Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Week of Friendship and Politeness”

Calendar plan. "Friendship. National Unity Day" Monday


1 Calendar plan “Friendship. National Unity Day" Monday Goal: To expand students' understanding of their native country and public holidays; arouse interest in the history of your country; cultivate a sense of pride in one’s country and love for it. Introduce the history of Russia, the coat of arms, the flag and the melody of the anthem. Final event: “Friendship is our strength.” Joint activity of the teacher with the pupils Independent activity Morning Conversation “National Unity Day” Expand the pupils’ ideas about the national holiday, talk about the history of its origin, the meaning of this holiday for people. Working in a corner of nature: “Learning to maintain order” The ability to use rational work methods to maintain cleanliness in a corner of nature. D/i according to FEMP: “Mathematical Lotto” - the ability of students to make signs. On speech development: exercise “say it correctly” Exercise Roma, Egor S., Egor P. in the selection of antonyms and synonyms for adjectives and verbs, the ability to coordinate words in sentences. Program content, methodological techniques Musical development: according to the plan of the music director. See Attachment. Lesson 7. Cognitive development (social world): Topic: “What peoples live in Russia.” Literature: page 47 N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova Program content: To introduce students to the multinational composition of the Russian population. Cultivate respectful, friendly feelings towards people of different nationalities. Methods: conversation, questions and answers, examination of illustrations of the peoples of Russia, their folk costumes, physical education, conversation, summing up. Means: illustrations depicting people in national costumes, dishes of national cuisine of different nations, illustrations or folk crafts, a globe. Speech development: (reading fiction). Topic: Reading the poem “Russian Family” by V. Stepanov. Literature: printout. Software content: expand

2 children’s ideas about the territory of Russia and the peoples inhabiting it; To cultivate respect for the various nationalities of Russia, their culture, language; To promote the development of the ability to perceive the figurative content of a work; comprehend the characters, the idea; consolidate knowledge about the genre features of the work (fairy tale, story, poem); form imagery of speech. Methods: conversation about Russia, about the peoples inhabiting it; viewing the world map, Russia; reading a poem, talking about what you read, looking at dolls from the “National Costumes” set; learning proverbs about friendship. summing up the educational activities directly. Equipment: world map, Russia, dolls from the “National Costumes” set, multimedia equipment (projector, screen). a book with a poem. Observing the weather strengthens the students’ ability to identify and reflect in speech the state of the weather, characterize changes that have occurred over a certain period of time, and mark them in the weather calendar. The outdoor game “Fox and Hares” forms ideas about the lifestyle and habits of animals; Work “Let's put away the toys together!” develop behavior and positive relationships between children; ability to work together. S/r game develops the ability to unite in the game and distribute roles. For the development of OD: exercise “Circus Performers” Exercise Sasha L, Dasha, Danila, Nikita M. in jumping over a long rope. Promote the development of leg muscles and endurance. Evening Reading fiction: on the topic “History of our Motherland.” I. Ageeva’s poem “Russian tricolor flag” instills a sense of pride in one’s country. A didactic game to familiarize yourself with the outside world “Fold the Flag” to form ideas about the symbols of Russia, the ability to fold the flag in the correct sequence. Independent motor activity The ability to independently organize outdoor games and use a variety of sports attributes. For artistic and aesthetic development: The ability to draw a human figure, to reproduce in a drawing the features of the external structure of people. Strengthen the ability to mix paints to obtain the desired color, and work correctly with a brush. Dima N., Sasha L. Tuesday Joint activity of the teacher and students Independent activity Morning Examination of the album “Symbols of Russia” Invite children to look at the album with state symbols of Russia, tell how our symbols differ from others. The work “Restoration of worn-out copies of books” the ability to choose rational

