“Berries and mushrooms are healthy and tasty gifts” IOD in the senior group.

Calendar planning in the senior group “Mushrooms. Berries"

Anastasia Filimonova

Calendar planning in the senior group “Mushrooms. Berries"

Topic of the week: Mushrooms . Berries "


Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To form an understanding of the purposefulness and interconnection of everything in nature. Develop a vocabulary, enriching it with the names of various mushrooms and berries . Deepen children's understanding of forest vegetation; Teach proper behavior in the natural environment. To develop the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Final event: Exhibition of creative works “Fantasy of Nature”


Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for joint activities Organization of work with parents


subgroup Individual work Educational activities in special moments

1 floor day

Morning Morning exercises. Conversation “Autumn. What do you know about her?

Goal: to clarify knowledge about the autumn season. looking at illustrations of trees and shrubs .

D/I "Let's guess"

Goal: the ability to guess riddles about natural phenomena. With Katya and Vanya, consolidate knowledge about the sequence of seasons and days of the week.

Correctional hour with a subgroup of children with disabilities .

Articulation gymnastics.

Stretch your lips in a smile, slightly exposing your teeth. Relax your lips.

Perform 8-10 times.

Finger gymnastics


Development of motor skills.

Conversation “The importance of being on duty in a corner of nature”


The work is to water the plants. Goal: to foster responsible fulfillment of assignments.

Situational conversation “What will happen if plants on Earth disappear?”

Illustrations of trees and
shrubs , reference pictures on the theme “Autumn”
calendar of weather and seasons, equipment for work, independent play activities in employment centers.
-mode moments -graduation

-organization of the educational process

GCD Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Week 5. Lesson 5. Topic: Mushrooms . Berries "

Program content: expand children's understanding of the diversity of the plant world, mushrooms and berries . Learn to recognize them, correctly name edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Literature: Internet source, abstract.

Music (according to the plan of the musical director)


Program content:

Improve counting skills within 5, teach to understand the independence of counting results from the qualitative characteristics of objects (color, shape and size)


Strengthen the ability to compare two objects according to two parameters of size (length and width, the result of comparison is indicated by appropriate expressions (for example: “The red ribbon is longer and wider than the green ribbon, and the green ribbon is shorter and narrower than the red ribbon”).

Clarify the understanding of the meaning of the words yesterday, today, tomorrow. Manual: I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina “FEMP. Senior group "

– M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2021, p. 13,15,17

Walk 1 Observations of seasonal changes. Purpose: to form ideas about changes in nature, to learn to distinguish and name the characteristic signs of autumn. P/I "Scarecrow"

Exercise Angelina in jumping from a bench and landing on bent legs. Safety rules in nature “How to recognize poisonous plants,
berries , mushrooms .”
Labor is the collection of natural materials for making crafts. Purpose: to teach children to invent the use of natural materials in manual labor.

Ball game “Edible - inedible”

Independent activity during a walk. Baskets for collecting natural materials, balls.

Work before bed Reading Z. Alexandrov “In the Mushroom Kingdom

-conversation on what has been read, ability to answer questions.

KGN. Monitoring the neat folding of things is to cultivate frugality.

2nd floor day Gymnastics after sleep.

Ball game "Summer or autumn"

, game exercise
“Autumn Leaves”

Finger game "Trees"


Exercise Sasha, Semyon F. in orientation on a sheet of paper, in a notebook “Write according to the model”

Didactic game “The fourth odd one”
Purpose of the game:

Development of thinking and attention in preschoolers.

Develop children's ability to classify objects according to one criterion

SRI "Hospital"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traditional methods of treatment.

Walk 2 Observations of leaves floating in puddles, d/i “What do they look like?”

Goal: develop imagination, consolidate the names of trees.
P/N “Who is missing?”
Goal: develop attention. Game activity.

Topic of the week: Mushrooms . Berries "


Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To form an understanding of the purposefulness and interconnection of everything in nature. Develop a vocabulary, enriching it with the names of various mushrooms and berries . Deepen children's understanding of forest vegetation; Teach proper behavior in the natural environment. To develop the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Final event: Exhibition of creative works “Fantasy of Nature”


Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for joint activities Organization of work with parents


subgroup Individual work Educational activities in special moments

1 floor day

Morning Morning exercises.

Conversation “What I saw on the way to the d/s”

Goal: learn to compose a short, consistent story from personal experience.

