Holiday "Magpies" for preschool children of the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Holiday "Magpies" for preschool children of the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Scenario for the spring celebration “Magpies” for children of senior preschool age
Prepared by : Posevkina Natalya Nikolaevna Place of work and position: teacher of additional education at the district Children's Art Center in the city of Korablino, Ryazan region Description: the script is intended for children of the preparatory group of a kindergarten studying “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” . Parents of children are invited to the celebration. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of Orthodox holidays and introduce them to folk culture. Objectives: -give children an idea of ​​the traditions of celebrating spring; -introduce folk signs associated with spring, teach how to observe plants and animals; -continue to introduce children to folk games, develop dexterity and coordination of movements. Progress of the holiday: 1. Meeting the guests, music videos on multimedia 2. A story about the Orthodox holiday “Magpies”.
Presentation. Opening words by the presenter: Dear guests! Today we will celebrate an ancient and very beloved holiday among the people. It is called “Magpies” (from the number “forty”). This is the day of remembrance of forty martyrs - soldiers who suffered for their faith. Show presentation. Presentation on the topic: Magpies

3. Performance of children performing spring chants 4. Congratulations to the birthday people. Every Orthodox Christian bears the name of the saint after whom he is named. The name is chosen according to the church calendar, each day of which is dedicated to the memory of a particular saint. Today, on the day of remembrance of the forty Martyrs of Sebaste, many boys also celebrate their name days. These are: Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Irakli, Kirill, Leonty, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Sergey, Taras. Raise your hands whose names I mentioned! Children raise their hands and receive from the presenter rag birds made without sewing. 5. Presenter: Now let’s dance, let’s stand in a round dance to Russian folk music! (Round dance with ribbons and handkerchiefs)

6. Game “Larks in Nests” (Props: hoops)

Now we will play the game “Larks in Nests”. Do you know which larks make nests? Larks make nests on the ground, in holes. They are lined with grass, feathers, and horsehair. (the presenter puts hoops of different colors: yellow, green, blue on the floor) - now you will be birds, and these are your nests. Three or four children occupy the hoops. - Remember what color your nest is. When the music starts, the larks fly away from the nest. When the music ends, you need to take your nest. Be careful. 7. Children sit on chairs. Riddles about spring on multimedia for children. Children solve riddles in unison. 8. And now a task for the parents who came to visit us. Let parents guess Russian folk proverbs associated with spring. (On multimedia) 9. But the next task can be done by everyone together: you need to guess the voices of the birds. “The bird rejoices in spring,” people said. It must be said that Russian people have long treated birds with special affection and love. (The voices of a cuckoo, a woodpecker, a nightingale, a lark, and a rook are heard on the multimedia) Children and parents guess. 10. During the holiday, both adults and children went outside and played fun games. Game "Stream" to music. 11. Folk game “Carousel”: Children stand in a circle and, at the leader’s signal, they all say together: “Barely, barely, barely. The carousel spun, And then around, around, Everyone ran, ran, ran.” In accordance with the text, children walk in a circle, first slowly, and then gradually speed up their movements. After the children have run two circles, they gradually switch to walking, saying: Hush, hush, don’t rush! Stop the carousel! One-two, one-two! The game is over! " The movement of the carousel slows down, the children lower their hands; The game is repeated, the children move in a circle in the other direction.

12. In ancient times in Rus' they loved and looked forward to the feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste and prepared for it. At this time, migratory birds were already beginning to return to their homeland. On this day, in every house they made these birds from dough (shows) - larks, and baked them. Those who did not have dough sculpted them from clay, made them from rags and paper. In the old days, people believed that spring comes because birds bring it from distant lands. They gave the children “birds” and said: “When the larks come, bring spring.” Baked larks were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks, and spring was called out with them. Plus, they are very tasty. 13. Treating children and parents with larks.