3 working methods; cultivate hard work. Musically didactic game “Violin, cello, double bass” develops children’s timbre and pitch hearing, the ability to find cards with images of musical instruments heard in fragments of plays, and select the appropriate characters. To familiarize yourself with the environment: D/i “Name the clothes” to consolidate children’s knowledge about the life and clothing of the Tatars, Mordvins, Chuvash. Cultivate respect for the culture of other peoples, educational interest in their native land. Katya P, Masha, Danila. Program content, methodological techniques Physical development: 8 p. 33 T.M. Bondarenko. Program content: practice walking while changing the direction of movement at the teacher’s signal. Practice the skill of landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench. To promote the development of coordination of movements in exercises with the ball. 1. Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time with changing the direction of movements, running while stepping over objects. 2. Main part. Outdoor switchgear without objects. OD: 1. Jumping from a height (40cm) to the mat. 2. Hitting the ball with one hand in place and moving forward.. 3. Stepping through three hoops. 3. Final part: Outdoor game “Obstacle Course”. Methods: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Facilities: benches, balls, hoops. Cognitive development (FEMP) 117 p. 196 L.N. Korotovsky. Program content: consolidate the skills of dividing a subject into two equal parts; strengthen children’s ability to measure objects using a ruler; introduce ancient measures of length. Methods: warm-up in three parts, work in notebooks (graphic dictation), discussion of dividing a square into 4 parts, demonstration, explanation, physical education, demonstration of measuring an object using a ruler, summing up. Tools: small objects, pencils, squares, scissors, strips of paper, books, rulers, notebooks. Speech development: Retelling of the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane” Literature: page 72 Aji Program content: to develop the ability to expressively retell a fairy tale, use words and expressions from the text of the fairy tale. Intensify in speech the use of verbs used in the fairy tale. Exercise children in the formation of comparative degrees of adjectives. Methods: showing illustrations for a fairy tale, first reading of a fairy tale by a teacher, explanation of incomprehensible words, question and answer, repeated reading by a teacher, word games (formation of the comparative degree of adjectives, genitive plural, verbs of the 1st person plural, finger gymnastics, summing up Means: a book with the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”. Observation of animals on the street. To promote the development of interest in our little brothers. D/s “Peoples of Russia” to tell about the people who glorified Russia, that the Russian Federation is a huge multinational country. The ability to determine nationality by costume person. Labor: maintaining order on the veranda. Form a conscious attitude towards order. The ability to organize activities to restore order, choose rational methods of work. The outdoor game “Stop”, the ability to listen to the sound of words; exercise in independent naming of words.

4 SD: Develop the ability to independently organize games, develop a sense of teamwork. The ability to use your motor experience in organizing recreation. Evening Problem situation: Sasha still hasn’t learned to tie his shoelaces. Nikita is screaming in the locker room. Ha-Ha look, he’s going to school soon, but he doesn’t know how to tie his shoelaces, Katya silently came up and helped Sasha. Whose action is right? Why? Didactic game: “Man and Animal” to promote the development of the ability to compare and generalize; create an ecological culture. S/r games: Promote the wider use of knowledge about the surrounding life in games, the ability to organize a game, choose a place, and unite in subgroups. SD: children’s ability to independently organize games, find activities of interest, and use a variety of attributes. According to FEMP: d/i “Make a pattern” exercise Dasha, Maxim F, Nikita P. in making a pattern from familiar geometric shapes on a plane in accordance with oral instructions reflecting the relative positions of the figures. Wednesday Joint activity of the teacher and pupils Independent activity Morning Conversation “Minin and Pozharsky” to expand the pupils’ ideas about their native country and public holidays. Contribute to the formation of pupils' vocabulary. D/i “Who is an excellent pedestrian” to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road. Ability to cross the road correctly. S/r game: The ability of children to play together, prepare the environment for the game, select attributes. According to FEMP: Exercise Dima and Dasha in ordinal counting within 20., correctly pronounce ordinal numbers. Program content, methodological techniques Modeling: Topic: “Modeling a human figure in motion” Literature: page 52 T.S. Komarova Program content: teach students to convey the relative size of the parts of a human figure and changes in their position when moving (running, working, dancing). Develop the ability to sculpt from a whole piece of plasticine. Strengthen the ability to firmly install a figure on a stand. Methods: examining a finished sample, showing illustrations of a person, finger gymnastics, explanation, conversation, physical education, independent productive activity of students, summing up. Tools: porcelain or ceramic figurines depicting people in motion, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, illustrations of a person, toothpicks, paper and cloth napkins.