D/i “Guess which tree the leaf and fruit come from”

Goal: consolidate the names of trees.

P/i “Find your place”

D/I “One – many”

Purpose: to exercise in plural education. –Ilya, Angelina

Correctional hour with a subgroup of children with disabilities :

Finger gymnastics “Dudochka”

- develop fine motor skills of the hands. Articulation gymnastics “Spatula”

— develop the muscles of the tongue. Work in the classroom.

Goal: to develop attention when carrying out assignments.

Situational conversation “Why can’t you eat unwashed berries ?”

D/I, ball, object pictures, independent play activities in employment centers.
Individual conversations about children's behavior. Invite parents to draw their children’s attention to changes in nature on the way home or to kindergarten, so that the children can talk about it in the group .
GCD Speech development. (for correction of speech disorders)

speech therapist.

Physical training. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor )

Drawing " Mushroom "

Program content: Strengthen the ability to draw mushrooms , conveying the shape and proportions of the parts of the mushroom . Continue to strengthen your drawing skills. Develop spatial concepts, the ability to think through the placement of an image on a sheet of paper. Develop imagination.

(lesson notes)

Walk 1 Observations of leaf fall. Which trees have almost completely lost their leaves? Goal: to consolidate the names of the trees, develop observation skills, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. D/I “Does this happen or not?”

Goal: develop attention.

P/I “Who is faster to the tree”

D/I “Say with the word
- Varya, Alisa.

Purpose: to practice the coordination of nouns. and adjective

Situational conversation “If you are lost in the forest”

Independent play activity in the Labor area - collecting fallen leaves. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Remote material: labor equipment

Work before bed Reading Ya. Taits “For mushrooms

-conversation on content.

KGN - Improve the ability to hold a fork with your thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with your index finger

2nd floor day Gymnastics after sleep.

Round dance game “And we’ll go to the forest”

Distribute poems for the
Autumn Ball
, practice expressive reading.

D/i “Which branch are the kids from?”

Goal: consolidate knowledge of the fruits of trees and
D/I “Learn by the shadow”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about trees D/and
“Who can name the most actions”
Independent play activities in employment centers.

Walk 2 Watching dusk, d/i “Name what it is now”

Goal: to consolidate the parts of the day. P/I “Catch the ball”

Independent play activity

Topic of the week: Mushrooms . Berries "


Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To form an understanding of the purposefulness and interconnection of everything in nature. Develop a vocabulary, enriching it with the names of various mushrooms and berries . Deepen children's understanding of forest vegetation; Teach proper behavior in the natural environment. To develop the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Final event: Exhibition of creative works “Fantasy of Nature”


Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for joint activities Organization of work with parents


subgroup Individual work Educational activities in special moments

1 floor day

Morning Morning exercises.

Conversation “Floors of the Forest”

Goal: to reinforce with children the concept of
the “floors”
of the forest.
D/I “Who lives where?”
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the habitat of animals.
Learn the finger game "Autumn"

P/I "Zateiniki"

“Say kindly”
Purpose: to train children in inflection
(Vlad, Taya.)
Correctional hour with a subgroup of children with disabilities :

Finger gymnastics:

"Gloves and Little Mice"

- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Articulation gymnastics:

"Delicious jam"

Purpose: to develop forward movement of the lips, strengthen the muscles of the lips, their



Goal: learn to calmly open and close your mouth, relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Keep your lips and tongue in the given position.

Hygiene procedures: Purpose: To attract children's attention to hygiene procedures; strengthening hand washing rules; conversation about cleanliness; performance assessment Scheme “Forest Floors”

, object pictures depicting animals, printed board games, independent play activities in employment centers.
Together with children, create little books “Edible
Mushrooms ,
Mushrooms ECD Speech Development (SOG)

Topic: “The sound U and the letter U”

Week 5. Lesson 10.

Preparing for literacy.

Program content: formation of phonemic perception. Introducing the sound [U] and the letter U.

Literature: T. Yu. Bardysheva. Notes of speech therapy classes in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old with OHP. Page 40.

Literature: O. S. Gomzyak. We speak correctly at 5-6 years old. Notes of frontal classes. I period of study in the senior group . Page 20.

