Synopsis of an educational and gaming lesson for children of the senior group “Chest of Folk Games”

Leisure in kindergarten for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions. Journey into the world of Russian folk games

Leisure time for children of middle preschool age “Journey into the world of Russian folk games”
Objectives: 1. To arouse children’s interest in Russian folk games and the desire to play them. 2. Practice performing basic types of movements through game tasks. 3. Bring joy to children. 4. Develop the ability to act in a team and follow the rules in games. Equipment: Baba Yaga costume, broom, 4 hemp, 4 buckets, bag, bag of sand on a rope, pine cones, Russian scarf, soft toy cat, gifts for children.
Leisure activities
(children enter the hall to the music) Presenter: Guys, I invite you to go to the land of Russian folk games! Playerross we are starting We wish everyone good health! Take part quickly! Yes, call your friends! It's time for us all to hit the road! The game is calling us to visit! (Baba Yaga comes out to the music) Presenter: Hello Grandma Yaga! How did you get here? Yaga: It’s no coincidence that I dropped by today, friends, I collected a lot of Games and brought them in a bag! Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, what is your favorite game? Yaga: From all sports life, I love hockey! I would like a stick and a goal - I would love to score the puck! And I also love, friends, to dance until the morning! Presenter: And our guys also love to dance! Yaga: Can you dance? I'll check it now! Get ready to dance! (children stand scattered on the carpet) Musical and rhythmic composition “Two cheerful geese” A Russian folk song sounds. “Geese are dancing”
– o.s., hands on the belt. 1-half squat with torso turned to the left, shoulders up; 2- i.p.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. “Paws show” I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. 1st left leg to the side on the heel; 2-I.P.; 3-4 - the same. “Peeking out” IP - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-tilt to the left; 2-ip.; 3-4 to the right “One is gray, the other is white” I.p. -o.s., hands on the belt. 1- half squatting on the right leg, turning the body to the left, left leg to the side on the heel, arms forward downwards, palms up.; 2-ip.; 3-4 in the other direction “Geese hiss” I.p. - on toes, arms down to the sides. 1-16 - walking in place with a turn, alternately straightening and bending your hands. Rise higher on your toes. “Goose step” I.p.: squat, hands on knees. 1-16-walking in a squat with a turn. “Washing their paws” I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-tilt towards the right leg, stroke the side with the right hand; 2-ip.; 3-4 in the other direction. “Wash cleaner” I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-tilt towards the right leg, stroke the foot with the right hand; 2-spring tilt, stroke the foot with the back of the hand; 3-spring tilt, stroke the foot with a brush; 4-p.; 5-8 in the other direction “Hid in a ditch” I.p. — o.s., hands on the belt. 1-2-emphasis-squatting; 3-4 stand, legs apart, clap hands above head. “We are looking for geese, grandmother” I.p. -legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-turn the body to the left, left hand to the forehead; 2-ip.; 3-4 to the right “Grandma is upset” I.p. -legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-tilt to the left; 2-ip.; 3-4 to the right. “Grandma got angry” I.p. -legs apart. hands on the belt. 1-bend, clap hands on knees; 2-p. “The geese bow” I.p. -legs apart, arms to the sides, downwards. 1-2-tilt, bending towards the left leg, arms back; 3-4-straightening up, two hands claps on the thighs “Hug grandma” I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-2-turn the body to the left, arms to the sides, palms forward; 3-4-p., hug yourself by the shoulder blades. (Baba Yaga shows movements) Presenter: Baba Yaga, we read in books that your broom has magical powers! Yaga: Of course! Otherwise, how would I have gotten to you, so far away? (Baba Yaga holds the broom, and it seems to be torn out of her hands) Broom, stop! I'm sorry, what? (listens to the broom) Do you want to play with the guys? Let's try ! Game “Flying on a Broom” Children stand behind Baba Yaga, hold each other by the shoulders, walk to the music, in a straight line and “snake” around the stumps. At the command “stop,” the children crouch, and Baba Yaga catches those who have not crouched. Yaga: Oh, my little broom, how I love you! A new game is waiting for you - have fun kids! Game “The broom is worried - once ..” (“forest figure freeze in place” - fox, bear, mouse, hare) Yaga: Let's have a hare race! Game task “Hare racing” Children line up in one line opposite the “stumps” Task: after the words one, two, three - don’t yawn! The hare race begins! Children jump on two legs up to the stump, the one who jumps first wins. Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, I see you are tired, right? Yaga: Yes, I’m a little tired! Let me open my bag, who is it? My cat! (Baba Yaga takes out a cat toy) Sit on the mat, the cat will play with you! Game “The cat is shaking the strings” Formation in a circle, sitting cross-legged. The cat is shaking the threads, winding them around the ball. “winding the strings” The cat is winding the strings, winding them around the ball! Rolls, rolls, bakes rolls! “turn our fists” Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts! 4 clap your hands Rolls, rolls, rolls bakes! Same donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts! Views, views, views! “rotate our fists” I pound the beaters with my fists and clap them on my knees I nail them! I'm hammering my fists against each other! Palms tapping on the floor And now let’s play my Vaska’s favorite game “Mice and the Cat” (P.: 2 TIMES) Yaga: Where is my bag, give me it! Help grandma! (addresses the child) (Baba Yaga takes a fish out of the bag) I love fish very much, I cook fish soup from it! Do you know how to catch fish? Game “Fishermen and Fishes” Two children are fishermen, the rest are fish. -Hey you, sprats and bulls! -What do you want, fishermen? -We’ll catch you now and salt you in barrels. -And we’ll find a hole and we’ll swim away from you! Children "fishermen" hold each other's hands, children "fish" run "through the nets." Children caught by fishermen become fish. And now I will be a fisherman, and you are all fish. This is my fishing rod (show). I will move it around in a circle, and you must jump without stepping on the float. Whoever the float touched was caught and needs to leave the circle (GAME “Fishing Rod”) Yaga: They are famous fishermen, but in order to cook my fish soup, I need to light the stove! Game-competition “Who can collect the cones the fastest?” 4 children come out. They stand near their hoop. Each child has cones in the hoop and a bucket in their hands. On command: 1-2-3-quickly collect the cones - the children collect the cones into buckets and bring the bucket to Baba Yaga. Yaga: Oh, thank you guys! Friends helped Yaga! And in my magic bag a new game is waiting for you (Baba Yaga takes a scarf from the bag). Game “Guess who is hiding under the scarf” (Children move to the music. When the music stops, everyone squats down and closes their eyes, Baba Yaga covers someone with a scarf. Children, on command, open their eyes and guess the child hidden under a large scarf. Repeat until 3 times) Yaga: Baba Yaga was coming from across the sea, Carrying a body of health, Little by little for this and that, And the whole body for Vanyushka. Yaga: Well, thank you, friends! I had a lot of fun playing! I promise, from now on I won’t catch children everywhere. I’ll be a kind old lady - good-natured and obedient, I’ll play sports and douse myself with water, And in my native forest I’ll introduce a new position: I’ll be a storyteller of fairy tales, the keeper of our forest! (Baba Yaga gives gifts to children) It’s time for me to say goodbye! Heat the stove, cook the fish soup, feed the guests! And I wish you not to get bored, play Russian games! (Baba Yaga leaves) Presenter: “There are many different games and ideas in this world. Choose to your liking! And teach your friends to play! (children leave the hall to the music)

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