cycle of lessons “Journey to the Russian language” outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson notes for children with ODD in the sixth year of life. Designed to develop coherent speech and update vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”.

Goal: to develop children’s interest in books and the need to read.

Objectives: - Introduce children to the flora and fauna of their native land - Teach children to write short stories about the animals of their native land - Cultivate in children a caring attitude towards wildlife and desire.

The summary is intended for children of the senior group of mental retardation.

The summary assumes that children will be introduced to Polkhov-Maidan painting during art classes.

The material may be useful to kindergarten teachers.

To acquaint children with the history of toys, to form children’s knowledge about the functional purposes of toys.


Progress of the lesson:

Surprise moment. (Doll Katya arrives)


Q- Hello guys! Doll Katya, you haven’t forgotten the names of the children.

R- No. My name is Zhenia.

(The doll fits every child.)

Q- Let's tell the doll Katya what new words we learned in the last lesson. Look at the picture and name the season .

D-Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

B- And now each of you will tell the doll what time of year he likes (approaches each child with the doll.)

D- I like autumn. I like winter.

K-Misha, do you like winter?

K- Aidan, do you like spring?

B- Well done! Each season has its own color . What color is winter? That's right, white (ak)

. Repeat after me. Winter is white. What color is spring? Of course spring is green. What color is summer? Summer has red, yellow, blue and green colors. Autumn also has its own color. Autumn yellow color.

Bent over once, bend over twice

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Q - Now let’s switch, I will name the time of year , and you pick up the corresponding object. (V-l calls Summer, the children pick up flowers, spring - the children pick up green leaves, etc.)

B- Well done guys! And now the Katya doll also wants to play with you. The game is called "Confusion"


(The doll points to the snowflake)

. Summer?

(The doll points to the flower)

. Spring?

Doll: do you like summer? Why do you like summer? All children love... what? That's right, summer.

Q- What can you do in the summer?

D- I can run. I can swim. I can jump. I can play.

B- And now we’ll play the game “Pantomime”

I will show you with the help of gestures what I do at this time of year , and you will name this time of year .

Notes on educational activities in the Russian language in the senior group “Favorite time of the year”

Shonchalai Shanmak

Notes on educational activities in the Russian language in the senior group “Favorite time of the year”

Abstract of GCD in the Russian language in the senior group.

Conducted by the teacher of the senior group of MBDOU d/s "Khunchugesh"

With. Ak-Durug Shanmak Sh. O.

Topic: Favorite time of year

Goal: formation and development of skills and abilities of practical knowledge of the Russian language in oral form . Continue to introduce children to words meaning seasons - autumn , winter, spring, summer. Learn to make short sentences based on a picture, distinguish the seasons , understand and use words denoting the seasons . Repeat the words of the topic: Colors. Develop coherent speech and enrich children's vocabulary. Foster interest and respect for the Russian language .

Work on the pronunciation of voiced and soft consonants.

Visual aids: doll, images of the seasons ; snowflakes, flowers, green and yellow leaves cut out of paper.

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