Lesson summary on the topic: “Gifts of Autumn” in the senior group lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Lesson in the senior group of the kindergarten “Gifts of Autumn”

D) name everything that is necessary for the growth of vegetables and fruits - sun, water.

Find words about which you can say he - she - it;

E) now we will turn into little chefs and make juice by name:

Apple - apple

Tomato - tomato

Carrot - carrot

Apple and carrot - apple - carrot

Grapes - grape

Plum - plum

G) let's cook borscht - name everything you need to prepare borscht.

H) Let's make soup - a similar task.

Well done guys, you know how to cook deliciously.

Exercise "The fifth odd one"

(select an extra one from a group of items)

Look carefully at the first row and tell me what is superfluous in it, why?

Game "What's Missing"

Name everything you see in the fourth row. Close your eyes, open them and tell me what is missing? Well done guys, you know how to play well.

Name a word that begins with a vowel sound;

Name a word that begins with the sound k, m, b, etc.

Come up with a story based on reference pictures - the sun, a tree, an apple, canned food.

Sunshine, water, vegetable garden, cucumber tomato.

Exercise “Quickly name the color”

Show pictures, and children quickly name its color (for example, green cabbage, etc.)

Exercise “Say kindly”

Apple - apple;

Cucumber - cucumber;


Well done on how much you know about the gifts of autumn. Remind me where all the fruits and vegetables grow? You and I also have a vegetable garden in our garden. Let's tell you what grew on it.


(Children stand in a circle, say pure words, accompanying with movements)

Od-od-od - we have a nice vegetable garden, (they move their arms around themselves)

Uk-uk-uk - onions grew in the garden, (they show with their left hand)

Ov-ov-ov- and the beautiful carrot, (showed with the right hand)

Ol-ol-ol - and delicious beans, (pat themselves on the tummy)

Ta-ta-ta - and thick cabbage. (imitate something thick with their hands)

Children, what do people do when they reap a bountiful harvest? Yes, that’s right, they preserve it, and they also store it in basements and barns. Let us also put vegetables and fruits on shelves in the basement. Are you kids ready for something like this? Well then, sit down at the tables. Attention!

(Children sit at tables where a didactic frame is placed in front of them, that is, a playing field lined into squares and a set of subject pictures)

Educator: We have a large warehouse, and there are many shelves in it. Let's store carrots on shelf number 1. Place potatoes on shelf number 5. Let's return to the shelf where we put the carrots, go down 2 shelves from it and leave the cabbage on this shelf for storage. Place an apple to the right of the cabbage. Let's put a pear on the third shelf. Place beets between carrots and pears. Let's go back to the shelf where we put the potatoes, go down three shelves from it and turn left onto one shelf and put the onion.

Program content: Deepen children's understanding of seasonal changes in plant life; Clarify the idea that autumn is the time to harvest vegetables and fruits; Concretize children's ideas about the autumn colors of trees and shrubs; Develop correct sound pronunciation;

Enrich children's speech with new words; Develop aesthetic feelings; Preliminary work: Learning poems about autumn, painting wormwood branches in different colors, collecting autumn leaves. Activation of the dictionary: Harvest, September, October. Enrichment of the dictionary: Halt, red-faced.

