Research and creative project on the topic: “Milk and dairy products” for preschool children 4-7 years old

“Journey to the Dairy Country”, “The Adventures of Kolobok”

In the development of “The Adventures of Kolobok”, children come to the aid of the main character by completing tasks. In the development of “Journey to Dairy Country” they will learn about the benefits of milk and dairy products and explore the properties of milk. Game situations at the beginning of the summary. Game plot for the preparatory group

Educational area : Cognitive development.

Topic: “Journey to Dairy Country”

Group: preparatory


  • To give children an idea that milk is a component of many products, to expand children’s knowledge about the composition of milk and its benefits for the human body;
  • Develop interest in research activities, develop research skills, and instill communication skills;
  • Develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, and participate in joint experimental activities.

Vocabulary work:

  • activation: dairy products, vitamins, nutrients;
  • enrichment: calcium, potassium, lactose, phosphorus, iodine, curdled milk.

Integrated educational areas : speech development, social and communicative development.

Form of organization of children in class : semicircle, subgroup.

Form of the lesson : conversation, experimentation

Preliminary work : talking with children about milk and dairy products, reading fiction and educational literature, learning sayings, creative tasks.

Equipment : projector, USB flash drive with a crossword puzzle, iron, blanket, a sheet of paper with the inscription “milk” written in milk, glazed cheese curds, a letter, a chest, a package of milk, 4 pipettes, 2 cotton swabs, 4 plastic plates, lemon, food coloring, dishwashing liquid, brushes, 12 sheets of paper, 2 cut pictures of a cow and a goat with blue and green squares drawn on the back, 2 blue and green cubes, napkins, a ball, sticks, music for the game .

Progress of the lesson

The guests sit against the wall, the children come out of the bedroom and greet the guests.

Q: Children, guests came to us today, and it is customary to greet guests.

(children say hello)

Q: Children, you know that you didn’t just say hello: you gave a piece of health because you said: “Hello!”, i.e. wished health to our guests. No wonder the Russian proverb says: “If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health!”

Q: Guys, what kind of person do you consider healthy?

Children answer: he plays sports, doesn’t get sick, trains himself, eats right, etc.

Q: You said everything correctly. Today we will talk to you and explore one very healthy food product. And which one exactly, you will now find out.

There are cards on the chairs, take one and come to me to listen to the task.

- Look at the back of your card; whoever has a green square, go to the table with a blue cube; whoever has a blue square, go to the table with a green cube. Collect the picture. What did you get? (goat, cow)

Q: Guys, have you guessed what we will be talking about?

The children answer.

Maybe after solving the riddle you will understand what I'm talking about. I'm asking a riddle:

White water will be useful to all of us. Make whatever you want from white water: Cream, yogurt, butter for our porridge, Cottage cheese for a pie, eat it, Vanyushka, my friend!

Q: Guys, in order for us to finally be convinced that we are right, I will take out my magic chest, maybe it will help us.

(I take out and show a sheet with an inscription made with milk)

- Guys, do you see anything? (No). How can we read this?

(music sounds from the chest)

- Oh, there's a note here. Katya (Ksyusha) read what is written.

READS: heat.

Q: Children, it says heat, so this sheet needs to be heated, how can we do this? (children's expected answers)

To do this, we need to conduct an experiment - heat the leaf with something hot. I have prepared the iron, tell me how to handle electrical appliances?

(children answer while the iron is heating up)

— I stroke the inscription and read the word “milk” in unison. Children, sit down on the chairs. This is the topic of our research. By the way, the word “milk” is spelled milk. When heated, the milk boiled, darkened, and the word became visible. This is such magical ink!

Q: Guys, what do you know about milk?

D: Milk is a white liquid, it comes from a cow, it is very healthy, especially for children and the elderly.

Q: What are the benefits of milk?

D: it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, all this is necessary for the human body.

Q: Maxim Khromtsov will talk about the benefits of milk.

Let me generalize: milk contains many useful elements - calcium strengthens bones, eliminates fatigue, vitamin “E” prevents our body from aging, vitamin “A” is needed for growth and good vision.

