Summary of a lesson on art activities (drawing) in the second junior group “Spring Flowers” Svetlana Jalilova Summary
Sand therapy for children makes a significant contribution to the development of cognitive and creative abilities, speech,
Notes for a drawing lesson “Rainbow-arc, don’t let it rain” Olga Penkovskaya Notes for a drawing lesson
A preschool educational institution is an organization where the primary public education of children is carried out, the first link of the national
Other types of literary leisure Literary evenings of leisure in the second junior group include
NOD "Rainbow" for children of the preparatory group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center
Summary of GCD in the senior group. Decorative drawing Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic
Lesson notes - excursions for kindergarten A series of lessons - excursions for preschoolers
Rational nutrition is the basis of a healthy and fulfilling human life. Balanced, varied menu and routine
Summary of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior, nursery group of a kindergarten, topic: “Summer” Author