Presentation for introducing preschoolers to the world around them “Children about autumn”

Ecological quiz with presentation on the topic: Autumn for 5th grade students

Scenario for the environmental quiz “Hello, golden autumn!” (for 5th grade students)

Author: Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk. Description: The ecological quiz script is intended for middle-level teachers of correctional boarding schools for children with hearing impairments. Consolidating the knowledge of 5th grade students about autumn in a playful way, systematizes and generalizes students’ knowledge on this topic. Goal: holding an autumn holiday in 5th grade in the form of an environmental intellectual quiz. Objectives: educational:
systematize and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic: “Autumn”, expand children’s horizons on this topic;
to instill an environmental culture in students, to instill an interest in didactic games;
correctional and developmental:
develop cognitive interest in students; develop logical thinking, memory and speech of students during extracurricular activities, monitor pronunciation. Equipment: presentation, pieces of paper, pens.

Quiz progress:
Host: Hello, guys.
I invite you to take part in our environmental quiz “Hello, golden autumn!” So autumn has come - Everything around has become rich: I sewed sundresses for the maples, I gave asters to the flower beds, Apples and pears for the garden, rain and puddles for the park, cranberries and mushrooms for the forest, hats and umbrellas for people! And the first game of our ecological autumn quiz is called “Autumn Riddles”. Didactic game “Autumn Riddles”

Assignment: guess riddles about autumn. 1. Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)

2. The leaves are spinning in the air, quietly lying on the grass. The garden is shedding its leaves - It’s just... (leaf fall)

3. The wind will call the cloud, the cloud will float across the sky. And over the gardens and groves there is a cold drizzle... (rain)

4. It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside they appeared everywhere... (puddles) 5. The autumn leaf circles for a long time, And Varvara dries it. And then together with Varya we make Houses... (herbarium) 6. It had been hanging on a branch since spring, It was green - it turned yellow, Just a weak wind blew, It already flew away. (sheet)

7. Summer is over, It's time to go back to school, kids, to atlases and primers. What month is it to visit us? (September) 8. The maple leaves have turned yellow, the pines and spruce trees are turning green, the wind, the rain, there are ripples along the river. This came to us... (October)

9. Guess the month quickly: It is thirty days long (often these days are with rain), And it follows October. (november)

10. Rain and slush, dirt and wind, Autumn, you are responsible for everything! The man is freezing, the man is freezing, the first white snow has fallen... (snow)

Presenter: Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the birds, animals and you and me with a harvest. And in the gardens, and in the vegetable garden, And in the forest, and by the water. Nature has prepared all kinds of fruits.

And how many proverbs and sayings there are about autumn.
And now we will remember a few proverbs about autumn. The game is called “Proverbs about Autumn”. Didactic game “Proverbs about autumn”

Assignment: insert the missing word in the proverb, choosing from the options provided. 1. In September... autumn asks for a visit. (sparrow, tit, crow) 2. Autumn comes and follows itself... leads. (rain, harvest, snow) 3. The day was missed - harvest... . (collected, disappeared, lost)

4. September smells like apples, October smells like…. (cabbage, potatoes, onions)

5. October will deliver - ... pick up. (September, December, November)

6. In September... he reaches for his caftan. (fur coat, hat, felt boots)

7. In November... if it inflates, the bread will arrive. (snow, rain, wind) 8. In November, winter and autumn…. (play, fight, swear)

Correct answers:
1. Tit.
2. Rain. 3. Lost. 4. Cabbage. 5. November. 6. Fur coat. 7. Snow. 8. They fight. Presenter: The fields are being harvested - People are collecting bread. The mouse drags the grains into the hole so that there will be lunch in the winter. The squirrels dry the roots and the bees store honey. Grandma makes jam and puts apples in the cellar. The harvest has arrived - Collect the gifts of nature! In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather, the harvest will come in handy!

And now we bring to your attention the educational test “Autumn Calendar”.
Cognitive test “Autumn calendar”

Assignment: answer the questions of the “Autumn Calendar” test. 1. What did the ancient Slavs call September? A) leaf fall; B) chest; B) frowning; D) grass. Answer:

2. What holiday is celebrated on September 27? A) Teacher's Day; B) Teacher's Day; B) Day of Knowledge; D) Children's Day. Answer:
Teacher's Day.

