A collection of children's stories about themselves and their family “Me and My Family”

Books about family for preschoolers 4-7 years old

Agniya Barto

  • At home;
  • His family;
  • In an empty apartment;
  • Younger brother.

Tatiana Agibalova

  • In the family circle;
  • What could be more valuable than family?

Oleg Bundur

  • About love;
  • Sunday;
  • Family;
  • I'm taking care of mom and dad.

Y. L. Akim

  • Man in the house;
  • My brother Misha.

V. D. Berestov

  • King Lulu.

E. A. Blaginina

  • Mother;
  • That's what mom is like;
  • Our grandfather;
  • I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes too;
  • Alyonushka.

Sergey Mikhalkov

  • Klutz.

V.Yu. Dragunsky

  • "Chicky-kick."

N.M. Artyukhova

  • "Big Birch"

M. Druzhinina

  • "Girl on the contrary";
  • "Postcard".

Grandma is resting

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Little Galinka came home from school. She opened the door and wanted to say something cheerfully to her mother. But mom threatened Galinka with her finger and whispered:

- Quiet, Galinka, grandma is resting. I didn’t sleep the whole night, my heart hurt.

Galinka quietly walked up to the table and put down her briefcase. I had lunch and sat down to study homework. He reads the book quietly, to himself, so as not to wake up his grandmother.

The door opened and Olya, Galinka’s friend, came. She said loudly:

- Galinka, listen...

Galinka shook her finger at her, like a mother, and whispered:

- Quiet, Olya, grandma is resting. She didn’t sleep the whole night, her heart ached.

The girls sat down at the table and looked at the drawings.

And two tears rolled out from grandma’s closed eyes.

When the grandmother stood up, Galinka asked:

- Grandma, why did you cry in your sleep?

Grandmother smiled and kissed Galinka. Joy shone in her eyes.

For children of primary and secondary school age 7-13 years old

Astrid Lindgren

  • “We are all from Bullerby”;
  • “On the Island of Saltrock”;
  • "Pippi Longstocking";
  • “The Lionheart Brothers” - all A. Lindgren’s books are permeated by a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding between children and adults.

Pamella Travers

  • “Mary Poppins” is a fabulous story about the cheerful Banks family: mom, dad, five children and their amazing nanny, who teach each other mutual assistance, respect and love.

Tove Jansson

  • "Tales of the Moomins" - a family of fairy-tale creatures, it turns out, solves the same problems as the families of ordinary people.

Judy Bloom

  • “Ordinary Peter, or You Can’t Choose Younger Brothers” is a story about the birth of a youngest child in a family, full of humor and kindness.

Lydia Charskaya

  • "Notes of a little schoolgirl."

Valentina Oseeva

  • "Dinka."

J.m. Barry

  • "Peter Pan and Wendy."

Mikhail Zoshchenko

  • "Lelya and Minka."

Evgeny Schwartz

  • "The Adventures of Shura and Marusya."

Arkady Gaidar

  • "Chuk and Gek."

Ian Larry

  • "The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Valya."

Eduard Uspensky

  • "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat."

Lev Kassil:

  • "Conduit and Schwambrania". A fascinating book about children of the 20s of the last century, their hobbies, creativity, relationships with parents.

Seventh daughter

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Mother had seven daughters. One day a mother went to visit her son, but the son lived far, far away. Mother returned home a month later.

When she entered the hut, the daughters, one after another, began to say how much they missed their Mother.

“I missed you like a poppy misses a ray of sunshine,” said the first daughter.

“I was waiting for you, like dry earth waiting for a drop of water,” said the second daughter.

“I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird...” cooed the third daughter.

“It was difficult for me without you, like a bee without a flower,” said the fourth daughter, caressing her mother and looking into her eyes.

“I dreamed of you like a rose dreams of a drop of dew,” chirped the fifth daughter.

“I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” whispered the sixth daughter.

But the seventh daughter said nothing, although she had a lot to say. She took off Mother’s shoes and brought her water in a large basin to wash her feet.

Books about family for high school students aged 13-18

L. F. Voronkova

  • "Elder sister";
  • “Personal Happiness” is a story about a girl, on whose shoulders, after the death of her mother, fell the burden of caring for her family: her father and younger sister and brother.

E. Kaestner

  • “When I Was Little” is a story about the writer’s childhood, parents, and great-grandparents, reliably conveying a sense of family togetherness and family affection.

