Short-term project “Gifts of Autumn” in a senior mixed-age group with a general developmental focus

In this article we will talk about photos of crafts “Gifts of Autumn for School”, and, of course, we will also talk about how to make such crafts. Autumn is the richest time of the year, and it provides a great variety of gifts for crafts. Nuts, acorns, chestnuts, fruits that ripen in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, their seeds, autumn leaves, herbs and flowers, twigs and roots - you can’t list everything. And from each nut, pumpkin or yellow leaf, if desired, you can make a wonderful craft that will be a real work of art. And if you add here all sorts of improvised materials such as plasticine, cardboard, colored paper, bird feathers, wire, etc., then autumn crafts will be even more wonderful.

Types of autumn crafts

If desired, you can create an almost endless variety of crafts from the autumn wealth:

  • individual products;
  • panel;
  • applications on a particular topic;
  • herbariums;
  • real autumn compositions.

What is noteworthy is that you can make simple crafts, medium-complexity, and very complex, that is, highly artistic, from autumn gifts. This means that this kind of creativity is available to children of all ages - from first-graders to high school students.

Well, now let’s start a specific conversation about crafts from the gifts of autumn.

Project in the preparatory group on the topic: Autumn

Project “What did autumn give us?”
for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten teacher: Belobaeva Elena Valerievna Description of work: A project for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten, which, through the integration of educational areas and different types of children's activities, allows us to generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the “gifts of autumn”, give ideas about the processing of vegetables and fruit. Relevance: Features of the development of a preschool child are his active desire to understand the world around him, curiosity, and the desire to experiment. This is facilitated by the high potential of his mental abilities, the development of which is realized in the process of various types of activities. Problem: How to preserve the autumn harvest? Project goal: Enrichment and systematization of children's ideas about autumn and its gifts. Objectives: - summarize children’s ideas about the gifts of autumn, consolidate the concepts of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts; - systematize ideas about methods of processing vegetables and fruits, preparing them for the winter; - to develop children’s interest in the world around them and their native nature; cultivate an emotional, positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty at different times of the year. Project participants: teachers, children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old, parents. Implementation timeframe: within a month Place of implementation: MBDOU "D/s No. 47", group "Strong" Type of project: information and research, short-term. Project support resources: - Personnel: educators. — Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the project, Internet resource. — Material and technical: visual and teaching aids, stationery, stereo system, laptop, digital camera. Forms and methods of work: - directly - educational activities; - art workshop; — experiments, research; — didactic board games; — watching cartoons; - thematic exhibition. Expected result: Children
- have clear ideas about the gifts of autumn, the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables;
- know how fruits and vegetables are processed, what preparations are made for the winter; - have basic skills in introducing a healthy lifestyle. Stages of the project: - Research - conversation on the topic “What did autumn give us?” — Preparatory – processing the information received, selecting visual and game materials, studying methodological literature, developing a plan for joint activities. — Practical - implementation of a plan of joint activities through the integration of different types of children's activities. — Final – assessing the effectiveness of the project: holding a final event on the topic. Implementation plan: Direct - educational activities:
- “Such a different harvest” - cognitive development;
- “Vegetables - fruits - the best products” - cognitive development; - “Wonderful turnip” - speech development; — “Store showcase” - artistic and aesthetic development; - “What are you sad about, autumn?” - speech development; — “Autumn Landscapes” - artistic and aesthetic development. Experimental - experimental activity:
- “Meet the cucumber”;
— “Visiting Senor Tomato”; — “How to please a pepper”; — Game educational situation “Preparing vinaigrette”; — Game training situation “Preparing carrot juice.” Game activity: Didactic games: “One - many”; “Who needs what”; “What first, what then”; "Vegetables fruits"; “Who can name more?” Outdoor games: “Gray Wolf”; "Baskets"; "Garden round dance"; “Collect apples” Reading fiction/watching cartoons:
- “Vegetables” by Y. Tuvim – game – dramatization, making masks (art workshop);
— “Bag of Apples” by V. Suteev. Excursions:
- Observation of the work of the chef while preparing dishes from vegetables;
— Observation of the work of the seller in the “Vegetables and Fruits” store. Final event:
— “Autumn Fantasies” - an exhibition of creative works.
Work with parents: - informing parents about the content and objectives of the project “What Autumn Gave Us”; — participation in the exhibition of crafts made from vegetables:

