Lesson summary for the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

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Goal: Consolidating and expanding children's knowledge about
K.'s fairy tales .
Chukovsky. Objectives: Educational: Teach children to emotionally and actively perceive the works of K.I.... Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “In the world of fairy tales” Goal: to continue to introduce children to fairy tales as one of the genres of folk art; continue to introduce children to the names of colors; consolidate acquired knowledge about insects Objectives: Educational: clarify and expand children's knowledge about fairy tales ; about the names of flowers; secure...

Lesson in the middle group “Journey to the world of fairy tales”

  • December 15, 2011

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2011”
Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

The kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works and, on this basis, solves a whole complex of interrelated problems of moral, mental, and aesthetic education. In accordance with the “Program,” I introduce children to a large number of works of children’s fiction.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Learn to recognize Russian folk tales;
  2. Consolidate knowledge about fairy tales;
  3. Develop constructive skills, fine motor skills, memory, and work according to diagrams.

Material : Cut picture of a fairy tale; envelopes, diagrams of birds, construction set: Lego “Soft”, “hollow”; a.u. recording music for class; letters from the Forest Fairy; built trees, house.

Preliminary work : Reading fiction, working on diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, today we are going on a journey through fairy tales. In order to go on a journey, you need to close your eyes and say:

“One, two, three, four, five, Here we are again in fairy tales!”

(Children pronounce words, music sounds).

Teacher: This is a fairy-tale forest, everything in it is unusual. Guys, what fairy tales do you know in which the heroes end up in the forest?

Children: Masha and the Bear, Geese and Swans...

Teacher: Well done! you know a lot of fairy tales. Well, now let's go along the path. Look at the blockage on the path. In order to go further you need to build a fairy gate. (LEGO Soft)

Teacher: Guys, look, there is an envelope here! Let's read it.

“Hello little travelers! I am the Forest Fairy! I have prepared various tasks for you. For each task you will receive a card and at the end of the journey you need to connect all the pictures together and guess my favorite fairy tale. For the first task, take the first card."

Teacher (takes out a card from the envelope): Guys, here is the second problem from the Forest Fairy. You need to guess which fairy tales he mixed up. Please listen to a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman, a daughter and a little son. They had neither a cow, nor a pig, nor any livestock - only a goat - Dereza. Goat, black eyes. Grandfather loved this goat very much. He asked everyone to graze. One day the parents said to their daughter: daughter, we’ll go to the city, take care of your brother! Be a good girl. The father and mother left, and the daughter sat her brother down on the grass and went for a walk with the goat, Dereza. The ambassador, the ambassador, and drove home. Look, my brother is gone. The geese and swans have carried away a long time ago. The girl ran after her brother. I found it in Baba Yaga's house. She grabbed it and brought it home. Soon the parents arrived.

Teacher: Guys, what fairy tales did the Forest Fairy mix up? Name them.

Children: Geese-swans, Goat dereza.

Teacher: You completed this task and receive a second card. Well, what went next? (sounds of birds)

Oh, how fresh the air is in the forest, how beautifully the birds sing. Guys, what birds do you know? (crow, woodpecker, nightingale...)

Guys, here is another envelope with diagrams of birds. We need to build birds. (Lego hollow)

That's how many birds we've built, let's put them on trees. For this task you receive a third card.

Now, let's rest a little.


Little birds fly through the forest, (we wave our arms like birds) They sing songs A violent wind has blown (we wave our hands above our heads) I wanted to carry away the birds The birds hid in a hollow (sit down, hide your head with your hands) It’s cozy and warm there. (2 times)

Teacher: Guys, let's move on. Here we come to the forest house! In which fairy tales do the heroes end up in houses or huts in the forest? (Three Bears; Bast Hut)

Let's go into the hut! Oh what a mess this is. Let's clean up. Let's sort the constructor by color.

(Game "Vacuum Cleaner").

Teacher: Guys, look at the letter again!

Guys, you are great! All my tasks were completed, everything was put in its place! Take the last card and collect the picture.

Teacher: Guys, collect a picture and tell me which fairy tale is the Forest Fairy’s favorite fairy tale.

Children: Zayushkina's hut.

Teacher: That's right, well done. We have completed all the tasks for you. It's time to return from the fairy tale, to do this you need to close your eyes again and say the magic words:

“Fairy tale, close the doors! Let us go to kindergarten!”

(children pronounce words, music stops playing)

Teacher: Here we are again in kindergarten. Our journey is over. Which task of the Forest Fairy did you like best?

Author: Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Feshina, additional education teacher of the 2nd qualification category, State Educational Institution d/s No. 135, Moscow, work experience 6 years. About myself: I love children, my work, animals, theater. I actively participate in competitions, master classes, festivals, and write fairy tales for children.

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