Integrated educational activity with children of the second junior group, theatrical game “Kolobok”

Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group


1 MBDOU "Kindergarten "Zhemchuzhinka" Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2nd junior group Prepared and conducted by: Akimova E.N. Novoselova N.A. With. Karmanovo

2 2021 Goal: Stimulating speech activity and pronunciation of onomatopoeia, full words, knowledge about wild animals in children. Previous work: reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, dramatizing the fairy tale with dolls. Material. Puppet theater "Kolobok", screen, chest with dolls, drawing materials (PVA glue, colored cardboard, cereal). Educator. What a beautiful chest! Yes, not simple - magical! I wonder what's in it? (Tries to open the chest, but it doesn’t open.) Children, maybe there’s a fairy tale in there? Did you invite me to visit a fairy tale, children? Are you really looking forward to a fairy tale, children? Guess the riddles - The fairy tale will come to the children again! Educator: asks riddles, the chest opens. The teacher takes out toys. Puzzles. A swift-footed gray bunny gallops deftly across the lawn. A cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail, beauty, And her name is fox. He makes friends with the fox, For others he is very angry! All teeth click and click,

3 A very scary gray wolf. He sucks his paw in winter, and he also loves honey. It may roar loudly. What's his name? (Bear) Educator. Well done! All the riddles have been solved! How many wonderful toys the magic chest gave us! Now guess which fairy tale we are going to visit today? It's mixed with sour cream, Cold on the window, Round side, ruddy side, What kind of fairy tale? Children. "Kolobok" Educator. That's right, of course, “Kolobok”! Now let’s close our eyes and invite Fairy Tale to visit. Let's say together: one, two, three, Fairy Tale, come visit! You sit quietly and watch carefully. Grandfather and woman appear on the screen. Educator. Grandfather and Baba lived - they were. They decided to make a bun.

4 Grandfather Oh, I wanted a kolobok! Do we have butter and flour? You should knead the dough and treat the kids! Woman. I will gladly get down to business. I’ll bake a bun for Grandfather and leave it to cool until lunch. Educator. Children, let's help knead the dough and make a bun! Let's stir, stir, Let's roll, roll and clap a little, And now shake off our palms! Came out smooth, came out smooth Kolobok, ruddy, sweet! Woman. What a beautiful bun it turned out to be, round and ruddy! I'll put it on the window so that it cools down a little. Oh, I'm getting old, kids, I'm really tired. I'll go and rest. (finger gymnastics “Granny”)

5 Educator. They put it on the window so that it cooled a little, they put it down so that it cooled, and the kolobok disappeared without a trace. The bun rolls through the forest and sings a song. And a hare meets him. Hare. Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you. Kolobok. Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song. I am a bun, a bun, I am scraped along the box, I am swept along the bottom of the barrel, I am mixed with sour cream, Yes, it is spun in butter, It is cold on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I’ll leave you, the hare, even more so! And he rolled down the road - only the hare saw him! A gingerbread man is rolling, a wolf meets him: Kolobok, kolobok, I will eat you! Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing you a song:

6 I am a bun, a bun, I am scraping the box, sweeping the bottom of the barrel, mixing it with sour cream, spinning it in butter, chilling it on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I’ll leave you, wolf, even more so! And he rolled down the road - only the wolf saw him! The gingerbread man is rolling, and the bear meets him. Kolobok, gingerbread man, I will eat you! Where can you, clubfoot, eat me! I'm a bun, a bun, I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom of the barrel, I'm mixing it with sour cream, I'm spinning it in butter, I'm chilling on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf, I’ll leave you, bear, even more so!

7 And he rolled again - only the bear saw him! A gingerbread man is rolling, a fox meets him: Kolobok, kolobok, where are you rolling? I'm rolling along the path. Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song! The gingerbread man began to sing: I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, I am scraping the box, I am sweeping the bottom of the barrel, There is a meshon in the sour cream, There is a pryazhon in the butter, There is a stuzhon on the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf, I left the bear, It’s easy to leave you, fox! The fox says: Oh, the song is good, but I can’t hear well. Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my sock and sing again, louder. The gingerbread man jumped up on the fox's nose and sang the same song louder. The fox again to him: Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my tongue and sing for the last time. The bun jumped onto the fox's tongue, and the fox ate it in a ruckus.

