Summary and self-analysis of morning exercises and invigorating exercises after sleep.

Gymnastics after sleep as one of the components of health-saving technologies

The tasks were more extensive and included promoting the prevention of flat feet, the formation of correct posture; help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system; hardening and healing of the child’s body; the child receives joy and good mood; formation in the child of a conscious desire for health; self-healing skills.

The topic on which I work is the creation of a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating responsibility among parents and students in maintaining their own health.

This is interesting. Corrective gymnastics (from the Latin corrigo - straighten, correct) is a type of therapeutic gymnastics - special exercises to eliminate postural disorders; it also has a general strengthening effect (trains the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens individual muscle groups); restores balance between the curvatures of the spine.

Health-improving work with preschoolers has acquired particular relevance in recent decades, which is associated with a stable trend of deterioration in the health of the entire population of Russia, including children. There are many reasons for this: social, environmental, political factors, etc.

Exercises after sleep in kindergarten

The child puts his palms behind his ears and bends them forward, first with the little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the ears, he sharply releases them, and the child should feel a pop.

Create conditions for hardening the body, developing correct posture, and preventing flat feet.

The children were raised at 15:04. It was quiet in the group, some of the children were sleeping, the rest were calmly waiting for the rise.

The children set up chairs in an organized manner and went to wash their hands before eating. The teacher took an active part in helping and reminding the children of the algorithm for washing before meals.

Rules for conducting invigorating gymnastics

The complex of gymnastics after sleep and the hardening method are reflected in the folder “Recreational work in the middle group.”

Next, the children go back to the “Warm” room, where they perform, for example, several physical education sessions or a set of exercises aimed at preventing postural disorders.

Due to the fact that when a group is attended by 20-30 children, in practice it is difficult to effectively harden children during gymnastics after sleep, taking into account the requirements. There can be no talk of an individual approach when carrying out hardening. While the children are sleeping, the teacher creates conditions for contrasting hardening of the children: prepares a “cold” room (playroom or locker room, depending on the layout of the kindergarten building); With the help of ventilation, the temperature in it is initially reduced by 3-5 degrees compared to a “warm” room. Children wake up to the sounds of smooth music, the volume of which slowly increases.

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Notes: some children, when refusing to eat, do so out of capriciousness. Perhaps the teacher should more actively and unobtrusively explain to the child the benefits of the dish.

Many people know that exercise after sleep in kindergarten is an activity that brings only health benefits. After all, the emotional state of the child and his desire to learn and develop depend on how the awakening went in the future.

To prevent this from happening, we use eye exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes: “Sun” The sun rose, the sun counted the clouds.

You can't force a child. If a child does not want to study with his peers, then scolding him is strictly prohibited.

Thus, this form of physical activity helps the child quickly enter an active state, evokes positive emotions in him, and strengthens muscle tone. Various variations of gymnastics are used throughout the year.

I.p. - main stand. 1 - tilt the head to the right - take a strong breath; 2 - tilt the head to the left and voluntarily exhale.

Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. There they perform a set of exercises according to scenarios, which increases children’s interest in doing the exercises. Health-improving gymnastics can include a set of exercises aimed at preventing postural disorders, a set of breathing exercises, which is very important for strengthening the immune system, preventing colds and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Analysis of the regime moment “Gymnastics after sleep and the hardening method”

Ekaterina Tsaruk

Analysis of the regime moment “Gymnastics after sleep and the hardening method”

Date February 4, 2015

Age group: middle

Number of children: 11 (eleven)


1. Regular moment - gymnastics after sleep and hardening method

The children were raised at 15:04. It was quiet in the group, some of the children were sleeping, the rest were calmly waiting for the rise.

3. Methodology

The teacher used calm, relaxing music to wake up the children. At the same time, she took into account the individual characteristics of some children: a bad mood after waking up , a desire to go to the toilet. After all the children woke up, gymnastics followed in bed (stretching, stretching muscles of different groups)

- 2 minutes

Next, the teacher offered the children gymnastics on the floor with game elements ( “Let’s jump like bunnies”

, breathing
exercises , outdoor gear (for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, squats, etc.)
– 6 min.

The children were washed with the teacher showing the algorithm for washing after sleep ( “Wash your hands up to the elbow, don’t forget about your face and eyes”

) - 10 min.

The entire routine from waking up to dressing the children took 20 minutes.

The hardening event was breathing exercises with game elements . Calm music was used as a background throughout the entire regime , performing a relaxation function.

5. Reflection of work in documentation

complex after sleep and the hardening method are reflected in the folder “Recreational work in the middle group”


Conclusion: the serial number of the gymnastics complex after sleep corresponds to the date of the exercise. This allows us to conclude that there is systematic work in this direction. I consider the work efficiency to be high.

Notes: in our opinion, the teacher should have turned on more energetic music at the time of the start of gymnastics on the floor to activate the children and make them more active in performing the exercises.

Recommendations: we recommend that the teacher continue to work in this direction, improving his teaching experience.

Date February 13, 2015

Teacher: K. A. Kosheleva

Inspector: E. V. Tsaruk

Age group: middle

Number of children: 9 (nine)


1. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements

Before setting the table, the attendants washed their hands with soap and put children's aprons and caps on their heads. The junior teacher wiped the tables with a special rag ( “For the table”


2. Table setting

The serving was done correctly. For each child there was a napkin under the device. On the table is a napkin holder and a container for used napkins. All cutlery is laid out taking into account the rules of table setting.

3. Evaluation of the performance of duty officers

The children on duty in the dining room took an active part in serving the food, which created the impression of well-organized work in this area. After eating, the attendants also actively helped remove cutlery and napkins from the table.

4. Consistency in adult work

When serving the second course, the teacher helped the junior teacher distribute food to the children. They worked harmoniously, without any comments.

5. Preparing children for meals

At the time of setting the table , the teacher and the children read a book and performed finger exercises .

6. Organization of hygiene procedures

The children set up chairs in an organized manner and went to wash their hands before eating. The teacher took an active part in helping and reminding the children of the algorithm for washing before meals.

7. Group environment during meals

The atmosphere during meals in the group was calm and relaxed.

8. Skills in using cutlery

Children in the middle group practically all know how to use cutlery correctly. Those children who made mistakes in holding a fork-spoon correctly were reminded by the teacher how to do so correctly.

9. Table culture

During meals, the children behaved calmly and civilly.

10. Ability to present a dish

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