Project in the preparatory school group “Theater through the eyes of a child”

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Educator: Savka Maria Sergeevna

RELEVANCE: At any age, you can discover something secret and exciting in fairy tales. Listening to them in childhood, a person unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations ,” therefore it is very important that the awareness of “fairy tale lessons” begins at an early age, with an answer to the question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?” .

In the soul of every child lies the desire for free theatrical play, in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and visual perception, develops imagination and fantasy, and improves speech. And it is impossible to overestimate the role of the native language, which helps people - especially children - to consciously perceive the world around them and is a means of communication. S. Ya. Rubinstein wrote: “The more expressive the speech, the more it is speech, and not just language, because the more expressive the speech, the more the speaker appears in it: his face, himself . The use by children of a variety of means of expressive speech is the most important condition for timely intellectual, speech, literary and artistic development. Expressive speech includes verbal (intonation, vocabulary and syntax) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) means.

To develop expressive speech, it is necessary to create conditions in which every child could convey his emotions, feelings, desires and views, both in ordinary conversation and in public, without embarrassment from listeners. Drama classes are of great help in this; This is a game, and every child can live and enjoy it. The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are enormous: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music, skillfully posed questions encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are improved, dialogical speech and its grammatical structure are improved.

Theatrical activities are a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, introducing him to spiritual values. Theatrical activities develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events being played out. “In the process of this empathy,” as noted by psychologist and teacher, academician B. M. Teplov, “certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have incomparably greater coercive force than assessments simply communicated and assimilated . Thus, theatrical activities are the most important means of developing empathy in children, i.e. the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, and find adequate ways to help.

Theatrical activities allow one to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.). Theatrical activities allow the child to solve problem situations indirectly on behalf of someone character. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. Thus, theatrical activities help to develop the child comprehensively.

Therefore, it is theatrical activities that make it possible to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual and artistic-aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of becoming familiar with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns about the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt. In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for a fairy tale - a miracle, a feeling of carefree childhood.

The goal of the project: to create optimal conditions for the development of the emotional - volitional, cognitive, motor spheres, speech, positive personality traits of each child, involving parents in the cognitive space of the kindergarten.

Project objectives:

  • teach children to perform simple performances based on famous literary works, using expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures)
  • maintain children's interest in theatrical play, by acquiring gaming skills, promote the perception of artistic image, monitor the development and interaction of characters
  • develop emotionality, expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities through theatrical play
  • to cultivate in children a sustainable interest in theater by organizing their own theatrical play
  • enrich the corner of theatrical activities
  • to interest parents in the production of different types of theater and paraphernalia for it.

Information card

  1. Title: “Merry booth”
  2. Author: Savka Maria Sergeevna
  3. Duration:
  4. Project type: short-term, creative
  5. Project participants: children, parents, teachers
  6. Children's age: children (6-7 years old)
  7. Issues:
  8. Goal: creating optimal conditions for the development of the emotional - volitional, cognitive, motor sphere, speech, positive personality traits of each child, involving parents in the cognitive space of the kindergarten.
  9. Tasks for children:
  • teach children to perform simple performances based on famous literary works, using expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures)
  • maintain children's interest in theatrical play, by acquiring gaming skills, promote the perception of artistic image, monitor the development and interaction of characters
  • develop emotionality, expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities through theatrical play
  • to cultivate in children a sustainable interest in theater by organizing their own theatrical play.

For parents: relationship with the child, identification of individual developmental characteristics and abilities, enrichment of teaching experience through modern methods of raising a child.

For teachers: expand knowledge about theatrical activities and the development of relationships between children and peers in theatrical play.

10. Form of conduct:

11. Project product: Theatrical production based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” .

12. Expected results:

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Project on theatrical activities “We play theater” (preparatory group)

Project on theatrical activities “We play theater” (preparatory group)

Author: Odinokova Anastasia Konstantinovna Teacher of the first qualification category

Municipal autonomous
preschool educational
institution No. 16 "Ryabinka" in the city of Dubna, Moscow region

Abstract to the project:

This project “We play theater” is intended for children of senior preschool age

6-7 years.
The project selected different types of theatres: cone theatre, puppet theatre, tabletop theatre, dress-up and mask theatre, flannelgraph theatre. The project uses technology, bright modern visuals, comprehensive thematic planning, various types of theaters for children of senior preschool age
. This project will help children make an exciting journey into the magical world of theater. Overcome timidity, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

Passport Project participants: -Children of the preparatory group, teacher, parents of pupils Age of children: -age of children 6-7 years Type of project: -practice-oriented, group Duration: -long-term Result: -presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.

