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GCD for traffic rules “Why are road signs needed”teacher of secondary group No. 8 MADOU d/s "Fairy Tale" (Ak-Dovurak, Republic of Tyva) Saryg-ool Ch.S.
Goals: to introduce children to the concepts of “road” , “sidewalk” ; introduce road signs “pedestrian crossing” , “zebra crossing” , introduce the “traffic light” ; consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road; cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness.
Materials: toy squirrel, pictures with various situations that arise on the road, cardboard circles (red, yellow, green).
Org. moment (surprise moment)
- Guys, today a forest guest came to our lesson - Squirrel. Let's smile at Belka, smile at each other, smile at the guests, and say in unison, “The sun has risen, hurray!” It's time for us to get busy."
Progress of the lesson
-Guys, Squirrel came from the forest. She's never been to the city.
-And Belka also wants to take a walk around the city, but doesn’t know the rules of behavior on the street. Guys, can we help him?
Listen and guess the riddle.
Mushrooms have born one sprout, stand along the path - straight backs,
When the old mushroom breaks down, a new one grows. -What is this? (Street)
The teacher displays a picture of city streets.
-Guys, there are so many cars, the houses are so big. And we are so small in comparison. Therefore, you and I must know how to behave on the street so that trouble does not happen.
(the teacher uses illustrations, the children show parts of the street).
This road is called a carriageway, (in unison and individually) only cars drive on it.
You can’t play on the roadway, otherwise something bad might happen.
And this road is called a sidewalk; people walk along it. People who walk on sidewalks are called pedestrians. (repeat in chorus and individually)
Problem situation:
- Guys, if only cars drive on the road, and you need to get to the other side of the road, what should you do? We think.
-Who knows where you can cross the road? (there are special places where they cross the roadway)
-What is the “zebra” ?
-Guys, let's explain to Belka where to cross the road. Remember Dunno, the road is crossed at a zebra crossing. (show zebra)
“Pedestrian crossing” nearby (show sign)
-Before crossing the roadway, you need to look left, right, and then you can cross.
-And in big cities there is a special device - a traffic light. -And what is a traffic light for? (a traffic light is needed to regulate traffic so that there is order on the streets.)
-The traffic light also helps us cross the road.
-When the red light is on, you cannot cross the road; when the yellow light is on, you must prepare to cross the road; when the green light is on, you can already cross the road.
3. Practical part.
-And now, together with Belka, we cross the road. (The children and Belka cross the road along the zebra crossing.) We looked left, right, there were no cars, we crossed the road.
Game "Traffic Light"
The teacher shows circles of traffic lights. When the light turns green, children stomp their feet; when the light turns yellow, children clap; when the light turns red, they stand still.
The guard is walking stubbornly, (walking in place) He waves at people: “Don’t walk! (moves your arms to the sides, down, up. Here the cars drive straight. (arms straight) Pedestrian, just wait! "
Look, he smiled. (hands on the belt) Invites us to go (walking in place) “You machines, don’t rush! (claps hands) Let the pedestrian pass! " (jumping in place)
-Well done guys, we played.
Did. game “Assemble a traffic light”
-Now come to the table, children. Let's play the game “Build a traffic light”
On everyone’s table there are circles of different colors and rectangles. Let's assemble a beautiful traffic light from circles and rectangles
- Who did it?
Reflection. Guys, did you like the lesson?
-And I liked the way you worked.
-What new did you learn?
-Did you help Belka cross the road?
-Well, Belka, now you know how to cross the road in the city?
- Dunno said that he now already knows how to cross the road and thanks you children. And he treats you to chocolate medallions.
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Occupational Safety and Health
Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; remember famous road signs - transition; introduce new signs: “zebra”, attention, caution, children.
road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, traffic island.
Road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, warning signs, prohibition signs, directional signs), workbook.
Progress of the lesson
Guys! Until now, you have been walking the streets with your dads and moms, but soon you will go to school and you will have to walk the streets on your own. There are a lot of cars moving on the streets and roads, and it is dangerous to cross the street in the wrong places wherever you want. From the outside it may seem that there is complete chaos on the street: buses, trolleybuses, cars are driving along the roadway. The sidewalks are full of hurrying people. In fact, all movement on the street occurs according to strict rules - traffic rules.
To drive through a stormy, noisy, loud, talkative street - Be careful on the way!
There is a pedestrian crossing at every intersection. It’s easy to cross the road here without risk or hassle.
shows the children road signs and reads a poem:
The city in which you and I live can rightly be compared to a primer. Here it is, the alphabet - Above your head.
What is it, really. It's like we're on a carousel! We are on the square with you, - There is no straight road here.
The ABC of streets, Avenues, roads, The city gives us a lesson all the time. Y. Pishumov
What lesson does the city teach us every day?
There are many different road signs on the streets. Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name. Road signs tell you what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed.
Warning signs: be careful, there is danger ahead. What's the danger? The image on the road sign will tell you about this. For example, the “Children” sign tells the driver to be careful.
Round signs with a red border on a yellow or white background are prohibition signs. The strictest of them is “No movement”. This sign prohibits the movement of buses, cars, and trolleybuses.