Literature used: - Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old. / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. - “The Unknown is Nearby,” entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina, M., Sphere shopping center, 2005 - “Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old”, gaming technologies. — E.A. Alyabyeva, M., Sphere shopping center, 2006 - “Natural science, fine arts, artistic work”, thematic planning of classes. – V. Yu. Dyachenko, O.V. Guzenko et al., Volgograd: Uchitel, 2007; - “Learning to eat right.” – Yu.P. Klimovich, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007; — “Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years.” – E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013; - “Environmental projects in kindergarten” - Maslennikova O.N., Filippenko A.A. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013

We recommend watching:

Autumn holiday of KVN in the preparatory group Autumn holiday in the preparatory group: “Autumn, the glorious time” Conversation about Autumn in the preparatory group Synopsis of NNOD on ecology in the preparatory group for school on the topic: Autumn

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Conversation on the topic “Leaf fall” in the preparatory group

Cheerful caterpillar

This is one of the simplest crafts, and therefore even first-graders can successfully cope with it. A cheerful autumn caterpillar can be made from many fruits:

  • chestnuts;
  • acorns;
  • apples;
  • small pumpkins.

This is how a caterpillar is made.

  1. We choose suitable autumn fruits - something from what is listed above.
  2. We take an awl and make through holes in each fruit.
  3. We take a thin flexible wire and string fruits on it, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest. This is the body of a caterpillar.
  4. Having strung the last fruit, we make a knot at the end of the wire so that the strung fruits do not jump off the wire.
  5. Next we make the caterpillar’s ​​head. To the outermost, largest fruit strung on a wire, we attach another large fruit on top. We make a face for the caterpillar on it: glue the eyes, mouth, nose. They can be molded from plasticine or bought ready-made in a store and attached with glue.
  6. Caterpillars also usually have horns on their heads. We make two holes on top of the head with an awl and insert thin sticks or toothpicks into each of them, onto which we attach tiny balls of plasticine on top.

The caterpillar is ready. To make it look even more beautiful, you can put a few yellow autumn leaves under it. Or - glue it to a small piece of plywood. Then the craft can be exhibited.

Calendar-long-term planning on the topic “Generous gifts of autumn” in the senior group

Calendar and thematic planning of educational work (for the week from October 4 to October 8)

Group: senior group Topic of the week:

"Nature's Pantry" (fruits, vegetables)


Create conditions for generalizing children's ideas about autumn as a season. Continue introducing children to agricultural careers. Summarize ideas about the connection between living and inanimate nature in the autumn period, about human adaptation to seasonal changes in nature. Develop the ability to use symbols, icons of the nature calendar, observation diary, phenological calendar to describe natural events. Cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature.

Reinforce the general concepts of “vegetables”, “fruits”, “berries”.

4.10. – World Smile Day

4.10. – World Animal Day

5.10. – International Teachers Day

7.10. – International Doctors Day

Final event

: Exhibition of crafts “Miracles from an ordinary garden bed”

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Monday – 4.10. Morning: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Morning circle

Morning exercises. Acupressure.

Conversation “Gifts of Autumn” - systematize and deepen knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game “What grows in the garden and what on the branch” - to fix the place where different vegetables grow

Finger game "Harvest"

Didactic game “The fourth odd one” - classification of vegetables and fruits Rita K., Lisa V. Observation and work in a corner of nature. Remind that plants, like vegetables, need moisture to grow, and develop to determine the plant’s need for watering. Replenishing the book corner with books about vegetables and fruits.

Selection of attributes for the role-playing game “Vegetable shop”

Invite parents to take part in the exhibition of crafts “Miracles from an ordinary garden bed”
GCD 1 Communication activities

(speech development)
(r.r. – 1.3 weeks; r.r./meaning with cold – 2.4 weeks)
“Retelling of artistic

works. Ya. Tayts “For mushrooms”

Objectives: continue

to develop children’s ability to retell the text independently, to convey characters through intonation

characters, your attitude towards the heroes; Strengthen the skill

retell the story by role, form


names; relate the action to its name.



Motor activity (physical education on the street)
(according to the plan of the physical instructor)

2 half day

(according to the plan of the circle leader

Walk: F., P., R.,

S-K., H-E.

Observations of the work of adults (harvesting vegetables from the garden). Remind the rules for working with a shovel.

Relay race “Take the vegetables to the cellar” - develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Labor activity: assistance in harvesting vegetables.

Making riddles

D/i “Be attentive” - development of auditory attention, speech hearing; increasing vocabulary.