Presentation on the topic: Riddles about spring for children

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The Magpies holiday is a children's holiday

This is great fun for kids. By celebrating the Magpies holiday in kindergarten in March, teachers give children the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient traditions, get acquainted with Orthodox customs, and take part in inviting spring. During the preparation process, children are told about the holiday and rituals. They learn to make birds from paper and plasticine. Teachers teach children ritual songs, rhymes and sayings, and introduce them to ancient folk games. Children gain knowledge about the history of their country, the traditions of the Russian people, and get acquainted with the names of birds and natural phenomena.

Forty forties in folk tradition

The holiday of Soroki, or Forty Forty, was considered in Rus' the second meeting of spring - between Candlemas and the Annunciation. Magpies was an extremely revered holiday among the people, one of the largest and most important of the year. It symbolized the end of winter and was associated with the spring equinox and the imminent start of field work.

In Rus' they said:

“On Soroka, day and night are measured: winter ends - spring begins.”

One of the symbols of the national holiday was birds returning from overseas. Forty different species were believed to return, but the lark . Birds, and especially larks, were to be honored with a special treat: for this, housewives baked Lenten cookies in the shape of birds ahead of time, usually forty pieces each, in memory of the martyred soldiers. The cookies were called larks in honor of the main heralds of spring.

Larks for the Feast of the 40 Saints

There is a very good tradition of baking dough birds, larks, for the holiday of March 22, which played the main role: to call for spring. So, let's sculpt the birds.

We start making dough for larks on the evening of March 21st, preferably butter dough - we’ll delight the kids, the birds will turn out tasty and very beautiful. You can add raisins and nuts to the dough, the main thing is to make birds with outstretched wings, as if they are flying towards spring, meeting it, and carrying it on their wings to our region. Let's not forget to make the birds' eyes and mouth - let the birds see Spring from afar and call her louder with their chirping. You can make small nests out of dough, and then put our feathered friends in them - we’ll put the baked delicacies on the windowsill so that Spring can see that we’ve been ready to meet her for a long time and hasten to drive away the boring winter.

We invite you to learn how to bake larks for the Feast of the Forty Saints from the video lesson.

We give the finished larks, waders, and other birds that we get to the children, and they should run into the field and call for Spring with joyful cries.

Let's stick some birds, we'll welcome spring, the birds will chirp, we'll call for spring! Spring, beautiful maiden, Hurry to our lands, Tired of the snowstorm, We are just waiting for you! We're tired of the cold, Winter is gone soon, We're releasing the Larks, We're welcoming the Red Spring. The birds are flying, driving away the winter, they don’t want to freeze, they are calling for spring. Come, Spring, make people happy, Hurry Spring to visit us, quickly! The birds are flapping their wings, Spring is calling to us, You are sweeter than winter, more beautiful, People are really waiting!

How to bake Larks

The recipe is simple. Dry yeast 1.5 teaspoons wheat flour, 500 grams of salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2-2.5 tablespoons water, 300 ml. test. Knead the dough tightly, let it rise twice, knead it and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

After the dough has risen, form the buns, grease the top and bake for 30-35 minutes at 190 degrees.

To lubricate, you need to brew strong black tea (bag) in a small cup, dilute 3 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 tablespoon of starch there. Warm it all up in the microwave and you’ll get a sweet tea jelly.

Fortune telling by larks

You can also tell fortunes on this magical Spring holiday - one of the birds can be thoroughly seasoned with salt, and coins can be placed in some of the birds. Whoever gets the “lucky” bird will be rich, well-fed and very satisfied with life. 

Unmarried girls are also not averse to telling fortunes on this holiday: the girl throws the bird over her right shoulder back, and then looks - in which direction the bird pointed with its beak, that’s where her betrothed lives and lives.

In another fortune telling, girls in a group baked larks and waders, then laid out their culinary masterpieces at the doorstep and invited a dog into the house - whose bird the dog sniffs and eats first, that girl will jump out to get married before the rest. In addition, it is believed that this girl will be very happy in her family life, and she will get a handsome, kind, generous and affectionate husband. 