5 Speech development (Literacy training) Topic: “Soft sign” Literature: 1 page 77 Bondarenko T.M. Program content: introduce children to the letter soft sign, teach them to read words with this letter: continue to form new words, come up with names for objects with unusual functions, form a quick reaction to a word, the ability to answer accurately and quickly, master the construction of words. Methods: familiarization with a soft sign, comparison of words by ear, comparison of words by sound and style, reading a poem, highlighting words in which a soft sign is written at the end, reading a table, physical education, game exercise “Who is doing what?”, task “Auction” words", summing up. Tools: cut alphabet, plot pictures, syllable table, V. Voskobovich’s game “read 2” on blue balls.. Drawing Topic: “A Flock of Sparrows” p. 48 G.S. Shvaiko. Program content: teach how to convey the pose of a pecking sparrow in a drawing; place several birds on a sheet of paper and independently determine their size; consolidate the skills of drawing and coloring with light pressure of a pencil and strokes of a different nature when depicting the plumage of birds, encourage children to enrich the content of the drawing by making additions to it. Methods: showing illustrations, teacher's story about a sparrow, questions and answers, physical education, children's productive activities, finger gymnastics, continuation of children's productive activities, summing up. Tools: illustrations depicting pecking sparrows, a sheet for showing methods of depiction, a sample, chips according to the number of children, albums, colored pencils, simple pencils. Observation: puddles after frost. Draw the children's attention to the ice that has formed on the puddles; help formulate a conclusion about the relationship between ice formation and low air temperature. Labor: insulating trees and shrubs for winter. Children’s ability to insulate trees and shrubs, talk about the purpose of this labor operation. The game “Migration of Birds” is active. Improve game actions, develop the ability to compare your actions with the rules. S/r game “Journey through the hometown” Ability to take on a role, conduct role-playing dialogues For musical development: Develop a sense of rhythm in Maxim F, Vadim in dance improvisations. Evening Experiment “First frost” familiarizes children with the principle of the experiment, shows how to identify the dependence of the state of water on the temperature of the air. Help draw a conclusion. Didactic game “Trees of our forests” Skills of SDA pupils: Children’s ability to independently organize games, find activities of interest, and use sports attributes in physical activity. To familiarize yourself with the environment: the didactic game “Find the mistake”, consolidate with Egor S., Danila

6 names of peoples of neighboring countries. Thursday Joint activity of the teacher and students Independent activity MORNING Examination of illustrations and reproductions of paintings about native nature. Reading the poem “Where does the Motherland begin?” consider illustrations about native nature. Cultivate an interest in reading fiction. Work in a corner of nature: washing plants. When choosing a method for removing dust from plants, children’s ability to focus on the features of its appearance and structure. Didactic game “Help Fedora” to form a color concept in children. The ability to correlate the colors of dissimilar objects. Individual work on the development of motor skills “Mosaic” to promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of Dima N, Roma, Egor P. Program content, methodological techniques Ability to independently determine the need Cognitive development (FEMP) 118 p. 197L. N. Korotovskikh. Program content: teach students to divide objects into four equal and unequal parts; introduce hourglasses and regular clocks; practice recreating an image from its parts. Methods: working with cards with labyrinths, working with logical squares, physical education, working in a notebook, explaining the division of a circle into 4 equal parts, the teacher's story about the clock, making simple images from parts, the game "Columbus's Egg", summing up. Tools: cards with labyrinths, pencils, logical squares, notebooks, circles, drawing of a sundial, hourglass, clock dials with arrows, game “Columbus Egg” (for each child). Musical development: According to the plan of the music director. See Attachment. 8 Physical development (in the air): p. 82 T.M. Bondarenko. Program content: Exercise in walking and even running with flexible fixation of turns, cultivate in children the spirit of competition, friendly relationships during the game. 1. Introductory part: Walking and even running, perform clear turns, walking and running on toes and heels, “bear walking” exercise, running with high knees. 2. Main part: Outdoor game “Enchanted Castle”, “Hare without a Lair”, “Traffic Light”, “Crows and Sparrows”. 3.Final part: sedentary game “find an object”. Methods: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Tools: tambourine, balls, cubes, skittles.