P/n “It doesn’t fly”, “On the bridge” (with a bag on the head).

With Rita K., Egor V. running “snake” between objects (repeat safety precautions when running)

With Nastya K, Anya G. repeat the signs of autumn.

Situational conversation “What is prepared from vegetables?”

Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.

Independent activity during a walk.

Role-playing games “Motorists”, “Garage”.

Work on the site: putting the territory of the site in order, working harmoniously, bringing the work started to the end.

Evening: F., P., R., S-K., H-E. Evening circle

Gymnastics after sleep

air-water procedures, walking along massage paths.

Acting out small stories with attributes for the games “Family”, “Shop”.

Reading a fairy tale: “A man and

bear", conversation on


Trace vegetables using a stencil and shade them to develop fine motor skills of your fingers.

Vika S.

Just a minute


"Why not

eat unwashed

vegetables fruits?"

The plot-based role-playing game “Family” - consolidating knowledge about processing vegetables and preparing for the winter. Printed board games “Gifts of Summer”, “Loto”
Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tuesday – 5.10. Morning: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Morning circle

Morning exercises. Acupressure.

Conversation on the topic “What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits” (to consolidate knowledge about fruits and vegetables)

Didactic game “Guess by Description” - developing the ability to describe and recognize fruits and vegetables by description

“Say kindly” - learn to form diminutive words

Sasha V.

Research activity: examining and comparing vegetables (by shape, size, length, taste) Thematic role-playing game “At Grandma’s in the Village” Laying out the outline of vegetables, fruits and cereals (development of fine motor skills) Recommend that parents prepare a vegetable salad together with their children and talk about its benefits.
GCD R., P.,

H-E., S-K.

Motor activity

(Physical Culture)

(according to the plan of the physical instructor)

2. Cognitive activity (FEMP).

"Numbers and figures 1, 2, 3,

square" (Kolesnikova, p. 20)

Objectives: consolidate the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure, learn to write the number 3, learn to solve a logical problem to establish patterns, lay out a square from counting sticks, draw a square and a flower in a checkered notebook, develop cognitive processes, cultivate interest in mathematics .

2 half day. Visual activities (drawing)

"It's raining"


consolidate skills, develop compositional skills, develop aesthetic and artistic perception, creative thinking, cultivate accuracy.

Walk: F., P., R.,

S-K., H-E.

Walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Learn to distinguish trees by the shape of their leaves and their color. Note which trees have fruit, which trees have lost more leaves, and whether there are trees with green foliage. Which?

Didactic game “Say the opposite” (learn to select bright epithets and adjectives to describe autumn trees).

Labor: sweep the paths (to cultivate hard work, the ability to work together)

Outdoor game “Migration of birds” (teach children to run in all directions, act on a signal)

With Nastya K., practice standing long jumps (to develop agility and endurance) Research activity: determine which tree has the largest leaves, conclude that the largest trees have larger leaves. Role-playing games “Taxi”, “Shop”

Drawing with sticks on the sand.

Evening: F., P., R., S-K., H-E. Evening circle

Gymnastics after sleep

air-water procedures.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip". Conversation about fairy tales read, assessment of the heroes’ actions. Independently inventing fairy tales using models.

Outdoor game “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries.”

With Masha V, Sasha V. consolidate the learned sculpting techniques Didactic game “What’s in the bag?” - develop tactile perception Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Experience: “The need of plants for water” - to form children’s ideas about the possibility of water for the life and growth of plants.

Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Wednesday – 6.10. Morning: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Morning circle

Morning exercises. Acupressure. Conversation with children on the topic “Mushrooms” - to arouse interest in the world around them, to form a realistic idea of ​​nature; consolidate the general concept of “Mushrooms”. Examination of the painting “Autumn Forest” - expand children’s understanding of the typical signs of autumn. D/i, board games

With Ulyana M., practice clearly pronouncing sounds in words. Talking with children about food culture. Independent games for children.

D/games “Where is left, where is right?” Exercises: “Movements according to given instructions”

In the forest to pick mushrooms - mastering concepts: left and right parts of the body, left and right sides.





GCD R., P.,

H-E., S-K.

