Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old
Quiz in the middle group “Saving fairy tales” (photo report)
“Visiting a Fairy Tale”
was implemented in the middle groups of our kindergarten.
. Project leaders are speech therapist teacher T.L. Makhnacheva, speech pathologist teacher N.V. Atrushkevich, educational psychologist I.V. Shcherbakova. The final event...
Photo report on the quiz game “Experts of Safety Rules” in the middle group
At preschool age, children are very active and inquisitive! And it is very important at this age to form in children basic ideas and knowledge about safety rules in everything and everywhere: at home (with electrical appliances, in nature, on the road, about the safety of their own life activities...
Literary quiz on fairy tales for kindergarten
Goal: To promote the creation of a unified educational space for the use of fairy tales in the social, moral, creative and speech development of children. Objectives: - To attract parents to participate in the educational process, - To generalize children's knowledge about fairy tales, to cultivate goodwill, the ability to work in a team, to improve the communicative functions of speech, to activate the creative potential of children and adults.
— Show children’s skills, forms and methods of working with a fairy tale. — Create a positive emotional mood for all participants. — To form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the creative process; — Develop forms of imagination that are based on the interpretation of a literary image; develop individual literary preferences, instill an informal perception of fairy tales, develop a sense of humor; Opening remarks: - Good evening, dear adults and children! We are glad to welcome you to the “Favorite Fairy Tales” quiz. Everyone knows that in our kindergarten there are the smartest, kindest, smartest children and the most erudite parents. And you, fans, also be careful, because there will be tasks for you too. To begin with, I want to know what Russian folk tales are familiar to you? (Children's answers). Well done! Now listen to the rules that must be followed during the game - quiz: • you must listen to the questions carefully; • any team that knows the answer and wants to answer can answer the task; to do this, they need to consult and the captain raises the emblem of his team and thus gain the right to answer; • a token will be awarded for the correct answer, but if the team answers incorrectly, then the right to answer goes to the second team. • The winner of the game will be the team with the most tokens.
Presentation of the jury: 1. Brinyuk Valentina Ivanovna - director of the village library 2. Konstantinova Elena Yakovlevna - primary school teacher 3. Kuznetsova Galina Petrovna - representative of the public
Children and adults are divided into teams using colored tokens and are seated at tables marked with the corresponding tokens (Teams: quiz participants receive symbols - “Smart Owl” and “Scientist Cat”) No. 1 yellow envelope: “What fairy tale are we talking about?” Team “Smart Owl” 1. The owners entered the house - they found a mess there. (Three bears) 2. The mouse came to their aid, together they pulled out a vegetable. (Turnip) 3. Treats various kids, treats birds and animals. (Doctor Aibolit ) 4. The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us... (Geese and swans) 5. We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (The Three Little Pigs) 6. I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear) 7. He pounded and pounded the plate with his nose .(Crane and fox) 8.And stockings and shoes ran away from the dirt.(Moidodyr)
Team "Cat Scientist"
No. 3 orange envelope: “Songs of fairy-tale heroes” Team members need to remember the songs that are performed in fairy tales.
No. 4 blue envelope: “Living Pictures” (Teams take turns depicting a fairy tale without words, using facial expressions, movements and gestures. (“Turnip”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”) .