Sketch “Dispute of the best vegetables” for senior and preparatory groups

Vegetable tale (sketch)


HOST: Suddenly grandpa was overcome with melancholy, his head ached for no reason, then his back began to ache overnight. Grandfather got capricious, what a misfortune!

GRANDFATHER: Oh, I'm tired of TV.

GRANDMOTHER: Sweep the floor in the apartment!

GRANDFATHER: This is not a man’s business.

GRANDMOTHER: What are you talking about, grandpa? Life has long made everyone equal.

GRANDFATHER: I don’t care much about that. I don’t want half revenge, I’d rather turn on the TV. No, my eyes are tired. Where can I stretch radiculitis?

GRANDMOTHER: Well, there was no sadness - She sits all day, grumbling. Help me wind the threads.

GRANDFATHER: The forever old one will stick. This is not a man's business. Yes, I'm tired of idleness. Give me your skein, I’ll help you wind the ball. (moans) I can't sit like this! My back hurts.

GRANDMOTHER: Stop creaking, grandpa! And my back is like this.

(Grandfather helps grandmother wind a ball: he holds the threads.)

GRANDMOTHER (stopping shaking, thinking): Maybe we should buy a puppy?

Still, what fun: Taking them out for a walk...

GRANDFATHER: Why walk around doing nothing? Another hobby hasn’t let me sleep for a long time: I want a vegetable garden. Here!

GRANDMOTHER (joyfully): So I have such a dream. I have been savoring it in my soul for a long time. Grandfather, we’ll buy a plot of land with you, We’ll plant a vegetable garden there. Just by walking frequently, all your blues will go away.

GRANDFATHER: Instead of physical exercises, you and I will dig up the beds. And chondrosis, radiculitis Let them look for others.

HOST: They began to think, brainstorm: This way and that, so as not to make a mistake.

HOST: However, as spring approaches, old people decide to buy. The people cannot be surprised: As soon as it starts to break, they go to the garden.

HOST: The old man is happy with his old lady, He with a shovel, as if with a toy, Digs in the garden all day, Grandma is only surprised at the playfulness.

HOST: Grandfather stopped grumbling and swearing and began smiling to his wife’s delight. Remember about the damned disease

He decided that he had no time.

GRANDFATHER: It’s time to plant seeds.

GRANDMOTHER: You need to buy them first.

HOST: Grandfather is such a serious matter. He was afraid to trust his wife. I boldly went to the store myself, and I coped with it quite well.

(Grandfather comes home confused.)

GRANDMOTHER: Why are you so gloomy, grandfather? Tell me, what's wrong with you?

GRANDFATHER: Yes, an opportunity arose on the road: My old legs failed me. He tripped over a pothole somewhere and fell, so to speak, stretched out. Everything would be fine, but it’s dashing! The seeds have scattered, you have them! Everyone took a bath in the road dust, and now they have re-sorted.

GRANDMOTHER (waving her hands): Ay-ay-ay! What should we do now? After all, it’s time to plant. Well, let's sow them all here and there, We'll figure it out when they grow up.

(Time has passed...)

GRANDMOTHER: Grandfather, look, the sprouts have appeared.

GRANDFATHER: I see it myself. Good, everyone's envy.

GRANDMOTHER: But where are the cucumbers? Where are the peas?

Where is the carrot, where is the pumpkin? Oh! Oh!

GRANDFATHER: The weeds came up right away, then look, our greenery will be strangled.

GRANDMOTHER: Figuring out what and where is the task.

GRANDFATHER: Let's hope for luck. We tried our best to sow radishes, beets and cabbage thickly. Look how closely the family huddles together, They won’t succumb to weeds.

HOST: All summer the vegetables gained strength, They fought for the right to life with weeds. The woodlouse covered the carpet at their feet, did not allow them to breathe freely, the sow thistle tangled their feet under the ground, and the dandelion sowed the garden.

HOST: But in spite of the weeds, forgetting about the grievances, the vegetable people grew, the fruits ripened. They captivated the old men with their beauty and argued about who was which.

