Summary of a lesson on speech development Journey through fairy tales

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey through fairy tales” in the middle group

Irina Duklis

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey through fairy tales” in the middle group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group Journey through Fairy Tales

Goal: Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk tales - names , characters, their dialogues, sequence in fairy tales .

• Learn to recognize Russian folk tales ;

Develop memory , attention, logic.

Develop speech activity through the use of small folklore forms, develop interest in artistic expression and children's pictures.

• Develop a positive attitude toward participation in the lesson , friendly relationships, and cooperation skills.

• Foster mutual assistance, friendliness, caring attitude towards animals, love for loved ones and nature.

Methodological techniques: surprise moment, conversation, answers to questions, game, encouragement.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales , looking at illustrations, playing games based on fairy tales , guessing riddles.

Equipment and materials: pictures with illustrations, selection of riddles, selection of objects from fairy tales , chest, bun, letter, stickers, bell

ECD for speech development in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Yulia Melikhova

ECD for speech development in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

GCD in the educational field "Communication" in the middle group

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic : Journey to the land of fairy tales


Educational field "Communication"


Integration: "Socialization"

(expanding horizons,
“Reading fiction”

Goals and objectives: development of free communication with adults and children, the ability to play up the depicted image; development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech , pronunciation side of speech , coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms). To contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the diversity of characters in fairy tales , their characteristics and appearance, to expand children's vocabulary, to expand general speech skills using elements of theatrical activities. Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions, develop listening skills . Cultivate interest and love for fairy tales , instill a desire to learn to read and communicate with books.

Preliminary work: reading your favorite fairy tales , followed by discussion, retelling and dramatization of individual parts; viewing illustrations ; watching cartoons based on fairy tales ; listening to songs from fairy tales ; drawing heroes and plots of fairy tales .

Materials: illustrations of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters , soft toys - heroes of fairy tales , "flying carpet"

, masks-caps of
fairy tale , decorations based on fairy tales , musical accompaniment.
— Guys, look how many guests we have, let’s wish them health and say “Hello!”

- Guys, do you like fairy tales ? Let us go to the land of fairy tales , but the trouble is, you can’t get there on foot, and you can’t get there by car, how can we get there?

— What means of transportation are there in fairy tales ?

(Children's answers: stove, mortar, walking boots, broom, flying carpet).

“We’ll fly on a magic carpet.” Come in, make yourself comfortable , let's hold hands and say the magic words: “One, two, three, our carpet fly!”

(children with a teacher make a circle on the carpet, then, making a sound o-oo-oo, squeeze the circle and release their hands).

- Look how wonderful and beautiful it is here. The first clearing "Zagadkino"


many fairy tales in the world ,

Children love these fairy tales,

And that's how they know them,

We'll find out from them now.

I have questions

Answer the questions, tell us fairy tales .

1. Oh, you, Petya-simplicity, made a little mistake,

I didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window. (Cat, rooster and fox)

2. Someone is walking through the forest, carrying a box behind his back.

The pies smell delicious, what kind of fairy tale is this before you ? (Masha and the Bear)

3. White collar of the robe, bandage in his hands and cotton wool.

He treats small children, treats birds and animals.

The good doctor looks through his glasses (Aibolit)

4. The hero lives in a fairy tale : he is not a hedgehog or a cat,

He jumped from his grandmother's window straight onto the path,

He rolled, ran, and got on the fox’s tongue! (Kolobok)

5. They planted it in the garden, fertilized it, watered it,

All the animals were called to pull her into the garden!

She has grown big! What is your name, tell me yourself? (Turnip

- Well done guys, you learned all the fairy tales and answered correctly. We flew on, held hands and said: “One, two, three, our carpet fly!”

- We arrived, how beautiful! In a fairy tale we are among miracles !

What a wonder this clearing is! And around us there is only forest!

Second clearing "Ugadaykino"


Oh, guys, look at the magic chest, and for it to open you need to say the magic words: “ Fairy tale , fairy tale , appear!” Fairy tale , fairy tale , tell me!”

— Tell me, guys, what kind of fairy tale , an author’s or a folk one? (children’s answers, ask the children original and folk tales

- Come on, you and I will stage it.

(A re-enactment game is carried out with children wearing hero hats)

(We return to the garden with the same words on the carpet)


- Well done, let’s remember once again who writes fairy tales , what kind of fairy tales there are .

(Throughout the entire lesson, focus children’s attention on complete answers).

- The heroes of fairy tales left gifts for you (take out coloring books from the magic chest, be sure to ask what fairy tale , who the author is)

- Let's say goodbye to our guests, goodbye!

The purpose of this educational activity was the following: to cultivate children's love for fairy tales , which embody the traditions of Russian folk art. To achieve this goal, I set several important tasks that were successfully solved. The children learned the concepts of original and folk tales , they took part in all tasks with pleasure. During this educational activity, a favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere was created for communication between the teacher and children. It should be noted that not all children have mastered these concepts well, so in the future I have outlined the task of consolidating this knowledge in individual activities, as well as continuing to develop a subject-based development environment to improve speech development , replenish vocabulary and form a holistic picture of the world.

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” (second junior group) Synopsis of an integrated lesson on speech development “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” (second junior group) Objectives: 1. Consolidate knowledge.

Summary of educational activities on speech development in the junior group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” Purpose: To remind children of the content of fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”. Objectives: Educational: teach children to perceive images on.

Notes on knowledge in the middle group “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Notes on knowledge in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Prepared by: teacher of the 5th middle group Nanieva Alena Sulikoevna.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” MBOU “Gymnasium No. 2” Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic: “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” Completed by the teacher of preschool No. 16 2 juniors.

Musical entertainment in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” Goals and objectives: To continue to cultivate in children a love of music, a desire to listen to it, enrich musical impressions, and develop creativity.

ECD for older children on speech development “Journey to the land of fairy tales!” Open lesson on speech development in the senior group “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Topic: “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Integration of OO: Cognition.

Outline of a lesson on speech development in the senior group: “Journey to the land of fairy tales.” Summary of direct educational activities with children 1. General characteristics of the lesson Topic: “Journey to the land of fairy tales.” Age:.

Lesson on speech development in the senior group Topic: “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Goal: To develop in children the ability to meaningfully work on their own pronunciation. Objectives: 1. Didactic: • teach children with the help.


Summary of educational activities for the development of coherent speech in children of the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Elena Krivoshta

Summary of educational activities for the development of coherent speech in children of the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Abstract of GCD communication (
development of coherent speech ) middle group
Journey to the land of fairy tales .

Program tasks: Teach correctly, construct an answer to the question posed by the teacher, answer in a complete sentence. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech , train children in clear pronunciation of sounds. Develop cognitive activity, enrich vocabulary. Practice forming the names of babies in singular and plural. Create a desire to actively participate in the general conversation.

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