3. Which birds fly south first in October? A) swallows; B) rooks; B) crows; D) woodpeckers. Answer:

4. According to the folk calendar, what vegetable should be dug on September 13? A) potatoes; B) cabbage; B) beets; D) carrots. Answer:

5. What mushrooms can be picked in the forest until mid-October? A) milk mushrooms; B) waves; B) boletus; D) chanterelles. Answer:
milk mushrooms.
6. What useful berries are picked in the fall after the first frost? A) sea buckthorn; B) rowan; B) blueberries; D) lingonberry. Answer:

7. What garden flowers continue to bloom in the fall until the first snow falls? A) roses; B) chrysanthemums; B) gladioli; D) chamomile. Answer:

8. Which tree has leaves that turn red in autumn? A) aspen; B) birch; B) oak; D) poplar. Answer:

9. What is called “silent hunting” in the fall? A) harvesting wheat; B) picking berries; B) picking mushrooms; D) harvesting. Answer:
mushroom picking.

Presenter: The birds are escorted on their way by the forests. A long echo flies into the sky. The birds are seen off on their way by the meadows: The grass has grown into large stacks. Even after them, as if with a wing, the Scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.

But not all birds fly south; many birds remain to spend the winter in their native lands. They are called sedentary or wintering birds. We must help these birds in the cold winter. How will we help wintering birds? Children's answers. Host: The next game of our environmental quiz about autumn is called “Wintering Birds.”
Didactic game “Wintering Birds”

Assignment: name the wintering birds in the picture.

crow, woodpecker, tit, partridge, goldfinch, bullfinch, tap dancer, waxwing.
Host: Guys, name the migratory birds. Children's answers. Host: Since you know migratory birds so well, I have prepared puzzles for you.
Didactic game “Birds of Migratory”

Assignment: solve puzzles about migratory birds.

swallow, stork, lark, rook, heron.
Presenter: We’ll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest, Let’s go around the clearing. We won't take Pale Toadstool in the box. We will search all the oaks, fir trees and aspens, and collect good mushrooms in baskets.

Our next environmental quiz game is called Edible Mushrooms.
Didactic game “Edible mushrooms”

Assignment: name the encrypted edible mushroom.

milk mushroom, butterdish, chanterelle, obabok, volushka, honey fungus, russula, saffron milk cap.
Presenter: Our harvest is good, It was harvested thickly: And carrots, and potatoes, White cabbage, Blue eggplants, Beautiful peppers, Red tomatoes - The harvest is rich!

Our next game is called “Vitamin Crossword”.
Didactic game “Vitamin crossword puzzle”

Task: solve the crossword puzzle about vitamins.

carrots, rose hips, cabbage, zucchini, tomato, sea buckthorn, garlic, pumpkin.

Presenter: Golden autumn is full of ears of bread! If we want to meet someone with honor and honor, to meet generously, from the heart, with great respect, then we greet such guests with a round lush loaf!

Every year in the fall, grain growers in the North Kazakhstan region harvest rich wheat harvests.
And how rich is the range of bakery products on the shelves of our stores. And now we will find out what bakery products are sold in stores. The next game of our autumn quiz is called “Fillword “Bakery Products”. Philword "Bakery products"

Task: find 8 names of bakery products. Answers:
bun, baguette, loaf, bagel, loaf, drying, cheesecake, kalach.

Presenter: Well done, guys! You did an excellent job with our autumn environmental quiz. Autumn is walking in our park, Autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads for rowan, Pink apron for aspen, Yellow umbrella for poplars, Autumn gives us fruits. And now for all participants in our quiz, autumn gifts - fruits.

Presentation on the topic: Ecological quiz “Hello, golden autumn!”

