The theme of the week is “Book Week” in the senior and preparatory groups

“Book Week” in the senior group: planning

It is impossible to overestimate the impact that reading books has on literacy, replenishment of vocabulary, and expansion of a person’s horizons, especially in children at the preparatory stage of development.

“Book Week” at the preschool educational institution

For your information! It is easiest to develop an interest in new things in childhood, since children have the ability to vividly and sincerely experience, sympathize, rejoice, and be indignant, which manifests itself while reading a work of art.

Goals, objectives

The main goal of this project is to instill a love for reading books, teach children to respect them, and develop an interest in books through creative and educational activities.

During the implementation of this project, the following tasks are envisaged:

  • To generate and maintain an interest in books and a love of reading, to cultivate a reader's taste and respect for books.
  • Give children an idea of ​​the types of books and literary genres.
  • Familiarize children with all stages of book creation.
  • To develop in children an understanding of the role of the writer, illustrator, and designer in the creation of a book.
  • Explain to students the need and importance of libraries.
  • Involve children, parents, and teachers in playing out stories from books.

Introducing kids to nature

Lexical topics

Every day of the calendar week it is planned to hold events (games, activities), presentations (speaking out abstracts and publishing notes in class) or thematic classes (communicating important information on a specific topic) on the following lexical topics:

  • Monday. A walk around the native land. Acquaintance with nature through the works of writers Bianchi V.V., Prishvin M.M.
  • Tuesday. Tanya, Yulechka, Petya and other heroes. Acquaintance with children's poetry through the works of Marshak S. Ya., Mikhalkov S. V., Agnia Barto, Tokmakova I. P., Mustai Karim.
  • Wednesday. Travel to Buyan Island. Acquaintance with fairy tales and fables through the works of Pushkin A.S., Krylov I.A., Ushinsky K.D.
  • Thursday. Walking around St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with the architecture, geography, life, climate of St. Petersburg through the poems of the poets A. A. Blok, Sasha Cherny.
  • Friday. The Adventures of Bibigon. Acquaintance with the works of the writer Chukovsky K.I.
  • Saturday. Dunno's friends. Acquaintance with the works of the writer N. N. Nosov.

Additional Information! Within each topic, children should be introduced to the biography and famous works of children's writers and poets, and a general description of their work should be given. Choose one of the plots in the works that most captivated the children, and role-play it with them.

Final event

The final event is that you should set aside time every day to make a book of your own composition and with drawings. At the end of Book Week, there will be an exhibition of books made by the children themselves.

Important! All events within the framework of Book Week must comply with federal state educational standards (FSES).

Coloring pages on traffic rules for a preschooler 3-4 years old

Baby book made from A4 paper

Little baby books are great for learning the basics of reading. They are cheerful and funny, there is nothing superfluous in them, and the child perceives such leisure time as an exciting game. And such pocket books are always convenient to take with you on trips and travels!


You will need:
A4 paper, a stationery knife, glue, colored pencils, markers, pens and crayons.
How to do:

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise, then again crosswise, and again each half. Unfold it and make a cut in the middle with a utility knife. Coat one side with glue along the entire plane and fold the book, fixing the pages.

You can combine several of these paper blocks into one thicker book and even make a cover. All that remains is to draw pictures and write text. They can be used to study the seasons, animals, surrounding objects, numbers - anything!

Baby book on rings

Tactile sensations are the most important life stage for all children, so baby books need appropriate ones. Use large details, expressive textures, bright colors and different materials. Connect individual pages into large rings or ties.


You will need:
Colored cardboard, scissors, hole punch and rings, glue, stapler, colored fabric, all kinds of fillers and tape.
How to do:

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, glue it and use a hole punch to make holes in the middle for stitching - these will be your pages. Later you can assemble them onto split rings. This way the baby book will be convenient to store, nothing will get lost, but the child will be able to study each sheet separately.

Glue bubble wrap, lace, corrugated paper or some other material with an unusual texture onto double-sided tape. Use tassels, fringe, small knitted toys and decorations, balloons, ribbons, pom-poms, feathers - whatever you find!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Methodological development "Children's Book Day"

Interactive leisure for children of senior preschool age

Neustupova Ekaterina Sergeevna, senior teacher, kindergarten No. 6, Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Goal: to bring joy, create a cheerful festive mood, indicate the significance of a book in a person’s life, the indispensability of a book in the socio-cultural development of people,



  • give knowledge about this holiday, the history of the book
  • consolidate knowledge about children's writers and poets


  • promote the formation of interest in books and works of fiction.
  • show children the social significance of the holiday - Children's Book Day
  • develop elements of creativity, teach how to use what you read in other types of activities (play, productive, communication)
  • develop independence and initiative, artistic and aesthetic taste
  • give information about the importance of reading fiction books


  • To develop the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, to express emotions.
  • cultivate neatness, friendliness and a caring and careful attitude towards books

Technologies used: ICT,

Materials and equipment: media projector with presentation, books, plasticine and stacks for children, visual materials, paper, birch bark, stone, clay, thin planks, wax, alcohol lamp for heating wax, cords or ropes for making books.