Poems about forty

The collection contains 17 children's poems by Russian and foreign poets about rattling magpies...

Magpie (Efim Tarlapan)

A distressed magpie returns from class. I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay and came home with a bad mark!

Translated from Moldavian by Vladimir Danko

Magpie (E. Berger)

One day a magpie was sitting on a pear tree. A magpie once sat on a pear, A magpie once sat on a pear, solving the magpie's affairs.

And she jumped off once and took off back, And she jumped off twice and took off back, And she jumped off three and took off back, But still she couldn’t solve Forty Magpie’s problems.

Thieving Magpie

The Thieving Magpie flew home, chopped wood, brewed porridge, stirred with a spoon, jumped on the threshold, called the children together.

The children gathered and started eating porridge. The magpie was busy, giving out the porridge: She gave it to this one, she gave it to this one, she gave it to this one, but she didn’t give it to this one.

Why didn’t you chop wood, Why didn’t you carry water, Why didn’t you cook porridge?

Magpie (A. Olenich-Gnenenko)

White-sided Magpie On the way, hop and hop. Already high in the foliage, the white side is barely noticeable.

That's how a stone fell down and grabbed a bone in the grass. So she chirped. This means: a guest is near!

Article on the topic Riddles about the magpie (for children)

Soroka (Mikhas Skrypka)

I am a white-sided magpie, I have become famous far away. I know about everything in the world: Where and whose children are walking.

How the bunny fought with wolves. Who had a terrible dream, How do falcon babies live - Even though I wasn’t there myself.

If only they would shut my mouth - How would the forest people live? After all, in the forest, I will say boldly. Everything would immediately go numb!

Translated from Belarusian by Yuri Korinets

Magpie and Walnut Tree (Mirsaid Mirshakar)

The most generous of all, the most generous of all, is the forest tree - the nut. On it, without any rush, nuts are born.

The kernel of each nut is cleverly hidden in the shell. Amber, fragrant. It tastes a little oily.

The most generous of all, the most generous of all, is the forest tree - the nut. It is white-sided here, planted by a magpie.

One day in early spring, Flying over the thicket of the forest, a magpie opened its beak and dropped a golden nut into the empty cup of the forest in a simple shell.

And soon the rain fell over the thicket of the forest, and a tree grew in it, the crown of a tower, like a tower, a walnut tree.

And one thing is known: That in the spring of the magpie, the white-sided magpie, it was planted.

Translated from Tajik by Y. Kozlovsky

Magpie (Karimize Jane)

Oh, what a lot of hassle, Friends, the magpie has: Find out everything, Where, what, when, why? And tell everyone - Everything is a secret to everyone.

Drawing by Nikolai Popov

Tryntsy - bells, bells!

The white-sided magpie won't eat without a roll. He doesn’t go to sleep without a pillow, he doesn’t get up without sweet honey, he doesn’t walk through the forest. If only she could have everything in rich carriages, if only she could have black horses, if only she could have golden carriages.

Edited by I. Karnaukhova

Don't you need a magpie? (Agniya Barto)

Don't you want a magpie, a magpie without a wing? She lived with us for two terms - she lived for two months.

She was found in June, She was named Dunya. She galloped like a little hare, a magpie on the grass, loved to sit on the girls' heads.

She once stole a spoon from the table. But, after playing a little, I gave it to Andryushka. He was her favorite, Andryusha Chelnokov.

She brought him gifts - worms. We got very used to her, and Dunya kept repeating in a quiet hour like a magpie: “I miss you.”

But autumn, autumn is coming, the leaves in the garden are turning yellow, Volodya the accordion player has already left for the city. And we will leave... Autumn...

But how can we leave Dunya? We've had her for two terms - She lived for two months... You don't need a magpie, A magpie without a wing?

Magpie (Miroslav Valek)

Ah, the magpie never leaves its nest, puts on an expensive brocade outfit slowly, admires the new look and sighs: “It’s good!”

