Article Lesson notes for the senior group “Mother’s Day”. Author: Titova Irina Aleksandrovna

Thematic lesson "Mother's Day"

Summary of thematic lesson in the younger group

Topic: “Mom, dear, my mother!”


1. Introduce children to the concept of family, give an idea of ​​family relationships.

2. Develop a sense of pride and respect for your loved one.

3. Foster love for those closest to you by creating a “Family Album”


Equipment: audio equipment, photo album.

Material: photographs of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers in a family setting.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children in classes and during routine moments about mother; reading works of fiction; learning mobile and finger games about mom; role-playing games.

Working with parents:

1. Invite parents to tell their children what the first word they said, what they liked to eat, what bedtime stories they read, etc.

2. Conduct a consultation for parents “Family is a small Motherland”

(To give an idea that love for the Motherland and one’s native land begins with love for one’s family).

GCD move:

The children and the teacher sit around the carpet; on the table in front of the children there are photographs of their closest people.

Educator: Who loves you deeply, deeply?

Who cares and loves you?

Doesn't sleep a wink at night and takes care of you?

Children: Mom.

Educator: Of course, this is your mother. Mom offered you gentle, affectionate hands when you were just learning to walk. Mom will always feel sorry for you when you cry. Just listen to how beautiful and affectionate the word mother

. What kind words does your mother say to you at home?

Children: Sunny, bunny, assistant, my baby (and other children's answers)

Educator: Do you think mom will be pleased to hear kind words from you?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I also think that mommy will be very happy to hear kind words from you. There are photographs of your mothers on the table. I suggest taking them and saying nice words to mommy.

(Children take photographs and take turns saying affectionate words for their mother, the teacher writes them down. Help is required for children who have difficulty finding words)

Educator: Well done, I will definitely let moms read your kind words, I think they will be very pleased. Now put the photos on the table, I suggest you play.

Every day in the morning I do exercises,

I really like doing everything in order.

It's fun to walk with grandfather (walking)

Raise your hands with grandma (hands up)

Squat with my dear mother, (squats)

And jump and gallop with dad. (jumping)

That's how fun we played, now sit down on your chairs, take photos of your mothers. (Children take their seats)

Educator: Guys, I also really want your mothers to always be with you, but if you always hold the photographs in your hand, they will wrinkle, the corners will get dirty, the corners will be bent and will not be as beautiful as they are now. For photographs, I prepared an album that we will fill together. And as soon as you miss your mommy or daddy, or your grandparents, your family, take it and look at your family.

(The album is made in the presence of children. When inserting photographs, be sure to say good words about your relatives and praise the children.)

Educator: So our family album is ready. Guys, you will live in kindergarten for a long time. Kindergarten is your second home, your second family. Now we will replenish the album with photographs from the life of the kindergarten. We’ll put the album on my table so everyone can come up and look at it whenever they want. Now let’s play the game “I bake, bake, bake”

I bake, bake, bake, the kids all have a pie,

And for my dear mother I will bake two gingerbread cookies.

Eat, eat, mommy, two delicious gingerbread cookies.

I'll call the kids and treat them to some pies.

Educator: Guys, who did we talk about today?

Children: About mom.

Educator: How can you call relatives living together in one word?

Children: Family.

Educator: Correct. Today we made an album in which there is a family of each of you. Who cares about you and loves you

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Complex lesson for Mother's Day in the senior group. Abstract

Complex lesson in the senior group (Cognition, artistic creativity: drawing) “The most dear person in the world”
Goal: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children, families, and society. Objectives: — Develop the ability for emotional empathy for loved ones; the ability to give a moral assessment of the actions of characters in works of art. — Develop the ability to independently outline the content of a drawing, choose the size of paper, pencils, felt-tip pens or wax crayons. — Foster a humane attitude towards family and friends. Progress of the lesson: - Guys, who is the most dear person in the world to you? - Mother! Reading a poem about V. Russu’s mother. There are many mothers in this world, Children love them with all their souls. There is only one mother, she is dearer to me than anyone else. Who is she? I will answer: This is my mom. The teacher tells the children that Mother's Day will soon be celebrated.
- Children, tell me about your mother.
Game exercise “My mother” I will start a sentence, and you will complete it. “My mother...” “When I see my mother, then...” Discussion and reenactment of a problematic situation “Dima’s mother came home tired from work, saw toys scattered throughout the apartment, and asked to remove them. Dima pretended that he did not hear the request. Mom prepared dinner, after which she asked her son to help her clear the dishes from the table, to which he replied: “I don’t want to!” Mom was offended. - Why was mother offended by her son? What should Dima do? What is a mother for? Summarize: “Mom gives life to each of us, cares, worries about us in every joyful and difficult moment. Mom will always support, help, protect, understand and forgive.” — Do we always understand and listen to our mothers? Reading G. Ladonshchikov’s poem “I’m not crying.” Mom got very angry and went to the cinema without me. I'm sorry that this happened. But I still don't cry. I was punished for my pranks, Fairly, perhaps, but I didn’t dare ask for forgiveness right away. And now I would tell my mother: “Well, I’m sorry, for the last time!” I'm not crying, the tears roll out of my eyes on their own. - Why was mom angry? -Who do you feel sorry for in this poem? Why? — How can you help a child in this situation? Generalization: 1. Be kind to your parents, to those who take care of you at home, help them. 2. If you suddenly offended someone dear to you, then you must definitely ask for forgiveness. 3. Do something nice for mom, she will be very happy about it. - Guys, how can you please your mother? Drawing on the topic: “A beautiful picture as a gift for mom” At the end of the lesson, the children tell each other what they drew.

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