Children's poems about space, planets, stars, constellations, comets, astronomy

Children's poems about planets

In order, all the planets Arkady Khait In order, all the planets Any of us can name: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. *** Andrey Usachev An astronomer lived on the moon. He kept track of the planets: MERCURY - one, VENUS - two, three - EARTH, Four - MARS, Five - JUPITER, Six - SATURN, Seven - URANUS, Eight - NEPTUNE, Nine - Farthest away is PLUTO. Those who don’t see, get out! *** Saturn Rimma Aldonina Each planet has something of its own, which most clearly distinguishes it. You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight - It is surrounded by a large ring. It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes. Here's how scientists solved the question: Once upon a time, water froze there, And Saturn's rings were made of snow and ice.

Children's poems about space

Poems about space and astronauts, planets and constellations, as well as about the Moon, Gagarin and the Milky Way. The collection includes the most rhythmic poems suitable for memorizing. All the poems about space presented in the section can be used for thematic activities with children, accompaniment in drawing lessons and for explaining complex things in simple, understandable literary language for preschoolers.

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Here is the Big Dipper stirring the starry porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron.

And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly. Collects crumbs with a small ladle.

How to find north?

There is a golden ladle in the sky called the Great Bear. The secret to finding where the north is is simple: Draw a straight line in the direction of the outermost stars, Find the Polar Star, Stand straight, look at it, And the north will be ahead.


In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. (Author: Arkady Khait)

Old and growing months

If the month is letter “C”, then it is an old month; If you hang a wand on it and get the letter “R”, That means he’s growing, That means soon, believe it or not, he’ll become fat.

starry sky

Here is the starry sky! What can you see on it? The stars there shine with distant fire! Are only the stars shining in the sky? No! There are planets wandering among the stars! How do they wander like that? Don't know the roads? No! It looks like they are wandering! All of them are a big family of the Sun. And under the influence of its attraction, they are forever creating circular movements! And together with them, my planet is the one that is called planet “Earth”, the one on which you and I live!


Each planet has something of its own, which most clearly distinguishes it. You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight - It is surrounded by a large ring.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes. Here's how scientists solved the question: Once upon a time, water froze there, And Saturn's rings were made of snow and ice. (Author: Rimma Aldonina)

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket called “Vostok”, he was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

Spring Drops sings songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever. (Author: Vladimir Stepanov)

It's so cool in space (excerpt)

It's so cool in space! Stars and planets In black weightlessness Float slowly!

It's so cool in space! Sharp rockets at great speed, rushing here and there! (Author: Oksana Akhmetova)

Monthly pastry chef

Month-pastry chef, wonderful baker, What are you baking in the heights of heaven? Maybe some delicious pies made from silvery star flour?

No. We look in vain, wondering. What to expect from such a lazy person! He baked a thin bagel for us, and at dawn the bagel went out. (Author: Roman Sef)


The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon. In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover. Circuses, craters and holes are not scary for the Lunokhod. He leaves drawings on the surface of the moon. There is a lot of dust, there is no wind. Drawings can live for a thousand years! (Author: Valentin Berestov)

Moon Sea

The lunar sea has a special secret - it doesn’t look like a sea. There is not a drop of water in this sea, and there are no fish either. It is impossible to dive into its waves, You cannot splash in it, You cannot drown. Swimming in that sea is only convenient for those who don’t know how to swim yet!

I'll be an astronomer

“That’s it,” I said firmly at home, “I’ll only be an astronomer!” An Extraordinary Universe Around the Earth! (Author: Rimma Aldonina)


In the black, velvety sky, the stars shine bright. The night adorns its outfit with a silver shimmer.

A mysterious, distant light, calling and beckoning, calls me to high aspirations into the heavens. (Author: Lyudmila Gromova)

Above the Earth late at night

Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby.

You can take a Peacock feather, touch the hands on the Clock, ride a Dolphin, swing on a Scale.

