General information Birds help people a lot. Some bring benefits in the form of meat and eggs,
Notes on drawing "Bear" in the middle group Advanced training course for 340 rubles!
Children's creativity not only contributes to the development of artistic taste and fine motor skills, but also expands
Progress of the game. The game is played several times. For the first time, an adult reads out the text of the route, doing
Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group Transcript 1 MBDOU "Kindergarten"
Project “Red Book with your own hands” in the middle group Irina Pavlova Project “Red Book with your own hands”
Notes on drawing in the middle group on the topic “Decorating a Sweater” Nadezhda Ogarkova Notes
Quote from the message MY_GRANDCHILDREN_USEFUL Read in full To your quote book or community! What is mnemonics and how
08/07/2019 Modeling from plasticine step by step is the best educational technique for preschool children (from
Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group “Space Travel” Summary of an open lesson