.

Pupils: Egor, Andrey, Zarina

Monday 11/23/2020 Slave. before bedtime KGN


Reading. K. Ushinsky “Mother’s grief”


Develop in children the ability to listen to literary works; encourage them to react emotionally to the content of the text; learn to answer questions

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.


raise the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise, eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, and help the body “wake up.”


“Family” - Sons, daughters - mothers.


Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

D/I “What time is it?”


Exercise children in naming the time of day, develop the ability to recognize the time by a clock.


Julia, Yaroslav, Andrey, Nastya Kor.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Conflicts between children.”


Continue to develop children’s ability to independently resolve interpersonal conflicts, while taking into account the state and mood of the other person.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Weather observation


Determine today's weather with the children. Remember what the weather was like yesterday. Develop the ability to compare, notice changes, and learn to plan what they will do on the site depending on the weather.

Labor activity: site cleaning.


develop the ability and desire to work together.

Outdoor game

"Jumping sparrows."

Objectives: Continue teaching children to jump on two legs, moving forward. Develop dexterity.

Individual work

: Exercise to develop balance.

Objectives: to develop the ability to maintain the correct position of the body and head, and to act confidently.


Ivan Er., Nastya G., Ivan M.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Consultation for parents on the theme of the week “Mother’s Day”

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2021 academic year

Theme for the 4th week of November: “ Mother’s Day”

(23.11.2020 — 27.11.2020)

To update children’s ideas about relationships in the family, about how mothers take care of children and teach them. Show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the most dear person - the mother. Make it clear that only women with children are called mothers, and only them are congratulated on this day. To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.

Final event:

Holiday "Mother's Day"

Day of the week/


Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Tuesday 24.11.2020 Morning Z





“All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important”


continue to introduce mothers to their professions, inspire respect for working women, and cultivate love for mothers.

Finger game

“Mom was washing clothes in the kitchen...”


Develop fine muscles of the fingers and precise coordination of movements. Improve hand-eye coordination and orientation in microspace.

Morning exercise complex No.


help improve children's health and create a joyful emotional upsurge.


"Swallows and People"


to train children in the formation of the genitive plural of nouns.


Ivan M., Artem, Varvara, Nastya G.


“Do you know fire safety rules?”


To consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety rules and standards of behavior during a fire; form a negative attitude towards violators of these rules.

Add d/i, illustrations “Professions of mothers”, “Fire safety”.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Communication activities

(speech development)

Topic: First snow. Memorizing A. Fet's poem “Mom! Look out the window..."


Develop children's ability to perceive poetic speech. Help me remember A. Fet’s poem “Mom! Look from the window...”

V.V. Gerbova, p. 42, no. 8


(Physical Culture)

Software tasks:

Strengthen the skill of walking and running between objects, developing coordination and dexterity; learn the transition from one flight to another in lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat jumping and balance exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva No. 34, p. 37



Decorative drawing with elements of writing “Such different umbrellas”, I.A. Lykova No. 27 p. 68

Program content:

Drawing patterns on a semicircle; understanding the connection between the ornament and the shape of the item being decorated (pattern on an umbrella and parachute).

Walk Z




Observation of water (turning into ice).


Summarize children's ideas about the aggregate state of water in the autumn.

Experiment “Dependence of the state of water on temperature”

Objectives: show children the transformation of water into ice and the reverse process; consolidate the idea that the transformation of water into ice depends on air temperature.

Labor activity

: cleaning the veranda where children will play.

Tasks: to teach to maintain cleanliness and order on the veranda.

Outdoor games

1. “Trap in a circle.”


: Develop the ability to operate in a limited space; agility and speed.

2. “Find your house.”


to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal, to teach one to navigate in space.

Individual work:

“Don’t knock down the flag.”


continue to “snake” between objects without knocking them over; develop attention and observation.

Pupils: Mikhail, Timur T., Ertai.

Work before bed ChHL


Reading A. Lindgren “Pippi – Longstocking”


expand children's literary horizons;
introduce the work
A. Lindgren.
To develop the ability to comprehend the characters of the work.

Tuesday 24.11.2020 Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.


raise the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise, eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, and help the body “wake up.”


“Hospital” - mom got sick.


Enrich, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the medical profession and the work of the clinic. Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Cultivate respect and gratitude for the work of doctors and nurses. To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient (mother), kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

D/i “My city. City Project"


Exercise children in drawing up construction plans; improve design abilities; form joint search activities; develop the ability to draw your own conclusions.


Lev Z., Sasha, Olya

Evening of mysteries

"Electrical household appliances."


Strengthen children's knowledge about electrical appliances to avoid accidents.

Attributes for s-r/i, d/i, card index of riddles.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Cloud watching


To develop the ability to characterize the evening sky. To consolidate children's knowledge of how clouds are formed, what they are like, and what clouds are made of.

