Tell poems with your hands Performed by Ignatenkova T.N. Ignatenkova T.N. teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS 28 “Nadezhda” 2015. - presentation

Memory poems - emphasis in words for schoolchildren

Memorization verses - emphasis in words for schoolchildren
Memorization verses - emphasis in words for schoolchildren:

The beets began to cry, They got wet to the roots: I, guys, am not a beet, I, guys, are not a beet, I, guys, are a beet.

It flew away from the fire and went out quickly - If it’s wrong, then it’s a spark, If it’s true, then it’s a spark!..

So that you can quickly find a book in the library, It contains a card index, a special catalogue.

Get to the turn: Here is the palace, here is the entrance - the gate.

A painter is painting our walls. The shelves are made by table Yar.

How reluctant to work! Drowsiness overcame us.

That same day, the evil queen, expecting good news, secretly took a mirror and asked her question...

land , ask
the Pilot to lower the landing gear.

Before you finish things, you need to start them first.

It’s a pity, everyone, so at least give me a piece of your cupcake.

Here's a bucket, look, people: Here's your garbage chute!

If you have talents, tie a bow for the holiday. If you have no talent, tie some bows for yourself.

I am terribly tired - My newborn brother is not sleeping. He doesn’t close his eyes at night, He wakes us up with a loud cry.

For builders, the machine will bring cement at the moment.

This stone is very strong and quite beautiful. Beat him all day long. The flint will not crack.

Memorizing cases in poetry for schoolchildren

Memorizing cases in poetry for schoolchildren
Memorizing cases in poetry for schoolchildren:

There are six case brothers. There are no more friendly ones in the world. They live in harmony and maintain order. The nominative case is the most important of all. To the questions - who, what, answers The subjects in the sentence happen. And now the genitive case, It is no less significant. No one? What? Worried... And it agrees with the preposition in rhyme. (About, with, for, without, from, from, to, at, around, except, after.) Dative case - good-natured, Everything strives to do like this: Give to whom? Why? Faster - by, to (a) - there are no more friendly prepositions! The accusative case is always admired, I see! What? Whom? Worried, Through, in and on, for, about With the preposition it is easy to agree. The instrumental case says, Be proud of whom? And with what? Decides... Prepositions: between, with and above, for, under With words, protects friendship. The proposal promises you success, About whom? About what? He thinks about everyone. He does not forget his prepositions, At, in, about, about, on - he exclaims loudly.

Chemistry memorabilia in verse for schoolchildren

Chemistry memos in verse for schoolchildren
Chemistry memos in verse for schoolchildren:

Memorable poems on organic chemistry Let us remember, friend, both you and me, How alcohols differ - They contain carbon and hydroxide, And each alcohol burns easily. R means radical. It can be great or small, Ultimate or infinite. But this is a separate conversation. Aldehydes smell pleasant, but the C(H)O group will give them away. Among carboxylic acids, there are a ton of famous “persons”. In acids there are carboxyl groups, but all the acids here are not strong. In ketones, the group is CO, But this is also nothing... Acetone burns beautifully, And it is also a solvent.

The litmus indicator is red - it will clearly indicate the acid! Blue litmus indicator - the alkali is here, don’t stand there gaping! Phenolphthalein in alkali raspberry

Sulfur, sulfur, letter S, 32 - specific gravity. Sulfur burns in the air - we get anhydride. Anhydride plus water - it will be an acid.

Chalcogens are often together, And we don’t ask about any of them - They all live in the sixth entrance of the “Mendeleev House”. We have known them for a long time. “I am a resident of apartment eight. I can light a match, a stove and a fire on a dare. Who gives you all to breathe - Atmospheric oxygen! Who's number sixteen? “I’m ready to confess to you: I see myself on the throne In the eight-atomic crown. I don’t float in the atmosphere, It’s hard for me to live, sulfur!” Red or grey, Light is ready to catch selenium. (An unusual element!) And tellurium arose from darkness, It is a semiconductor. And everyone's manners are exactly like sulfur.

Valence One, two, three, four, five - nitrogen went for a walk. Sodium, potassium, silver and hydrogen have long been monovalent. Copper and mercury stand separately - two, one alternately. We call aluminum, boron and chromium trivalent. And iron, everyone knows, there are always two and three. The remaining elements are mostly divalent.

Ion exchange reactions If gas is released, that’s it; And you get water - that’s two; And the insoluble product precipitates. “There is sediment,” we say. This is the third important point. A chemist will never forget the rules of exchange: As a result, there will certainly be gas or water, A precipitate will form, and then there will be order!

Speak correctly - orthoepic memory poems for schoolchildren

Speak correctly - spelling poems for schoolchildren
Speak correctly - spelling poems for schoolchildren:

We ate cakes for a long time - the shorts didn’t fit!

