Progress of the activity: Bunny comes to visit the children. Z. - Hello guys. Did you find out
The best plants Chlorophytum - is a rosette of leaves with “mustaches”, at the ends of which there are
Research activities during a walk in different seasons Experiment 1: make a cut with a shovel to
Fairy tales on fire safety rules for preschoolers Fairy tales “CLICK FIRE AND WATER” Once upon a time
Features of cognitive activity of preschool children Attention! The most important function in the formation of cognitive activity
Homework on the sound L for parents is developed in a complex and contains numerous games
Abstract of the educational activity "An entertaining journey to the land of Mathematics" in the preparatory group. Summary of GCD “An Entertaining Journey”
When to start observation and what is its main value Observation is important at any age.
Cosmic idea made of paper and cardboard for April 12 From components such as paper
When and how speech development occurs Speech development is recommended to begin with the birth of a child. Already