Labor activity

: shoveling snow, clearing paths.


develop the ability to use shovels, shoveling snow into a certain place.

Russian folk game



develop memory and attention.

Individual work:

Walking on a log.


improve your walking technique while maintaining balance.


Veronica, Olya, Mikhail.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Involve parents in replenishing the developmental environment with the album: “Professions of our mothers.”

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2021 academic year

Theme for the 4th week of November: “ Mother’s Day”

(23.11.2020 — 27.11.2020)

To update children’s ideas about relationships in the family, about how mothers take care of children and teach them. Show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the most dear person - the mother. Make it clear that only women with children are called mothers, and only them are congratulated on this day. To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.

Final event:

Holiday "Mother's Day"

Day of the week/


Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Wednesday 25.11.2020 Morning Z





"Me and my mother."


update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about relationships in the family, how their mother takes care of them and teaches them. Show an image of the mother that is meaningful to the child.


"Not really"


To develop children’s ability to think, pose questions logically, and make correct conclusions.

Morning exercise complex No.


help improve children's health and create a joyful emotional upsurge.

FEMP. D/u “Digit lost.”


The previous, next or missing numbers will determine the skill.


Artem, Ella, Vlad, Veronica


"Who is called modest"


Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which of the participants behaves modestly and which defiantly. Learn to evaluate behavior and its consequences.

Cards for children.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Enter photos of the pupils' mothers.

GCD Having learned-research. activity (FEMP) I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina, p. 64, no. 8

Software tasks:

To consolidate ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of a number within 10. To consolidate the ability to compose the number 10 from units. Skills in measuring the size of objects; introduce the dependence of measurement results on the value of the conditional measure. Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction. Ability to model objects using familiar geometric shapes.

Musician According to the music director's plan.
Having learned-research. activity Construction/manual labor Subject:

“Aircraft drawings” Kutsakova L.V., p. 33, No. 3

Program tasks

: Summarize, systematize, clarify children’s ideas about the history of the development of aircraft, their purpose, the dependence of the structure on the functional purpose; develop design skills, the ability to model on a plane, build diagrams and make sketches of future objects; practice quickly solving problem situations; develop creativity and ingenuity.

Walk Z




Monitoring special transport - "ambulance"


expand knowledge about special transport - “ambulance”, the role of the driver in saving people’s lives; strengthen the ability to find the right car by description.

Labor activity:

sweeping paths on the site with brooms.


develop the ability to use brooms correctly and finish what you start.

P/i "Frogs and Heron"


practice fast running and long jumps; develop physical qualities - agility, speed.

Remote material:

blades, scrapers, panicles.

Individual work:

develop coordination of movements; cultivate courage and determination.


Lev Sh., Ivan Er., Vlad, Margarita

Wednesday 25.11.2020 Work before bed ChHL


Reading L. Tolstoy “Liar”


Introduce verbal art, develop the ability to listen to new stories, discuss the actions of the heroes of the work, and evaluate them.

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.


raise the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise, eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, and help the body “wake up.”

S-r/i “Traffic” - Mom and I are going for a walk around the city.


Enrich and concretize children's knowledge about traffic rules. Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Careful behavior on the roads. Cultivate respect for the work of the driver and police officer. Teach polite manners in the process of communication “driver - passenger”, “driver - policeman”.

Drawing (subject)

"Mischika Bear"


Strengthen the ability to draw an animal - a bear, observing the proportions, shape and structure of the body. Improve the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil without pressure. Continue learning how to convey the texture of fur using continuous “loop” shading. Practice drawing with a “loop”. Develop volume perception. Foster independence.


Ertai, Kirill, Nastya Kal., Lev Sh.

Conversation “I am among people.”


To develop sociocultural competencies in children: possession of knowledge and experience in fulfilling typical social roles (son-daughter, brother-sister, grandson-granddaughter, friend-girlfriend); the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and household sphere, in effective ways of organizing free time. Determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team.

Attributes for d/i, s-r/i.

Material for drawing.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Walk Z




Observing the length of the day


develop the ability to establish connections between the length of day and night and lighting.

Labor activity:

Cleaning the nursery area of ​​the kindergarten.


consolidate skills in working with shovels and stretchers; develop the ability to rationally organize one’s work and work together in a team.




consolidate nouns in the active dictionary on the topics: “Wild animals”, “Birds”; develop speed and flexibility.

Individual work:

Jumping on one leg.


practice pushing off energetically and landing correctly.


Ertai, Zarina, Artem, Varvara

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Invite parents to read works about mothers to their children at home. Replenish the book corner in the group with books about mothers.