Music (according to the plan of musical hands)


Program content:

Improve counting skills within 5, teach to understand the independence of counting results from the qualitative characteristics of objects (color, shape and size)


Strengthen the ability to compare two objects according to two parameters of size (length and width, the result of comparison is indicated by appropriate expressions (for example: “The red ribbon is longer and wider than the green ribbon, and the green ribbon is shorter and narrower than the red ribbon”).

Clarify the understanding of the meaning of the words yesterday, today, tomorrow. Manual: I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina “FEMP. Senior group "

– M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2021, p. 13,15,17

Walk 1 Observations of leaf fall. Examination of buds on branches after leaf fall and branch fall. Purpose: to learn to draw conclusions during observation. D/i “Who can name more?”

Goal: consolidate the names of trees and
shrubs . P/I “Traps on one leg”
Exercise Kira and Ilya in standing long jumps - P/I
“From hummock to hummock”
“Across a stream”
Situational conversation
“Why can’t you break the branches of trees and
bushes ?” Work on a walk - collecting leaves in a hole to obtain humus. Goal: to develop the ability to work in a team. Takeaway material: equipment for work. Independent play activities on the site.

Work before bed “Riddles about mushrooms

Goal: Continue to introduce children to polysemantic words (chanterelles, hat, leg, explain the difference in the meanings of these words.

2nd floor day Gymnastics after sleep.

S/R game “We are foresters”

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the forester profession.

Repeat the words of songs and poems for the holiday “Autumn Ball”

Goal: develop memory. Exercise Bogdan and Vlad in working in notebooks. Goal: practice orientation in notebooks.

D/I with ball “Name a lot”

Goal: to train children in inflection
(I have a leaf, and on the tree... leaves)
“On the dangers of poisonous
mushrooms for humans Examination of illustrations depicting poisonous mushrooms and berries . Design activity “House for a forester”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to build various houses, to encourage them to play with crafts.

Printed board game “Plants”

Goal: develop hand motor skills

Walk 2 Observe the sky, note changes in its color, learn to choose words to describe a natural phenomenon. P/I “Freeze”

. Independent play activity.

Topic of the week: Mushrooms . Berries "


Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To form an understanding of the purposefulness and interconnection of everything in nature. Develop a vocabulary, enriching it with the names of various mushrooms and berries . Deepen children's understanding of forest vegetation; Teach proper behavior in the natural environment. To develop the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Final event: Exhibition of creative works “Fantasy of Nature”


Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for joint activities Organization of work with parents


subgroup Individual work Educational activities in special moments

1 floor day

Morning Morning exercises. Conversation “Trees in our yard”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about trees, their beauty and benefits.
D/I “What grows in the forest?”
Goal: consolidate knowledge about forest vegetation.
P/I “You and I are in the forest now” “I’m painting autumn”
Goal: with Kira and Diana to consolidate the concept of “landscape”

, learn how to compose a drawing.

Correctional hour with a subgroup of children with disabilities :

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

- develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Articulation gymnastics Alternating “Proboscis”
“House Opens”
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the lips and train their mobility by switching lip positions. Develop voluntary attention.

Board and printed game “Find your place”

Work in a corner of nature - caring for plants.

D/I “Good - bad”

Printed board games, educational activities, equipment for work in a corner of nature, independent play activities in employment centers. Ind. conversations with children and parents about proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation in the autumn.

GCD Speech development (for the correction of speech disorders)

Physical development.

Walk 1 Observation of leaf fall. Goal: invite children to talk about their feelings when they see leaves fall.

D/I “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

“Correct the mistake”
Goal: to consolidate the signs of autumn.

P/N “Run to the named tree!”

Exercise Angelina, Vanyu in long-distance running jumps

P/N “Jump further”

Experimental activity
“Games with pinwheels”
Purpose: to establish the relationship between the wind and the windmill.

Work on the site: collecting fallen leaves. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults. Remote material.

Independent play activity.

Work before bed Reading thin. literature by E. Serov “Green Country”

-conversation on what you read.

KGN - “Let's remember how to eat correctly”


Goal: improve the skill of using a fork using the middle and thumb; eat different dishes without changing the position of the appliance; strengthen the ability to safely spread butter on bread and cut slices of meat products.

2nd floor day Gymnastics after sleep.

Lotto " Berry "

-development of logic and thinking.

Conversation “What is this fog?”

, reading poetry, asking riddles, observing.

“Draw a sad and happy tree”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to draw trees.