7 Observation of chestnut tree in late autumn. The ability to recognize chestnut trees by their characteristic structural features. The ability to write a story about what happens to a tree in different seasons. Role-playing game The ability of children to independently assign roles in the game. Labor: Maintaining order on the veranda - the ability of children to organize group activities to restore order on the veranda. Outdoor game “Trap with a ball” The ability to throw a ball from various starting positions and dodge it in the game. According to FEMP: Count how many birch trees there are on our site. To promote the development of counting skills in Yaroslav, Danila, Egor P. Evening, evening walk Cotton labor: “Washing pallets” to form the prerequisites for work activity. The didactic game “Choose a Word” strengthens the ability to compose stories from pictures and select words that sound similar. Games with building materials: “House of Kindness” promote the development of constructive skills: teach how to create a collective building from large building materials, and negotiate as the work progresses. S/r game “Travel around the hometown” expands children’s ideas about their hometown, talk about memorable places. Ability to take on a role and conduct role-playing dialogues. On speech development: Strengthen the ability to identify a soft sign in a word with Katya P, Egor S., Sasha L. Friday, Joint activity of the teacher and students Independent activity Morning Conversation “What is friendship of peoples? consolidate knowledge that people of different nationalities live in Russia. Didactic game “When does this happen?” children's ability to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of poetic words, show the beauty of different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people's activities. Printed board game “Fold the coat of arms” The ability to put together a whole picture from parts. Deepen and clarify children's knowledge about their country. Outdoor game “Wolf in the Moat” - the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps. On artistic and aesthetic development: Continue to develop in Dasha, Egor S., Egor P. the ability to cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle by cutting off the corners; develop skills in safe handling of scissors. Program content, methodological techniques

8 Artistic development (application) Topic: “Festive round dance” Literature: page 57 T.S. Komarova. Program content: teach children to create an image of a person from appliqué parts, to find a place for their work among others. The ability to select images that successfully match in color when gluing figures onto a common sheet. Promote the development of a sense of composition and color. Methods: story, conversation about parts of the human body, showing with illustrations, finger gymnastics, independent productive work of children, drawing up a collective composition, summing up. Tools: illustrations of people, colored paper, scissors, brushes, glue (for each student), napkins, sample. Physical development. Literature: 1 page 34 T.M. Bondarenko Program content: Exercise in walking with high knees, in dribbling the ball in motion, in crawling on all fours, in balance. 1. Introductory part. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, hands on the belt, running at an average pace for up to 1.5 minutes, switching to normal walking. 2. Main part. Outdoor switchgear with tapes. OD: 1. Dribbling the ball in a straight line and from the side (basketball version). 2. Crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench. 3. Walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, arms above your head. 3.Final part: outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”, walking. Methods: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Equipment: ribbons, balls, gymnastic bench. Cognitive development (natural world). Topic: Story “about ecological pyramids” Literature: page 61 Bondarenko T.M. Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​the relationship between plant and animal inhabitants of the forest, their food dependence on each other; consolidate children's knowledge about ecological pyramids. Methods: conversation, questions and answers, riddles, teacher's story, drawing up an ecological pyramid, game, summing up. Tools: a set of strips of paper of different lengths depicting spikelets, grass, hares, a wolf, mice and an owl. Observing the work of adults will broaden preschoolers’ understanding of the variety of labor operations in the garden, encourage them to remember why trees are pruned, and bring them to the understanding that people work hard and care for plants so that they produce a good harvest in the summer. The outdoor game “Owl” improves children’s ability to act in accordance with the rules and accurately perform labor actions. Labor: harvesting rowan. Children's ability to correctly collect rowan to feed birds in winter. SDA: The ability of pupils to independently organize outdoor games.. For the development of OD: Exercise Maxim F., Egor S., Dasha in jumping over cords (on the right and left legs). Evening,