Leisure progress: slide 1

Host: Hello, guys! Today we will talk about the book. What is a book? Why do people need books? Do the animal world need books? (Children's answers)

slide 2

Host: That's right, guys, only a person needs books to learn something new, to know everything about everything in the world. (Reads a poem)

Guys, what proverbs or sayings do you know about books? (Children's answers)

Host: Do you know that books weren’t always the way they are now? What do you think books are made of? (Children's answers)

Presenter: The history of the book has its roots in the distant past. Different peoples came to writing in different ways, using different materials for writing: stone, bone, wood, metal, silk, leather, corn stalks. (The presenter talks from the slides)

slide 3-8

In ancient times, the material for writing was STONE. The first drawings by primitive artists were found on the walls of caves. Subsequently, laws, names of kings, and memorable events were carved on rocks, stone tiles and pillars.

Then CLAY BOOKS appeared - the most ancient. On the still soft and wet clay, words-icons were squeezed out with a sharp stick. Then the board was dried and fired in ovens, like pots. The clay tiles were 32x32 cm in size and 2.5 cm thick - real flat bricks. A book was created from a dozen, and sometimes hundreds of such pages. Such books were written in the ancient states of Mesopotamia and Assyria.

And in the neighboring Egyptian state, books were made from PAPYRUS - a river reed with a tall and thick trunk, cut into strips and dried. They wrote on them with sticks, dipping them in ink or colored paints. Then the sheets were glued together to form a book in the form of a long scroll. Usually about 6 m long. After reading, the scroll was rolled into a tube and stored in a special case.

Papyrus was replaced by a new writing material - PARCHMENT.

In the ancient Pergamon state it was made from animal skins. It could be written on both sides. A sheet of parchment was folded in half to make four pages. The quarter in Greek was called “tetrados” , and all together they made up a notebook. Several of these notebooks were stitched together to form a book in which one could write and draw, and it was called a codex. In appearance, the codex resembles a modern book. It took a whole flock of sheep to write one book. The book was written by hand over several years.

In Ancient Rus' they wrote on birch bark - BERESTA. Marks were made on the bark using a bone rod with an eye at the top, through which a ribbon was pulled. The rod was hung from the belt.

In the 2nd century. e. PAPER was invented in China. It was cheaper material. Paper was invented by Cai Lun. He found a way to make paper from the fibrous inner bark of the mulberry tree. The Chinese learned to grind the bark in water to separate the fibers, then they poured the mixture onto trays with long, narrow strips of bamboo at the bottom. When the water drained, the soft sheets were laid to dry on a flat surface. Bamboo and old rags were used for this purpose. The Chinese kept the secret of paper production for 800 years. No writing material has received such recognition as paper.

In different countries, entire workshops for publishing books began to be created. This work was considered very important and honorable. The first creators of handwritten books were monks. The scribe wrote out letter by letter, line by line. And the artists filled the pages with drawings. The title was written in a whimsical stroke. Then the book was “dressed” in binding, decorated with silver and precious stones. The books were true works of art.

Host: Guys, would you like to make a book yourself?

— The wooden book appeared around the 1st century AD. It was made like this: melted wax was poured onto the pages - tablets and, while it was soft, they smoothed it out. They wrote on the hardened wax with a sharp stick. Several planks were connected with a cord into a book.

Now we will try to make such a book.

(The presenter and a group of children make a book on their own.)

Slide 9-10

First printing press

Johann Gutenberg, a German master, opened a new era in book publishing by inventing the first printing press. In less than a year, 300 books of the Bible were printed, and previously it took up to 10 years to copy a book.

In 1563, Tsar Ivan the Terrible established the first state printing house in Moscow and the first Russian printed books were created by Ivan Fedorov, a deacon of the Church of St. Nicholas of Gostuzhsky and his associate Peter Timofeevich Mstislavets. In Moscow, near the wall of Kitai-Gorod, where the first Printing Yard was located, there is a monument to Ivan Fedorov.

The first Russian printed book

On March 1, 1564, the first Russian printed book “Apostle”

Slide 11

Presenter: Guys, look at what complex modern printing presses they use to make books nowadays.

