Project on the theme “My Family” for the middle group. Relevance. The family is the first social institution that a child encounters in life and is a part of. - presentation

Project “My Family” for the middle group

Competitors: Borisova Lyubov Vasilievna Pozolotina Natalya Petrovna teachers of the first qualification category of the MADOU MO city - Nyagan “Child Development Center kindergarten “4” Vesnyanka”

Type of project: • informative - creative, short-term. Interaction: • teachers, music director, parents. Goal: • fostering love for family. Objectives: • formation in children of a positive emotional attitude towards family members. • nurturing love for mom, dad and other family members; • formation of initial knowledge about family relationships; • drawing children's attention to the fact that each family member has his own responsibilities.

Stage I • Selection of poems about the family, about family members, Russian folk tales and stories; • Production of attributes, elements of costumes for conducting open classes with relatives of children, didactic games; • Parents and children completing creative homework; • Development of a scenario for an open lesson “Friendly Family”. Stage II • Learning poems about family: mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandmother, grandfather; • Creative storytelling: “My mom is the best,” “My dad is the best friend”; • Conversations: “Me and my family”, “My brothers and sisters”, “My responsibilities”; • Reading poems about family, Russian folk tales, stories. Stage III • Conducting an open lesson; • Making the album “My Family” PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR WORK ON THE PROJECT.doc (35.5 KB)

Scenario for an open lesson “FRIENDLY FAMILY”

Program content:

• formation in children of a positive emotional attitude towards family members. • nurturing love for mom, dad and other family members; • formation of initial knowledge about family relationships; • drawing children's attention to the fact that each family member has his own responsibilities; • fostering love for family.

Children enter the music room to the music. They sit in a semicircle on chairs. 1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you this evening with us, in a friendly family circle. 2nd presenter: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. And for a family to be strong, it must be healthy. Children: You and I are growing up in a family circle. The foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you entered life from the family. Today we have gathered in this hall for a reason. Today we will learn how important family is to us. Let's talk about friendship in the family and dedicate this meeting to friendship in our families! 1st presenter: Guys, who does your family consist of? Name your family members. Who is your best friend? 2nd presenter: Who do you share your secrets with? Who is your best friend? Of course, mom! What does your mother do at home? (Children's answers) Yes, you are right. Mom takes care of you, mom makes the house more comfortable so that everyone feels good in it. Children: I love mom

My mother brings me toys and candy, but that’s not why I love my mother. She hums funny songs, The two of us are never bored. I tell her all my secrets. But I love my mother not only for this. I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight, Well, simply because she is my mother! Lullaby for mom

Mom fussed for a long time: All things to do, things to do, things to do... Mom was so tired during the day, she lay down on the sofa. I won’t touch her, I’ll just stand next to her. Let her sleep a little - I’ll sing her a song. I will become closer to my mother - I love her very much! It’s just a pity that it’s not my Mother’s song. There is no more wonderful song. Maybe I should sing it louder, so that my mother can hear this song in her dreams?..


1st presenter: Of course, mom is the most beloved, the best in the world, and she definitely needs help so that she gets less tired. Let's help our mothers cook compote and borscht. What will we use to cook borscht and compote? (Children's answers) Of course, from vegetables and fruits. Guys, why are vegetables and fruits so beneficial? (Children's answers) Yes, guys, they contain a lot of vitamins that are good for our health. 2nd presenter: Guys, look who came to us! What are they arguing about, let's listen to our guests.

VEGETABLE DISPUTE. (Excerpt from a poem by N. Semenova)

- Which of all the vegetables is tastier and more useful? Who, with all illnesses, will be more useful to everyone? Peas: I'm such a cute little green boy! If I just want, I’ll treat everyone to peas! Carrot: A short story about me: Who doesn’t know vitamins? Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots - then you, my friend, will be strong, strong, and dexterous. Onion: I am the seasoning in every dish and am always useful to people. Did you guess it? I am your friend I am a simple green onion! Potato: I am a potato, so modest - I didn’t say a word... But potatoes are so needed by both big and small! - In order to be healthy and strong, you must love vegetables, everyone without exception. There is no doubt about it!

2nd presenter: Thank you, dear guests, we will definitely follow your advice.