Give us, beautiful magpie, a little look. Ah, the outfit! Well, rich - Forty holes and patches!

Translation from Slovak by Yuri Kushak

What's forty? (Vasil Nitka)

On Sunday all the magpies flew to class, they didn’t even know one of them: Sunday is a day off.

Forty Forty came to class on Monday. And on Tuesday, twenty couples were visible from behind their desks.

Sixty Sorochat came to the kindergarten to eat.

If I go to school, take notebooks. The shirts will return. They sit together for a lesson - How many will there be forty?

Translated from Belarusian by L. Kondrashenko

The Cuckoo and the Magpie (Elena Blaginina)

The cuckoo, sitting on a bough, went about her business: - Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! - Magpie says: - You sing so absurdly, Dullly and monotonously!

If only I could learn from the birds, there are a lot of craftswomen in the forest! - The cuckoo answered her: - You are right, chirpfly, My tune is simple, It does not please the ear! But I still stand on my own and don’t sing from someone else’s voice!

Article on the topic Poems about birds (part 1)

Magpie (Boris Zakhoder)

The magpie flew high. And so the magpie chatters, That sugar is terribly salty, That a falcon cannot cope with a crow, That crayfish grow on oak, That fish walk in fur coats, That apples are blue, That night comes at dawn, That the sea is dry and dry, That the lion is weaker Than a fly, Cows fly better than anyone else, Owls sing better than anyone else, That the ice is hot and hot, That the stove is dog cold, And that no bird can compare with it in truthfulness! The magpie chirps, chirps - No one wants to listen to it: After all, there is no use in what the magpie chatters!

Drawing by Yu. Molokanov

>White-sided magpie (Elena Blaginina)

Like a white-sided magpie, she got up at dawn, got up at dawn, and started cooking.

I applied water. She kneaded the dough, sawed the wood, lit the stove.

And the white-sided magpie flew through the forest, inviting guests to Sorokin’s cooking:

- You little canary birds, fly together, get ready! Today we have a holiday, Noisy fun: The white-sided magpie has a housewarming party in the house.

The crane heard - Came out of the swamp, polished his boots - Set off...

The duck got dressed. She looked into the puddle - How elegant! I went...

Only the old eagle owl was not good at walking: he harnessed the gray bunny to a rattle - he set off...

The hard-working woodpecker didn’t waste any time, He also dressed up and set off...

Driving along the edge of the forest, frogs are hiding. And one was so brave, she grabbed onto the back and drove off!..

How can you celebrate a holiday in kindergarten?

In kindergartens where the Magpies holiday is held, the script includes a story from the presenters about the signs of the coming spring, natural phenomena, and migratory birds. During the story, children become familiar with sayings related to the change of seasons, for example: “In March, the frost is creaking, but not burning,” “Spring is red during the day,” “Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.” The presenters, dressed in folk costumes, tell the children about how they prepared for the holiday in Russian villages: they baked “larks” and taught spring songs.

The children are invited to take part in the invocation of spring themselves. Children dance in a circle, recite rhymes, and sing songs. Elements of Russian festive costume can be used in children's clothing. One of the stages of the holiday is decorating the ritual tree with silk and paper ribbons and flowers.

Children are given dough birds. They are baked in advance in the kitchen or children prepare them at home with their parents. After singing the chant songs, new characters appear - “Spring” and “Sun”. Together with the children, they take part in ritual folk games and dance in circles. During the game, children name the birds they know and solve riddles. Outdoor games involve moving in a circle performing various actions, running, jumping. Among the folk games associated with the traditions of welcoming the arrival of spring, one can name “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Stream”, the round dance game “Sparrow”, “Birdcatcher”. The holiday ends with tea and sweet treats.

The Magpies holiday helps children and their parents not to forget the traditions of their people, awakens interest in Russian folklore, ancient traditions, and gives a good mood.

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