Relevance of the project:

“It’s not for nothing that children love fairy tales. After all, the good thing about a fairy tale is that the soul already anticipates a happy ending in it. And brave hearts agree to any trials, in impatient anticipation of a prosperous end...” (Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of information. And the main carriers for preschoolers are kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a constant state of discovery in a variety of areas: fine arts, music and much more. Little pioneers in constant search of the unknown. They are driven by interest and endless curiosity. Our task is to direct the child’s interest in the right direction, to open before him the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, thanks to its enormous emotional impact on the child's soul, is able to take on developmental tasks: feelings - emotions, memory, imagination, intelligence and resourcefulness, broadening one's horizons, kindness and pity, courage. Theater is always a holiday for a child, a bright, unforgettable experience. The expression “The fairy-tale world of childhood” is not empty words. In the life of a child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its good heroes. Will an adult believe that a chicken can lay a golden egg, or dream of a magic wand that will solve all problems? Of course not. And the child is convinced that if he waves a magic wand, a miracle will happen. Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale country in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called Theater!!! The fairy-tale world of theater is a land of real fantasies and good fairy tales, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds. Theater is a fertile ground for creativity; everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking.

It’s impossible to play in the theater without emotions. That is why the same poem will be recited by a child expressively and artistically at one time, and sluggishly and monotonously at another. “Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and actions.” When learning a role, the child tries to convey the mood of the hero of the fairy tale with facial expressions, expressive speech and movements. This is where the child gets acquainted with various emotions: Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame. Theatrical creativity has an emotional development effect on children when he plays a role, interacting with peers, or sitting in the auditorium. Every time, leaving the theater, any child takes away with him, albeit a small, but discovery. The words spoken by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can also be attributed to children’s theater, since they contain the essence of the foundation and success of any theater: “Creative work on the role and on transforming the playwright’s verbal work into a stage story, everything from beginning to end, proceeds with the participation of the imagination.” Theater is for a child an inexhaustible source of development of real feelings and fantasies.

The child constantly plays, learning about the world and himself through play. In the theater, a child unwittingly finds himself in situations, the way out of which requires some intelligence. Such moments arise infrequently and only if adults and children take part on equal terms in the game called theater. In children's theater, against the backdrop of active emotional development, two more directions in education exist and harmoniously complement each other: the development of intelligence in a child and the instilling in him of social and moral qualities. A variety of children come to the theater. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as constrained, shy, timid, and indecisive. Some children remain like this for a short time, their stiffness is associated with the new environment in which they find themselves: new faces, unfamiliar objects. Performing in front of an audience, and especially in front of friends, will not be a psychological barrier for them. The relationship that exists in children's theatrical activities forces children to more often contact each other with requests and questions. Children become more sociable, they make new friends, which in turn makes them relaxed.

Theater for a child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any wish will certainly come true, and no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected result: - Awakening children's interest in theatrical activities - Children must master some types of theatrical activities (cone theater, puppet theater, table theater, dress-up and mask theater, flannelgraph theater) in accordance with their age - Develop the ability to convey the character of the character and intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures - Master the skills of theater design Involving parents in the production of different types of theater, creating costumes - Convey all theatrical activities to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Project goal: -To introduce children to theatrical art and theatrical activities

Objectives: - Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities - Expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery - Form an artistic and aesthetic developmental subject environment in the group - Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children closer together , parents and teachers (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones). -Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children - Promote the self-realization of each child and create a favorable microclimate, respect for the personality of the little person - Ensure interconnection with other types of activities: music, fiction, design, drawing.