Over the Earth late at night, If you look into the sky, You will see constellations hanging there like grapes.

Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. (Author: Arkady Khait)

Sad cat

I have bad news. I'm sadder than ever. I learned: among the constellations there is no constellation Cat!

There is a Wolf and a Hare, a Dove, a Lizard, and a Whale in the sky. The starry swan flies: Even the fly sits there! And around - Dogs, Pisces, Two Bears and Lions, A Horse with a shaggy mane wanders among the cosmic grass:

Only there is no Cat. I'm crying! There is no star cat! Not even a cat's whiskers or a cat's tail!

I looked at the sky all night! I'm just exhausted! Why did I annoy the astronomers so much? (Author: Oksana Akhmetova)

Fun astronomy for kids (excerpt)

They stood in a circle and danced gloriously with Capricorn Aquarius, Pisces waved their fins, Aries hurried into the circle.

And Taurus will be next to him, He tap dances dashingly. There will be a dance until you drop, a round dance will be good.

The twins are spinning in a dance, Cancer is backing behind them: “What kind of strange dance is this? Circle or belt? - Zodiac! Leo and Virgo became friends, They twirled in a round dance, Taking with them Libra of amazing beauty.

Scorpio dances in a squat position and waves its claw at Sagittarius. This glorious round dance will go around the Sun in a year. There are twelve of them in a round dance, but there seem to be more in the sky? “How many constellations are there?” - let's ask! “Exactly eighty-eight!” (Author: Zhanna Paramonova)

Milky Way

The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars. A bright path runs across the sky.

It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky.

But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side.

This is how we see the Galaxy. Our distant native light is space for astronautics for many thousands of years. (Author: Rimma Aldonina)

Return to the children's poems section.

Children's poems about stars

Milky Way by Rimma Aldonina The black velvet of the sky is embroidered with stars. A bright path runs across the sky. It spreads easily from edge to edge, as if someone spilled milk across the sky. But, of course, there is no milk or juice in the sky, We see our star system from the side. This is how we see the Galaxy. Our distant native light is space for astronautics for many thousands of years. *** Stars Rimma Aldonina What are stars? If they ask you, answer boldly: Hot gas. And add that, moreover, there is always a Nuclear Reactor - Every star! *** G. Kruzhkov There is one star in the sky, I won’t say which one, But every evening from the window I look at it. It twinkles so brightly! And somewhere in the sea Now, probably, a sailor is checking his way along it.

How to use planet rhymes

Counting books are short poems on various topics for organizing children’s activities, in particular for determining the driver or for distributing the children’s roles in the game.

Counting books teach children to negotiate and cooperate

Table: goals and objectives of using space-themed rhymes

Introducing children to the rich genre of children's folkloreShow the importance of the development of scientific thought about space for the inhabitants of the Earth (for example, thanks to the study of planets and stars, it became clear that life exists only on Earth).
Expanding the area of ​​cognitive interests of childrenList the names and order of the planets, form ideas about their appearance.
Repeat counting to 10.
Language development of babiesLearn to correctly pronounce the names of celestial bodies.
ParentingDevelop spatial thinking.
Form a creative approach in interaction with each other.

Learning various rhymes on a space theme broadens children's horizons, and also develops memory and a sense of rhythm.

The structure of rhymes about planets and space

The space-themed rhyme structure includes:

  • the beginning expressed by the count;
  • the main part, that is, the course of the plot;
  • ending with one of two exits - an appeal (for example, “Get out!”), a guess-conclusion (for example, “Our Sun is a champion!”).