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ECD “Late Autumn” using ICT (preparatory group)

Abstract of the GCD on the topic: “Autumn” in the preparatory group
Purpose: to introduce seasonal phenomena through familiarization with masterpieces of painting, poetry and music Program objectives: Educational: - to introduce the seasonal phenomena of late autumn - to expand ideas about the work of composers, poets, artists, their works Developmental: - enrich vocabulary - continue to teach to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of a poem, - continue to teach to depict natural phenomena described in the poem, convey content using expressive means (composition, color) Educational: - cultivate a love for poetry, painting , native nature.
- develop aesthetic taste Demonstration material: - slides: paintings by V. Polenov “Early Snow”, photos about late autumn - audio recording of music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “November” (from the cycle “Seasons”) Handout materials: - watercolor paints, sippy cups, paper for watercolors, brushes Preliminary work: memorizing poems by A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, S. Yesenin “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare”, conversations about the signs of late autumn Progress of the lesson :

- Guys, listen carefully, don’t interrupt, what month is this, well, guess: The field has become black and white: It’s raining, then snow is falling. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen with ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? Children's answer: this is the month of November. - Let's remember the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn”? The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise, fog was settling on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard. — November is the last autumn month. And what signs of deep, late autumn are shown in the poem? Sample answers from children: The sun appears less often, it’s cold outside, the days are getting shorter, the forest is becoming bare, birds are flying south. — How do you understand the expression “The mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise”? Children: all the leaves have fallen off the trees. - Why does the summer noise of leaves seem cheerful to us, and the autumn noise sad? Children's answers. - What other poems do you know about late autumn? Children read poetry: ***A. Pleshcheev Summer has passed, Autumn has come, The fields and groves are empty and sad. The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter, the sun is not visible, the nights are dark, dark. ***A. Pleshcheev Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the bare bushes look sad. ... A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine, the wind howls in the field, the rain drizzles. ***WITH. Yesenin The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, There is fog and dampness from the water. The sun quietly rolled down like a wheel behind the blue mountains. The dug-up road sleeps. Today she dreamed that there was very, very little time left to wait for the gray winter. -What is autumn in all these poems? Children: sad, gloomy, cold. - Yes, guys, the leaves have fallen off the trees, the grasses have turned brown, drooped, and the flowers have withered. Only the spruce and pine trees are still green. -What happened to the lush, colorful carpet of leaves that covered the ground? Children: the leaves have faded and darkened. — Autumn is like the evening of the year. And in the evening we get ready for bed. So the trees took off their clothes and washed themselves with the rain. The earth is falling asleep. I wonder what she'll dream about? Children: - Autumn does not stand still. She is heading towards winter. The day will come when it snows. Let's call this day “the gates of winter.” And now we will play the game “Gate” Game “Gate” - Two children will hold hands and depict a gate. And the rest will pass through the gate, saying who they are, naming the signs of autumn (frost, long nights, gloomy clouds, frost on the branches, short days, first ice, short days, cold rains, gusty cold winds). If someone makes a mistake, the gate will not let him through. — Guys, every season gives us a lot of beauty and creativity. In autumn, every day you can see some changes and transformations. Let's try not to miss them. Listen to how composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky conveyed his mood from late autumn. But what autumn is like for Vivaldi. (musical fragments sound) - Whose music did you like best? What do these works have in common? What is their difference? — Look at the reproduction of V. Polenov’s painting “Early Snow.” What do we see in the picture? Teacher's story: According to Polenov, he saw “from the window of his workshop: snow fell completely unexpectedly, when the forest had not yet shed its autumn dress, and there was still a real “golden autumn.” The artist was struck by the state of frozenness, the numbness of nature, still retaining the warmth of autumn days, before the unexpected cold that covered the ground with snow and stopped the flow of the river. The composition of the painting was carefully thought out by the artist. In the foreground are trees that have not yet shed their autumn leaves, followed by a river ribbon running into the distance. On the horizon there is a gray-blue sky overcast with clouds, the cold distances of endless expanses. The leaves on the trees are accurately and gracefully drawn. What signs of late autumn did you see in the picture? Children: the sky is covered with heavy (lead) clouds, the river has not frozen yet, leaves are hanging on the trees here and there, and snow has already covered the ground. - November plays on the ice harp, opens the gates to Mother Winter. This time at the very end of autumn is called pre-winter or “Silver Autumn”. - And now we will try to depict late autumn. Children draw, music by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi sounds. Analysis of children's drawings. When analyzing works, we pay attention to the color scheme, accuracy in work, and composition of the drawing.