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2021 academic year

Theme for the 4th week of November: “ Mother’s Day”

(23.11.2020 — 27.11.2020)

To update children’s ideas about relationships in the family, about how mothers take care of children and teach them. Show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the most dear person - the mother. Make it clear that only women with children are called mothers, and only them are congratulated on this day. To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.

Final event:

Holiday "Mother's Day"

Day of the week/


Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Thursday 26.11.2020 Morning Z




Conversation on the topic “Say a word for mom.”


Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the public holiday of our country - Mother’s Day; to develop children’s ability to draw conclusions from existing knowledge; expand and activate children's vocabulary with adjectives; consolidate the ability to compose proverbs and sayings using mnemonic tables, answer the teacher’s questions with a complete answer. Develop cognitive abilities, logical thinking, speech, memory, attention. Cultivate respect and love for mother.

Pure talk

to the sounds [z], [z']


consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [з], [з'] in words, identify sounds in words, develop a sense of rhyme, attention, memory.

Morning exercise complex No.


help improve children's health and create a joyful emotional upsurge.



Practice using spatial prepositions.


Miroslav, Polina I., Sofia S., Artem


“What do teeth like?”


to develop children’s ability to take care of dental health, discuss what is useful and what is harmful to teeth. Develop the ability to care for your teeth correctly.

Enter mnemonic tables on the topic “Mother’s Day”, d/i.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Communicator works. Prepare to (literacy) Topic: “Consonant sound X (X'), letter X. Sentence. Sound analysis of the word “sugar”, Eltsova O.V., p. 48, No. 13


To practice children’s ability to find words that accurately assess the situation; Improve children's ability to reason by clearly expressing their thoughts; Continue to teach children to graphically “write” sentences in notebooks and navigate on a piece of paper; Introduce the letter “X”; Introduce children to accent; Strengthen the ability to break words into syllables and highlight stressed syllables; Indicate the accent mark on the diagram; Develop fine motor skills of the hand.

The movement is active.

Physical training

Penzulaeva L.I., p. 38, No. 35

Program tasks

: Strengthen the skill of walking and running between objects, developing coordination and dexterity; learn the transition from one flight to another in lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat jumping and balance exercises.



Drawing with colored pencils. Subject:
"Over the mountains, over the valleys..."
I.A. Lykova No. 33 p.80

Program content:

Learn to convey your ideas about natural landscapes in drawings. Initiate the creation of a plot against the backdrop of a mountain landscape. Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, drawing a horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects). Prepare your hand for writing (mastering the descriptive element - curl or spiral).

Walk Z




Observing the work of a janitor


continue monitoring the work of the janitor; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary; cultivate love and respect for the work of a janitor; instill a love of nature and a caring attitude towards the environment.

Labor activity:

Cleaning up trash on site.


cultivate a feeling of pleasure from the work done.


"Migration of Birds."


develop the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Individual work

Development of movements

consolidate squatting skills from a legs apart position, transferring body weight from one leg to the other without rising.

Pupils: Vlad, Sofia S., Sasha, Sofia R.

Work before bed ChHL



Turkmen folk tale "Stepdaughter". Comparison with r.n.s. "Khavroshechka"


teach to notice similarities and differences in the construction of the plot, idea, characters of the heroes of both fairy tales; develop the ability to highlight expressive means in a text and realize the appropriateness of their use.

Thursday 26.11.2020 Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.


raise the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise, eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, and help the body “wake up.”


game "Shop" - Buying products for the holiday table.


Expand children's knowledge about the work of a salesperson in a store. Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Cultivate a respectful and polite attitude towards the work of the seller. Arouse children's interest in the sales profession.

Develop skills of a culture of behavior in public places, cultivate friendly relationships.

Relief sculpture “Autumn tree”


improve the ability to work with plasticine using the relief modeling technique; continue to develop creative independence; learn to attach plasticine to cardboard; consolidate skills in depicting autumn trees with plasticine; to cultivate in children aesthetic taste, imaginative vision, and love of nature.


Ella, Ivan Er., Mikhail, Kirill

Conversation: “Appearances can be deceiving.”


Continue to develop knowledge that the pleasant appearance of a stranger does not always mean his good intentions.

Independent play activities in employment centers. Attributes for s/r games, n-p/i.

Material for modeling.

Walk Z




Walk on the topic "Why does the change of day and night occur?»


give an idea of ​​how the change of day and night occurs.

Research activities

Rays of light always travel in a straight line, and if any object gets in their way, it casts a dark shadow.

Conduct observation - in the morning, at noon, in the evening. (At noon, the sun is directly overhead, the shadow is very short; early in the morning and in the evening the sun drops in the sky, the shadows become long.)

Outdoor game

"Ball to the driver."


practice throwing and catching the ball with both hands.

Individual work

Development of movements.


practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps; develop strength qualities.