“Milk contains many useful vitamins and substances. Drink milk more often so that caries disappears, so that your bones are strong and your head doesn’t hurt, so that your mood is always cheerful.”

Q: Milk contains a substance “lactose” - this is a special substance - milk sugar. There are people whose bodies cannot digest lactose, so they cannot drink milk. Milk contains casein. This substance gives milk a white color.

Q: Guys, tell me, what proverbs and sayings about milk do you know?

Children call:

  • wet behind the ears;
  • If there was a cow, there would be milk;
  • Burenushka is black and milk is white;
  • milk in a cow will not go sour;
  • there is milk, but it’s far away;
  • a cow in the yard, milk on the table;
  • It is good for him to drive cows who knows how to milk milk;
  • you burn yourself on milk, you blow on the water.

Q: And now you and I will solve a crossword puzzle in which hidden words mean products that are prepared with milk. The first word in our crossword puzzle is the topic of our lesson. What are we talking about?

Children: about milk.

Q: Correct, the first word is “milk”, let’s check.

Then the children ask riddles to each other.

KATYA: To make life beautiful, spread... butter on your bread;

VERA T.: What are these white grains? Not grain or snowflakes, the milk turned sour, and we received... cottage cheese on time;

ROMA: It comes in chocolate, children are very happy with it. It's more satisfying than a glazed hot dog... cheese;

VERA YU.: Liquid, not water, white, not snow. Our milk product (kefir) starts with “K”.

Q: Guys, we guessed the crossword puzzle, you named everything correctly. Stand in a circle, now we will play the game “Name the dairy product”

PHYSICAL: Playing with a ball.

Q: I have a ball in my hands, to the music we will pass the ball to each other. When the music ends, whoever has the ball names a dairy product.

Q: Guys, now that you are turning into scientists, we must study milk. Please sit down at the tables, remember which table you are sitting at.

Experiment 1. Testing milk for fat content. Add food coloring to a bowl of milk, then drop in some dishwashing detergent with a pipette. It turns out to be “fireworks in a plate.” Milk contains fat molecules. When mixed, soap and fat move together, hence the color change. Bottom line: soap, breaking down fat, causes a storm in the plate.

Experiment 2 “Milk curdling”

B: Now I will give you half a lemon. The strongest boy on the team will squeeze the juice from the lemon into a plate of milk, and the girls will stir the milk. Let's see what we can do.

Conclusion: Milk coagulation has occurred. Remember: you cannot drink juice immediately after milk.


A priceless treasure in my hand, everything for life is in milk: proteins, fats and carbohydrates - gifts from Mother Nature.

And also a miracle - vitamins, all illnesses can be overcome with them!

Q: Children, who gives us milk? There is a surprise from Buryonka in the magic chest. What do you think she might have sent you? (children's answers).

The cow sends greetings to you all, drink milk, children, you will be healthy! (I take out the glazed cheese curds and treat them to the children).

Q: Children, remember, we started our conversation with an invisible letter. Now we will conduct a third experiment with you. You will take a brush and draw a picture or write a letter with milk. And at home, your parents will warm up your work, and you will check what happened. And it’s time for our guests to leave, let’s say goodbye to them.

Author: Komarova Olga Vyacheslavovna

Project Information Card

Full name of the project"Milk miracle!"
Author:Komarova O.V.
Base on which the project is implementedMBDOU of the city of Kostroma "Kindergarten No. 46"
By dominant activity:educational - research
By number of participantsgroup.
Nature of contactsamong children of the same group
By durationlong-term – academic year (September 2016 – February 2017)
ApplicantChildren of the preparatory group for school
Final eventEntertainment "Milk gatherings"

