Poems about a mouse and a little mouse - the most interesting for children

On this page read the poems “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” by the Russian poet Samuil Marshak , written in the year.

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!” I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub. The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me! The mother mouse ran and began to call the duck as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.” The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too loud! The mother mouse ran and began to call the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.” The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You eat very boringly! The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.” - E-go-go! - the horse sings. “Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats!” Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. It's very scary to eat! The mother mouse ran and began to call the pig to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.” The pig began to grunt hoarsely, to lull the disobedient one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - No, your voice is not good. You sing very rudely! The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby. The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that! The mother mouse ran and began to call the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.” The pike began to sing to the little mouse - He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth is open, But you can’t hear what it’s singing... The stupid little mouse Answers her, half asleep: - No, your voice is not good. You're singing too quietly! The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.” The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed. Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: - Your voice is so good - You sing very sweetly! The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...

Children's poems Poems about animals

S. Marshak. Collected works. Moscow, “Fiction”, 1970.

Samuel Marshak

Read a fairy tale in verse about a stupid mouse:

A mouse sang in a hole at night: “Sleep, little mouse, shut up!” I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub.

The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the duck to be her nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Duck, rock our baby.”

The duck began to sing to the mouse: “Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!” After the rain, I’ll find you a Worm in the garden.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the toad as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Toad, rock our baby.”

The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kwa-kwa, no need to cry!” Sleep, little mouse, until the morning, I'll give you a mosquito.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Horse as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Horse, rock our baby.”

- E-go-go! - the horse sings. Sleep, little mouse, sweetly, sweetly, turn on your right side, I’ll give you a bag of oats.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse ran to call Aunt Pig as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pig, rock our baby.”

The pig began to grunt hoarsely and lull the naughty one to sleep: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink.” Calm down, I say.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You sing very rudely!

The mother mouse began to think: I need to call the chicken. - Come to us, Aunt Klusha, rock our baby.

The hen cackled: “Where, where!” Don't be afraid, baby! Climb under the wing: It’s quiet and warm there.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran and began calling the pike as a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Pike, rock our baby.”

The pike began to sing to the mouse, He didn’t hear a sound: The pike’s mouth was open, But he couldn’t hear what he was singing...

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “No, your voice is not good.” You're singing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran and began to call the cat to be a nanny: “Come to us, Aunt Cat, rock our baby.”

The cat began to sing to the mouse: “Meow-meow, sleep, my baby!” Meow-meow, let's go to bed, Meow-meow, go to bed.

Stupid little mouse Answers her sleepily: “Your voice is so good.” You eat very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running, looked at the bed, looking for the stupid little mouse, but the little mouse was nowhere to be seen...

Samuel Marshak

The Tale of a Smart Mouse – Samuel Marshak

The cat took the mouse away and sang: “Don’t be afraid, baby.” Let's play cat and mouse for an hour or two, dear!

Frightened and awake, the little mouse answers her: “Our mother didn’t tell us to play cat and mouse.”

“Pur-pur-pur,” the cat purrs, “Play, my friend, a little.” - And the mouse answered her: - I have no desire.

I would like to play a little, but let me be a cat. You, cat, at least for an hour, be a Mouse this time!

The cat Murka laughed: “Oh, you smoky skin!” No matter what you call, the Mouse will never be a cat.

The mouse says to Murka: “Well, then let’s play blind man’s buff!” Blindfold your eyes with a scarf and catch me later.

The cat is blindfolded, But looks from under the blindfold, Lets the mouse run away And again, grab the poor thing!

He says to the cunning cat: “My legs are tired, please let me lie down and rest a little.”

“Okay,” said the cat, “Rest, short-legged, Let’s play, and then I, my dear, will eat you!”

Laughter for the cat, grief for the mouse... But he found a gap in the fence. He doesn’t know how he got through. There was a mouse - but it disappeared!

The cat looks to the right, to the left: “Meow-meow, where are you, baby?” - And the mouse answered her: - Where I was, I’m no longer there!

He rolled down the hill and saw a small hole. In this hole lived an animal - a long, narrow ferret.

Sharp-toothed, sharp-eyed, He was a thief and a crawler, And it happened that every day he stole chickens from the villages.

The ferret came from hunting and asked the guest: “Who are you?” If you fell into my hole, play my game!

- Cat and mouse or blind man's buff? Says the nimble mouse. - No, not blind man's buff. We ferrets love “corners” more.