1. .
Communication activity (ob.g. – 1.3 weeks; ob.g./mean. with cold – 2.4 weeks)
“Sound and letter U” (Kolesnikova, p. 18)

Objectives: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis and the development of phonemic hearing, to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word and designate it on a diagram using symbols, to teach children to solve riddles, to understand poetic comparisons underlying the riddle; develop attention, logical thinking, teach to listen carefully to the text of a poem, name words with the sound U, intonation highlight the sound U in words, introduce


Motor activity (physical culture)

(according to the physical instructor’s plan)

2 half day

3.15.50-16.15 Fine art (modeling (manual labor)/applique)


Topic: "Beautiful hedgehog)

Develop children's aesthetic perception

Walk: F., P., R.,

S-K., H-E.

Observing clouds - forming ideas about how the wind shapes clouds; develop creative imagination; evoke a desire to fantasize.

Work on the site: work in the flower garden (collect dried flowers from the flower bed).

D/i “How many objects” - teach subject counting; develop quantitative concepts, the ability to understand and name numerals.

P/ and “Freeze”, “Ball up”.

To develop the ability and skills in catching and throwing the ball from Vic L.. Remind children of the need to help each other, how to politely make requests and thank them Story games of children's choice.

Work assignments.

Experimenting with sand

(change in shape).

Evening: F., P., R., S-K., H-E. Evening circle

“Mushrooms: edible - not - edible” - introduce edible and inedible mushrooms, teach them to distinguish them by appearance, construct a fly agaric from plasticine and cardboard, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the gifts of nature. Review the rules of behavior in the forest

Individual work with children to consolidate the composition of the number 5 from the two smaller ones D/i “What’s unnecessary here?” - develop operations of generalization, classification, specification, activate vocabulary on the topic, develop attention. Independent

activities in

corner of the traffic rules.

Games with balls.

Vegetable coloring pages,


Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thursday – 7.10. Morning: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Morning circle

Morning exercises. Acupressure.

Theme: “Spikelet visiting the guys.”

Examination of samples of grains and spikelets of various grain crops, their comparison.

Consider a reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Rye”.

Reading “Niva” by Yu. Zhdanovskaya, conversation on content.

Finger gymnastics “Loaf”

Outdoor game “Mousetrap” (to strengthen the ability to act on a signal)

With Maxim M. practice counting spikelets (consolidate ordinal counting) In a corner of nature, water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves (instill love and care for indoor flowers) Prepare ears and grains of wheat, rye, oats.

Audio recording of Ya. Frenkel’s song “Russian Field”

Recommend parents to conduct excursions to the grain field (rye, wheat)
GCD R., P.,

H-E., S-K.

1 Cognitive activity (FEMP – 1.3 weeks; CMD – 2.4 weeks)

Construction Topic: “Leaves” (origami)

Continue to introduce children to the origami technique. Orient children to perform actions accurately. Teach children to forcefully iron the folded area

S. V. Sokolova “Origami for the little ones”, p. 14


Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

2 half day


Visual activities (drawing)

Theme: Autumn forest" about

reflect autumn impressions in the drawing. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints.

Walk: F., P., R.,

S-K., H-E.

Observing a sparrow in the fall (continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow, teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn, activate attention and memory)

Labor: feed the birds that have flown to the feeder.

Outdoor game “Migration of birds” (learn to perform actions on a signal)

With Egor V, Sasha R, exercise “Don’t knock down the flag” (learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them down) Situational conversation “How to help birds in winter?” Didactic game “Say it differently” - consolidate synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

Outdoor game “Stop!” - establish the rules of the game

Evening: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Evening circle Health exercises after sleep. Water-air procedure. Walking along massage paths.

Sowing wheat seeds. Conversation about growth conditions.

Thematic role-playing game “In the bakery” (teach children to act out a familiar plot, induce in children a positive emotional state from playing with their peers)

Outdoor game “One, two, three, run to the ear of corn...” (to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal, moving in a certain direction indicated by the teacher)

With Lisa V. repeat the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) Situational conversation about how to behave in kindergarten. Story-based role-playing game "Shop". Stencils for drawing fruits and vegetables
Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Friday – 8.10. Morning: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Morning circle

Morning exercises. Acupressure.

Theme “About those who grow bread”

The teacher's story about people working in the field (fix the names of the professions of people who grow bread).

Consider a reproduction of G. Myasoedov’s painting “Harvest.”

Didactic game “Name the profession and actions” (plowman plows the land, combine operator, agronomist, tractor driver)

Finger gymnastics “Baker” - development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Outdoor game “Who will transport the grain to the elevator faster” (to develop interest in competitive games, develop dexterity and speed).