The "No Entry" sign does not allow any cars to enter the street.
Blue square indicator signs. They will show the way to the dining room, to the telephone.
The teacher invites the children to complete a task in their workbook: draw the signs that they remember and tell what they mean.
They place the road signs that the children learned during the lesson in the play corner.
GCD summary for the senior group “What are road signs for?”
Lyubov Shamina
GCD summary for the senior group “What are road signs for?”
Goal: To familiarize children with warning, directional and prohibitory road signs , to consolidate skills in following traffic .
Objectives: consolidate skills in following traffic .
Educational: Learn to distinguish signs , consolidate skills in following traffic .
Developmental: Develop children's thinking, memory, observation skills.
Educational: Continue to form the foundations of safe behavior on the roads .
Educational areas: Social and communicative development
In integration - cognitive development.
Methods and techniques used in NNOD: Verbal conversations, examination of illustrations.
Preliminary work: Talking with children about traffic , looking at illustrations, reading books.
Materials for children: album, printed traffic signs , pencils, markers, scissors, glue.
Visual aids. Envelope with road signs . Three traffic lights for the game "Stop"
Audio recording "Street Noise"
Introductory part.
Educator: Guys! Until now, you are walking the streets with your dads and moms, but soon you will go to school and you will have to walk the streets on your own. on the streets and roads .
(The audio recording “Noise of the City”
Educator: So what danger lurks on the street?
Expected answers from children: Cars, buses, trucks.
Educator: Yes, there are a lot of cars, buses, people on the streets and it seems that there is complete chaos there, but in fact no one is bothering anyone. What do you think helps keep order on the street?
Expected answers from children: Traffic , traffic lights.
Educator: Yes, that’s right, traffic lights and traffic . Who are these rules for?
Expected answers from children: For drivers and pedestrians.
Educator: Guys, let's remember the three main colors of a traffic light and play a game with you.
The outdoor game “Stop”
. Children depict cars moving in one direction. The teacher shows traffic lights: when the signal is green, children move, red means stop, yellow means attention.
Problematic situation.
Educator: Guys, look, our little owl brought us a new task in an envelope today, let's take a look.
The teacher reads a riddle to the children:
They stand on the roadsides
Silently, they speak to us.
Everyone! Ready to help
The main thing is to understand them.
Children's answers: Road signs .
Educator: That's right guys, these are road signs . Well done! The envelope contains cards with road signs , but while the little owl was flying towards us, he forgot what they mean, and you and I must help him. Guys, can you help me remember what they mean?
Children's answers: Yes!
Main part.
Educator. There are many different road signs . Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name . Road signs tell you what the road , how fast cars should go , how to drive, and where pedestrians can walk. (Shows the children the sign “Caution, children!”
Educator. What is the name of this sign ?
Expected children's answers: Be careful, children.
Educator. Who is he warning?
Expected answers from children: Drivers.
Educator. What does this sign warn drivers about?
Expected answers from children: There is a school and kindergarten nearby, the driver must be careful.
Educator: Guys, why do you think this sign is surrounded by a bright red rim?
Expected answers from children: Red color is bright and can be seen from afar.
Educator. (Shows the children “Pedestrian crossing”
sign (triangular in shape)
What kind of sign ?
Expected answers from children: Pedestrian crossing.
Educator. Who does this sign warn about something? What does he warn about?
Expected answers from children: Drivers, there is a pedestrian crossing nearby.
Educator. Shows the children “Pedestrian crossing”
sign (square blue)
What is the name of this sign ?
Expected answers from children: Pedestrian crossing.
Educator. Shows two Pedestrian Crossing signs
This sign is called a "pedestrian crossing"
and this is also
a “pedestrian crossing”
? How are they different?
Expected children's answers: One for pedestrians, the other for drivers.
Educator. That's right, the sign is blue for pedestrians. This is a direction sign . What does he say to pedestrians?
Expected responses from children. Indicates the place where you need to cross the road .
Educator. Shows the children “Bike path ” sign
This is also an indicator sign , but what is it called? What does this sign ?
Expected responses from children. Bicycles and walking are allowed here.
Educator. The strictest signs are prohibitive , they are also surrounded by a red frame. (Shows the children the sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”
.) What does this
sign ?
Expected responses from children. This sign prohibits pedestrian traffic.
Educator. Guys, you are all so great! And now I suggest you make your own “Book with road signs ”
so that we don’t forget what
signs we talked about today .
Take a seat at the tables, I have prepared everything you need. (for each child there is a blank for the album on the table, as well as printed signs , the children color them themselves and paste them into the book template)
Final part.
Educator: Guys, tell me, were we able to help the owlet remember what these signs ?
Why are road signs needed ?
What new signs have we learned ?
Have you seen these signs on the streets ?
