Summary of a walk in kindergarten in the spring. Senior group. Tree Observations Spring Walk in
Open lesson in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution “Golden Autumn” October 27, 2016 Quick distance learning online
The use of innovative health-saving technologies in working with preschool children Elena Pukhova The use of innovative
Approximate planning of educational work in the first junior group on the topic "Transport" EXAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION
Excerpt from the text INTRODUCTION Relevance of the research topic. The most important task in the development of modern civilization is to overcome
Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity (modeling) “Rays for the sun” Goal: developing skills in working with
“There are no children born by chance. Not a single Traveler of Eternity is born by chance. Every child has
Features of modeling during the period of literacy training The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal
Introductory part Theme “Journey to the autumn forest.” Goal: Formation of musical and creative abilities in
Games for learning sounds article on reading (grade 1) on the topic Games for learning sounds