With Masha V. drawing up proposals for the painting. Learning the tongue twister “Peter the Baker baked pies in the oven” Prepare illustrations with the professions of people working in the field Design of a travel folder for parents “Here it is - the fragrant bread!”
GCD R., P.,

H-E., S-K.

Cognitive activity
"Poisonous mushrooms and berries"

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries; teach to distinguish mushrooms by pictures and the signs that are given in the riddles and explanations of the teacher; develop the ability to observe, dialyze; develop the ability to behave correctly in nature.


Musical activities



Walk: F., P., R.,

S-K., H-E.

Observation of rain (expand ideas about objects and natural phenomena, develop cognitive interests, cultivate attention and observation skills). Note what changes in nature when it rains.

Riddles about rain.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

With Angelina P, Seryozha P, practice jumping, develop coordination of movements. Remind children that they need to help each other, how to make a request. Independent activities of children, games of choice.

Outdoor games “Cabbage”, “Cat and Mice”

Evening: F., P., R., S-K., H-E Evening circle

Theme “From grain to loaf”

Reading the Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet". Conversation on the content of the fairy tale.

Modeling products from salt dough according to samples (drawings) - motivation for creative activity - making products for the craft game “Bakery”

Didactic game “Be careful” (name the products that are made from flour).

Outdoor game “A grain has fallen into the ground” (to develop imagination, attention, the ability to navigate in space, move according to a signal)

With Roma T compare objects by height. Learn the rhyme “Rain, rain, water - there will be a harvest of bread.”

There will be buns, there will be baked goods, there will be delicious cheesecakes.”

Constructive games – “Build what you want”

Role-playing games at the request of children.

Hedgehogs from seeds

Sunflower seeds are one of the most common autumn gifts. It’s not at all difficult to make various crafts with them. For example, cute hedgehogs. There are several ways to do this.

Here's the first method.

  1. We sculpt the hedgehog’s body from light plasticine, and his nose and eyes from dark plasticine.
  2. We take sunflower seeds and stick them into the body with their sharp tips. These are needles. The seeds need to be inserted tightly so that there are no gaps on the back and sides of the hedgehog.
  3. We leave the muzzle, as well as the paws and belly bare.
  4. For greater beauty, we sculpt one or more mushrooms from plasticine and attach them to the hedgehog’s back.

Here's another way. In fact, this is not even a hedgehog in itself, but a whole autumn composition with the participation of a hedgehog.

  1. We take thick white cardboard.
  2. Draw the outline of a hedgehog on it with a pencil.
  3. Then we take sunflower seeds and glue them onto the back and sides of the drawn hedgehog. We do not stick seeds on the face, belly and paws.
  4. We paint the cardboard with autumn colors. That is, we depict an autumn landscape on it. Something (such as the sky, sun and clouds) can be drawn with paints or markers. And it is better to depict vegetation using real autumn leaves, flowers and twigs.


And more about hedgehogs...

Hedgehogs are generally a favorite craft for children of all ages, so we’ll tell you about some more ways to make these cute animals from autumn gifts.

If you look closely at an ordinary pine cone, you can easily notice that its shape is very similar to the body of a hedgehog. Have you been paying attention? Amazing! This means that it won’t be too difficult to “finish” a hedgehog out of a cone so that it turns out just like a real one.

What is needed for this? Just a little:

  • sculpt a muzzle from plasticine along with a nose and eyes;
  • glue it to the base of the cone - that is, that part of it that is attached to the branch.

That's all. It turns out to be a real hedgehog, where the scales of the cone will play the role of needles.

Or you can complicate the task a little. That is, stick a muzzle molded from plasticine to the cone, and glue pine needles to the scales of the cone with plasticine or glue. The result will be not just a hedgehog, but a prickly hedgehog. As expected.

By the way, about landscapes

The autumn landscape was mentioned above, and this topic should be discussed in more detail. Because simply wonderful paintings and crafts can be made from ordinary autumn leaves, flowers, berries, herbs and twigs. Moreover, you don’t even need to have any special artistic abilities to do this.

Read more about the process of making such landscapes.

  1. We prepare a sheet of colored paper, or even better, thick cardboard or a flat plywood board.
  2. We stock up in advance with all the necessary decorative materials: colorful autumn leaves, berries, pine needles, dry twigs, flowers, etc.
  3. Don't forget about colored pencils, paints and a brush or felt-tip pens - they will definitely come in handy.
  4. We also stock up on glue.
  5. We decide what kind of plot will be depicted on the canvas.
  6. We begin to depict him. It could be an autumn meadow, an autumn meadow or field, an autumn forest - in general, everything that your creative imagination suggests. We glue the stored gifts of autumn onto paper, cardboard or a plywood board so that we get the intended picture.
  7. We fill in the missing details and strokes with paints or felt-tip pens.