Slide 12

Host: Please answer, what can be made from plain paper?

Slide 13- 18

Presenter: Now, guys, look at what extraordinary books there are in the world.

— The Golden Book was discovered by American archaeologists conducting excavations in Sri Lanka. Its pages are made of pure gold. The text of one of the ancient Indian poems is engraved on the precious sheets.

— A blacksmith from the Bulgarian village of Vratsa, Angel Kostov, made a metal book weighing 4 kg, format 18x22 cm. On its twenty-two pages there are world-famous Gabrov jokes, aphorisms and proverbs.

— The most expensive book in the world is now considered to be ’s Bible , published in 1455. For one copy of it, printed on parchment, the American Wallber paid $350,000 in 1926. Now it is in Washington, in the Library of Congress.

The biggest book

This book contains 37 printed maps, which were published in 1660 especially for the English king of that time, Charles II. These 37 images of the Earth immortalize absolutely all the knowledge and ideas of humanity of that time about the world. The book has been studied by historians more than once; it contains a wealth of data about that time. All atlases are, in fact, wall maps, measuring 1.9 x 1.75, which were neatly bound and richly decorated.

Slide 19

Host: And now, guys, we would like to hear what poems about books you know. (Children read poetry)

Slide 20- 25

Host: Which children's writers and poets and what of their works do you know?


Slide 26

Let's play a little. You are given a task: remember the name of a fairy tale based on its hero.

Slide 27-29

The presenter takes out a book without pictures and with colorful illustrations and shows it to the children.

Guys, how are these books different? (Children's answers). That's right, this book has colorful pictures. Who draws pictures in books? Yes, that's right, illustrators. What illustrators do you know?

Stories from slides.

Slide 30

Host: Now guys, compare these two books. Shows an old, torn book and a new one. How are these books different? (Children's answers) That's right, guys. And in order for books to remain new and beautiful for a long time, there are rules for handling books. Do you know them? Slide story.

Slide 31

Host: Tell me, guys, what kind of premises are these? That's right, such rooms are called libraries. The word “library” comes from the words “biblio” - book, and “teka” - storage. That is, a library is a repository of books. What are libraries for? (Children's answers). That's right, guys, you can borrow a book from the library to read it. After all, we read a lot throughout our lives and we are not able to keep all the books we read at home. That's why people create libraries and use them.

Slide 32- 33

Host: And now, guys, I will introduce you to monuments dedicated to books and reading. Next on the slides.

Slide 34

Host: Now let’s try to solve a crossword puzzle about books and reading. Let's find out how you listened and what you learned from our conversation today.

  1. word: What material did they write on with sharp sticks attached to a belt in the old days in Rus'? (Birch bark)
  2. word: Children's writer who wrote funny stories about Dunno? Nikolai... (Nosov)
  3. word: The best teaching is... (Reading)
  4. word: Book storage (Library)
  5. word: Surname of the first Russian book printer (Fedorov)
  6. word: Children's writer who wrote a series of poems about toys. (Barto)
  7. word: The material from which books are made. (Paper)
  8. word: Our best friends for life are - (books) MUSIC (TOUCH)

Well done guys, you solved the whole crossword puzzle. This means you know how to listen carefully and remember what you hear.

Slide 35

Presenter: Now, at the end of our holiday today, the guys will sing us a song about books

Then the presenter reads a poem


  1. Bread nourishes the body, just as you fly on wings.
  2. Gold is mined from the earth and attracts people to it.
  3. Illiterate is like a blind man, but a book is intelligence.
  4. The book decorates with happiness, gain your mind.
  5. A book is not a carrot, but a book opens your eyes.
  6. A book is not an airplane, it shines brighter than a star.
  7. A good book, but misfortune is a comfort.
  8. Knowing a book will take you far away.
  9. You read a book and knowledge comes from books.


  1. Bread nourishes the body, and a book nourishes the mind.
  2. Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.
  3. Illiterate is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes.
  4. The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
  5. The book is not a carrot, but beckons.
  6. The book is not a plane, but will take you far away.
  7. A good book shines brighter than a star.
  8. Knowing a book means gaining intelligence.
  9. Reading a book is like flying with wings.


materials that can be additionally used during leisure time:

How good it is to be able to read! No need to pester your mother, no need to shake your grandmother: “Read, please! Read it!”

There is no need to beg your sister: “Well, read another page . No need to call, No need to wait,

Or you can take it and read it! Book Festival The snow is melting, the waters are bubbling,

The birds are calling loudly. The children's eyes are blooming like spring today. They love holiday books very much

Both girls and boys. The Book is faithful, the Book is first, the Book is the best friend of the guys.