TOMATO: I bet I’m the most wonderful, I’m also decorative. I'm beautiful, I taste good, I'm as good as an apple. The poison in me, at first they thought, I was used to decorate gazebos. I am not made for trouble, I am a tomato, I am for food.

PUMPKIN: I am a pumpkin, no less famous

I'm constantly in use. I have so many useful ingredients, all sorts of macro- and microelements. After all, iron with copper and phosphorus with calcium prolong the life of girls and boys. And vitamins A, B, C treat insomnia.

TURNIP: Why are you arrogant and self-important, I was the main dish on the table in the great Moscow principality. Both raw and steamed were served. I have countless vitamins. There is beauty and charm too.

ONION: There is no need to prove the benefits of onions, Although I like to talk about myself. I am proud to give you a message: I was and am a sacred plant. Although, of course, I agree that I am not suitable for dessert. Moreover, I dare to add, that I can make someone cry. They brought me as a gift to the ancient gods: I am a symbol of the Universe (at that time). Now, however, I am only interesting because I also cure many diseases.

CUCUMBER: I am perhaps the most ancient, I am from India. Hello!

The Greeks adored me for more than three thousand years. And on the ancient obelisks, Since ancient memorable times, the exotic fruit of Egypt - This is me depicted!

RADISH: And every child has known me since childhood. Who hasn't been wrapped in a scarf for a cough? The radish compress is a miracle, But they also prepared a dish from me: Russian prison with bread kvass, And oil was pressed from the seeds.

POTATOES: My biography is very rich: I was once brought from America to Holland by Spanish sailors, And I came to Russia as a foreigner By the will of the Great Peter. They didn’t understand me at first, They called me a “damn apple” And they ate not tubers, but berries. Because of this, they were poisoned very often, they were angry with me in vain. But now I am more revered than anyone else: Not just, but I am considered second bread.

BEET: Is it possible to remain silent about my merits? I’m in borscht, I’m in okroshka too. The ruler Tiberius, who ruled the Roman Empire, valued me very much. I have many hidden possibilities,

Everyone knows my healing abilities.

PEAS: You are not the only one who knows both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. I carry sweet memories through the centuries: The Germans once considered pea sausage a gourmet dish, And in Rus' they served pies with peas to the table. And in the wild they ate me. Have you ever seen pea noodles? And in France, tra-la-la, Peas and lard were served at the king’s table!

CABBAGE: You're trying in vain, arguing, you all, of course, are worth a lot. But today I am the most important thing of all - cabbage. If I am not on the table, Consider it empty. I can not only feed everyone, but also heal from many ailments. As food, I am very important, And how good it is, even stewed, even pickled! Dumplings with me are delicious, who would refuse such food? Pies with cabbage are a real delicacy, as people from any establishment will confirm. Even parties are called skits. I think they won’t be able to do without me in the future.

(While each vegetable was making a speech of praise in its honor, everyone else looked at it with irony, and in the end they actually got into a fight.)

HOST: Then the old grandfather exclaimed...

Grandfather: What kind of vinaigrette is this? All of you suddenly quarreled, as if you had broken loose. What do we have, grandma? There is no order. We need to reconcile the vegetables, otherwise there will be trouble here.

GRANDMOTHER: So I tell them: All of you, dear ones, are needed, All of you, dear ones, are important. There is no reason for argument here, And the end of all talk. Come on, grandfather, come on, pick up the balalaika, start playing quickly, the vegetables will dance and amuse us old ones!

HOST: And the old man and the old woman are harvesting the harvest together in their garden. They are so happy about the beauty of vegetables, the harvest turned out to be great!

HOST: At least go and sell them. Now help yourself and drink some tea!


Costume options for skits

If a skit about vegetables and fruits is being prepared in a children's group for a festive event, then it is almost impossible to do without carnival costumes. Making these robes is not that difficult.

