Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

Summary of a mathematics lesson in a preparatory group using gaming technology.



Summary of a mathematics lesson in a preparatory group using gaming technology.

Belorechensk, 2021

Summary of a lesson on FEMP in a preparatory group using gaming technology.

The lesson will be useful for teachers in groups of senior preschool age who actively implement gaming technology in their work.


consolidate children's knowledge of FEMP in accordance with their age group.



— improve counting skills within 20.

- continue to compose arithmetic problems (based on the plot picture, based on the proposed plot);

— to activate children’s speech in making correct speech statements. developing:

- practice comparing numbers (using mathematical symbols);

- develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking in performing the proposed tasks; educational:

— cultivate perseverance in overcoming difficulties, achieving the set goal; sense of collectivism.


numbers, story pictures, toys, cards depicting geometric shapes, mathematical symbols - ;+; = ;

Preliminary work:

ordinal and reverse counting; familiarization with numbers, arithmetic signs, solving arithmetic problems, comparing numbers.

GCD move:


Guys, today I have prepared a magic box for you. And I think that each of you is probably interested in knowing what’s in it? (Yes). It is locked with several locks! To open them, you need to complete a number of tasks.

Want to? (Yes). Count how many locks are on the box (7), what color and shape are they? (red circle, green triangle, orange oval, blue rectangle, white trapezoid, pink square, yellow diamond). The locks are opened using keys of the same color, which are on my table. For each correctly completed task you will receive a key. The tasks are difficult, you need to listen carefully, think, help each other and complete them. Only the most stubborn achieves their goal... Well, are you ready? I wish you success!

1.Game “Stand where you need to be” (brainstorming)

Numbers for the number of children from 1 to 20 are laid out on the floor.

Guys, everyone needs to find their own number by solving a logical problem correctly: - name a number that is greater than 10 by 1 (11); which is less than 14 by 1 (13); this number has neighbors - 9 and 7 (8); how many seasons?; how many fingers are there on 2 hands?; how many days are there in a week?; What is the count - Monday, Wednesday, Saturday?; the next number is the number 1; the previous number is the number 7; how many months in a year? (children take the required number, explain their choice) Guys, you completed this task without errors and receive the first key! Select the first key from the box and open the first lock (children choose the key according to color and shape).

Now take your numbers. which you guessed and line up one after another in descending order of your numbers (from the largest number to the smallest), name your numbers, I check your sequence (children call: 20,19,18,17,16,15, etc.) d.).The task is completed - the key is yours! Select it among others and open the next lock).

Now we will compare numbers using arithmetic signs. Let's call them: < > =. You need to pair up and compare your numbers, put the required sign between them and read the entry (children look for a pair, compare their two numbers, put them on a special green playing field laid out on the table. You tried and completed the difficult task without errors and I allow you to take the next key! (children choose a key in accordance with the completed task - an orange oval).

For correct answers, I give you cards (the teacher gives everyone cards with white geometric shapes with arrows drawn in different ways: right, left, up, down, diagonally). With their help, you will find your place, your card and the card on the table must coincide with each other (children look for their place and comment on their choice). You completed the task successfully - the next key is yours! (children choose a key in accordance with the completed task).

Now there is a problem for you. Look at this picture, make up a problem and solve it.

(Children make up a problem: Three magpies were sitting on a tree. Two more flew to them.

How many forty is it?) How will you solve this problem? (add two to three and you get 5). Now write down the solution and read the entry (write 3 + 2 = 5 and read: add two to three and you get five; or three plus two equals eight).

Physical education lesson
(sitting at tables - children perform movements in accordance with the words)
Hands up - into a fist (raise their hands - clench them into fists)

Unclench and on the side (unclench - put on the belt)

We stomp everything with our feet, clap everything with our hands (stomp - clap)

Extend your hand to a friend, shake your friend’s hand (they say hello)

Wish him good luck
(they hit each other on the palm)
And solve the problems again
(sit down straight).
Now another problem. Before us is the game From which tree is the leaf

. We have 20 trees with numbers from 0 to 20. On each table there are 5 trees, around them are “fallen” leaves with examples. It is necessary to solve the example and place it on the appropriate tree.

The task was completed perfectly! If you win the next key, you can use it to open the lock you need according to the score (children attach the key to the desired lock).


“Set the exact time.”

(Working with clock layouts.)


The gnome loved order in everything and always followed the daily routine. His regimen is the same as yours.

-Remember when, at what time each of you usually... gets up? (children's answer) is he having lunch? (children's answer)

Is he listening or is he already reading himself a bedtime story? (children's answer)

go to sleep? (children's answer).

-Look carefully at the pictures, in them the gnome is busy with something.

-Help the gnome, use a pencil to draw the arrows on the clock.

(The child tells the gnome’s daily routine from the picture.)


Well done, they returned the number to its place (10). Look, all the numbers are back in place?




Here are the magic numbers in place with your help. Let's hope that they will not find themselves in such a difficult situation and the Dwarf will be able to continue to admire them and know the exact time.

On the computer you perform two tasks:

• To turn on the computers and find the program in which we will work, we need to enter the correct numeric code. And to find out, you need to decompose the numbers 6, 8.5 into two smaller ones, one option at a time (children write one of the options on the board under each number, for example: 2 and 4, 5 and 3,4 and 1). These numbers are our program code. The code is found, the task is completed - the key is yours! (children find the sixth key, open the lock!)

• We enter the code on the keyboard (the child calls: 2, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1). The code is correct and a red dot appears on your screen. Complete the task according to this scheme, connecting the dots: 7 cells up, 4 to the right, 3 down, 4 to the left. What item did you get? (checkbox). The last task is completed - the key is yours! (children attach the key to the yellow diamond).

Well done boys! You have won all the keys to the treasured box! We worked hard towards our goal. We completed all tasks perfectly. We thought, reasoned, helped and helped each other out in difficult times. That's why everything worked out for you! The surprise box is yours! (the guys take out the “Best of all!” emoticon badges from the box).

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