In rhymes on a space theme, exit-reversal is often used

Children's poems about constellations

Constellations Yu. Sinitsyn Stars, stars, for a long time You have forever riveted Man's greedy gaze. And sitting in animal skin near the red fire, he could gaze steadily into the blue dome until the morning. And in long silence the Man looked into the vastness of the night - Now with fear, Now with delight, Now with a vague dream. And then, together with a dream, a fairy tale ripened on the lips: About mysterious constellations, About unknown worlds. Since then, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Swan, Leo, Pegasus and Hercules have lived in the sky, As in the night land of miracles. *** Space fairy tale (fragment) Vasily Lepilov Space is painted black, Since there is no atmosphere, There is neither night nor day. There is no earthly blue here, Here the views are strange and wonderful: And the stars are all visible at once, And the Sun and the Moon. A star is visible in the north, and it is called the Polar Star. She is a reliable friend of people, And two Ursa bears are with her Among the cosmic lights They all walk in a row. Not far away the Dragon became quiet. He glances sideways at the Bears, chews the ends of his mustache. And the Eagle watched for a long time, as the skinny Wolf wandered somewhere and walked around the Constellation of the Canes Hounds. The heavenly Lion slept calmly, opening his terrible snapdragon (Don't joke with lions!) The whale swam up to Andromeda, Pegasus galloped swiftly, And the Swan proudly flew across the Milky Way. Hydra was guarding someone, After all, Hydra was Hydra from time immemorial, friends! Through the gigantic firmament She crawls mysteriously. Who is Hydra guarding? It’s impossible to say yet. And near the Milky Way, Where you can neither drive nor pass, Lies a huge Cancer. It lies in the cosmic dust, moves its claws slightly, and keeps watching Hydra. (Cancer, apparently, is not a fool!) Here the Raven flapped its wings, the Phoenix rose from the ashes, the Peacock fluffed its tail, here the Snake wriggled, the foxes ran, frolicking, and the Lynx sat hiding, the Dolphin saved the Singer. The giraffe walked like God, here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn, the Crane, the Chameleon. And there is a Dove and a Lizard... No, apparently, I can’t count all these fairy-tale creatures with whom the cosmos is populated. Quoted from the publication: V.P. Lepilov “Cosmic Tale” Astrakhan: “Volga”, 1992, pp. 34-35 ***

Arkady Khait From “Baby Monitor” Above the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. You can take a Peacock feather, touch the hands on the Clock, ride a Dolphin, swing on a Scale. Over the Earth late at night, If you look into the sky, You will see constellations hanging there like grapes. Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. *** Author unknown Here is the Big Dipper, stirring the starry porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron. And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly. Collects crumbs with a small ladle. *** G. Sapgir We heard: the two Ursa Bears glow in the sky at night. At night we looked up and saw two pots. *** Leonid Tkachuk Here are the edges of the handles where our ladle is marked with the Star of Benetnash. If you look next door, you will see Mizar and Alcor. But at the handle, turning to the star brings Aliot out. Well, then we will finally see the edge of the cup - Megrets. And we will pass the bottom just like that, Seeing Fekda and Merak. And above us, Nam Dubhe, a bright star, shines as always. *** Ursa Major Yu. Sinitsyn At the Big Dipper The handle is painfully good! Three stars - and all in a row, like diamonds, they burn! Among the stars, large and bright, Another one is barely visible: She nestles in the middle of the handle. Take a closer look, Do you see Two stars merged? The one that is larger is called the Horse. And the little girl next to her is the Horseman, riding on it. A wonderful rider, This star prince Alcor, And the Mizar Horse carries him to the constellations at full speed. The golden-maned horse tugs at the gilded bridle. The silent Horseman rules over the North Star. *** Constellations of Rimma Aldonina All night, the brilliant constellations Do not slow down the round dance Around one star, standing As if in the center of the sky. The earth's axis tilted towards it, we called it Polar. We will find out where the north is by her, and we are grateful to her for that. ***