Exercise children in expressive reading of poetry for the holiday “Golden Autumn”

Learning proverbs and sayings about trees.

D/I “What’s extra?”

Goal: develop logical thinking.

Design of a book corner, attributes for s/r games, children's play, independent play activities in employment centers.

Walk 2 Observing people's clothes. People wore jackets and windbreakers. What is this connected with? Establish the relationship between natural phenomena and human activity (it got colder - people put on warm clothes)


P/I “Knock down the bumps”

“Trees in the Forest”
Topic of the week: Mushrooms . Berries "


Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To form an understanding of the purposefulness and interconnection of everything in nature. Develop a vocabulary, enriching it with the names of various mushrooms and berries . Deepen children's understanding of forest vegetation; Teach proper behavior in the natural environment. To develop the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries .

Final event: Exhibition of creative works “Fantasy of Nature”


Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for joint activities Organization of work with parents


subgroup Individual work Educational activities in special moments

1 floor day

Morning Morning exercises. Conversation “My mood”

Goal: to teach children to describe their condition and identify factors that influence their mood.
D/I “Invent it yourself”
Purpose: to teach children to come up with small funny stories.
D/i “Who can name the most actions”
Goal: be able to name the actions and characteristics of an object

Correctional hour with a subgroup of children with disabilities :

Finger gymnastics “Autumn, autumn.”

- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Articulation gymnastics “Frog”

Goal: to develop muscle strength and lip mobility.

Situational conversation about the benefits of plants for people's well-being. (Air purification, alternative treatment, environment)

Game with counting sticks “Our plants”

Goal: develop hand motor skills. Work in a corner of nature Goal: find out which plants need to be watered more than others before the weekend. Independent play activities in employment centers.

Consultation “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family”

— Expand parents’ understanding of the moral education of preschoolers

GCD Speech development.

Week 5. Lesson 9.

Program content: teach to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms . Learn to form and use gendered nouns. case numbers. Exercise children in selecting generalizing words. Develop and activate vocabulary on a given lexical topic.

Literature: O. S. Gomzyak. We speak correctly at 5-6 years old. Notes of frontal classes. I period of study in the senior group . Page 102. (material about mushrooms , berries )


Modeling " Mushrooms , vegetables, fruits for playing shop"

Program content: consolidate the ability to convey the shape and proportions of familiar objects, using learned modeling techniques.

(see T. S. Komarova Visual activities in kindergarten p. 44)

Physical Culture.

Manual labor.

Construction (from designer parts)

"Table and chair"

Continue teaching children how to build various pieces of furniture (table and chair)

according to the drawing, unite the buildings with a single plot, and play with them together.

Strengthen the ability to reflect existing ideas from your experience in your designs. Develop ideas about construction details.

L. V. Kutsakova Design and manual labor in kindergartens page 82 No. 9

Walk 1 Watching the sun. It is lower above the horizon, so it began to get dark earlier. Purpose: To compare the length of the day in summer and autumn.

D/I “All year round”

P/I “Path of Agility”

“Across a log”
Exercise Sasha, Varya in hitting the ball against the wall and catching it with both hands P/I
“Ball against the wall”
Playing with leaves
“Images from leaves”
Research activity “Studying leaves, bark, trunk, seeds”

-develop interest in living nature Work on the site - collecting fallen leaves Goal: to teach to see the results of work, to receive satisfaction from teamwork.

Independent play activities on the site.

Work before bed Guessing riddles about mushrooms and berries

Ts: be able to identify the characteristic signs of autumn in a riddle, think logically; explain how you solved the riddle

KGN - “Work or food - my palms are always clean”


Goal: to consolidate the skill of proper sequential washing: soaping until foam is obtained, rinsing, wiping dry; development of the ability to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

2nd floor day Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

Round dance game "Topatushki"

Variable part.


Learning tongue twisters.

Diagnostics. D/I “What for what”

-Yulia and Sonya

Goal: consolidate the sequence of days of the week

Practicing the round dance step with the boys. Situational conversation about the benefits of berries as a vitamin for human health. “Are all berries healthy ?”

d/i, subject pictures (
berries , independent play activities in employment centers.
Walk 2 Observation of precipitation C: clarify ideas about precipitation. P/i. “Ring”

T: teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the rules to develop attention and speed.
P/i “Traps”
Purpose: to teach to act on a signal, to develop dexterity and speed

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