9 evening walk Final event: quiz game “Friendship is our strength” Introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. Form friendly relationships with children. Foster a sense of mutual assistance. SHD “Portrait of my friend” Children’s ability to draw a portrait, convey facial features in a drawing, correctly position parts of the face, and use various methods of painting when drawing. D/i: “What’s the same?” promote the development of visual attention and memory, coherent speech of pupils. On speech development: Repeat with Maxim S., Nikita M. tongue twisters for sound automation [d] and [t]. Interaction with parents Provide information on the topic “National Unity Day”. Offer to look at photographs at home where children are depicted in kindergarten. Provide parents with recommendations “Raising children to be kind and sympathetic.” Read poems with children, stories about the homeland, about the friendship of peoples. Individual consultations at the request of parents. KGN Game situation “Teaching Pinocchio to observe the rules of personal hygiene” stimulate children to apply knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene. The ability to explain the essence and meaning of these rules and norms of behavior, to propose a pattern of behavior in a certain situation. The exercise “Visiting Moidodyr” develops in children cultural hygienic skills and a conscious attitude towards their appearance and health. Ability to wash yourself properly and use personal hygiene items. Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group premises) Add the coat of arms of Russia to the group; coat of arms of Arzamas, flag of Russia, illustrations about modern achievements of Russia, didactic games: “Symbols of Russia”, “Costumes of the Peoples of Russia”, illustrations, manuals “What Are You”, “We Are All Different”; reproductions and paintings about our native nature, encyclopedias, albums about the history of our country, illustrations about the holiday; attributes for role-playing games, illustrations of “Minin and Pozharsky”. Contribute material for the artistic and aesthetic development of students.

Weekly plan “Me and my friends”

Lena Butyrina

Weekly plan “Me and my friends”

GROUP: medium

TOPIC OF THE WEEK : “Me and my friends

GOAL: Creating a joyful mood from meeting with friends , with kindergarten.

FINAL EVENT: Collage “My friends


Tasks for the week , taking into account the integration of educational areas:

Summarize and expand children’s knowledge about concepts such as “friend”

learn to compose short stories of 6-8 sentences; to ensure that children acquire the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers in joint games and situations, to motivate, to explain their judgments; develop social feelings, conscious goodwill; desire to support friends and take care of them. Teach children to say “No”
if an older friend tries to involve him in a dangerous situation. Continue to arouse interest in productive activities and develop imagination. Improve motor skills and abilities, develop their independent use. Improve your ability to take care of yourself and your appearance. Strengthen the ability to build according to the proposed elementary drawing diagram or implement your own plan. Learn to create a collective craft by combining children’s individual buildings. Strengthen the ability to compare the number of objects, compare objects by size, combine them by attribute; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. Continue to develop children’s interest in the plant world; cultivate a love for plants, a desire to care for them.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Monday , 09/07/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at illustrations depicting children, friends , animals.

P/n “Find yourself a match”


With Nikita Ch. and Zhenya Ch., develop the ability to lay out and fold teaching aids. Conversation: “Our friends !”

D/i “Add a word”
. Adding illustrations and board and printed games for children’s independent activities.