  1. First of all, when preparing a skit about fruits and vegetables, you should take care of the outfit that the child will wear. This could be a round blouse, sewn up at the bottom with slits for the arms. The color of the blouse must match the color of the fruit itself, the image of which the artist represents.
  2. In some cases, a simplified version can be used. Then the fabric is replaced with paper, cutting out from a large sheet something similar to a sales apron, but without the side ties. The front and back parts of the outfit are connected at the shoulders, the suit is put on over the head.
  3. If you are preparing a skit about fruits and vegetables, then for some of the characters you can make a “cutaway” costume. That is, for a watermelon, it’s good to sew a bright red triangle with black seeds on a green blouson or draw a bright red triangle with black seeds on a paper cape, as if someone cut off one piece of it. Green peas can also “open up”, revealing the peas inside the pod.
  4. The second attribute, of course, is the hat. Since all plants have greenery, it is appropriate to make a headdress in the form of a stalk with leaves or a miniature fruit with greenery.
  5. Sometimes a skit about vegetables and fruits is played out during a regular speech development or fine arts class. Then you can get by with a paper headband, to which a picture depicting the hero of the miniature, that is, a vegetable or fruit, is glued to the front.

Scenario for a vegetable festival for kindergarten


1. Introductory part. Greetings from Parsley and the Garden Tsar. 2. Main part: Scarecrow's story about working in the garden. The arrival of Autumn with a retinue of vegetables. Riddles and mini stories about vegetables. Entertainment. Holding games. 3. Summing up. Progress of the holiday. 1. Introductory part. Greetings from Parsley and the Garden Tsar.

(Music sounds. A boy dressed as Parsley runs out onto the stage.)

Parsley. Hello, adults and children! Today is an unusual day in the world! The Garden Tsar deigned to invite you all to a ball in his vegetable kingdom. Welcome!

(Parsley points to the king, who is sitting on the throne. On the wall behind the throne hangs a poster depicting the kingdom with drawings of vegetables.)

Tsar. I welcome all of you to my kingdom of vegetables, and I want to get to know you as soon as possible. They call me the king of the garden. What about your names? Shout it out, friends!

Parsley. Come on, together, one-two-three! Say your name

(The guests of the holiday say their names.)

Parsley. Attention! Attention! To all Vanyushka and Tanyushka! To all Andryushkas and Katyushkas! To all Bears and Irish! To all the Kolenkas and Olenkas! To all the Svetkas and other children! Strict order from the king! Have fun, sing and dance until you drop at the ball! And whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will, do not cut off his head! Tsar . Why are you, Petrushka, scaring people? Today at the ball we will only hand out awards. I also grabbed a chest with gifts.

Main part.

Scarecrow's story about working in the garden. (Scarecrow runs onto the stage. Petrushka blocks his way.)

Parsley. Stop! Where are you going?

Scarecrow. (Puzzled) To the garden king’s ball! Parsley. (With amazement) To the ball?! I won't let you in dressed like that. Leave immediately, don’t disgrace the king! Scarecrow (breaks out of Petrushka’s hands, runs up to the throne, falls to his knees, hugs the king’s legs.)

Great king, sovereign of the garden people! Have mercy, they didn’t order me to execute you, I ordered you to say a word.

Tsar. (Helps you get up) I give you permission. Speak. Just get up from your knees immediately.

Scarecrow. I don’t dress according to fashion, I stand all my life as if on guard, In the garden, I instill fear in flocks of birds. And rooks, sparrows and jackdaws fear me more than fire, a whip or a stick! Parsley. (Grabs the Scarecrow by the hand and pulls him towards the exit) Stop talking in riddles here. Get out of the garden kingdom. Scarecrow. (breaks free, falls to the throne) Father Tsar, sovereign of the garden people! What is this happening?! Intercede! (Pretends to cry.) Tsar. (gets up and picks up the Scarecrow) That’s another idea! Cry at the holiday. Tell me what you need? Scarecrow. Sovereign! I'm not some slacker and lazy person! I am a laboring garden scarecrow. All summer I stand in the garden, guarding the harvest of the children from the orphanage. In any weather, in the sun or in the rain, I work without giving up. But they don’t let me go to the party! (points to Petrushka) He says the outfit is not fashionable. Which one they gave out! And then, if I stand in a fashion suit, who will be afraid of me? Parsley. How can you prove that you are not a slacker, but a real labor scarecrow? Scarecrow. I will tell you the work of children in the garden from plowing the land to harvesting. And the guys from this wonderful house will help me with this. (The Scarecrow addresses the guys.) Dear friends, please help me restore my good name. Can you help? (Guys' answer) King. I hear that my overseas guests agree to help you, so I allow it. Tell me. I love listening to garden stories.