- Well, we’ll play, but first, let’s do some math:

I am an animal, And you are an animal, I am a mouse, You are a ferret, You are cunning, And I am smart, Whoever is smart gets out!

- Stop! - the ferret shouts to the mouse and runs after him, and the mouse goes straight into the forest and crawls under an old stump.

The squirrels began to call the mouse: “Come out and play burners!” “My back,” he says, “is on fire without playing!”

At this time, an animal worse than a cat walked along the path, it looked like a brush. It was, of course, a hedgehog.

And a hedgehog was walking towards her, covered in needles, like a dressmaker.

The hedgehog shouted to the mouse: “You won’t get away from the hedgehogs!” Here comes my mistress, Play tag with her, And leapfrog with me. Come out quickly - I'm waiting!

But the mouse heard this, but thought and did not come out. - I don’t want to go into leapfrog, - I’ll end up on needles!

The hedgehog and the hedgehog waited for a long time, and the mouse quietly slipped along the path between the bushes - and there he was!

He reached the edge of the forest. He hears frogs croaking: “Guard!” Trouble! Kwa-kwa! An owl is flying towards us!

The Tale of the Cat and the Mouse Nathanya

Nafanya started up in the same house. Well, she was amazing! For example, everyone wakes up in the morning and looks at the nut pie on the table in the evening, but now it’s not there. Only crumbs remained. They marvel - who did this outrage? And dad says: “Probably Nafanya.”

The cat Dasha heard about this and thought: “Wow! What kind of Nafanya is this? Is it really a mouse?

The next day, someone defaced all the wallpaper in the room. With orange, blue and red colors. The adults, when they saw it, almost fainted. Dad says: “Well, who did it?”

There’s a little boy, Vanechka, who quietly answers: “Nafanya...

Then dad says: “That’s how we got Nafanya!” He eats pies and paints wallpaper. Will there be anything next?

And the cat Dashka was already completely scared. What kind of mouse is this, incredibly literate?

A few more days passed and by morning the parents found a high chair in the kitchen, placed on the top shelf. And on the top shelf there was a whole box of chocolates. So now there is not a single piece of candy left in the box.

Dad says: “Well, our Nafanya is gone!” We probably need to take action. And the cat Dashka thinks to himself: “It’s very lucky that we got this mouse! You can get into trouble and blame everything on her.” Dasha sneaked into the kitchen in the evening, opened the refrigerator, took out a hefty piece of cheese and ate it.

The next morning, when the loss was discovered, mom and dad clasped their hands: “Dasha!” Yes, where have you seen cats roaming refrigerators? - and punished the cat.

She sits poor in the closet and cannot understand anything. Why is it that, like eating candy and pies, it means Nafanya, but like eating cheese, it’s Dasha’s fault?

Poems about mice

Merry mouse

A cheerful mouse lived in a piano. She was a musical mouse. And often, to the sound of the piano, she squealed: tra-la-la-la! The owner of the piano did not know about the mouse. He stamped his foot and knocked on the lid, When the piano began to sound false: tra-la-la-la! But then the famous tuner came and immediately found a defect in the piano... “Oh, here,” he exclaimed, “what’s the matter?!” - And the mouse blushed with shame. And the master took the tool out of his bag and adjusted the mouse correctly at the right time. And here she is, together with the piano, singing perfectly: tra-la-la-la! The composer, tuner and mouse sing. All three are invited to go on tour to Paris. And if there is no piano there, everyone will sing along to them: tra-la-la-la!

Andrey Usachev

Ten little gray mice

Ten little gray mice walked to a mouse kindergarten, past a golden field, past a steep bank, past an old barn, from one end to the other, one after another, they all walked to the kindergarten-house, and when they got there, they looked: - What kind of nonsense? A cheerful cat is looking at the little mice through the window! And at the entrance there is a sign: “A new teacher is waiting for you.” Only children - that's the problem! - They ran away in all directions.

Nadezhda Andrusenko

The mouse grew in a hole

The mouse grew in the hole, The mouse gnawed the crusts, Only melancholy gnawed at the mouse in this hole. And out of sadness I decided: “I’m changing Y to I”!

The bear lives in a hole, the bear sucks its paw. The clubfoot complains: “Very meager dinner! It’s cramped in this hole, Life is not interesting, It’s somehow damp and dark. I’m changing And to O!