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Simple riddles about autumn

Children aged 4-6 years really like to solve riddles, and they should definitely take advantage of this in their learning. There are many riddles about autumn, and some of them, the most childish, are in front of you:

The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, who can say, who knows when this happens? (Autumn)

The fields are empty, the ground is wet, it rains, when does this happen? (Autumn)

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Gold coins fall from a branch. (Leaf fall)

The autumn rain was walking through the city, the rain lost its mirror. The mirror is lying on the asphalt, the wind will blow and it will tremble. (Puddle)

There are so many of them in the yard in September and October! The rain passed and left them, medium, small, large. (Puddles)

And there are also everyone’s favorite riddles about autumn in verse, with a rhymed answer. Such riddles are suitable for children of older preschool age, 5-6 years old, when the child already feels the rhyme and can pick it up. In principle, the answers are so simple that it’s not difficult to guess even without rhyme:

Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)

The forest has stripped, ask for the sky, This time of year is... (autumn)

Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... (leaf fall)

It began to get colder at night, and the puddles began to freeze. And on the grass there is blue velvet. What is it? ... (Rime)

Yellow leaves are flying, falling, circling, and just laying under your feet like a carpet! What is this yellow snowfall? It's just... (leaf fall)

It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

In the gray sky low, clouds move close, covering the horizon. It will be raining. We took... (umbrella)

What kind of invisible thing is this? Slamming the gate in the garden, Flipping through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with rustling sounds, Ripping off grandma’s scarf, Rocking Dimka in the stroller, Playing with the leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is... (wind)

Presentation "Autumn"

You can use this presentation to decorate an autumn stand in a kindergarten beautifully and educationally, so the material will be useful not only to parents, but also to educators.

Scene pictures on the theme “Autumn”

Picture cards are suitable for the development of a child’s speech. He must answer the questions: What is depicted? What are the guys doing? Why did you decide that the pictures depict autumn?

Educational story about leaf fall for preschool children aged 5-7 years

Autumn educational story for older preschoolers “Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn?”
with presentation Author: Chernichenko Matvey 6 years old, pupil of preparatory group No. 7 “Bells” Municipal educational institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery Head: Pavlova Vera Valerievna teacher of the group with TNR Municipal educational institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery Description: the story says about the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, its benefits and causes. The story is useful for educators to organize a conversation about leaf fall, and for parents to read to their children.

Age audience: preschoolers 5-7 years old Purpose: familiarization with the natural phenomenon of leaf fall and its causes Tasks: - expand knowledge about the natural phenomenon of leaf fall; - understand the causes of leaf fall in deciduous trees; - know about the benefits of fallen autumn leaves; - cultivate a love of nature and curiosity; — develop the vocabulary of preschoolers In one southern city there lived a boy who loved to ask adults questions. Every morning when he woke up, he always began with a new, interesting and educational question. “Mom, why is the wind blowing today, but yesterday the weather was calm and windless?” - asked the boy. “Son,” his mother answered him, “Let’s look in the encyclopedia about the wind, find out why it blows.” The boy’s mother was very educated and erudite, she knew how to answer her inquisitive son. One morning the boy looked out the window. Near his house there grew a birch tree with thin and long branches. More recently, the leaves on the birch tree were green, but Autumn came, the leaves began to turn from green to bright yellow. “Mom, look, soon the whole birch tree will become bright yellow, as if dressed in a golden outfit,” the boy said to his mother. “You’re right, son, with the arrival of Autumn all deciduous trees change their color from green to yellow, orange, red, brown,” his mother answered him (slide 1)

“Please tell me, mom, why is this happening?”
- the boy asked her. “Okay,” my mother answered, “We’ll go with you for a walk in the park and see how the color of the leaves of the trees has changed.” The boy quickly put on his jacket, trousers, hat, and shoes. He was interested to know why the leaves of trees turn different colors in the Autumn. Mom and boy went for a walk in the park. “You see, son,” said the mother, “This is your birch tree. Look, what color are the leaves on its top?” - Mom asked. The boy raised his head up and saw that at the top of the birch tree the leaves had become bright yellow, and below they were still green. “Mom, the leaves on top have already turned yellow, but below they are still green. Why is this happening?" - asked the boy. “It’s very simple,” my mother answered, “With the arrival of Autumn, all deciduous trees begin to prepare for the cold and winter. That's why they change the color of their leaves. In the summer there was a lot of light, warmth, the leaves were green, there was chlorophyll inside them, and with the onset of Autumn, chlorophyll ceases to be produced in the trees in the leaves, so they become colored yellow, red, orange or brown. Even with the onset of cold autumn days, the trees begin to shed their bright leaves. Remember what this natural phenomenon is called?” - Mom asked. “It’s leaf fall!” - the boy guessed. “So this is why the leaves of trees fall in the fall - the trees are preparing for the cold. Tell me, mom, why else do trees shed their leaves?” - asked the inquisitive boy (slide 2)