Scarecrow. I see the vegetable garden all the time. It is always watered with fresh water. 0 he is cared for by children's people: Hills and, of course, flight. Onions, radishes, carrots grow here, Beetroot, cabbage and fresh cucumber grow sideways in the garden bed, the cunning one hides between the leaves, plays hide and seek with us. Here are tomatoes, there is lettuce, and here is curly dill. Here the vegetables will not be drowned out by overgrown grasses. Parsley. Who will confirm all this?

Two boys (together from the audience) We! (go on stage).

1 boy: Among everyone, I worked in the garden in the summer. I planted as many as three dozen in Luka’s garden bed! The onions were so small they could fit on a plate! The harvest has come to dig - our onions have grown beyond recognition! The plate is too small for them, not even a bucket is enough!

Boy 2: Young and old know potatoes, children love potatoes. The chefs are preparing a side dish for us - mashed potatoes for the cutlet, And I want to tell you all The secret of potatoes, listen: In the spring we plant one, And in the fall we collect ten.

1 boy. Each of us is happy to work in the garden. 2 boy. Because we love to eat delicious food. Tsar. (Addresses the children.) Thank you, friends, you convinced the king. Take your seats in the hall. (Children leave the stage.) Tsar (Addresses the Scarecrow) It’s a wonderful story! I praise you! (Slaps Scarecrow on the shoulder) Therefore, I allow you to stay at the ball. Parsley . Father Tsar! To the vegetable garden people, sir! I'm sorry, but I don't think he should be dressed like that at a ball. (Parsley points to the Scarecrow) Tsar . Shut up! How dare you contradict the king! Parsley (constantly bows and steps aside) Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Tsar (addresses the Scarecrow) Don't be offended, Scarecrow! Now we have it all figured out. Come into the hall, sit down at the table, be a guest. Tsar (approaches Petrushka, hugs him) Petrushka, my faithful subject, don’t be angry, forgive the old man. Better tell me: did you accidentally forget to invite Mrs. Autumn to the ball? Parsley. (Moves away from the king) What are you saying, sir? How could I ignore such a lady? Dress made of yellow silk, rowan beads on the chest. In the ears - earrings, hairpins, it's nice to look at!

The arrival of Autumn with a retinue of vegetables.

Riddles and mini-stories about vegetables.

Autumn (included in the hall)

Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello my friends! You invited me to your ball today and asked me not to be late. And here I am. The hall sparkles, faces are warmed with warmth. The time has come to open our ball and spin in the dance.

(children come out dancing. They are dressed in costumes of peas, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, onions, potatoes and tomatoes. Children have signs with numbers attached to their chests indicating the amount of vegetables collected from the garden)

Autumn I present to you guys a Suite of delicious vegetables. I suggest you guess the names of my friends? Tsar. And as a reward, I will give you a magnet, friends. (When the audience guesses the riddle, Autumn puts on the children crowns with images of vegetables. The king who guesses the child is given a magnet with images of vegetables)

Potato. And they bake me, and fry me, and, of course, they boil me.

And they eat and praise me because I’m delicious! (Children's response)

Autumn. Potatoes come from America. It was brought to Europe by the Englishman Francis Drake, a famous navigator and pirate. The Russian name comes from the Spanish word “tartufol”. And in Russia at first they called it “Devil’s Apple”

Tomato. A green branch grows in the garden, and on it are red children. (Children's response)

Autumn. The tomato is native to South America and then found its way to Italy, where it was called “tomato oro.” This translated means “golden apple”. And the most ancient name - “tomatl” was given to it by the Indians of Peru, translated as “large berry”.

