Physical development
“VESELINKA - 2” is a collection of dances for children of senior preschool age. (Author's developments) methodological development in music (senior group) on the topic
Physical development of children through dance Children who regularly attend classes at a dance school
"My little homeland." Sample project for first graders
ShkolaL wishes good day to the little schoolchildren and their parents! Today we received our attention
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Road Signs”
Summary of a drawing lesson on traffic rules in the middle group 2015 – March 4
Card index of winter walks in the senior group of kindergarten (December)
Card index of walks "Winter" For older ages No. 27 Comparative observation of the bullfinch and waxwing
Capture the right moment in watercolor painting
Summary of an open lesson on art “Drawing using the wet-on-wet technique (with reflection) “Reflection of trees in water”
Retain moisture with a damp cloth. If you want the paper to remain wet for a period of time
animals of Russia
Card index of riddles “Animals” for preschool children
Among the game exercises aimed at developing logic and intellectual abilities of children, as well as
theater in kindergarten
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education.
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education. Theatrical activity is a source of development
riddles are difficult
The use of riddles in the mental education of preschool children
"Journey to the land of mysteries." Oksana Suvorova (Rekina) “Journey to the land of mysteries.” "Journey to the land of mysteries."
Finger gymnastics in the preparatory group of kindergarten
Finger gymnastics class in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution Children 6–7 years old are quite good
Drawing lesson on the theme “Beautiful Bird” in middle groups
Drawing on the theme “Beautiful Bird” in the middle group of kindergarten Birds are representatives of wildlife,
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