Dina Sabitova

  • “Where There Is No Winter” is a story about the amazing friendship of a brother and sister in the ocean of terrible circumstances of their lives.

Anne-Katharina Westley

  • “Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Children and a Truck”;
  • “A little gift for Anton”;
  • "Dad, mother, grandmother and eight children in Denmark."

Jean-Philippe Arroux-Vigneault

  • “Omelet with sugar. Adventures of a family from Cherbourg."

Louisa Alcott

  • “Little Women” is a bright and touching story about a family in which worries and difficulties do not interfere with sincere love between household members.

S. Vostokov

  • “Trees Make the Wind” - funny and sad stories from a preschool boy about his life at home and in kindergarten, about relationships with parents and friends.

A. N. Tolstoy

  • “Nikita’s Childhood” is a story inspired by childhood memories that paints vivid images of the writer’s father and mother, who played a big role in his life.

I. Minutko

  • “An Old Linden Tree in a Moscow Courtyard” is a story about teenagers whose parents help them find the right solutions to difficult moral problems.

D. Aldridge

  • “The Last Inch” is an action-packed story in which a father, under the threat of death, is forced to seek a common language with his son, who has never been close to him.

M. Pagnol

  • “The Childhood of Marcel” is a story about the writer’s childhood, spent in an old village house surrounded by a large family: father, mother, uncle, aunt and younger brother.

L. N. Tolstoy

"Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” - in three stories, the great Russian classic emphasizes the fundamental role of his parents in the formation of his moral principles, worldview and attitude towards the world around him.

A. P. Chekhov

  • “The Event” is a story about a rich and prosperous family in which the children are unhappy due to a lack of mutual understanding with their parents.

Yu. Yakovlev

  • “The Boy with Skates” is a story about a boy who really misses his father in his life.

Pavel Sanaev

  • "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard".

Anatoly Aleksin:

  • “The Groom's Diary” is a story about how parental love can be selfish and blind and cripple the fate of the child. But at some point a child must grow up and feel personal responsibility for his destiny. Here is the second story about exactly this.
  • “Meanwhile, somewhere” - schoolboy Seryozha Emelyanov is being brought up in an exemplary family - that’s what everyone around him says. But one day he accidentally finds out that his father is not such an exemplary person. Once he left a woman who put him on his feet, literally and figuratively, and then did not even respond to her request for help. The author talks about what decision Seryozha made.

In general, almost every story by Aleksin contains a difficult situation in family relationships.

Narine Abgaryan

  • "Manyunya."

Dina Rubina

  • "On the sunny side of the street."

Lyudmila Ulitskaya

  • "Kukotsky's case."

Birthday lunch

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Nina has a large family: mother, father, two brothers, two sisters, grandmother.

Nina is the smallest: she is nine years old. Grandmother is the eldest; she is eighty-two years old.

When the family is having dinner, grandma's hand trembles. Everyone is used to it and tries not to notice.

If someone looks at grandma’s hand and thinks: why is it trembling? – her hand trembles even more. The grandmother is carrying a spoon - the spoon is shaking, droplets are dripping onto the table.

Nina's birthday is coming soon. Mother said that there would be lunch on her name day. She and her grandmother will bake a big sweet pie. Let Nina invite her friends.

Guests arrived. Mom sets the table with a white tablecloth. Nina thought: Grandma will sit down at the table, and her hand will tremble. Your friends will laugh and tell everyone at school.

Nina said quietly to her mother:

- Mom, don’t let grandma sit at the table today...

- Why? - Mom was surprised.

- Her hand is shaking... It’s dripping on the table...

Mom turned pale. Without saying a word, she took the white tablecloth off the table and hid it in the closet.

Mom sat silently for a long time, then said:

- Our grandmother is sick today. There will be no birthday dinner.

Happy birthday to you, Nina. My wish for you: be a real person.

Essay on the topic – “My family”

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Yurko - Timurovite

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Third-grader Yurko became a Timurovite. Even the commander of a small Timurov detachment. There are nine boys in his squad. They help two grandmothers who live on the outskirts of the village. They planted apple trees and roses near their huts and watered them. They bring water, go to the store for bread.

Today is a rainy autumn day. Yurko and the boys went to chop wood for their grandmother. I came home tired and angry.

He took off his shoes and hung up his coat. Both boots and coat are covered in mud.

Yurko sat down at the table. Mom serves him lunch, and grandmother washes his shoes and cleans his coat.

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