The midge lives in a hole, the midge sucks the crumb. “It’s uncomfortable at home - Entire mansions! From bed to gate - A very long flight. This won't do: I'm not your bird! It’s not my fault, I’m changing O to Y!”...

The mouse is sitting in a hole, she looks happy.

Nikolay Gol

Brave little mouse – Galina Golova

They settled in the house of a mouse, They settled and live. During the day they rustle on the roof, At night they scurry across the floor. The mother invited the cat: “Live with us for a little while.” If you want, bask in the window, drink milk from a bowl. Mice don't let us sleep, They rustle on the roof day and night. Let them go live in the barn, We dream of sleeping like that. The cat began to live in the house, guarding the sleep of the owners. Mice are afraid to walk during the day. It’s scary to go out at night - You have to be wary of cats, in case he wants to catch them. The mice began to consult about how to continue to eat, how to go for walks, how to raise children. How can they live in a house with a cat? The mouse Peak squeaked, that cry was barely audible: “I’ll go to a meeting with the cat.” I'll tell her everything straight away. – You’re still young, baby! You are a mouse, not a mouse! You can't go to a meeting with a cat. Will eat it. Or it might hurt. “No,” said the mouse Peak, “I’m not used to living in fear!” The cat lies on the window and watches closely. If you suddenly hear a rustling sound, then it’s definitely a mouse. The cat looked and suddenly a mouse appeared in front of her. Trying to be braver, Little voice. - Hello, cat! How are you? Did you live in our house? I stayed, I stayed. And now it's time to leave. We can't live together. How can we feed our families? And Aunt Cat said: “Here is my friend, little Antoshka.” I find it comfortable to sleep in a basket. I don't want to leave. I liked living here. You go live in the barn, it’s warm there, I know that. There is plenty of everything for mice - There is hay and grain. And scratch as much as you need, No one will drive you away. You can't rustle in the house here or disturb the owners' sleep. Let's live a little, friends, you in the barn, I in the basket, in the house of the boy Antoshka. And tell all the mice - There, in the barn, it’s just Paradise. And the little mouse ran away as fast as he could. He came running, and there was a cry in the house - Where is our mouse Peak? The brave little mouse screamed, and the voice rang: “Here I am, mom!” Here, dear ones! Don't worry about me! Let's live in the barn now - We'll live there, not knowing any troubles. The mouse is not visible in the hay, the cat will not be afraid. There we can feed ourselves, make some noise and frolic. Everyone is happy - people, mice, the cat is also cheerful. After all, she carried out her cat service without a scandal. Life, believe me, is not so difficult. It’s a shame, my friend, you’re so down. You can negotiate, even with a cat, with anyone. That's what the mouse Peak said.

The story of the cat and the mouse

In house number five on Kosmonavtov Street, on the third floor in apartment one hundred and twenty-four, there lived a cat named Belka.
Her owners loved her very much, spoiled her in every possible way, and bought her new toys. But the little girl Tanya loved Belka most of all. She even took the cat with her to bed at night. It used to be that Tanya would have a terrible dream, she would get up, grab Belka with both arms and pull her with her. And the cat is only happy about it.

But one day Tanya and her mother went to the pet store and brought home... a mouse. Small, white, in a cage with a wheel. When Squirrel saw that mouse, she almost fainted.

Where have you seen mice live in complete contentment in a house? They are supposed to be caught with mousetraps or cats.

And this mouse also turned out to be impudent. When everyone in the house falls asleep, the lights are turned off, Belka also falls asleep, the mouse slowly gets out of the cage and begins to roam around the rooms, putting things in order. One day Belka caught her in the kitchen in front of a bag of semolina. I tried to chase her, but didn’t have time. The mouse climbed onto the wall, along the wall to the ceiling, and along the ceiling back into Tanya’s bedroom and into his cage. She closed the door and sat there, not moving. It seems like she wasn’t acting out at all.

In fairness

Then Squirrel decided to catch this mouse and eat it. No mouse, no problem. She waited until the night was dark and moonless and pretended to be asleep. The mouse only stuck its sharp nose into the kitchen, only got close to the bag of cereal, and then Squirrel grabbed it.

She held it between her paws and was about to swallow it. She has already revealed her sharp teeth. And as soon as I looked at this tiny animal, all my appetite instantly disappeared. Belka felt sorry for her mistress. How will she grieve for the mouse, poor thing? And she released the rodent. So, either the mouse realized its mistake, or it was scared to death, but since then it hasn’t pulled any more tricks. She sat quietly in the cage and didn’t do anything around the house.