- Mom answered, “All trees produce chlorophyll in their leaves in the summer, that’s why they are green. With the onset of Autumn, chlorophyll is not produced, the tree cannot eat as much as it did in the summer. Therefore, to reduce its nutrition, the tree sheds its leaves to the ground. Deciduous trees also sense the onset of cold days and the drop in air temperature at night very well. There are fewer and fewer leaves on the trees,” the mother continued the story. “Yes, I saw when I came to kindergarten that in our area the maple leaves began to fall after a cold night, all the paths were covered with bright red-orange maple leaves,” said the boy ( slide 3)
“Even when Autumn comes, often A cold wind blows, the leaves are damaged by insects, so the trees shed their foliage to the ground.
Also, inside the leaves the tree deposits harmful salts that the tree does not need, so with the fallen leaves the tree is cleansed of harmful and unnecessary salts,” the mother continued. “How interesting this is! Why are coniferous trees always green and do not change their color? Aren’t they afraid of the cold?” - asked the boy (slide 4)

“Nature came up with the idea that coniferous trees have needles instead of leaves.
They are covered with wax. Wax protects the needles from the cold, and the cells of the needles contain substances that prevent them from freezing even in severe frosts. The needles, of course, also fall off, but not all at once, like leaves on deciduous trees,” my mother answered. “Mom, is there any benefit from the leaves that have fallen from the trees?” - asked the boy. “Of course, son. In nature, everything is invented very wisely. In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, a tree prepares for winter sleep; it will wake up from this sleep with the onset of Spring, then new leaves will grow. Fallen leaves nourish the soil with their necessary substances. With the onset of Spring, trees will need these necessary substances to grow their new leaves. Foliage also protects trees from severe frosts and warms the soil and tree. When a tree sheds its leaves, it saves water inside itself,” the mother finished the story (slide 5)
“Thank you, mom!
I was interested to know that leaf fall is a very useful natural phenomenon that helps trees survive the winter,” the boy answered. The boy and his mother went to collect fallen autumn leaves in the park to make an autumn tree with fallen leaves at home (slide 6)

One inquisitive boy and his erudite mother had such an interesting and educational autumn walk
(slide 7) Thank you for your attention!
Presentation on the topic: Educational story for preschoolers “Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn?”

We recommend watching:

A story about autumn for children of the second younger group A conversation “Colors of Autumn” in the preparatory group A story about September for older preschoolers A story about October for children 5-7 years old

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Autumn has come,
the flowers have dried up, and the bare bushes look sad. withers and turns yellow, Only the winter in the fields . A. Pleshcheev

State of nature in autumn

Autumn is a gloomy time. The sun is hiding in the clouds and is almost no longer warm. Everyone is preparing for a long winter. The forest is very elegant in autumn. The leaves on the trees are yellow or red.


Summer flashed by. The month of September has arrived - the time of young autumn. This is the month of colorful leaves, farewell songs, evening of the year. People also call September “supply season.” This is true: the harvesting of potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic and other vegetable crops is in full swing, and fruit picking continues.

In the forest, the mountain ash is pleasing to the eye, its scarlet berries become sweeter after the first frost

Covered with golden, red and purple leaves, boletuses, boletuses, chanterelles, russula and milk mushrooms hide in the dry grass

There are fewer insects. Swifts and swallows fly away, because they only feed on insects

Cranes fly south. It's warm there, there's a lot of food - seeds and plant shoots

The squirrel stores food, mushrooms, nuts, and acorns.
She stores her reserves in hollows and under the roots of trees. One squirrel stores up to 2000 mushrooms, most of which are butter mushrooms .
The hamster is a household animal. In his deep burrow he carries supplies with the help of cheek pouches - seeds of rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, peas, corn, sunflower

Signs of September

Unusually frequent thunderstorms in September - a warm autumn.

The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.

If in September ants run along the tops of the grass, then the snow will be deep and the winter will be early, and if at the bottom it will be long.