Orion Natalia Tennova Not afraid of winter and cold, Belted tighter, Orion sets out for hunting. Two stars from the major league In Orion - this is Rigel In the lower right corner, Like a bow on a shoe. And on the left epaulette, Betelgeuse is shining brightly. Three stars diagonally decorate the belt. This belt is like a hint. He is a heavenly pointer. If you go to the left, you will find Miracle Sirius. And from the right end is the Path to the constellation Taurus. He points straight into Aldebaran's red eye. Zodiac belt A. G. Novak January snow on the road, the Sun is shining in Capricorn. In February, the days are longer, the Sun shines in... (Aquarius). In March there are a lot of snow blocks, the Sun is somewhere among... (Pisces). And in April from... (Aries) the sun is already warming to the fullest. In May, the sun is in... (Taurus) - Expect freckles on your face. In June, the Sun is in... (Gemini), children drink Fanta in the bushes. In July the sun rolls towards... (Cancer), the music lover goes to the poppy bed. August opens school, ... (Lion) runs away behind the sun. It will be “september” outside the window... (Virgo) The sun will shelter you. In October, according to owls, the Sun shines from... (Libra). In November, the Sun shines in the sky in... (Scorpio). In December, like a tomboy, he will hide behind the Sun... (Sagittarius).

Children's poems about space, astronomy, the Moon and the Earth

Rimma Aldonina “That’s it,” I said firmly at home, “I’ll only be an astronomer!” An Extraordinary Universe Around the Earth! *** T. Sobakin How tempting it is to become an astronomer, intimately familiar with the Universe! It would not be bad at all: Observe the orbit of Saturn, Admire the constellation Lyra, Discover black holes And certainly compose a treatise - “Explore the depths of the Universe!” *** Ya. Akim There is one garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds, only here Lily of the valley blooms in the green grass, And only here are dragonflies looking into the river in surprise... Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it! *** Author unknown If the month is letter “C”, It means the old month; If you hang a wand on it and get the letter “R”, That means he’s growing, That means soon, believe it or not, he’ll become fat. *** Moon Rimma Aldonina Faithful companion, night decoration, Additional lighting. Of course, we must admit: The Earth would be boring without the Moon! *** Yu. Yakovlev - What kind of relative of the Moon is there, Nephew or granddaughter Flashing between the clouds? - Yes, this is a satellite! - That's it! - He is the companion of each of us and, in general, of the entire Earth. The satellite was created by hand, and then delivered to these distances on a rocket. ***

Evening reflection on God's majesty in the event of the great northern lights Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov The day hides his face; The fields were covered with gloomy night; A black shadow has ascended the mountains; The rays bent away from us; An abyss full of stars opened; The stars have no number, the bottom of the abyss. A grain of sand is like in sea waves, How small a spark is in eternal ice, Like fine dust in a strong whirlwind, In fire as fierce as a feather, So I, deep in this abyss, am lost, tired of thoughts! The lips of the wise tell us: There are many different lights; Countless suns burn there, Peoples there and the circle of centuries: For the common glory of the deity There the power of nature is equal. But where, nature, is your law? The dawn rises from the midnight lands! Doesn't the sun set his throne there? Aren't the icemen putting out the fire of the sea? Behold, the cold flame has covered us! Behold, day has entered the night on earth! O you, whom a quick eye pierces into the book of eternal rights, to whom a small sign of a thing reveals the rules of nature, you know the path of all the planets, - Tell me, what troubles us so much? Why does a clear beam ripple at night? What thin flame spreads into the firmament? How does lightning, without menacing clouds, rush from the earth to the zenith? How can it be that frozen steam in the middle of winter gives birth to a fire? There the thick darkness argues with the water; Or the sun's rays shine, bending through the thick air towards us; Or the tops of the fat mountains are burning; Or the zephyr has stopped blowing into the sea, And the smooth waves beat into the ether. Your answer is full of doubts about what is around nearby places. Tell me, how expansive is the light? And what about the smallest stars? Ignorance of creatures is the end for you? Tell me, how great is the Creator? 1743

Reading books about the planets of the solar system and cosmic methodological development (senior group)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 7"

Reading books about the planets of the solar system and space

Completed by an additional teacher

education Golovko E. V.

Counting books about space are a convenient technique not only for choosing a driver in the game, but also for remembering the order of the planets. Thus, rhyme gives both the form of the work and fills it with content. That is, the teaching, developmental and educational tasks of working with children are realized.