Fairy tale poems about a mouse and a cat

There is a magical place in our kitchen, near the stove. A door with a tiny lock, and behind it a house of mice.

Exactly at midnight, from behind the stove, Grabbing candles for light, the mice in a friendly crowd set off on a robbery.

They eat cereals and porridge, drink kvass from a bowl, refresh themselves with potatoes, and juggle peas.

Quietly, quietly, don't make any noise, they tell the cat to sleep. When he wakes up, that’s the problem! Then she will eat the mice.

But Murka doesn’t hear yet, Sleeping, the shiny jacket. Drinking milk at night, satisfying your hunger.

Well-fed people always want to sleep, They yawn all day long. Tolley is a matter on an empty stomach. Catch mice for a nickel.

In the meantime, they are roaming around, stealing food here and there, so that their pantries are all driven up to the ceilings.

You are the owners of animals, willing mouse-catchers, listen to my advice - Don’t give them cutlets.

Do not serve butter, cheese, pies or bread from the tandoor. Do not give milk or raw cottage cheese.

And then your little cats, in an unusual aerobatics, will announce a battle to the mice, revealing their strong-willed character.

DIY crafts. Mice and rats

The symbol of 2021 is that you can make a rat out of paper with your own hands. To do this, we will use our favorite origami technique. Make a small mouse or a big rat, depending on the original size of the sheet, and enjoy the creativity:

Mice using the quilling technique turn out incredibly elegant and delicate. This craft can be given as a keychain, used to decorate a New Year’s card, hung on a holiday tree, or used as a table decoration:

But such a mouse and a piece of cheese can be placed on book pages and used as bookmarks for your favorite books:

What to read and watch about rats and mice

Despite the obvious dislike for rodents, writers of all nations have written many good books and fairy tales about mice. To get to know rats and mice, check out these books:

  • Olga Gromyko “Krysyavki. The life of a rat in stories and pictures.”
  • Fairy tale by Kate DiCamillo “The Adventures of Despereaux the Mouse.”
  • White Alvin "Stuart Little".
  • Fairy tale story by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”.
  • Mila Blinova's fairy tale "Big Shoo".
  • Samuel Marshak’s favorite fairy tales from childhood are “Tales of a Stupid Mouse” and “Tales of a Smart Mouse.”
  • Russian folk tales: “Teremok”, “Rukavichka”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Wonderful Bell”.
  • Suteev V. G. fairy tale “Mouse and Pencil”.
  • Shim E. Yu. fairy tale “Sleep, sleep, little mice!”
  • Tolstoy L.N. “The field mouse and the city mouse,” “Lion and mouse,” “Cat and mouse.”
  • Mikhalkov S.V. “Cats and mice”, “Why mice don’t hurt cats.”

The rat is the symbol of 2021

Each year, according to the eastern calendar, is named after one of the 12 animals. This tradition comes from China. The coming year of the rat 2021 will be the year of the white metal rat, and 2019 will be the year of the pig.

Chinese mythology gives wisdom to the rat. The Rat is very smart and cunning, it knows this very well and knows how to use it, it has excellent memory, which often helps in solving complex problems. He is well versed in art and patronizes it. He chooses his friends carefully. This is what next year's patroness will be like. In the new year, she will help those who have pure bright thoughts, a kind heart and a clear mind. Good deeds, behavior, integrity, aspiration and selfless actions are encouraged.

It will be great to make a New Year's symbol with your parents with your own hands for the New Year. The rat can be made of paper, fabric, or indeed any of your favorite materials.

A rat is not a mouse!

A rat is very similar to a mouse, but, as a rule, it is larger in size and there are many horror stories about rats. The rat is also a rodent and one of the most common animals in the world. There are about 70 species of rats in nature. Rats live everywhere except the polar and subpolar regions, and Antarctica. They can live alone or in a colony.

They are agile, active, and swim well. The rat has poor eyesight, but a good sense of smell and hearing. Enemies include cats, dogs, ferrets, pigs, hedgehogs and birds of prey.

They reproduce very quickly all year round. A female can give birth to up to 20 cubs. Rats are omnivores, they can eat up to 25 grams per day, and they cannot tolerate hunger.

Rats are quite dangerous for humans, they spoil food, and some species are carriers of dangerous diseases, including fatal ones. However, people use laboratory rats for research, and a specially bred decorative type of rat makes it possible to keep this creature at home as a pet.