September turned out to be dry and warm - leading to a long autumn.

September is cold - next year the snow may melt faster than usual


Proverbs and sayings about September

  • September is cold and full.
  • Father September does not like to pamper.
  • In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
  • In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter.
  • In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.
  • In September, summer ends and autumn begins.
  • In September there is only one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.
  • In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.
  • There is no September without fruits.
  • September is the evening of the year.
  • September takes off the caftan from his shoulders and puts on a sheepskin coat.
  • September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
  • September hurries the birds on their way.

Poems about September

N. Firefly
September September came with colors, Touched the leaves tenderly And the simple tree suddenly became golden. September brought umbrellas, poured rain on the grove little waves and milk mushrooms grew on the hummock He asked the children to carefully walk through the puddles in their boots. And with sadness a good friend sent the birds south.
In September
(N. Yazeva)
In September, in September
There are many leaves on the ground, Yellow and red! Everyone is so different!


The month of October is mid-autumn. This is a month of heavy rains and sleet. The Old Russian name for the month of October is leaf fall. There is also a second one - muddy. Both of them highlight the characteristic features of this month: abundant leaf fall and great mud.

The bear climbs into the den to sleep until spring. Before going into a den, the owner of the taiga needs to accumulate nutrients

The hedgehog prepared a nest for itself under a pile of leaves and brushwood. This nest is carefully lined with grass and leaves. With the onset of frost, the hedgehog burrows deep into its hole and falls asleep for the entire winter.

Beavers prepare a lot of branches, carry them under water and put them in a heap near their home
Mice store acorns, nuts, and grains in their burrows.

The jay buries acorns for reserve. He chooses the ripest ones, but often forgets about them, and in the spring young oak trees grow from these acorns.

Boars dig the ground in search of

The squirrel got a new warm coat.

Signs of October

Thunder in October foreshadows a snowless, short and mild winter.
The first snow falls forty days before real winter. The leaf fall has passed quickly - the winter will be harsh, and if the leaves remain green and stay on the trees for a long time - the winter will be short, with slight frosts. The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground - it will soon go away. There is no daytime snow - the first reliable snow falls at night.

Proverbs and sayings about October

  • October is fickle: sometimes it cries, sometimes it laughs.
  • In October it will cover the ground with a leaf or a snowball.
  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • Thunder in October - snowless winter.
  • The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.
  • October is crowned with white snow and great mud.
  • October completes preparations for winter.
  • October is a month of full pantries (burrows, hollows, nests)..
  • October is crying cold tears.

Poems about October

(M. Sadovsky)
The leaves have fallen,
the birds have disappeared, everything that bloomed is hidden in the opal. The burrows are occupied, the spores have frozen, the fences are frosty in the morning... What is so sweet in this time, in October that squeezes our hearts?!
In October (S. Marshak)

In October, in October Frequent rain outside. The grass in the meadows is dead, the grasshopper has fallen silent. Firewood has been prepared for the stoves for the winter.


November is the month of the beginning of winter.
A high, gusty northeast wind blows more often, and it has become significantly colder. It dawns late, it gets dark early. During the day it will either snow or drizzle. According to the popular calendar, the month of November is the gate of winter, the twilight of the year. The month of the darkest nights, the arrival of winter feathered guests , pre-winter .

Red bunches of rowan berries are burning in the forest

Feathered guests arrived from the north - crested waxwings.

Moose eats branches in autumn

Lynx goes hunting.

The hare exchanged his gray flight coat for a white winter coat


Hungry wolves gather in packs. Beware hare!

Signs of November

Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
Many ducks remain for the winter if the winter is expected to be warm. In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts. Mosquitoes in November - a mild winter. He who does not feel cold in November will not freeze in December and January .

Proverbs and sayings about November

In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh. In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day. In November there will be snow and bread will arrive. November nights are dark before the snow. In November, winter fights with autumn. November is the gate of winter.
November is the twilight of the year.

Poems about November

Lukanova The rain is pouring down like buckets, the kids are sitting at home. The whole November is gloomy, cold on
G. Sorenkov
The wind is freezing in November, He’s caught a cold: met the cold
at dawn A
. Metzger November - we can’t go for a walk, Now the frost burns, now the wind cries. The bear will go to sleep in the den, Wait - winter is coming towards us, that means.

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