Progress of the lesson

Children are included in the group. The group is decorated with autumn leaves, a model of a vegetable garden is made, and the rest stops by name are decorated accordingly. Educator: Guys, look what kind of group we have today? (children's answers). And when you walk down the street to the kindergarten, what trees do you come across? (Children's answers: red, yellow, without leaves). What made nature so beautiful? (Children answer that it is autumn). What's autumn like? (golden, yellow, multi-colored). Children, who knows poems about autumn? In August the leaves begin to turn yellow and continue to turn yellow in September. And in October they all fall off. It’s sad and boring without them in October. If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring, This time of year is called autumn. Autumn is walking in our park, Autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads for rowan, Pink apron for aspen, Yellow umbrella for poplars, Autumn gives us fruits. Educator: Guys, what do you think autumn can please us with? (Children's answers: vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries). Educator: Now we will go to visit the Scarecrow - Ogorodny. (We approach the “vegetable garden” model. There is a stuffed Scarecrow in the garden.) How many of you know who he is and why they call him that? Educator: Hello autumn, hello autumn It’s good that you came. We’ll ask you, autumn, what you brought as a gift. Guys, what is growing in the garden? What are the names of carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage in one word? (Children must say that these are vegetables). What are the names of apples, pears, plums in one word? (children answer that these are fruits). Guys, Scarecrow asks, do we like to solve riddles? A beautiful maiden sits in prison, And a scythe is on the street (carrot) In the middle of the yard there is a golden head (sunflower) He doesn’t offend anyone And whoever undresses sheds tears (onion) Both green and thick A bush has grown in the garden bed. Dig a little: under the bush...(potatoes). Educator: Guys, look, someone dug up the potatoes and scattered them. Let's help Scarecrow collect potatoes and count. Game "Potato". (Children collect potatoes and count how many they collected.) Scarecrow really liked how we quickly assembled and counted correctly. He wants to play with us some more. Game "Soup, compote". There are models of vegetables and fruits on the tables. We need to collect vegetables for soup in one pile, fruits for compote in another pile. Educator: Well done, you completed this task and the Scarecrow wants to treat us. But first, solve the riddle. I’ll take a round, ruddy one from the tree. I’ll put it on a plate, “Eat it, mommy,” and I’ll say (apple). Children taste the apple and give answers to the questions: What does an apple taste like (sweet, sour)? How does the apple feel to the touch (hard, soft)? What color is the apple (red, green)? Let's thank the Scarecrow for the treat and go to visit the old man Leaflet. Guys, our Leaflet is a little sad. While he was coming to visit us and carrying a chest with a surprise for us, he lost the key. But if you and I complete all the tasks correctly, then the key will definitely be found. And now we are going on our journey. Educator: Guys, if you and I have been walking through the forest for a long time and are tired. We want to relax, what is the name of this stop? (If the children cannot remember the word halt, then the teacher reminds and explains the meaning of this word).. And here is our first halt and it is called “Deciduous.” What is leaf fall? (Children's answers). And now you and I will turn into leaves and slowly spin around and fall to the ground with a quiet rustle. Physical exercise "Leaves". The leaves are falling, spinning and falling to the ground with a quiet rustle. (Children slowly spin and squat smoothly. At the same time, they make a quiet sound sh-sh-sh). What trees do you know? What trees grow on our site in the kindergarten? (We paid attention to the trees on the site during our walks). And now Leaflet wants to tell us riddles. She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round (spruce). In a white sundress she stood in a clearing (birch tree). Autumn has come to our garden and lit the red torch. Here blackbirds and waxwings scurry about and, noisily, peck at him (berries from the mountain ash). . Guys, what kind of plant is this? What color are the branches of this shrub? (In the group a bush was made from redwood branches). This plant is called krasnotal. And the name comes from two words “red” and “talnik”. People use krasnotal branches for household needs. They make brooms and weave fences from branches. We got acquainted with a new bush and now it’s time for us to move on. We continue our journey and here is the second halt and it is called “Yagodny”. Name what berries do you know? What tree on our site is covered in berries in the fall? (We pay attention to the rowan tree while walking). Who eats rowan berries? (Children answer that these are birds). What happens to the birds in the fall? Which birds fly away and which stay for the winter? Let's play the game "The birds have flown away." (The teacher reads lines from the quatrain, and the children clap if other animals are named). The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits and hedgehogs (clap on the word hedgehogs). The birds flew away. Storks, cuckoos and mosquitoes (clap on the word mosquitoes). Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to go. The leaflet calls us further. And now the third stop is called “Mushroom”. Guess the riddle. Stands by the path On one leg (mushroom) Adults and children know, There are no mushrooms more friendly than these. They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms). I went into a pine forest and found a slug. It looks beautiful, if you touch it, it’s damp (oil can). Educator: Look, what mushrooms grow in our clearing? (In the clearing there are dummies of mushrooms: chanterelles, boletus, milk mushrooms and fly agarics).. What kind of mushrooms are there? (If the children find it difficult to answer, then the teacher leads the children with leading questions to what they will call, that there are edible and inedible, that is, poisonous mushrooms). Guys, if you and I are picking mushrooms, then we need to be very careful and if some mushroom is not known to us, then it is better not to take it in order to avoid troubles. And now we will play the game “Edible and Inedible”. (The children collect mushrooms, and the teacher makes sure that the children do not put poisonous mushrooms in the basket). Guys, our journey has come to an end. We completed all the tasks, answered all the questions, but what about our chest? How can we open it? Let's look around carefully, maybe we will find our key. (Children are looking for the key.. A bright thread is tied to the key and the children can easily find the key). Guys, now we will open Leaflet’s chest and find out what surprise awaits us. (In the chest there are small bouquets of autumn leaves, which were collected during walks around the site, and from wormwood branches, which were previously painted with gouache). Guys, look what wonderful bouquets Leaflet has prepared for us. After all, beautiful autumn leaves are also gifts of autumn. And now it’s time to say goodbye to Leaflet and sit down at the tables, where you and I will collect small bouquets that we will give to our mothers. (Children sit at tables on which leaves and branches of wormwood are laid out. Using beautiful laces, children tie bouquets. In the evening, children willingly give these bouquets to their relatives).

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