1st presenter: Guys, who else cares about you, who plays with you? Does he play sports with you so that you are strong and healthy? (Children's answers) Of course, dad. Children DAD When dad has a day off, We build a ship with sails, We sail on it for miracles, I am the captain, and he is the hero. He is ready to fight for me with a large fiery dragon, and if I have to fight with a sea monster himself. I so appreciate his care. It’s like I’m in a vivid dream with dad. It’s a pity, it’s time for him to go to work on Monday, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten. DAD My dad is cheerful but strict and honest. It's fun to read books and play with him. My dad is a wizard, He is the nicest, He instantly turns into whatever you ask for. He can be a clown, a Tiger, a giraffe. But it's better to be a dad! I will hug him and whisper quietly. My daddy, I love you deeply! 2nd presenter: What does dad do at home? (Children's answers) Yes, dad has a lot of responsibility; he is the head of the family, and therefore he has to work very hard, and if something breaks at home, he will definitely fix it. Do you guys help dads?


1st presenter: Do you guys have sisters and brothers? (Children's answers) Do you live together? Children:

Younger sister

My younger sister gets up earlier than everyone else. She's busy all day, but in the evening she doesn't want to sleep. We even sang songs to her - Sleep doesn’t come to her, no matter how much she bursts. Maybe it’s just the fact that sleep walks on foot? For my sister, I’m like a sister, I’ll draw a scooter, So that I can sleep on a scooter Come to my sister Katya


When little brother Igor grows up, I will teach him everything: to sing and drum songs, and counting rhymes and writing! I’ll be with him, and not with the kitten, running around in tag near the fence. Little brother will grow up soon - After all, he is already 3 days old.

2nd presenter: What games do you like to play with your brothers and sisters? Invite them into a circle with us, let's play together.


(objects made of different materials are placed around the music room: metal, fabric, rubber, wood, paper) 2nd presenter: Who else lives with you or do you visit them on Saturdays and Sundays? (Children's answers) Of course, grandparents are your best friends. What delicious food does your grandmother cook? (Children's answers) What do you like to do with grandpa? (Children's answers) Children: About my grandmother I love my grandmother very much - I love my mother's mother. She has a lot of wrinkles, And there’s a gray strand on her forehead, I just want to touch it, And then kiss it. Maybe I’ll be like this. I’ll be an old grey-haired woman, I’ll have grandchildren, And then, putting on glasses, I’ll tie gloves for one, And shoes for the other. About grandfather Our grandfather is very businesslike: He walks around the house, forgetting about peace. He helps his grandmother all day long. He is not at all lazy to do this. Now he constantly loses his glasses, now he breaks something, now he breaks it, he is always in a hurry, but he is tired of his work, he sits down with a newspaper and is already snoring. 1st presenter: Guys, we have already played, and now let’s play with our adults and find out what folk wisdom says.


PROVERBS AND SAYINGS – Don’t be born beautiful, but be born………. (happy). — To grow and harden, you need sports....... (to study). – Love is a ring, but the ring does not have……. (beginning and no end). - Move more, you will live ……… (longer). – Seven nannies have a child ……… (without an eye). — More fresh air - stronger…………. (health). – Darlings only scold…………. (amuse themselves). — Fresh air is better than any ………….(medicine). - A guest on the doorstep means happiness in ... (house). - Movement is life). - A house without a mistress... (orphan). — Walking takes a long time………. (live) - Lead the house... (don’t shake your beard). — Garlic and onions from ………… (seven ailments) — An apple from an apple tree … (doesn’t fall far). — Sun, air and water — ………. (our best friends) - Away is good, ... (and home is better). - In the sun - warm, in the mother - ...... (good). — Whoever plays sports has strength………. (typed) - There is no dearer friend than dear..... (mother). — Cleanliness is the key ………. (health). — The whole family is together – and the soul………. (on the spot). 2nd presenter: Our adults are great, now let’s play. GAME: “COLLECT BALLS OF THREAD BY COLOR” 1st presenter: What is family? A family is not just relatives who live together, it is people who are united by feelings, interests, and attitudes to life. There is nothing more valuable than family. Children: In a family, like in the sun, there is a lot of light, There are a lot of smiles and kindness, Even if this road is not easy, But it is reliable and bright. To maintain health,

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day. Brush your teeth, wash your face,

Temper yourself

And smile more often. 2nd presenter:

Family is something that we share among everyone, A little bit of everything: tears and laughter, Rise and fall, joy, sadness, Friendship and quarrels, a stamp of silence. Family is something that is always with you. Let seconds, weeks, years rush by, But your dear walls, your father’s house - Your heart will forever remain in it! 1st presenter: May our families be strong, friendly, and healthy. 2nd presenter: And now we invite you to a tea party. TEA PARTY


Presentations: Album MY FAMILY.ppt (2.27 MB)

Open lesson FRIENDLY FAMILY.ppt (796 KB)

Video recording of an open lesson

Competition sponsors:

Publishing . The largest publisher of educational literature.