8 Educator. Children, why did such a disaster happen to the kolobok? Probably because he left home alone. And the woman and grandfather were very upset that they no longer had a kolobok. Let's draw many, many koloboks for them. On the tables there is colored cardboard with painted circles, children sprinkle them with various cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet). Educator. Yes, we made a lot of koloboks! You and I will go to grandma and grandpa and bring them some koloboks. Educator. So we visited a fairy tale, We showed it to you as best we could! The artists and spectators were great! Let's clap for each other with all our hearts!

Summary of the game - dramatization of "Kolobok" in the middle group

Summary of direct educational activities of pupils in the middle group on the topic of dramatization based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”
Objectives of educational areas:
“Artistic creativity”:

teach children to use expressive means: intonation, tempo, timbre of speech, plasticity, movement, the ability to convey the image of a hero, come up with fantasies, design a plot.
development of all components of children’s oral speech (grammatical structure of speech; speech - dialogical and monologue forms).
development of children’s play activities.
Previous work: reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, dramatizing the fairy tale, playing “Good Animal”, guessing riddles, talking about the mood “I’m angry, afraid, happy”;
examination of illustrations for the fairy tale by different artists. Progress:
Round dance game:
“In a forest clearing” Children stand in a circle, children standing with them depicting a “hare”, “bear cub”, “frog”. The “hare” jumps out into the middle of the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:

Early in the morning in a forest clearing, the bunny drums loudly, loudly. Chorus: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta! In the chorus: children stop and imitate playing the drum. Then the “hare” returns to the circle. A “bear cub” comes out. Children walk in a circle and sing: A bear cub came out of the den, He began to stomp, stomp in his sleep. Chorus: Stomp-stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp-stomp! “Little Bear” dances, waddling from one foot to the other. Children repeat these movements. "Teddy Bear" returns to the circle. The “little frogs” jump out, the children sing: The little frogs are doing exercises They are dancing, dancing merrily in a squatting position! Chorus: Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva! Children dance together with the “little frogs” in a squat position. The “little frogs” return to the circle. The children walk in a circle and sing: The clearing immediately became empty. The rain drums loudly, loudly: Chorus: Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip! They stop and clap their hands, imitating the sound of rain.

Educator: Listen to the riddle:

“He ran away from a hare, He didn’t tremble before a wolf, He ran away from a bear, But he still got caught in the teeth of a fox... (bun)”

Educator: What are you and I planning to play today? (to the theater) Educator: What is this, theater? (building where performances are shown) Educator: The poster is already hanging. She invites us to the show. Educator: Look who is on the poster? (gingerbread man). So, what kind of performance will there be (the “Kolobok” fairy tale) Educator: How many animals were there in the “Kolobok” fairy tale? (hare, wolf, bear, fox, 4 in total) Educator: I propose to choose artists, 4 koloboks. Who wants? Let's choose a little counting rhyme: button, onion, coal. Whoever the coal points to will be the bun. Educator: Now we choose a bunny, wolf, bear and fox. Who will tell the story? (chosen) Educator: The artists were chosen, and who will the rest be? (by the audience). The audience plays a very important role. You need to listen carefully to the artists and applaud them loudly. This will show the performers that you enjoy the performance. Show me how you will applaud? Well done. Now, actors, go to the theater restroom and get ready. And we are spectators, let’s put chairs in the auditorium and go dress up too. Let's not forget to take our daughters and sons and flowers with us for the artists.


The bell is ringing.

Educator: Listen, it’s already the 3rd call.

We'll walk along the path, straight into a fairy tale. But where is this path? How can we look into a fairy tale? 1,2,3 fairy tale open the doors. (metallophone sounds)


The show is over. All the artists come out to bow. Educator: The guys were artists. And you guys showed a fairy tale! The artists and spectators were all good, let's clap from the bottom of our hearts and give the artists flowers. Educator: Take your daughters to their place, take away the chairs and go out to the game “lived with grandma”


-What fairy tale did you play? (kolobok) - Come out, koloboks. What were you like, show me? (they run around in a circle pretending to be koloboks) - Let’s clap for them, they were good artists! -Now come out, little bunny, show me how you galloped through the forest? (etc.) -Raise your hands, who was the spectator? Show how you applauded the artists (clap). -Did you like playing? Next time, what fairy tale will we play? (the wolf and the seven Young goats)

We recommend watching:

Master Class. DIY shadow theater

Photo report from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” Synopsis of a theatrical lesson in the second junior group Synopsis of a joint theatrical activity in a preparatory group on Russian folk tales

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