Methodological recommendations for conducting a master class in a preschool educational institution Vasina Tatyana Methodological recommendations for conducting a master class
Preview: Speech development in the preparatory group Topic: Reading and retelling of the Ukrainian fairy tale “Spikelet”
Shoes and hats. Lesson in the younger group Approximate Basic Educational Program Age group:
Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts on the topic: “Oval” A card is attached to each carriage
Experience in studying traffic rules in preschool educational institutions Presentation on the topic “We know the rules without a doubt
Literary entertainment based on the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky: “Visiting Grandfather Korney” (secondary
Project at the preschool educational institution “Useful and entertaining advice from Uncle Zhora Lampochkin” May 27, 2015 Conference
Goal: to clarify, expand and consolidate students’ knowledge about fairy tales of different genres. Tasks: Speech development:
Non-traditional forms and methods of developing children's speech in preschool educational institutions In the Federal State Educational Institution