Work with parents: -Questioning -Issue of consultations “Playing theater with children at home” -Conversations with parents -Assistance in making theater props

Forms of work:

1. Joint activities with children: - theatrical games - outdoor games

- speech games - fairy tales - retellings - rhythmoplasty - the use of various types of theaters - viewings of theatrical works - plot - role-playing games - visiting theaters - theater showings 2. Independent activity of children in the theater corner 3. Integration with other educational areas: - artistic creativity - design -reading fiction - music -
speech development
4. Interaction with the family - joint theatrical and leisure activities - preparation of recommendations for parents on organizing theatrical activities - visiting parents and children to theaters and performances 5. Interaction with the deputy. head of educational and methodological work - consultation with the music director All work allows you to increase theatrical activity.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children: “Getting to know the theater” Hood. — aesthetic development (Drawing) “Curtain and stage for the theater” Lesson summary “What is theater” Reading fiction: Russian folk tales

October. Conversation with children: “How to come up with your own theater, what is needed for this” Psycho-gymnastics “Imagine yourself differently” Visit to the exhibition of Hood dolls. — aesthetic development (Drawing) “Zayushkina’s hut” November. Introduce children to several types of theaters “Cone Theatre” Fairy tale dramatization: “Teremok” Finger gymnastics: “Turkey” A selection of board games about animals December. Conversation with children: “My favorite fairy tales”, “Favorite fairy-tale characters” Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing) “Create your own theater” A selection of fairy tales and characters from the finger theater “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”

Staging a fairy tale: “Turnip” Reading fiction: “Fairy tales - retellings” January. Visit to the puppet theater: “Friendship of Friends” Conversation with children: “Names of theaters, heroes of these theaters” Viewings of theatrical works Plot-role-playing games February. Reading fiction: “Masha and the Bear” Joint activities with parents Organizing a visit to the Hood library. — aesthetic development (Modeling) “The fairy-tale hero of any fairy tale” Introduction to the puppet theater March. Participation of children in the production of the play “In Search of Cinderella” Plot - role-playing games in the theater corner of Hood. — aesthetic development (Applique) “Teremok” D/i “Collect a fairy tale” April. Visit to the puppet theater “Merry Friends” Reading fiction: “The Ant and the Dragonfly” Show of the puppet theater for kids “Kolobok” May. Work with parents: Questioning “Theater and Children” Demonstration of tabletop theater: “Thumbelina” Design of a stand for parents D/i “Guess the fairy tale from the description”

Types of theaters:

Table theater The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - play activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters must be small in size so that it is possible to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface

Theater on a flannelgraph (a board covered with fabric) To organize this type of activity, you will need a flannelgraph made yourself and character figures of the chosen work of art, on which you need to attach Velcro or velvet paper to the back side. Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.

Dress up and mask theater This is a theater where children take on the role of a chosen character. Children, with the help of an adult or independently, act out short fairy tales. For better visibility, children need costumes. You can buy them in a store or sew them yourself. In kindergarten, in each group or at home, it is advisable to have a costume room, where costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children. Masks - caps - are made according to the size of the performer's head. These can be knitted hats or characters drawn on cardboard, which are attached with an elastic band around the head.

Puppet theater This type of theatrical art is very popular with children, as it allows each child to open up individually in the process of learning to work with a puppet and in the rehearsal process, to overcome their complexes of embarrassment and uncertainty, to learn to play with the help of a doll, to enliven it with their actions and manner of movement and speak.

Cone theater Helps to learn to coordinate hand and eye movements and accompany finger movements with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

The children became interested in theatrical activities. The children got acquainted with different types of theaters. Thanks to joint activities during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children and adults was strengthened. Children have become more sociable with each other, liberated, confident in themselves and their abilities, and are not afraid to speak in front of the public. In my parents, I found support not only for the preparatory work (making scenery, costumes, toys), but also saw in them talented teachers of their children. I showed parents that only through joint activities can they get to know their child better, his temperament, and friendly relations between children and adults. Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project allowed children, parents and teachers to show their creative activity and fully reveal the emotional capabilities of children. Thus, we can conclude that the “We Play Theater” project has created favorable conditions for the development of children’s abilities in theatrical activities.

List of used literature:

Artemova L. V. “Theatrical games for preschoolers.” Antipina A. E. “Theatrical activities in kindergarten.” Baryaeva L. I., Vechkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. “Theatrical games-activities with children” Ivanova G.P. "Theater of Moods" Makhaneva M. Theatrical activities of preschool children Migunova E.V. Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten

: Educational and methodological manual. Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten. Internet resources

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