The bell rings, The bell rings,

So that you can remember correctly. Thekla is red, like a beet! or Baba Fekla is in the garden, she has beets in her garden!

They cut down the spruce and picked the sorrel.

Don't say catalogue, just catalogue. What about cottage cheese? You can have cottage cheese, or you can have cottage cheese!

Like our Martha, she has striped scarves!

Since the morning there have been arguments over the keys in the communal apartment. Forget the squabbles, buy keychains!

Phenomenon calls on Wednesdays. Having accepted the agreement for years, He gave the airport petition to the escort experts.

The dancer and dancer love to pamper their children. Set the dishes on the kitchen table and let the kittens dance.

The driver and I set off through the mud and, skidding for a long time in the mud, broke through to the communications department - the printer sent us blinds.

Those who are friends with the rules are firmly convinced: We really need porcelain, but we don’t need porcelain.

You can't say alphabet, but you can say alphabet - Whoever says alphabet - says it incorrectly.

When we are flying in a car at full speed, it is not the driver who is driving us, but the driver who is driving us.

And now let it not be a secret for the guys that there are not statues in the park, but statues standing.

And if you come to the theater, for example, they won’t let you into the stalls, come to the stalls.

My know-nothing neighbor is moaning, his phone is not ringing. The cunning device is silent, Waiting for someone to call. To the green light

Bear, You don’t go, And don’t go, And don’t ever go - GO! Remember? - Yes!

Memory poems in the Russian language for schoolchildren

Memory poems in the Russian language for schoolchildren
Memory poems in the Russian language for schoolchildren:

Capital letter spelling. Rivers, mountains and plains, Names, surnames, valleys, Nicknames of all animals, Middle names of people - All with a capital letter, You write quickly.

Spelling vowels after sibilants. We know for sure that zhi - shi We write only with the vowel i, And in words where cha and shcha We write only with a. Where will we meet chu-schu? Then we will write it with the letter y.

What is declination? I quickly change the word, I write it according to cases. I call this declension. We need to remember this.

Spelling is not with verbs. Every schoolchild knows this - he avoids verbs. Don’t forget, friends, you can’t write them all together!

Three declensions of nouns. I am called a noun, I am divided into three declension: 1st declension - with the ending - A and Z - Gender feminine and masculine, friends. 2nd declension - masculine gender without ending, And neuter gender - O - E - smooth sound. 3rd declension - feminine with b at the end of all words Remember - this is a rule for all students!

Memory poems in German for beginners

Memory poems in German for beginners
Memory poems in German for beginners:

Physical education minute-memory

Kleine Zwerge, jung und alt, gehen in den gro?en Wald. tanzen, singen, turnen hier, stehen Kopf, spielen Klavier, springen, heulen, rufen: "Schreck!" lachen und schnell laufen weg.

Rhymes - greetings - Guten Tag, Kinder! - Guten Tag, wir sind die Kinder die gut deutsche Lieder singen! — Singen Lieder? Freut mich sehr! konnt ihr doch vielleicht noch mehr? - Sprechen, lesen, malen, schreiben, zahlen, rechnen, flei?ig bleiben! - Ihr seid brav! Nun wir beginnen. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen immer!

The first acquaintance with grammar is the conjugation of the verb sein Ich bin gro?, du bist klein, du bist so nicht allein. er ist klein, sie ist klein, sie sind klein, aber fein! Ihr seid lustig. Was it lost? Wir sind gro?, wir sind gro?!

Food products Torte, Kuchen, Limonade, Kasebrote, Schokolade, Cola, Eis, 1 Liter Saft, alles hab?ich schon geschafft und dazu 3 Tassen Tee. Oh, mein Bauch tut schon weh!

Free time Ich fahre gern Fahrrad, ich sehe gern fern, ich spiele gern Fu?

Memory poems for children about the alphabet

Memory poems for children about the alphabet
Memory poems for children about the alphabet:

Hello little friend! Sit down and listen to my poem.

In order to quickly become an adult, you must be able to read, so as not to be a Dunno, you need to learn the alphabet:

A, Be, Ve, Ge, De, E, Yo, - How is your health, friend? Zhe, Ze, I, And short - oh, sweet jam!

Ka, El, EM, EN, O and Pe are traveling on the train, in the compartment, With them are ER, ES, Te and U, The locomotive whistles to them: Oooh!

eF, Ha, Tse, Che, Sha and Shcha are catching bream in the lake. Solid sign - such a weirdo! I ate all the rolls on an empty stomach.

There are two “Y”s in the word “fish” and one in the word “we”. There is a soft sign in the word “know” and in the words “read” and “write”.

E, Yu, Ya, E, Yu, Ya - Literally a cheerful family. Together - a whole alphabet, It stores the letters within itself.

