What you need for painting It is advisable to choose paints in natural shades. The table lists the main colors
Master class on the topic: “It all starts from childhood...” on moral and patriotic education 1 slide.
National Unity Day in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Scenario Matinee in honor of National Day
The use of models in the environmental education of preschool children The use of models in the environmental education of preschool children Author -
Development of mathematical concepts. Composition of a number of units (number 10) Senior group No. 2 Tasks:
Board-printed didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel” Authors of the game: Belova Olga Alekseevna -
Kindness Day in Kindergarten. Preparatory group Summary of the lesson “What is kindness” for children
The best preschool institution introducing innovative educational programs. — presentation The best preschool institution introducing innovative
Communication as a condition for meeting the needs of a preschooler Before the child develops the need to
Lesson on traffic rules, grade 2 Fun lesson “Visiting the Traffic Light” 2