Open literacy lesson “Forest School” senior group

Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on teaching literacy in the senior group

Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic “Forest”.
Senior group Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities in the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Forest”. This material will be useful for preschool teachers of older groups. This lesson summary is aimed at developing the ability to conduct sound analysis of words and graphically record sentences. Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”. Program objectives: 1. To develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; 2. To develop the ability to graphically record a sentence; 3. Develop and improve children’s phonemic hearing; 4. Expand children’s ideas about the world around them; 5. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Equipment: forest illustration; subject pictures of animals; chips; word schemes; 2 houses with pockets; graphical diagram of the proposal; hoops Vocabulary work: fox. Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting wild and domestic animals.
Course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment Educator: Today we have guests, let's introduce ourselves to them. Each of you will say your name and highlight the first sound that your name begins with. 2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson Educator: What is the name of our lesson? What do we do in literacy? Do we need literacy in life? For what? Educator: Today we will play and do various exercises, you will receive chips for your work, and at the end you will count how much you earned. 3. Phonetic exercise – Listen to music. (Forest music sounds)
- Where can all these sounds be heard?
What is a forest? (Show illustration)
- Who lives in the forest? What can you hear in the forest? Let's remember forest sounds and designate them with chips. How does a strong wind blow? – What chip do we use to denote sound? How do the leaves on the trees rustle? – How do beetles buzz? (Zh-zh-zh)
– How do small mosquitoes ring?
(Z-z-z) 4. Sound analysis of the word “fox” Educator: Now listen to a riddle about one forest dweller: A cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail - beauty, Who is it? (Fox.
Educator: Let's divide the word “fox” into syllables. How many syllables? (2) Educator: Let's say the word. Which syllable is pronounced with more force? Name the first syllable. – What was the first sound you heard? Let's denote it with a chip. Children lay out a diagram of the word “fox”. Educator: How many sounds are there in total? How many vowels are there in total? Do you agree? 5. Physical education for the eyes 6. Graphic recording of a sentence Educator : Let’s make a sentence about a fox and write it down using a diagram. (Children offer various options and write down sentence patterns). Educator: Who is this fox? What animal is this? Why? What other wild animals do you know? 7. Didactic game “What is this?” Educator: In the forest it can be green. What is this? (Leaves, grass, grasshopper, frog, spruce.) Educator: It can be long in the forest. What is this? (Snake, caterpillar, forest path.) Educator : In the forest it can be fast. What is this? (Hare, bird, squirrel.) Educator : In the forest it can be dangerous. What is this? (Snake, bear, poisonous mushrooms.) 8. Physical education lesson Teacher: Let’s play and relax in a forest clearing. The game is called "Make no mistake." Now music will sound, and you must run to the music around hoops in which there are pictures with animals. If the animal depicted in the picture lives in the forest, you run into the hoop at the end of the music, if not, then you are eliminated from the game. (Play 2 times) (Pictures of wild and domestic animals). 9. Game “Find a house for an animal” Educator: You know that many wild animals live in the forest. Let's play the game "Find a house for an animal." (Visibility of 2 houses: with one and two pocket windows)
If the animal's name has one syllable, then we move it into a house with one window; if it has two syllables, then into a house with two windows. Pictures: mouse, wolf, bear, fox, squirrel. 10. Summary of the lesson

Educator: What did we do today? What did you like most? What did you do well? What was causing the difficulty? Count how many chips each of you has? Well done!

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