Speech development (SD)

“How to behave with strangers?”
(surprise moment, teacher’s story, conversation on issues, game
“I am your friend...”
, physical exercise, drawing with pencils
“Gift for a Friend”

Development of musicality.


Observing the sun.

Sweep the veranda and remove large dry twigs.

P/i "Mousetrap"

“We are funny guys
. Pin with Kostya G. and Darina R.

the ability to walk in pairs. Conversation about the sun: the sun is shining - it’s warm. The sun is huge, hot, warms the earth, sending it its rays. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls, coloring books, colors. pencils.

work before bed Reading S. Marshak “Uncle Styopa”


Strengthen the skills of maintaining a neat appearance.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

D/i "One - many"

Reinforce with Artem P. and Kirill S. the main signs of summer and autumn. S/r game “Polyclinic”
: parents bring their children to see a doctor
(conversation, demonstration, personal example)
Introducing substitute items for the s/r game “Polyclinic”

Walk Observing the work of the janitor.

Sweep the path leading to the site. P/i "Cars"


With Arseny M. and Styopa Ch., strengthen the ability to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Tuesday, 09/08/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at the painting “Building a House”


D/i “Paired pictures”

Train the ability to draw a horizontal line with Bogdan P. and Nikita Ch. Situational conversation about how people find friends Adding coloring books , colored pencils.

Physical development according to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Cognitive development (CDEE)

“Books are my
friends (art word,
“Recognize by Voice”
, experimenting with paper, conclusions).

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling “Treat for a friend”



Examination of a flower bed, comparison of 2 flowering plants. Digging up flowers and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature. P/i “Find your house”

"Birds in the Nest"
. Exercise running under a cord for Vlad V, Katya S. Conversation about the sun, that when the sun is shining, it’s warm outside. Introducing molds, spatulas, flower boxes, small toys.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Dramatization of R. n. With. "Spikelet"

Repeat with Masha O. the previously learned poem. S/r game "Shop"

choosing a gift for a friend.

Adding attributes for the s/r game “Shop”


Walk Observing the weather conditions (whether there is sun or clouds in the sky)


P/i "Sparrows and the car"

"Take care of the object"

D/i "Living - Nonliving"


Collecting stones on the site.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Wednesday, 09.09.2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at pictures from the series “Children Play”


D/i “Wonderful bag”

Consolidate the compilation of individual groups of objects with Danil M. and Ilyas M. Memorization of “Mirilka”
. Adding coloring books, colored pencils and pictures.


Speech development. Certificate. Topic: “Talking about toys”

(Surprise moment, teacher’s story, conversation on issues, physical exercises, children’s independent story, d/i
“Call me affectionately”
, drawing up a table
friends ).

Artistic and aesthetic development. Application “Bouquet for a friend”


Cognitive development. FEMP.Theme: “One is many. Big and small. Circle"

(Riddles and answers, game
“Connect correctly”
, physical exercise
“Teddy Bears”
, game
“Find and Color”


Observation of herbaceous plants, distinguishing between tall and short flowering plants.

P/n “Hit the target”

“By the bear in the forest”
“Geese, geese”

Collect branches that have fallen from trees. Develop the skill of catching a ball with two hands with Kira K. and Zhenya Ch. Conversation: “What are the seasons? What now?”

Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, cars.

work before bed Reading p. n. fairy tales "Teremok"


Continue to strengthen the skill of rolling up your sleeves, taking soap from the soap dish and putting it in place.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

D/game “Don’t forget about your comrades.” Consolidate with Nikita Ch. and Kostya G. the exercise with the ball “I know five names of girls...”

. Games with large building materials, reinforcing previously acquired constructive skills. Introducing elements of a large designer.

Walk Note weather conditions. Is the sun shining clearly? What is the sky and wind like today?

We continue to collect twigs in buckets.

P/n “The king walked through the forest...”