Area of ​​activity: production of federal textbooks for schools, educational and methodological kits for all subjects of the school curriculum; benefits for preschool and preschool preparation of children.

Address: 127422 Moscow, Timiryazevskaya st. 1, building 3, 6th floor. Tel., 611-46-74, 611-15-74 E-mail

LLC "Trading House Karusel"

Wholesale store of educational toys, role-playing games and furniture for preschool institutions

Address: Tyumen, Novatorov str., 13/2 tel./fax: /3452/520-615, 60-80-59 Website: e-mail: [email protected]


Project for Family Day in kindergarten. Middle group

Project “My Family” (middle group)
Project goal: to form the concept of “family” in children; carry out interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family through familiarization with folk and family traditions; create conditions for the accumulation of experience in intellectual and creative activity through independent research. By dominant type: research, creative nature. By nature of content: includes the child and his family. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result. By the nature of contacts: carried out within the same age group. By number of participants: group. Duration: medium term. Project objectives: Educational area “Socio-communicative development”: deepen children’s understanding of the family and its members. Continue to introduce internal family relationships (mom, dad, children, grandparents), expand children’s ideas about professions. Be interested in what responsibilities the child has around the house (cleaning up toys, helping set the table, etc.) Educational area “Cognitive development”: develop primary skills in project-based research activities. Give children understandable ideas about public holidays (May 15 - “Family Day”). Foster love for the Motherland. Educational area “Speech development”: enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns denoting people, their professions, verbs denoting people’s actions. To promote the use of learned words in children’s independent speech. Reading fiction - cultivate a love of reading, cultivate the ability to listen carefully, develop a desire to talk about your attitude to what you read. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development”: Introduction to art - to develop a desire to look at illustrations for works of children’s literature. Drawing - to develop the ability to create simple plot compositions, repeating the image of one object (apples on a plate, balls for a party). Modeling - develop the ability to pinch off lumps of plasticine from a whole piece, roll out the lumps with straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands (sweets, bagels, pretzels for mom). Construction - to develop the ability to build simple buildings for the family - furniture for the house (table, chair, bed), paths (narrow, wide, long, short) - for the car. Continue to teach how to play with buildings, combine them according to the plot: path and houses - street; table, chair, bed - furniture for mom, dad and children. Music - to promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of play images: mother sings a lullaby for the baby, father repairs the car, grandmother bakes pies, etc.). Educational area “Physical development”: develop in children the desire to play outdoor games with a teacher with simple content and simple movements. Form expressiveness of movements (we help mom wash handkerchiefs, etc.) Project implementation period: May 2 – 16, 2021 Participants: teacher, children of the middle group (4 - 5 years old), music director, parents of students (persons replacing them). Stages of project activity: 1- Preparatory stage - setting goals and objectives, preliminary work with students and parents. Selection of equipment and materials. Working with educational and fiction literature. Selection of didactic outdoor games, finger games, physical education minutes. Selection of subject pictures and illustrations. 2- The main stage is the implementation of the project. 3- Final stage - summing up, results. Resource support: Equipment for role-playing games: “This is how I do the laundry, I help my mother”, “My family”, “Mothers and daughters”, “Mom’s worries”, “Lullaby for the baby”, “Family”, “Hospital” , “Shop”, story pictures on the topic “Family”. Didactic games: “Fold the picture”, “Collect a portrait”, “Make a family from figures”, “Complete the sentence”, “Who is older?”, “Who is younger?”, “Family relations”, “Wonderful bag”, “Name by name”, “Find and name”. Learning proverbs and sayings about family and friendship. Finger games “My Family”. Making attributes, costumes, masks for plot and role-playing games. Guessing riddles, reading works of fiction about the family: “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Geese-swans”, “Blue Cup” by M. Matveev, “Warm Bread” by K. Paustovsky, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse” by S. Marshak, “ Flower of Seven Flowers" V. Kataev, "Mother's Work" E. Permyak, "What Crafts Smell" D. Rodari, "Mother's Daughter" V. Belov, "Kostochka" K. Ushinsky, "Old Grandfather and Granddaughter" L. Tolstoy , “How Vovka helped out the grandmothers” by A. Barto, “The grandmother’s hands are shaking” by V. Sukhomlinsky, “The Stolen Name” by T. A. Shorygina, Z. Aleksandrova “Let’s sit in silence.” Articulation gymnastics “Delicious jam”, “Pancakes”. Conversations: “A day off in my family”, “How I help my parents”, “How we relax”, “About family members: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc.”, “About family relationships: there is