The end result will definitely look like in these photos. Well, isn't it beautiful? In general, we try ourselves as landscape artists. There will definitely be a result.

Volumetric autumn landscapes-crafts

And a variety of voluminous crafts and landscapes are made from autumn gifts. Of course, they are a kind of pinnacle of craftsmanship, but at the same time, there is nothing particularly difficult about them. This means that, with desire and diligence, any child can make such a craft.

To do this, you just need to stock up on all the necessary materials:

  • autumn leaves;
  • fruits and berries;
  • flowers, grass, twigs and pine needles;
  • nuts, acorns, chestnuts, cones;
  • glue, paints and brushes, colored paper and cardboard, scissors;
  • wire and twine, etc.

It’s not a fact that all of this will be needed in full for the craft, but it won’t hurt to have the listed supply on hand. You never know where creative imagination will lead?

And here are samples of three-dimensional crafts made from autumn gifts. Of course, this does not mean that you need to make just such crafts. These are just examples, but you can make anything you want - so to speak, in the image and likeness.

Making a bunny from a fir cone

This is a very simple, but at the same time elegant and beautiful craft.

  1. Take a straight, whole fir cone. Unlike a pine cone, it is oblong and large, so it is more suitable for crafts.
  2. Next, take two wooden sticks. We attach them with plasticine to the sides of the cone. These are bunny paws.
  3. We sculpt legs for a hare from plasticine.
  4. We make eyes, nose and mouth from colored plasticine. We attach them to the thicker part of the cone.
  5. Making the bunny's ears. They can be fashioned from plasticine, or even better, from two “propellers” that are found on maple seeds. There are a lot of them on the maple tree in the fall; they fly away as soon as the wind blows. The ears will turn out wonderful!
  6. And from pine or cedar needles we make a mustache for the hare.
  7. If desired, we sculpt a carrot from plasticine and attach it to the hare’s hand. Indeed, what kind of hare is this without a carrot?

From fir cones using the indicated method, it is not at all difficult to make one bunny or an entire hare family.

And here is another version of a bunny made from a fir cone - along with the process of making it.

Pine cone owl

And the pine cone is very similar to an owl. If so, then it won’t be too difficult to attach the missing parts to the pine cone, and the owl will turn out just like a real one.

Such an owl can be made in different ways. Here is the first, easiest way.

  1. We take a suitable, that is, large and undamaged pine cone.
  2. In addition to this, we stock up on a small pine cone, as well as two cups for acorns and two “propellers” for maple seeds.
  3. Don't forget about the glue that we will use to glue all the parts of the future owl, as well as paint and a brush.
  4. Let's get creative:
  • glue the acorn cups, bottoms up, to the top of the cone (the one that is attached to the branch). These are the eyes of an owl;
  • paint dark or green circles in the middle of the cup – pupils;
  • over the eyes we glue two maple “propellers” - the eyelids of an owl;
  • below the eyes, in the middle, glue a small bump - an owl's beak.

That's all the wisdom.

And these are other options for making an owl from a pine cone.

Owl and owlets in a hollow

But there is a second way, more complicated. In this case, the owl is made not from one, but from many pine cones. So, what do you need to stock up on to make such an owl craft:

  • plasticine;
  • lots of pine cones;
  • bird feathers;
  • colored paper and scissors;
  • glue;
  • purchased owl eyes - if you don’t want to sculpt them from plasticine.

Let's start the craft.

  1. We sculpt a large outline of an owl from plasticine.
  2. When the outline is ready, we begin to decorate it with cones. That is, we stick the cones into the owl’s body with the scales down and the wide part out.
  3. In this way we design the entire owl’s body.
  4. We make wings and ears for the owl from bird feathers. There is nothing complicated here. You need to stick (or glue) several feathers into the appropriate places. If these are wings, then on the sides of the body, and if they are ears, then there are bumps on top.
  5. Alternatively, wings and ears can be made from autumn leaves, but they spoil very quickly. So it’s better to make it from feathers.
  6. Just below the ears we glue the eyes - either by sculpting them from plasticine or purchasing them.
  7. Cut out a triangle from yellow, orange or red colored paper. Glue it point down under the eyes. This is the nose of an owl.
  8. There is another option for the nose - make it from a small pine cone.