"Catch me"


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Thursday, 09/10/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “Together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring”


Get into the habit of tidying up your closet. Strengthen with Darina R. and Vanya P. the ability to fold cut pictures from 8 elements. Board game for developing fine motor skills “Colorful clothespins”

. Introducing a game, a small construction set, a story.


Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing "Flower of Friendship"


Cognitive development. FEMP.Theme: “One is many. Big and small. Circle"

(Riddles and answers, game
“Connect correctly”
, physical exercise
“Teddy Bears”
, game
“Find and Color”

Speech development. Memorization. E. Stekvashova Friends

(riddle; conversation about friendship; reading a poem; questions; physical exercise; reading a poem with children).


Tree watching.

We collect sticks that have fallen from trees and take care of broken branches. P/i "Silence"

"Cat and Mice"
. Strengthen with all children the ability to step over obstacles. Teacher's story about the structure of a tree. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls.

work before bed Reading a fragment from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”


Strengthen the ability to undress and dress in the correct sequence.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Listening to the song “Smile”


To consolidate with Lesha E. and Inna D. the ability to solve riddles based on visual information. D/i “Feed the doll lunch”

, we develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions in the game. Bringing in toys for children, songs.

Walk Observing the sky. Sweep the porch and benches.

P/i "In an even circle"

"Happy Runs"

Games with sand at the request of children.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Friday, 09/11/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at the illustrations “Evaluate the action”


P/i "At the bear in the forest"


With Artem P. and Artem V., consolidate the skill of painting pictures without going beyond the outline. D/i “House of Friendship”
(to evoke sympathy for the game characters, to be able to help them)
. Contribution of illustrations, coloring books and colored pencils.


Speech development. Ecology. "My Green Friends "

(riddle, examination of the structure of a flower, game
“What’s extra?”
, work according to the scheme
“How does a plant grow?”
, physical exercise
, game
“What would happen if ...”

Cognitive development (CDEE)



Observe the cat, pay attention to the structure of its body.

We collect sticks that have fallen from trees and take care of broken branches. P/i "Sparrows and the cat"

"Ball Traps"
. Practice jumping on one leg with Arseny M., Bogdan P. and Styopa Ch. Guessing riddles about wild and domestic animals. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls, coloring books, colors. pencils.

work before bed Reading a fragment from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”


Strengthen the ability to undress and dress in the correct sequence, carefully fold clothes.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Collective storytelling “My friend in kindergarten”

With Danil P. and Katya S., reinforce the ability to alternate circles by color. S/r game “Family”
friend’s birthday)
we consolidate the ability to perform several interrelated actions in the game. Bringing in toys for playtime.

Walk Observing the flora, we continue to get acquainted with the structure of the tree.

Sweep the path leading to the site.

P/i "Happy Runs"

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Exercise children in snake


Lesson in the middle group on the topic “Friendship is a miracle”

Summary of a lesson about friendship in the middle group of kindergarten
Goal: Formation of ideas about friendship and friends. Objectives: Educational:
to cultivate a fair attitude towards each other, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.
develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid in a difficult situation, and develop social feelings.
promote learning to manage one’s feelings and emotions, expand the idea of ​​friendship, deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a single integral quality of a person, enrich the experience of children with actions and deeds that can please others;
generalize and expand children’s knowledge about such concepts as “friend”, “friendship”. Integration of educational areas: Socialization, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music. Demonstration material: pictures depicting friendship and “quarrels”. Illustrations for Russian fairy tales:
“Zaykina’s hut”, “Teremok”, “The Fox and the Crane”, Baba Yaga.
Recording of V. Shainsky’s song “Friendship begins with a smile.” Handouts: Landscape sheets, brushes, paints - according to the number of children, jars of water. Preliminary work: Conversation about friendship, reading poems, stories, fairy tales about friendship, discussing them;
conversations with children, games, role-playing situations about friendship. Course of the lesson
Organizational stage Goal: Creating a favorable emotional background, conditions for positive motivation for classes. Educator: Let's start our lesson by smiling at each other. Hold hands, turn your head to your friend on the left, then on the right and smile. Educator: Guys, guests have come to us, let's smile at them and say hello. Guys, I am very pleased to meet you, my friends, every day! How warmly this word sounds - friends. Friends are people who understand each other and who feel good together. You are all friends in the group and I am your friend! Educator: Guys, sit down on the chairs.

