Educational work on the topic: Pets and their cubs Planning educational work Monday ___.___.201_Topic
Thematic planning in the middle group. Topic of the week: “Gifts from old Lesovik” Morning. D.I. “Let’s help Fedora” Task:
Planning work with parents (persons in their stead) Planning work with parents (persons in their stead).”
Implementation of the regional component through project activities in the preschool educational institution PROJECT “MY SMALL HOMELAND” Authors: Paigamova
Calendar-thematic planning in the senior group “Late Autumn” (living and inanimate nature) Tatyana Alexandrova Calendar-thematic
“Retelling the story “Where the bread came from” - compiling a series of plot pictures” Transcript 1 Municipal
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes The problem of the health of Russian schoolchildren is now acutely relevant.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF 1. Birthday Day We propose to introduce a tradition in the class - every 1st day
Lapbook “My small Motherland, my dear Borovsky” Author: Domnina Alina Mikhailovna teacher of the Borovsky MADO