Reading books about planets

One - Mercury. Two - Venus. Three - Earth. Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter. Six - Saturn. And also Uranus, Neptune. And let's also take Pluto into account. Our Sun is a champion!

The Sun is shining, and there are nine planets around. I'll list the planets for you in order: One! Mercury Two! Venus, Three! Earth, Fourth - Mars. Five! Jupiter, Six! Saturn, Seven! Uranus, Eighth - Neptune. Number nine is called Pluto. The one who is superfluous, get out!

“Astronomical counting rhyme” (A. Usachev). An astrologer lived on the Moon, He counted the planets: Mercury - one, Venus - two, Three - Earth, Four - Mars, Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, Eighth - Neptune, Nine - Pluto the farthest... Those who don't see will get out!

In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. If you don’t remember, get out!

Counting books about rockets and astronauts

To fly us to the planet, we made a rocket. One, two, three - You will fly today!

We should launch rockets. One, two, three, four, five - We should launch rockets. Those who were late for departure did not hit the rocket.

“Snow Space” (N. Samonii). Today we had to sculpt an astronaut all day long, And the rocket will be there tomorrow, It’s night now, it’s time for everyone to sleep. There will be enough snow, that’s for sure - A large spacecraft will come out, We know this ahead of schedule, After all, there was a generous snowfall. In the morning we will fashion a rocket, If there is snow. And without sunlight, It’s time for us to fly in our dreams! Finally, let’s count: One, two, three, four... Oh! We urgently end the games - Dad gave the order “All clear!”

We will be astronauts, let people be proud of us. We will fly on silver rockets in the clear sky. You do not believe? Come out! Look at the rockets!

Yesterday I flew in a rocket, I was on a distant planet. There I dined in the blue, And in the evening I was in Moscow. Friends, I was the first to emerge from that rocket.

Yesterday I boarded a rocket and flew around the world on it. I was in the desert, I was in the savannah, and in Berlin, and in Havana, and in Warsaw, and in Paris, and I got to know Moscow better, and in an hour I was in Sofia in time for football. and the whole story, friends. So I came out first!

The stars shine in the dark sky. An astronaut flies in a rocket. Day flies and night flies And looks down at the ground. From above he sees fields, mountains, rivers and seas. He sees the entire globe, The globe is our home.

Counting books about the Sun and stars

Is it really that simple - Count the stars in the sky! We counted for two weeks - We barely counted. We were just unlucky - We didn’t remember the number.

One, two, three, four, Five, six, seven, Eight, nine, ten. The white moon is coming out! Whoever reaches the month will go to hide!

The Sun rides and rides in a golden carriage, The Sun sees and sees everything in the world from above: And a puppy, and a rooster, And a goat with horns, And how Petya waves his fists in the yard.

The sun rose over the mountain. An apple fell from the sky, Rolled across the azure meadows straight towards us! It rolled, rolled, fell into the river from the bridge, Whoever saw it, don’t sleep, Catch it quickly! Whoever caught it, well done, After all, the countdown is over!

One, two, three, four, five, I need to sleep in the sun. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, the sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky. Run away in all directions, Tomorrow is a new game.

One, two, three, look at the stars! There are millions of them in the sky, One, two, three! We will count the stars, One, two, three, four, five... Count, don’t be lazy, Make sure you don’t make a mistake!

One, two, three, four, five, I need to sleep in the sun. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, the sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky. Run away in all directions, Tomorrow is a new game!

One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - The red moon floats out, And behind the month is the Moon, The boy is the girl's servant. “You, servant, give me the carriage, and I will sit down and go. I'll go to the masquerade. Choose your outfit: Blue, red, light blue - I’ll choose any one for myself.