Educator: There are four pictures in front of you, guys, which picture do you think is the odd one out? During the discussion, we come to the conclusion: three pictures show kind, cheerful children, and the fourth one shows fighters, so it is “superfluous.” Educator: Friendship is when people want to be together, when they play together and don’t quarrel. Friends are people with whom we are interested and comfortable. Friendship is the smiles of friends. Friendship is when you can come to an agreement without shouting and quarreling; shares toys, speak politely and not be rude, be attentive to a friend; be able to sympathize with a friend. If a friend is happy, then rejoice with him; if there is trouble, then be sad together. Educator: Here are illustrations for Russian folk tales. Let's figure out which fairy-tale characters can be called a friend and which cannot? We discuss the characters' characters, their actions, and who the children would like to be friends with. Conclusion: you can call the Cockerel from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” a friend - he is brave. Kind, protected the weak.

Animals from the fairy tale “Teremok” - they are cheerful, kind, and also help each other.

You cannot call the fox a friend from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane” - she is cunning and always deceives, will never help and will not regret.

Showing Baba Yaga. Do you think Baba Yaga has many friends?

After the children’s answers, I suggest that she does not know the rules of friendship. Educator: Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? We'll check this now. I will ask questions, and you answer “yes” - clap your hands; if “no” - stomp your feet. Game “Yes-yes-yes”, “no-no-no” Purpose: Activation of attention, creation of a positive emotional mood of the group. Should we all play together? (yes)
Do you need to help a friend?
Will we be strong friends?
Should we value our friendship?
Shall we learn to play?
Do you need to piss off your friend?
How about giving a smile?
Is it worth offending a friend?
Well, what about resolving quarrels?
Is it good to have a friend?
Well done!
We completed the task. Main stage Updating existing communication experience Educator: Guys, where does acquaintance and friendship begin? (children's answers)
True, because a smiling person is friendly.
A benevolent person is one who wishes the best for you. You will also smile at each other, because a smile is the beginning of friendship. The melody of V. Shainsky “Smile” sounds. Educator: Guys, are you familiar with this melody? (Children's answers)
That's right, this song is about a smile and it's called “Smile.”
Educator: Guys, how do palms help us make friends and communicate? (children's answers) Educator: That's right! And our palms also help us play with each other, let's play? You need to stand in pairs, facing each other and repeat after me. Physical school Here is our game: Clap, palm (children connect their palm “mirror” with the palm of their partner, start with any one of their choice)
Clap, another one. We will clap our right palm a little, (3 claps with the right palm on the right palm of the neighbor)
And then with the left palm you clap louder.
(3 claps with the left palm)
And then, then, Then with the left we’ll beat the right one.
(3 claps of the left palm on the right palm, and vice versa)
Palms up - clap, clap. Slap, slap on the knees. Now pat your shoulders, slap your sides. You can clap behind your back, clap in front of you. On the right we can, on the left we can! And cross - fold our hands crosswise. Educator: Guys, friendship begins with a smile. Let's finish our lesson with a bright drawing. Let's paint a sunny, bright clearing after the rain. Conclusion. Summing up Educator: While our work is dry, let's remember what we talked about today? What did you like most? Educator: Our lesson has come to an end, you did well! I'm happy with you!

We recommend watching:

Summary of correctional and developmental activities for preschoolers with visual impairments Summary of a game lesson in the middle group A fairy tale about animal friendship for children 5-7 years old A fairy tale about friendship for children 5 - 7 years old

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