The owl itself is ready. But it will be even better to make it part of a beautiful autumn landscape. That is, make another hollow and owlets. First, let's talk about owlets. They are made exactly the same as an owl, but smaller in size. How many there will be is up to the artist who makes the craft.

Now about the hollow. Here everything is a little more complicated. To make it, you need to take a part of a pine or some other branch (it should be thick enough), cut it evenly with a saw on both sides, and cut a round depression (hollow) in the middle. Of course, the child himself may not be able to cope with such a task, and therefore the help of someone older is needed.

Next we do this.

  1. We take a flat rectangular plywood or plank. Vertically glue the trunk with the hollow to it.
  2. Glue a large owl nearby.
  3. We plant the owls in the hollow and fix them with glue.
  4. We cover the entire board with autumn leaves. To prevent them from falling apart, it is better to glue them.

The autumn composition is ready!

Birds from autumn leaves

Oh, what wonderful birds fall leaves make! And the main thing is that there is no special work here. All you need is to be able to notice and not be lazy to select suitable leaves. A little work and a little imagination - and the leaves turn into wonderful fairy-tale birds. The only job is to glue the leaves to each other correctly and artistically. Well, and also - attach eyes to them. And, finally, stick the finished composition onto paper, a sheet of cardboard or a piece of plywood.

Fishes from autumn leaves

The same thing, in principle, applies to another craft - fish made from autumn leaves. Each autumn leaf already looks like a small silver or gold fish. And if you add to this a little diligence and creative imagination? For this:

  • you need to select leaves according to size and color;
  • using glue, make a fish from several leaves;
  • cut out the eyes of the fish from a piece of white or colored paper and glue them to the appropriate place;
  • Glue the finished fish onto a sheet of colored paper or colored cardboard.

By the way, in this way it is not at all difficult to make a real composition - fish in an aquarium.

  1. First, take a white sheet of paper and color it accordingly. We paint the main part of the sheet blue (this is water), and the lower part yellow (this is sand). The aquarium is ready.
  2. We make algae from leaves, needles and twigs and glue them throughout the aquarium.
  3. Next, glue small acorns or nuts all over the aquarium sheet. These are pebbles that, as you know, must be in an aquarium.
  4. If you can get real shells, even better. They must be glued to a sheet of paper, and the drawn aquarium will look just like the real one.
  5. We make fish from the leaves and place them in the aquarium. To make them look beautiful and always be in place, we glue them on a certain part of the painted sheet.
  6. For greater beauty and persuasiveness, draw white circles on a blue background (or cut them out of white paper and paste them on). These are air bubbles, which are known to be present in any aquarium.

It was a wonderful composition!

Animals made from autumn leaves

And it’s not at all difficult to make funny little animals from autumn leaves. Again, you need to stock up on leaves of different shapes, colors and sizes and use glue to build all sorts of animals from them. The creative process in this case is so simple that there is no need to talk about it in detail. It will be enough to look at the photos of such animals, and everything will become clear.

Wreath of autumn leaves and fruits

This is a very common and very easy craft to make. In addition, it is beautiful, and if so, then the wreath will decorate any room and the entire home interior as a whole. In addition, the craft is stored for a long time, and this is an additional plus.

The wreath is made as follows.

  1. First, we prepare the base - a circle made of strong wire or flexible wicker. Made from vines – better because it’s more natural.
  2. Next, we glue onto the finished base, tie with twine or thin soft wire leaves, bunches of berries, sprigs of pine needles, cones, acorns, nuts - in a word, everything from the autumn gifts that we consider necessary.
  3. The wire or wicker base should not be visible - so we attach the autumn beauties to it in a thick layer. Better yet, make a wreath of several layers.
  4. That, in fact, is all the wisdom. When the wreath is ready, we attach a loop to it from wire or twine so that it can be hung on the wall or door if desired.

What size should an autumn wreath be? Any way, depending on the wishes of its manufacturer.

Animals and other funny creatures

It’s easy to make all sorts of funny little animals and various fairy-tale and fantasy creatures from autumn fruits, vegetables and other fruits. For example, these are the piglets made from ordinary potatoes. Isn't it very cute?

Or - this horse and dog made from acorns.

Or – such “apple” people. It’s not clear who they are or what their names are, but that doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it is beautiful.

You should not neglect the autumn pebbles, of which there are so many underfoot. If you pay attention to them, pick them up, wash and dry them, and then use your imagination a little, you will end up with such wonderful crafts. Which, moreover, are easy to make.