Pupils: Kirill, Dima, Nastya Kal.

Removable material: balls.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Workshop of good deeds “Do-it-yourself feeders” (joint activity of parents and children).

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

Calendar-thematic plan of educational activities with children of preparatory school group No. 3 of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 95” for the 2020-2021 academic year

Theme for the 4th week of November: “ Mother’s Day”

(23.11.2020 — 27.11.2020)

To update children’s ideas about relationships in the family, about how mothers take care of children and teach them. Show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the most dear person - the mother. Make it clear that only women with children are called mothers, and only them are congratulated on this day. To develop a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.

Final event:

Holiday "Mother's Day"

Day of the week/


Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (group zones)
Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments
Group, subgroup Individual
Friday 11/27/2020 Morning Z





“I want to tell you about my mother” (Children’s “reasonings”)


Development of dialogical speech. Cultivate respect and love for mother.

Help enrich vocabulary. Activate the dictionary. Develop phonemic awareness. Develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature.

Pure talk

to the sounds [zh], [sh]


consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [zh], [sh] in words, identify sounds in words, develop a sense of rhyme, attention, memory.

Morning exercise complex No.


help improve children's health and create a joyful emotional upsurge.


“Name the words in which the second sound is a consonant.”


Strengthen the skills of sound analysis of words, practice distinguishing vowels and consonants, and activate the vocabulary


Vlad, Julia, Ella, Dima


"My best friend is my mother"


develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Master initial ideas of a social nature based on the formation of family affiliation.

Contribute illustrations on the topic of the conversation “My best friend is my mother,” d/i.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

GCD Having learned and researched the formation. intact pictures of the world Subject:

“Observation of a living object (using the example of a guinea pig)” Solomennikova O.A., p. 43, No. 6

Software tasks:

Expand your understanding of ornamental animals. Learn to watch your guinea pig without disturbing it. Lead to the ability to independently make basic conclusions about the habits of an animal. Develop a desire to help adults care for animals.


(physical education in the air)

L.I. Penzulaeva No. 36 p.39

Software tasks:

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice turning while jumping in place; repeat jumping on the right and left leg, bending around objects; practice performing tasks with a ball.

Walk Z




Observation “Bird tracks in the snow”


strengthen the ability to recognize bird tracks in the snow.

Labor activity:

help the teacher sweep the paths


encourage adults to help.

P/i “Find by trace”, “Trace by trace”.


practice jumping forward, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the movement.

P/n “Find your place.” Tasks:

develop the ability to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Remote material:

blades, panicles.

Individual work

: Using different types of walking: different positions of the hands, raised knees high (like a stork, crane, heron). Objectives: develop motor activity

Pupils: Polina Is., Artem, Ella.

Friday 11/27/2020 Work before bed ChHL


Reading by E. Serov. How I stayed for my mother.


: evoke a joyful emotional mood; help express your attitude and love for your mother through poetry and creative activity; replenish your vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary.

Evening Z





Invigorating gymnastics

after sleep Complex No., walking along the hardening path.


raise the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise, eliminate drowsiness and lethargy, and help the body “wake up.”

S-r/i “Celebrating Mother’s Day”


Cultivate sensitivity and attention to mother. Strengthen cultural skills. Form family values, love for mother. Create a cheerful holiday atmosphere.

“Drawing by cells - Hare”


development of fine motor skills; development of stable, focused attention; development of visual-spatial perception; formation of auditory perception and memory; education of hard work and perseverance; development of skills to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.


Lev Sh., Zarina, Egor

Conversation “Friendship Lesson”


Discuss with children what children know about friendship and friends. What does it mean to be friends? Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of your friends. To update and clarify children’s ideas about friendship and the forms of relationships in a team. Invite them to recall various situations and classify the actions of their participants as friendly or unfriendly.

Attributes and equipment for s-r/i, d/i. Visual material for the conversation “Friendship Lesson”.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Walk Z




Watching snowfall.


: Continue to teach how to see beauty, clarify ideas about the properties of snow. To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Labor activity:

Cleaning the physical training area.


develop the ability to work together and distribute responsibilities among themselves.

Outdoor game:

"Crow - Sparrow"


: Learn to listen carefully to the command, develop attention, continue to learn how to navigate in space.

Individual work:

"Standing Long Jump"


practice jumping, pushing off with both legs; improve coordination of movements.


Nastya Kor., Dima, Yulia, Miroslav

Remote material:

arcs, garbage collection buckets, shovels.

Interaction with parents (individual mini-conversations, counseling, etc.) Informing about the progress of the educational process. Situational conversation about the day.

Helping parents plan weekends with their children.

Daily individual conversations: on questions of interest to parents

Social interaction (invited theaters, etc.)

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