How are rats different from mice?

At first glance, mice and rats are very similar. They belong to the order of rodents, but are not related. Here's how they differ:

  • Weight and height. The mouse can reach a length of only 6-10 cm and weigh up to 30 grams. The rat is larger. The length of its body can be up to 30 centimeters, and the body weight of an adult reaches 1.5 kg.
  • Mice drink little; their bodies can produce water themselves.
  • Life expectancy. Mice live 1.5-2 years, and rats up to 3 years.
  • Intelligence. Rats are more cunning and intelligent than mice. Catching even a small rat can be difficult. But an ordinary house mouse can be easily tamed. She makes contact within a few days.
  • Tail. A rat's tail is longer and thicker than a mouse's.
  • Paws. Mice have small paws and sharp claws, but rats have powerful paws, the hind paws are longer than the front paws, and there are membranes between the toes.
  • Wool. The fur of a mouse is silky, but that of a rat is rough and tough.
  • Head. The muzzle of mice is slightly flattened, while that of rats is elongated.
  • Ears. Mice have large round pink ears, and rats have small triangular ones.

Interesting facts about rats and mice

Nature is wise and has endowed each of its creatures with unique abilities. It also didn’t spare people’s least favorite rodents. Here are some interesting facts we know about mice:

  1. In captivity, a mouse lives 5-10 times longer.
  2. Offspring in captivity earlier - at the age of 2-3 years.
  3. It is a myth that mice are not afraid of elephants.
  4. The most famous mouse is Mickey Mouse.
  5. The heaviest and largest tank is also called Maus, it is German.
  6. Mice love fruits and sugar, but do not like strong-smelling cheeses.
  7. In Vietnam and Rwanda, mice are eaten; for the residents of these countries it is a delicacy.
  8. The hearing of mice is 5 times sharper than that of humans.
  9. Rats appeared on the planet before people by as much as 48 million years.
  10. Rats can dream.
  11. A rat's heart beats up to 500 beats per minute.
  12. A rat can walk up to 50 km a day; it dives, swims, and climbs trees perfectly. Capable of swimming without stopping for up to 30 km. For a rat, this distance takes about 3 days.
  13. A rat's teeth grow throughout its life.
  14. Rats can easily eat their offspring.
  15. Rat tail hair is used in eye surgery.
  16. Scientists believe that the rat may have been responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs because of its love for eggs. Indeed, she could well destroy the nests and eat all the embryos of future dinosaurs.
  17. Rats are afraid of water. This is why we all know that rats are the first to jump ship when there is danger. Interesting things about rats are shown in a fairy tale and a cartoon of the same name about Nils’s journey with geese.

Mouse - field rodent

A mouse is a funny little animal. It belongs to rodents. Lives in all countries of the world. Often mice settle closer to humans. Mice are divided into several types: house, field, forest and the smallest mouse.

All mice run fast and can jump. The mouse's main weapon is its sharp teeth. Mice are very active and voracious. They eat various plant grains, seeds, nuts, small insects, leaves, roots and stems of plants, and berries. Many house mice eat the same things as you and I - cheese, bread, meat, sweets.

The enemies are predators - cats, snakes, birds. The animals are actively breeding. They spend a lot of time in the hole, caring for their offspring. They also stock up on food for the winter in their burrows.

A quiet tale about a cat and a mouse

On a starry night, on a moonlit night, on a thin field path, a little mouse walked cautiously, quietly walked to his home.

And a gray-brown cat quietly trudged towards him, and the mouse saw him, hiding behind a snag.

Eka, he thinks, good luck. I'll refresh myself for a night's sleep. It's painful to wander on an empty stomach.

But the mouse was not a mistake, having recognized the spirit of the cat, he quietly hid behind a hummock, gathering all his will in his tail.

The pitch-black night has come, Not a single star is visible. Quiet in the field, quiet in the sky Grace, as it is - peace.

Here they sit, hiding, And in the pitch silence You can hear an owl flying, Yes, over the field, under the moon.

It's a joke, whoever runs first across the field will give himself away in the night. My heart is beating wildly...

The cat doesn’t want to wait, And the little mouse is trembling all over, Eh, now he should go to his mother - the mouse, She will surround her with care.

But under no circumstances should he run, no, no, no. Otherwise, that's it, I fell for the mouse pate.

Quietly the night passes. The mouse is sleeping, the cat is sleeping. It’s a joke, whoever reveals his dream first will snore...

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