Human health!
What could be more important? Scientists have long proven that 40% of our health depends on a healthy and balanced diet. However, there is a problem that is of a nationwide nature. It is associated with mass falsification of dairy products. We are talking, first of all, about replacing natural milk fat with palm oil. If this situation continues, then in the next 30-40 years the health status of the Russian population will sharply deteriorate: the percentage of mortality, infertility, and cancer will increase. This trend is associated with improper and artificial nutrition. Therefore, every person can and should take care of their health and the health of their loved ones. Observing the children in the group, talking with them, it became clear that not all children love milk, dairy and fermented milk products. It is very unpleasant when food goes to waste. And we decided to fight this, especially since we grew up in a village, and we know firsthand about the benefits of milk, what miracles it works in curing some diseases and how difficult it is to get it. This is how the “Milk Miracle” project was born, which was intended to be short-term, but as it deepened, the children began to have more and more new questions. For example: “Why is milk white?”, “Why are newborn children given milk to drink, and not compote, which also contains vitamins?”, “How much milk can you drink at once?” Therefore, the project turned from short-term to long-term. Project goal:
To instill a culture of consumption of dairy and fermented milk products in children and parents.
Tasks: For teachers
1. Organize the interaction of all preschool employees during the implementation of the project (educators, medical worker, music worker, senior teacher) 2. Monitor the consumption of dairy and fermented milk products in the group.
3.Continue to improve methods of working with children in project mode. For parents
1. Strengthen cooperation with the families of pupils through joint activities and competitive movement (joint entertainment with children, photo competition “Mom, Dad, I am a dairy family”, “Dairy recipes competition”) 2. Contribute to strengthening the health of children and parents through promoting healthy domestically produced nutrition (booklets, “milk calendar”, consultations, conversations, entertainment, parent meetings) 3. Offer a variety of game techniques to introduce children to the consumption of milk and dairy products.
4. Conduct a survey “Your dairy preferences” For children Cognitive development:
1. Introduce children to the variety of dairy and fermented milk products.
2.Show the benefits of dairy products for human health. 3.Develop children's interest in research activities. Speech development:
1. Achieve expressiveness of speech when learning the poem “Dairy Products”, “Colored Milk”.
2. Practice composing a coherent story about how milk appears on our table with the help of a didactic manual (application) Artistic and aesthetic development:
1. Improve the components of visual activity, technical and visual-expressive skills.
Social and communicative development:
1. Develop in children the ability to work in a team.
2.Formulate a conscious attitude towards healthy eating in children. Object of study:
Milk, dairy and fermented milk products
If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own cognitive and research activities, then they will understand that milk is a valuable food product for the child’s body and they will have a desire to consume dairy and fermented milk products food products.
Model of 3 questions (children's answers)

What do we know?What do we want to know?What should I do to find out?
-milk is sold in the store (Tanya S.) -you can make different foods from milk (Alena B., Dasha S., Nastya D.) -young children and baby animals drink milk (Sava V., Sonya S.)- what are the benefits of milk, dairy and fermented milk products? (Ksyusha M., Lida T.) - how is cottage cheese made from milk? (Vanya Z., Zakhar D.) - how does milk get to the store? (Ulya B.) -ask adults (Mila A., Artyom F.) -look in the encyclopedia (Egor L.) -find information on the Internet (Andrey F.)

Principles of project implementation: 1.Principle of accessibility:
Taking into account the age characteristics of children, adaptability of the material.
2. The principle of clarity and entertainment:
The content of the project includes a lot of illustrative material and games (eg games “Farm”, “Dairy Store”, “Milk Cafe”; d/i “Milk Walkers”, “Milk Lotto”).
3. The principle of systematicity and consistency:
The presentation of material is gradual, from simple to complex.
4. The principle of dynamism:
Integration of the project into different types of activities.
Forms and methods:
1.Observations 2.Search work (with various sources of information: books, Internet resources) 3.Experiments and experiments with milk (application) 4.Questionnaires and survey (application).
Conditions and means:
1.Technical equipment (laptop, mobile equipment), laboratory equipment.
2. Electronic educational resources (Internet, presentations, audio and video files) 3. Information competence of teachers and parents Expected results 1. For children:
The percentage of lovers of milk, dairy and fermented milk products of domestic production will increase.
2.For parents:
It is expected that parents will be more selective when choosing their diet, with priority given to healthy, locally produced dairy products.
3.For teachers:
Replenishment of the pedagogical piggy bank, improvement of teaching skills.
Stages of project implementation 1. Organizational
- study of literature and best practices on this topic.
-creation of a developmental environment and problem-play situations; -monitoring of children’s preferences for dairy products. -questioning of parents. As a result of the initial survey of children, it turned out that they like:

ProductNumber of children (out of 25)Percentage of children
drink milk1560%
cottage cheese2080%
sour cream1560%
ice cream25100%

As a result of the initial survey of parents, it was revealed:
1) Most parents do not adhere to a healthy diet in the family. 2) Most often, parents purchase dairy products from the store: milk, yogurt, and milk-containing cocktails. 3) Among local manufacturers, preference is given to the Karavaevo brand.