We can't live without a book, We can't live without a book! - All the guys are talking.

(Z. Bychkov)


We are all friends with books: Both you and I are readers. And, of course, we know what their writers write.

It’s not easy to become a writer, Just like a musician, you definitely have to have talent.

Like any profession, It has its own secrets: The hero acts in the book Strictly according to the plot.

The author composes his story while sitting in a chair. There is no limit to invention - If only it were more interesting.

He will send Dunno to the moon, like a magician, and make him fall in love with a magical country.

From it they come to us: Winnie the Pooh, Malvina, Aibolit, Hippopotamus, Brave Chippolino.

Here, at the desk, the place of their birth, All their adventures come to life under the pen.

Now the line has been completed, And the book is ready... Girls and boys will probably read it!


Mom reads me a book about a bunny and a little fox... I would listen to about the war, but mom is a girl.

She will probably be bored, so much so that she even yawns. Okay, tomorrow about the war. Dad will read it at night.

And today about a bunny and a teddy bear. Whether it’s about a mouse, or even about a cone – It wouldn’t matter if there was a book!

(A. Kornilov)

Book secrets

If you want to know a lot, listen to advice. Learn to recognize Book secrets.

Each book has its own secret, And there are no unnecessary books. If a fast plane rushes into the sky,

The pilot knows his secret. He studied it. Each book has its own secret, And there are no unnecessary books.

If mom cooks cabbage soup and porridge for lunch, she has her own secret, also very important.

Know, all girls, Know, all boys: Every book has its own secret! Read books everyone!

(L. Guselnikova)

  • **

A good book, my companion, my friend, Leisure time can be interesting with you. We are having a great time together and we are slowly carrying on our conversation.

You tell me about the deeds of daredevils, About the secrets of the Earth and the movement of the planets - There is nothing incomprehensible with you. You teach to be truthful and valiant,

To understand and love nature, people. I cherish you, I take care of you, I cannot live without a good book.

(B. Raevsky)

Next >

Making a baby book with your child

Sometimes children even get bored with cute felt bunnies and rattles, but they love to create and come up with new ideas themselves. Choose a theme for a baby book together, draw, collect interesting facts, use pictures and stickers!


You will need:
Paper, glue, paints and pencils, old magazines and printouts, stickers, needle and thread.
How to do:

Instead of making fabric pages or printing out backgrounds, design them yourself! For example, to make a book about animals, first draw their habitats. To do this, fold sheets of A4 paper in half and hand them to your child along with the pictures - let the child choose the animals he wants to live there, while you find something interesting about them.

Older children can fill out the text in the baby book themselves - at the same time this will be a short training in their writing skills. All that remains is to stick all the animals onto your pages and sew the book in the middle with regular thick thread.

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Little book from old magazines

This is a very simple and interesting idea for a baby book that you can bring to life with your child. Let your child choose a topic, cut out pictures and place them on the page. This book is fun not only to read, but also to make, and then share with friends!


You will need:
Old colorful books and magazines, scissors, paper, glue, pencils, thread and needle, tape.
How to do:

Decide on the size of the future baby book, the number of pages and the topic - for example, it could be animals and plants. Divide the cut-out illustrations into groups: wild animals, domestic animals, fish, birds, and so on.

For the cover, take thick sheets of cardboard, make the pages out of paper and sew them with thick strong thread. Inside you can leave inserts of entire magazine pages with educational information. This way, children will be able to learn more about those animals that were previously cut out and pasted on.

Baby book made of fabric

Soft baby books with fabric pages are sold in huge numbers in children's stores. But why overpay for something you can easily and quickly do with your own hands? It is enough to master the basic principle - and you will be able to make such toys until your child gets tired of it!


You will need:
Multi-colored fabric, ribbons, lace, felt, large textured details, threads and needles.
How to do:

Cut out several pieces of multi-colored fabric 20x40 cm (or whatever size pages you want). Decorate them with letters or felt pieces, Velcro figures, zippers, buttons, fur, feathers, tassels, laces, fringes and knitted toys.

To join the pages, place two of them face to face, stitching around the perimeter and leaving only a small hole on one side. Through it, carefully turn the workpiece inside and put a piece of thin padding polyester inside for volume, and then sew up the hole. This will be the cover, first and last pages, respectively.

Simply fold all the inner pages in half, sew them together, turn them inside out and fill them with padding polyester in the same way. The inner pages are simply sewn inside with large stitches or attached to tape. Make ties or fasteners on the cover to make it more interesting for the child and more convenient for you.

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