a child in the family” not only a son (daughter, but also a grandson (granddaughter, brother (sister)", "About the responsibilities of family members at home", "My grandmother", "What is good and what is bad", "Me and my family", " My favorite activity", "Rights and responsibilities of the family", "My name", "Getting to know the professions of parents", "Safety at home". Dramatization games based on the fairy tales "Kolobok", "Turnip". Expected results: For children: - Children's knowledge of information about their family, its members, the professions of their parents. - Children's understanding of the importance of family in their lives. - Each child shows care and respect for all members of his family. - Development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation and symbolic modeling, speech planning, logical operations. For teachers: - Development of children's communication skills, the ability to work together. - Creation of conditions for children to express creativity and imagination. — Expanding children’s horizons through reading fiction, becoming familiar with proverbs, and learning poetry. — Increase your professional experience. — Providing parents with visual information about children and their development. — Creation of a unified educational space. For parents: - Enriching the content of children's and adult activities. — A feeling of personal involvement in the education and upbringing of your child. — Forming a higher assessment of the achievements of your children and pride in them. — Establishing friendly connections with other parents, which leads to a unification of interests. — The opportunity to work in an environment that encourages the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Social and communicative development: Conversation about mother (why does a person need a mother). Examination of pictures for the plot-role-playing games “At the hairdresser”, “In the store”, etc. The plot-role-playing game: “Family: game situation “Mom puts the children to bed”, “We have guests.” Work assignments: we help mom set the table. Game-situation “Beauty Salon”, “Hairdressing Salon”. Cognitive development: GCD on topics: The world in which we live: introduction to the “Family Day” holiday. Familiarization with the outside world: “My family” - introduce the concept of “family”. Give children initial ideas about family relationships: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister); mom and dad – daughter and son of grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members. Introduction to the world around us: “Wonderful doctor.” Speech development: GCD on topics: Speech development “Politeness Lesson.” Development of speech “Victory Day”. Story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”. Conversations on the topic “My family.” Game situation "Little Helper". Compiling creative stories on the topic “My family”, “My pet”, “How I help at home”. Reading fiction on the topic “Family”: fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Geese and Swans”, “Cuckoo”. Proverbs and sayings about family. Artistic and aesthetic development: GCD on topics: Design of furniture for the home (table, chairs, bed). Structurally – model activity “Houses”. Modeling is a holiday treat (bagels, cookies). Didactic game “Find the Cubs”. Drawing – “My family is a palm”, “Mom’s portrait”. Drawing “The house you live in.” Decorative drawing “Decorating an apron for grandma.” Decorative drawing “Decoration of a handkerchief.” Application "Big House". Application “Postcard for the holiday “Victory Day”. Free drawing: coloring pages on the theme “Family”, “Professions”. Making a talisman for the family - a ladybug. Listening to audio recordings of lullabies. Musical and didactic game: “Family”. My beloved grandparents" Exhibition of drawings. “Tulips” - making a gift for mom. Physical development: A complex of morning exercises with handkerchiefs. Outdoor games: “Hen and Chicks”, “Joyful - Sad”, “Hen - Corydalis”. Development of fine motor skills of the hands: finger gymnastics “Family”, “Who has arrived?”, “Our mothers”. Interaction with parents: Information in the parent corner “Project Announcement”, creating a game situation “Little Helper” - supporting the child’s desire to help adults at home, learning poems for the holiday, helping to draw a portrait of the mother at home with the child, meeting interesting people - parents’ stories about their professions, the world of family hobbies - creating collections of fabrics, candy wrappers, buttons, badges, postcards, creating a "Family Album", a poetry competition "In secret to the whole world..." Poems about the closest, dearest and most beloved - about mom and dad, about grandparents, “Genealogical Family Tree” - family tree exhibition, “The Secret of My Name” - folder - moving, “My mother has golden hands!” - competition: making a book - babies, "The whole family on vacation" - a photo exhibition of collective recreation, holding a final event - "Book, me and my family!", "On the paths of our ancestors" - photo exhibition "Defenders of the Fatherland." Stage 3 - final: - Making a ladybug on the shore for the family. — Photo exhibition — “The whole family on vacation.” — Exhibition of drawings — “Genealogical family tree.” - Making a folder - moving - “The Secret of My Name”. — Carrying out the final event-celebration — “The Book, Me and My Family!” — Photo report from the holiday. Source : /blogs/yulija-valerevna-torop/proekt-mamu-lyubjat-vse-na-svete-vtoraja-mladshaja-grupa.html

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