2. Activity stage
System web

Conversation “The Path of Milk to the Table” Conversation “About the Benefits of Milk” Experiences and Experiments with Milk
Artistic and aesthetic development
Drawing: “Who gives us milk?” Application: “In the meadow” Paper construction: “Milk packaging”. Staging of musical works “In the meadow”, “33 cows”, “Cook, boil the porridge”
Social and communicative development
of CHL: reading poems and riddles about milk: L.N. Tolstoy “About a frog that fell into milk”, D. Mamin - Sibiryak “Parable of milk and oatmeal”, M. Boroditskaya “Milk ran away” S/R “Farm”, “Milk cafe”, “Dairy store” D /I “Find something useful” D/I “Milk walkers” D/I “Milk lotto”
Speech development
NOD “The way of milk to the table”
Physical development
p/i: “Shepherd on the farm” p/i “Caring Cow” finger gymnastics “Cow” finger gymnastics “Dairy products”
Interaction with family
Dairy recipe competition. Mini-museum “Milk Miracle” Photo competition “Mom, Dad, I – a dairy family” Parent meeting: “The health drink is milk!” Joint entertainment “Dairy Lounge”

3.Final stage Results of diagnosing the consumption of dairy products in preschool educational institutions and at home:

ProductNumber of children (out of 25)Percentage of children
cottage cheese2080%
sour cream1768%
ice cream25100%

Graph of the percentage of consumption of dairy products at the beginning and at the end of the project: Conclusions:
1. Children's interest in dairy and fermented milk products increased, the percentage of consumption increased by an average of 12%. 2. Cooperation between families and preschool educational institutions has strengthened. 3.Parents received information about Kostroma producers and the benefits of natural products. 4. The pedagogical piggy bank of teachers has been replenished.

Project products:

For parentsFor teachersFor children
1. Consultation “Milk: composition and benefits” 2. Folder “Top 20, all about milk” 3. Photo gallery “Mom, Dad, I am a dairy family” 4. Folders: A) Cooking recipes from milk B) Riddles , poems, proverbs and sayings about milk B) Kostroma dairy producers.1.Project portfolio 2.Didactic manual “The way of milk to the table”1.Mini - museum “Milk Miracle!” 2.Collage “In the Meadow” 3.Board game: “Milk Walkers” 4.Board game “Milk Lotto”

The novelty and significance of the project
lies in the relevance of the topic, in the implementation of the project in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
Preschoolers gradually develop an idea of ​​foods that benefit the body and the organization of a healthy diet. Milk is the first drink, Milk is our destiny, Milk is our protection, Milk is what we will always drink! Bibliography.

  1. Belova V.I. Encyclopedia of health. Moscow, 1993.
  2. Valeology: textbook / Ed. Solomina V.P., Varlamova Yu.L.: St. Petersburg 1995.
  3. Zaitseva V. Nutrition is ideal and real. "Children's Health", 2007, No. 6
  4. Internet resources
  5. Kovalko V.I. "Health-saving technologies." Moscow "VAKO", 2007.
  6. Lesson notes on art activities in the senior group. Ed. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V., 2009.
  7. Nutrition for early and preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers / Kislyakovskaya V.G. and others - M.: Education, 1990.
  8. Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old. Ed. Paramonova L.A. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2011.
  9. 1000 proverbs, sayings, riddles for the smartest kids / comp. T. Klimenko. – M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Sova, 2010.
  10. Uzlun L.A. Recipes for a delicious life. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2008.
  11. Khurtova T.V. “Organization of project activities” - Uchitel Publishing House 2009.
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