Carrot. I am a red girl, a green braid! I'm proud of myself, I'm good for anything! And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht, in pies and vinaigrette and for bunnies for lunch! (Children's response)

Autumn. Carrots come from the Mediterranean coast. It is called “carotene” because it contains yellow-red carotene, from which vitamin “A” is formed. Translated, carrot means “yellow turnip.”

Beet. I am round and strong, dark red sides, I am suitable for dinner, and in borscht, and in vinaigrette. (Children's response)

Autumn. Beetroot is one of the main vegetable crops. In terms of the content of sugar and mineral salts, it ranks third among vegetables, after cabbage and carrots.

Cabbage. I stand on one leg, I carry a hundred clothes on me. (Children's response)

Autumn. Cabbage was known back in the Stone and Bronze Ages as a garden vegetable in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In ancient times, it was cultivated by Arabs and Egyptians, and in Rus' it was considered one of the main vegetables already in the 11th-12th centuries.

Radish. I'm red on the outside, white on the inside. There is a tuft on the head - a green forest. (Children's response)

Autumn. Radishes are the root vegetable and contain a large amount of various vitamins. It is an early ripening vegetable: its root crop is ready for consumption 25 - 30 days after germination.

Onion. They say I'm bitter, they say I'm sweet, I grow like a green arrow in the garden. Whoever undresses me sheds tears. (Children's response)

Autumn. The homeland of onions is Asia. From there he arrived in Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Then he ended up in the gardens of Ancient Rus'. Since ancient times, onions have been not only a food product, but also a medicinal product. They treated calluses, abscesses, coughs, and a sore stomach. To this day, onions are an indispensable remedy that protects you from many diseases.

Zucchini. Green, long, smooth, lying in my garden bed. As soon as the time comes, tear me down, I - .... (children's answer)

Autumn. Zucchini is native to Central America and India. Zucchini fruits are used to prepare various dishes and are used as livestock feed. The fruits contain a lot of sugar and vitamins.

Cucumber. I am oblong and green. Delicious fresh, tasty and sometimes salty. (Children's answer.)

Autumn. Cucumber is native to the tropics and subtropics of East Asia. Loves warmth and moisture. He has antennae to climb into the thicket of forest grass.

Autumn. Your harvest is good, it is abundant: (lists the results of the harvest collected in the garden). The harvest results were very good! I am proud of you!

Parsley. Mrs. Autumn, allow your retinue - vegetables - to go to the tables with the rest of the guests? Autumn. Certainly! I will be only happy for them.

(The retinue sits down at the tables.)

Tsar. I want to ask you, what gift did you bring us? Autumn. I brought you flour. Parsley. So there will be pies. Autumn. And apples are like honey! Tsar. For jam, for compote. Autumn. I brought a full deck of honey. Parsley. You brought apples, you brought bread, you brought honey. Tsar. Have you brought us good weather, Autumn? Autumn. Are you happy about the rain? Tsar and Petrushka. We don't want it, we don't need it! Parsley. Girls dancers will perform for us a dance with umbrellas: “We are not afraid of the rain.” (Tsar, Autumn, Parsley go to the throne. Children perform a dance with umbrellas “We are not afraid of rain.”)

Entertainment. Holding games.

Parsley. Autumn! Glorious time! The children in this house love you. You can do everything! Can you cheer us up? Wait, Tsar, sovereign of the vegetable garden people. I’m not alone, but together we will amuse each other now. Let's listen to garden ditties.

Garden ditties

1st child: Let’s sing you a secret, Garden couplets. Listen, friends, don’t judge strictly.

Child 2: In the vegetable garden, the sunflower is praising: “In inclement weather I will replace the sun for you.”

Child 1: Our green zucchini made friends with a yellow pumpkin, and now a multi-colored pumpkin is growing in the garden bed.

Child 2: “We’re tired of tails! — The carrots roared. “Tomorrow is a beauty contest, cut our hair soon!”

Child 1: The watermelon was very nice, he invited Cabbage to visit. While the cabbage was dressing up, there was no treat left.

2nd child: Like a cucumber in the garden, it lies and smiles. He has grown ten kilograms - Everyone is surprised by him!

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