Conversation on traffic rules in 3rd grade
Summary of an extracurricular lesson on traffic rules: “Road signs.” (3rd grade, deaf children)
Conversation on traffic rules for 3rd grade students. Road signs
Author: Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk. Description: a summary of an extracurricular lesson on traffic rules is intended for teachers and primary care educators in correctional boarding schools. Introduces primary school students to the types of road signs. Purpose: to familiarize students with road signs. Objectives: educational
- to introduce younger schoolchildren to the concept of “road sign”, with groups of road signs, - to repeat and consolidate the basic concepts and terms on traffic rules, - to learn to answer the teacher’s questions, - to broaden the horizons of students on traffic rules;
- to develop skills for safe behavior on the street, - to instill interest in learning the rules of the road;
correctional and developmental
- to develop students’ logical thinking and memory, - to activate students’ speech during class.
Equipment: multimedia presentation, cards, tablets, lotto “Road Signs”, pictures and signs for educational games.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment. - Hello guys! - Hello! — Turn on the equipment and put on headphones. — We will listen carefully, talk, answer questions. Working behind a screen.
— How many lessons were there today?
— There were five lessons. — What lessons were there today? — Mathematics, grammar, reading, drawing and PPO. — How many lessons will there be tomorrow? — Tomorrow there will be six lessons. — What lessons will there be tomorrow? — Grammar, mathematics, Kazakh language, speech development, knowledge of the world and physical education. - What should we do first? - First we will do speech exercises. — What is the duty sound? - The duty sound is “o”. - We will speak clearly, concisely and intelligibly. Speech exercises.
These are road signs, clear and simple.
And each of them says: “Here is a turn, And here, on the contrary, the passage is closed!” 2. Introductory part. — Today we will make an exciting journey to the country of traffic rules. What is traffic rules? — These are the rules of the road. — Why do children and adults need to know the rules of the road? — Without knowing the rules of the road, it can be unsafe on the street. - Guys, what is this? — These are road signs.
— Road signs help regulate traffic on the roads, warn drivers and pedestrians about danger, and show where they can and cannot go. So that the cars do not rush, the pedestrian walks calmly, these signs decided to help us all year round. Today in class we will get acquainted with the types of road signs. 3. Main part. — Road signs are divided into seven groups. There are warning signs. They inform you when you are approaching a dangerous section of the road. What shape are these signs? — These signs are triangular in shape.
- What colour? — The signs are white with a red border. — Look at the pictures, what do the warning signs indicate? Didactic game “Warning Signs” Children find a warning sign in the pictures and read out what the sign warns about, using the support plate to answer “The warning sign informs...”.
For example: - A warning sign indicates a slippery road. — A warning sign informs about road works. — The second group of road signs is called prohibitory signs. They introduce or lift certain movement restrictions. These signs are round in shape and are white with a red border. Name the most famous prohibitory sign. - No entry.
The third group of road signs are called prescriptive signs. These signs show the direction of travel, the minimum speed, and the movement of a certain type of transport. They have a round shape, the background of the sign itself is blue with a white border.
— The fourth group of road signs is called priority signs. They establish the order of passage of intersections, intersections of roadways or narrow sections of roads. They come in different shapes and colors. Draw three different priority signs in your notebooks and sign them. - What have you done)? — I drew priority signs and signed (a).
- We will have a rest.
The game is called "Bring the Road Sign to Life." Physical exercise “Bring the road sign to life” The class is divided into two teams.
Each team “animates” one road sign. For example, one of the students depicts a car, and several students depict animals that cross the road. The audience must guess that the players have “animated” the “Cattle Drive” sign. — The fifth group of road signs is called information signs. They introduce or cancel certain movement modes and indicate where this or that object is located. What shape and color do these signs have? - They are square or rectangular with a blue background or with a white background and blue border. Give examples of information and directional signs.
— The sixth group of road signs is called service signs.
They inform about the location of the relevant objects. For example, where is the hospital or where you can relax. — Guys, look carefully at these pictures and try to place the information and service signs in the correct places. Didactic game “Put up road signs.”
The class is divided into two teams. You need to correctly place the road signs in the pictures (road signs - parking lot, bus stop, hospital, telephone, pedestrian crossing, tram stop, food station, rest area). The first team places service signs, and the second team places information and directional signs. Kids are playing.
And the last group of road signs is called additional information signs (plates).
They clarify the effect of the signs with which they are used. For example, they clarify the distance to the object, the zone or direction of action. - And now I suggest you play the “Remember the Signs” lotto. Didactic lotto game “Remember the signs.” You need to correctly connect cards with images of road signs with their names. Kids are playing. 4. Final conversation. - What did we do? - We talked, played, talked. - What did we talk about? — We talked about road signs. Control questions.
— What are road signs needed for? — Name the groups of road signs. — Which of them have you met on the streets of our city? — What signs do you think pedestrians need to know? — What signs should drivers know? Road signs have a special language, and everyone needs to get used to reading them. And at first glance I would be able to understand what kind of danger we should expect on the road. I hope everyone knows what all the signs mean? Take off your headphones and you can relax.
We recommend watching:
An extracurricular event on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren. A class hour scenario on traffic rules for children in grades 1-3. A conversation on traffic rules for grade 3. Notes Conversation on traffic rules for 3rd grade students. Rules of conduct in public transport
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