Methodology for organizing and conducting excursions and targeted walks in preschool educational institutions. consultation
Methodology for conducting excursions for children 5-7 years old Article Methodology for conducting excursions for children 5-7 years old
This mysterious space
Card index of didactic games on the topic "Space" card index on the topic
“This mysterious space” (lesson for children of the preparatory group) Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture
beautiful corner
Creativity corner for children of senior preschool age article (senior group)
Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we have an interesting and important topic on creative development.
Card index of walks in the second junior group in the spring
Card file of walks in the second junior group in the spring Natalya Artemova Card file of walks in the second junior group
Long-term project for the second junior group “Magic Fingers”
Lesson on cognitive and research activities in the second junior group of kindergarten Children 3–4 years old have
Opening/closing boxes and jars
Outline of educational work in the nursery group for the day
Games and activities for the development of sensorimotor skills What’s new at this age: We discover and
Summary of GCD drawing in the middle group “According to plan”
Preview: Synopsis of NOD drawing in the middle group “According to plan” Educator of the Saransk pre-school educational institution
Theatrical activities in senior groups of preschool educational institutions
The role of theatrical activities Due to the fact that theatrical activities are based on play, it is easy for a preschooler to understand
how to learn days of the week
Games and play exercises to introduce children to the days of the week
- What day is today? - Today. - My favorite day! Winnie the Pooh Have you ever thought
reading in kindergarten 2nd junior group
Literature for 2nd junior group - Folklore of the peoples of the world
Folklore of the peoples of the world Songs. “The Ship”, “The Brave Men”, “Little Fairies”, “The Three Trappers” English, arr. S. Marshak;
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