The full moon looks out of the sky window, plays hide and seek with the clouds and counts in tens. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty! And the dawn is not soon. Fifty and sixty! Stars are hanging in the sky. Seventy! We were lucky - a UFO arrived. Eighty! Hedgehogs and squirrels came out of the plate. Ninety! Vanya is with them! Where are the aliens? It’s not without reason that we counted in tens to a hundred! To make everything clear, Let’s count back. One hundred! We asked the squirrel: “Is there anyone else in the plate?” It’s not easy to figure it out. Let’s say in chorus: “Ninety!” If someone comes out of the darkness, “Eighty!”, we’ll say. Seventy and sixty! Two little pigs came out. “Fifty.” !”, - they said: “Together with Vanya we flew to a distant planet. Candy grows everywhere there!” Forty, thirty, twenty, ten! We urgently need to weigh Vanya. Maybe Vanin has taken the form of an Evil Alien? After all, we know about them that they are heavier times a hundred! Hedgehogs and squirrels weighed Vanya together with the plate. It turned out that he weighs as much as one hundred and twelve tons!

One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - The red moon floats out, And behind the month is the Moon, The boy is the girl's servant. “You, servant, give me the carriage, and I will sit down and go. I'll go to Leningrad to buy myself an outfit.

One two three four five,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, A clear month floated out, And behind the month the Moon, The boy is the girl's servant. “You, servant, give me the broom, I’ll sweep the carriage”

Children's poems about comets

Comet Rimma Aldonin What a magnificent marvel! Almost occupying half the world, Mysterious, very beautiful, A comet hovers over the Earth. And I want to think: - Where did the bright miracle come to us from? And I want to cry when It flies away without a trace. And they tell us: - This is ice! And her tail is dust and water! It doesn’t matter, a Miracle is coming to us, And a Miracle is always wonderful! *** G. Sapgir Spreading its fiery tail, the Comet rushes between the stars. - Listen, constellations, Latest news, Wonderful news, Heavenly news! Rushing at wild speeds, I was visiting the Sun. I saw the Earth in the distance and new satellites of the Earth. I was flying away from the Earth, ships were flying after me!


To the young inhabitant of the planet

Terenty Travnik

Try, and you will not regret, Touch the sky, you will be able to touch distant stars, moons, Touch the wind of thin strings. Try to touch the sun with a smile. Just smile at Him in the quiet hour of dawn, Like for the first time... Like for the first time Look at the world, at the house, at your hands... Listen to the sound, like sounds, Sometimes alone, sometimes in a crowd Through the walls, through you The one who is wrong here is the one who passes through, who does not find Miracles. They're everywhere, look! They are outside and inside! And the blue, and the smooth surface, and the height, And the width, and the distance, and the purity - All the miracle is the magic of miracles, All is the generosity of the fiery Heavens! Try it, you won’t regret it – Touch life. You can do it! Take pencils, an album: Draw the sun, the sky, the house, There is a pond near the house, a forest behind the house And then - thousands of miracles!

A selection of rhymes on the theme of space

Reading books about space can be divided into several subtopics.

Reading books about planets

Most often, rhymes about planets take the form of a number, that is, they imply the ordinal counting of the players.

  • One - Mercury. Two - Venus. Three - Earth. Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter. Six - Saturn. And also Uranus, Neptune. And let's also take Pluto into account. Our Sun is a champion!

    With the help of this rhyme, children will quickly remember the order of the planets of the solar system.

  • The Sun is shining, and there are nine planets around. I'll list the planets for you in order: One! Mercury Two! Venus, Three! Earth, Fourth - Mars. Five! Jupiter, Six! Saturn, Seven! Uranus, Eighth - Neptune. Number nine is called Pluto. The one who is superfluous, get out!
  • “Astronomical counting rhyme” (A. Usachev). An astrologer lived on the Moon, He counted the planets: Mercury - one, Venus - two, Three - Earth, Four - Mars, Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, Eighth - Neptune, Nine - Pluto the farthest... Those who don't see will get out!

    The counting book about the astrologer attracts children with its simplicity and plot

  • In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five is Jupiter, Six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. If you don’t remember, get out!
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