There are as many as thirty-three letters in it, Memorize them all, look! If you put the letters together, there will be a syllable so that you can read it.

Behind the syllables and words - All science is not new, But if you start reading the Primer, you can soon become a Znayka.

You will learn a lot of words. Well, study and be healthy!

You can find a large selection of poems about letters at the link.

English memory poems for schoolchildren

English memory poems for schoolchildren
English memory poems for schoolchildren:

Near the forest there is a wonderful house. Baby Mouse lives in it. Mouse loves to read books. And it’s sweet to sleep on the sofa. Sweeps cleanly flat. Cooking apple for lunch. You need to visit Grandmother. The old lady will be happy. She looks out the window. A cat sits near the house. Cat's claws are sharp. Waiting for prey for lunch. The door opened. A scary Dog runs out onto the threshold. Help! Ah ah ah! And he answered: “Good buy!” Dog is scarier than a shark. So Mouse Cat "cheated".

Morning. I need to get up. Kitchen-garden to water. I watered the tomatoes and picked carrots from the garden bed. Flowers carries a bouquet, Cat sees near the house. -Mouse, how do you do! I'll come to you now. Mouse sees: things are bad, Basket is placed on the enemy. Hit an apple tree. Fruits on top: one, two, three. Well, now I'll eat you. “No, Cat,” answered Ram.

Winter has come, covering everything with white snow. It's good to skate. And they will rush down the mountain on the sledge. Mouse puts on his skis, But a surprise awaits behind the tree. Mouse is racing faster and faster. Cat, like wind, flies after her. Oh, yes, this is a springboard. Cat rolled alone. Turned into a snowball, Once again the whole thing is upside down. The guys have play today. And Cat is having a hard day.

The sun is yellow, the sky is blue. I really like to look into colored glass, glass, closing my left eye. The sky is purple, the sun is red. Guess what color the magic glass is, since the birch was pink?

To collect brushwood for the stove I went to the forest, forest, I didn’t take a gun or bullets - I’m not afraid of the wolf, wolf. I won't be at all afraid if I meet a bear, bear. If I want, I’ll grab the Red Fox by the tail, fox. Only that I’m not a coward, The neighbor’s goose forgot. He stood menacingly in the way. How can I get into the forest now?

Memory poems for preschool children

Memory poems for preschool children
Memory poems for preschool children:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - The crucian carp have arrived. Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do - That means they have a nest here!

Olya painted the maple leaves red, orange, yellow, green. And Seryozha advised coloring it in blue, indigo and violet.

The rain stopped, and a seven-colored tail flashed over the house of the Rainbow Bird: Red, orange, yellow, green, Blue, indigo and violet.

On his hand, the boy Petya found five fingers: Little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb.

The grasshopper looked out the window , Night, morning, day and evening, Then he went to bed, After all, it was night again.

The planet flies in a circle And sings itself, Winter, spring, summer, Autumn and winter again.

The full list of oceans includes: Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and the Arctic Ocean entrusted to us.

Memory poems for children about the months of the year

Memory poems for children about the months of the year
Memory poems for children about the months of the year:

Twelve months a year They play leapfrog. January loves sledding. February loves to throw snowballs. And March really likes to launch ships. April removes all the snow from the ground. And May dresses the trees with foliage. June - he brings strawberries with him. July loves to bathe children. And August loves to pick mushrooms. September will paint the leaves different colors. October is pouring rain like a barrel. November covers the lakes with ice. December draws patterns on the windows. And with December the year ends, He brings a Christmas tree to the children as a gift.

Remember the Winter calendar - December, January, February. Behind them are March, April and May - Spring has come, take off your coat! June, July and August – summer! Autumn runs with a briefcase: September, October, November will pass, And then winter again - December!

Eternally following each other The months go in a circle: In January and February Snow lies all over the earth, In March and April The sound of drops is heard, As the snow and ice melt, May will come to us with flowers, But in June and July It will become hot as in a saucepan. And in August and September we will reap the harvest. In October and November, the forest beast will fall asleep in a hole, and when December passes, there will be a holiday - the New Year! Let's buy a new calendar and January will come again!

JANUARY walked through the snowdrifts, the king of all winter frosts! FEBRUARY caught up with him - I lost my shawl from the blizzard. MARCH came running to replace him, The sound rang: Spring, to the start! APRIL sailed along the streams, He carried drops in his pocket. MAY rustled the leaves: - Take off your warm jacket! The dandelion carried JUNE. Do you want a miracle? Just blow! And in July, and in JULY We had a rest at the sea!

AUGUST buzzed with bees and sat like a mushroom in the forest. IN golden SEPTEMBER We forgot about the heat! The wind blew OCTOBER, Let's pick up yellow leaves! NOVEMBER froze us, Throwing the first snow on the ground. DECEMBER is coming to us, Completing a long year!

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