Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group. “A story based on the picture of a cat with kittens”

Progress of the event:

I. Children, let’s play with you (finger gymnastics)

Let's imagine together that we are visiting our grandmother. We are playing in the yard and we saw someone:

A mustachioed cat , a horned cow

A bearded goat, a shaggy dog

Let's remember once again who we saw visiting our grandmother.

II. Didactic game “Mom and kids”

(based on
pictures ) III. Looking at the painting Cat with Kittens


Who is shown in the picture ? ( cat and kittens )

What cat ? (big, fluffy, beautiful)

What kind of kittens ? (small, fluffy, funny)

What is the cat ? (lying down resting)

What names can you give kittens ?

What is kitten Manya doing? (Vaska, Bulka, Fluff)

What can you call everyone who is depicted in the picture ? (Cat family)

1V Compiling a story based on a plot picture .

We will learn to compose stories based on a plot picture ; at home, tell your mothers about the cat and kittens .

“The painting shows ( a cat with kittens )

The cat is big... (fluffy and beautiful)
Next to her... (three kittens)
They... (small, funny)
One kitten's name is (Vaska)
He (plays with balls)
The other kitten's name is... (Fluff, he laps milk)
The third kitten's name is... (Sonya)
I had already eaten my fill and... (lay down next to my mother)
She brought a basket of balls... (the hostess)
Now she will come back and say... ( "What little
kittens !" ).
I liked the picture because the kittens turned out... (funny)

And now, girls and boys, let’s close our eyes and let our eyes rest. We will think about how to write a story about a cat and kittens .

The teacher listens to the stories of 3-4 children , encouraging their attempts to tell stories .

Now the window has opened (arms to the sides)

came out onto the ledge (imitates the graceful gait of a cat )

looked up , the cat looked down

Here I turned to the left (turn my head to the left,

I watched the flies (turn my head to the right)

She stretched, smiled and sat down on the ledge (sit down)

VII. Creative activity. Modeling on the topic: “Bowl for a cat

Let's make milk bowls for the cat and her kittens .

VIII. Bottom line. Reflection of activity.

— What did you learn in class?

— Who were the stories about ?

— What do you remember from the lesson?

“Word game, what can a cat ?”

Summary of the final educational activity “Composing a story based on the painting “Hedgehogs”” for children of the second junior group Objectives: Educational: Continue to involve children in conversation while looking at the painting. To develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher:.

Abstract of the educational activity for speech development “Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Hedgehogs” in the preparatory group Goal: to develop the dialogical speech of children. Objectives: to form the ability to examine a picture and reason about its content, to develop. Abstract of the OOD on speech development “Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting by I. I. Shishkin “Winter” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 3, Dankov, Lipetsk region. Summary of an open educational activity for speech development in the second junior group on the topic “Storytelling based on the painting “Cat with Kittens” Program content: With the help of the teacher, compose a short story based on the painting. Strengthen children's knowledge about the appearance of a cat. Involve. Pedagogical workshop for educators “Composing a story based on a picture” Seminar plan 1. Introduction to the topic. 2. A little theory. 3. Practical work. 4. Demonstration of models for composing stories based on a picture.

Compiling a story based on the painting “Chickens” for the middle group Tasks: teach children to compose a short descriptive story based on the painting using a diagram; learn to compare a rooster and a hen, a hen and chickens.

Compiling a creative story based on a painting Video I bring to your attention interesting techniques for composing a creative story based on a painting. My partner introduced me to this material.


Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”

Compiling a descriptive story in the middle group “Cat with kittens”

Goals: To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters of a plot picture, answer questions about its content; promote the manifestation of elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture; consolidation in speech the names of animals and their cubs; activate in speech words denoting the actions of the animal; foster mutual assistance.

Objectives: Teach children to compose a story based on a plot picture, formulate answers to questions, using elements of explanatory speech; Pronounce words correctly, use means of intonation expressiveness in the process of communicating with peers and adults.

Preliminary work: Selection of paintings for a descriptive story. Reading stories and poems about pets, cats, asking riddles about animals. looking at the painting “Dog with Puppies”, getting acquainted with the diagram, word games: “Which one, which one, which one?”, “Name it affectionately”, “Guess it”, imitation of actions with a “spyglass” - who will notice more interesting things

Aids: painting “Cat with Kittens”, aids for breathing exercises “Blow on a Bow”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look, the postman brought us an envelope this morning! I wonder what's in it? Let's look together

He cries at the threshold, hides his claws, quietly enters the room, purrs and sings.


All furry, She herself is mustachioed, She sleeps during the day and tells fairy tales, And at night she wanders around and goes hunting. ….. Cat

Educator: The cat Murka came to visit us.

Murka wants to play with you. How do we call a cat to us?

Children: Kiss - kitty.

Educator: What sound is heard at the end?

Children: Sound [S].

Cat: Listen to what sound I say. (Pronounces s-s-s in a drawn-out manner.)

What sound did I make?

….. (children repeat)

Cat: Now listen to another sound. (Pronounces z-z-z in a drawn-out manner.)

This fly flew near me.

…. (children repeat)

Articulation gymnastics “Cat” - Show how a cat shows its tongue, laps milk, smiles, yawns.

Cat: My kittens love to play with bows. Take the bows by the string and blow on them so that the bows sway. (Breathing exercise “Blow on a bow”)

Well done teacher! Let's pay attention to the picture that the Cat brought us. We will look at it carefully and then compose a story.

Examination of the painting “Cat with Kittens”.

Who is in the picture? (cat)

What cat? (big, fluffy, beautiful)

What body parts does a cat have?

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