In general, create and dare, and let autumn with all its gifts be your helper. To make the creative process easier and more fun, watch these three videos.

Craft ideas on the theme “Gifts of Autumn”

Project "Gifts of Autumn"

To instill interest in the animal world, plants and trees in the forest, the following was carried out:

1.Reading fiction


A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, M. Voloshin “In autumn”, Y. Tuvima “Vegetables”,

A. Maykova “Autumn leaves are spinning in the wind”, I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”, E. Charushin “Fox Cubs”,

V. Bianchi “Tails”, “Like an ant, I was in a hurry to go home!”

2.View presentations

: “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “What is autumn?”, “Autumn sketches”,

“Autumn Transformations”, “Signs of Autumn”, “Seasons”

3. Conversations and activities


“Vitamin Basket”, “What Autumn Gave Us”, “Autumn Walks Along the Path”,

“Our poor garden flew around” (Conversation, looking at illustrations, reading poetry),

“Mushrooms” (conversation, looking at pictures, riddles).

ECD “Autumn Mood”, examination of illustrations about harvesting. “Vegetables” (F.E.E.P), Fruits (F.E.E.P), “Let’s treat the bunnies with carrots,” “Late Autumn” (F.E.E.P).


were carried out daily on walks, according to long-term planning.

— changes in autumn nature during walks (sun, sky, wind, autumn rain, leaf fall)

-beauty and richness of the autumn forest;

— for birds (magpie, crow, tit, sparrow);

— behind the trees (birch, spruce);

- for animals (dog, cat)

5.Didactic games


“The fourth is odd”, “Listen, remember, repeat”, “What’s missing?”, “A lot is a little”,

“Vegetable shop”, D/ games “Let’s make compote for the dolls”, “Guess by the description”,

“Wonderful bag”, “What first, what then”, “What grows in the garden?”, “What grows on the tree?”

Through observations on walks “How we looked for traces of autumn,” the children became acquainted with:

what a beautiful city ours is in the autumn season. The children watched the leaves fall, what kind of leaves fall?

Breathing exercise

“Blow off a leaf”, “Blow off a drop”, “Falling leaves”.

Children really like unusual, funny fairy tales, stories about animals, plants, exhibitions of children's works and dramatization games:

Together with parents we held an exhibition of creative works on the theme: “Autumn Fantasies”

Together with children and parents, we designed an exhibition of drawings on the theme: “Autumn Sketches”

We held theatrical games - dramatizations based on the works “Turnip” and “Teremok”

Organized a creative workshop


: “The beauty of autumn leaves”


: “Big and small carrots”, “Apples and berries” - plasticineography.


: “Autumn leaf”, “Apples have ripened on the apple tree”, “Mushrooms have grown in the forest”

Design and manual labor:

“There is a teremok-teremok standing in the field” (small builder),

“A Tale in the Autumn Forest” (natural material), “Hedgehog with supplies” (natural material)

By coming into contact with the world of public life and the natural world, the child learns the rules of behavior on the street, in nature, so a targeted walk was carried out in the autumn park on the topic:

“It’s autumn, I’ve been walking around the garden!” During the target walk, we had a conversation - a discussion on the topic: “Colors of autumn!”

and repeated the poem by E. Blaginina “Autumn has come!” Established rules of behavior in nature:

Children should walk in the park only with adults and protect nature

Must follow the rules of conduct in the park (do not trample, do not tear plants, do not put things in your mouth)

Social and communicative development:

Labor education:

collecting natural material on a walk (flower seeds, unpacking seeds into boxes, collecting fir cones), leaves on the topic: “Beautiful autumn bouquet”

group decoration for the holiday “Golden Autumn has come to visit us.”

Plot-role-playing games:

“Masha’s doll’s birthday”; Dramatization games: “Turnip”, “Teremok”.

Entertainment "Autumn Meetings".

Joint events between teachers and parents:

— organizing exhibitions of children's works: drawings, applications, crafts made from natural materials.

— organization of joint work activities of parents and children on the territory of the preschool educational institution

- selection of theoretical material on the topics: “Autumn”, “Trees”, “Flowers”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

- design of an Autumn corner with a selection of thematic material - “How we welcome autumn.”

Events to work with teachers:

- widespread use of toys, dolls, fruits and vegetables, demonstration and handout materials, in accordance with the theme of the project; use of presentations in work; design of exhibitions of children's works.

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