Report-message Dandelion for children of grades 1, 2, 3, 5, the world around us, biology

  • Reports and messages
  • Plants
  • Dandelion

In spring, when the sun shines brightly and the grass turns green in the fields and meadows, an amazing flower appears - the dandelion.
Although it is considered too simple and ordinary a flower, it is quite unique and interesting. The yellow, fluffy flower decorates forests and meadows with its presence. With its sweet, discreet beauty it pleases not only humans, but also the inhabitants of nature. Dandelion appears too early, when many other flowers have not yet grown. This plays a big role in the life of bees. It is the dandelion that feeds them with its nectar until the main honey plants appear among the clearings. When the time comes for the dandelion to bloom, a white, fluffy cap appears in place of its yellow flower. As soon as the first light breeze blows, the cap takes off and rushes around the area, scattering its seeds everywhere. In those places where the dandelion seeds fell, a new yellow flower will grow next year. Thanks to such frequent flights, the dandelion was able to spread throughout almost the entire territory of the planet. We can say that dandelion is one of the tenacious plants. Many summer residents do not like it and try to get rid of it by all means. Still, dandelion is one of the useful and medicinal plants on Earth. People have found widespread use for this flower. In medicine, various diseases are treated with the help of dandelion. After all, it has many properties. Dandelion stems and leaves are added to the salad. People have learned to make delicious jam from flowers. Dandelion is also used in cosmetology. Moisturizing masks are made from it.

Not only bees love dandelion; butterflies and bumblebees often live on it. Dandelion honey is the thickest, most delicious and aromatic. There are many species of this plant in nature. It can be found in almost every country in the world. Only dandelion does not grow in cold countries. After all, this plant loves warmth and sunlight. Every year, new dandelion flowers will continue to delight us and the animals.

Report Dandelion

Dandelions are small, sunny yellow flowers standing on thin stems. They have a round shape, and if you look closely at them, it seems as if there are many small flowers located inside. Due to their early flowering, they are not the first food for bees. The plant also has healing properties. They make medicine from it, some make salad and even jam from it.

When dandelions fade, ripe fruits appear in their place. They are called achenes. Each of the achenes has a hair on which there is a white fluff, which allows them to be patched in the wind and spread across the ground. Once in the soil, it germinates, resulting in the birth of a new flower. Each dandelion that has bloomed contains a large number of seeds. Perhaps a flower will sprout from everyone in the future. That's why there are a lot of Dandelions on Earth.

A decoction of the roots of this plant stimulates appetite and also helps with digestive problems. Young leaves are used for seasoning, added to soup, and even made into salad. Roasted roots are a coffee substitute. Dandelion coffee is an ideal choice for those who have heart or blood pressure problems.

The whole Dandelion has healing properties. For example, the roots contain natural sugar and starch substitutes. This plant removes toxins from the body and improves mood. It contains various vitamins, as well as a high content of vegetable protein.

Dandelion coffee

To make dandelion coffee you need the root of this plant. Then it needs to be washed thoroughly, cut into large pieces and fried for about 20 minutes or until they turn dark brown.

Dandelion syrup

Dandelions can be used to make cough syrup. To do this you need: 400 dandelion flowers (without root and stem), 1 liter of water, 200 g of sugar and half a teaspoon of citric acid. After putting the plant mass in a container, fill it with water, then drain it, but do not rinse it too much, as the pollen will be washed off, and it is an important health component. Afterwards, you need to fill the flowers again with a liter of water and put them on fire. Then, as the water boils, leave it on low heat for 10 minutes. Finally, you need to add citric acid and cook for 20-25 minutes. The resulting broth should be filtered. Now the flowers are not needed, they should be thoroughly squeezed and thrown away, they have lost all their healing properties. You need to add sugar to the resulting broth, then put it on the fire again. After the water boils, leave to cook for 30-40 minutes. The longer it cooks, the thicker the syrup. The resulting mixture can be poured into jars, and the medicine for cough and sore throat is ready.

Conclusion: The usefulness of dandelions is greatly underestimated due to their ubiquity, but they are one of the important components of many medicines, are included in some culinary recipes and are simply a beautiful flower. Therefore, do not rush to get rid of it if you find it in your garden.

Description for children of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th grade. Field medicinal, surrounding world

Basic concepts and description

Few people know that a perennial plant with a bright color belongs to the Asteraceae family, and it is with this interesting fact that it is worth starting to describe the dandelion. Consisting of many yellow baskets, the dandelion flower tends to close at night or in case of bad weather, opening its face again with the first rays of the sun.

The structural features of the plant, presented in the form of elongated thin hairs capable of moving over impressive distances, can ensure the very rapid spread of the crop. Thanks to this, with the onset of the first truly warm months, yellow flower heads literally dot all lawns and green lawns.

Flower structure

The name of the plant itself comes from the word “to blow,” which is understandable, because at the end of its life cycle it completely changes its appearance, becoming fluffy and weightless, and this fluff can be removed with just one whiff. Other features of the flower:

  • Despite its external fragility, the structure of the dandelion is based on a fairly strong branched rhizome, which can go deep into the soil as much as 60 cm, with a cross-sectional diameter of about 2 cm.
  • All leaves of the plant are collected in a common rosette, having a smooth plate, and in rare cases, barely noticeable hair.
  • Contrary to popular belief, not one, but as many as ten buds can grow from such a flower rosette, although more luxuriantly blooming specimens are also found. The shapes of the bracts of the subcup also tend to vary, which can be broadly ovate, lanceolate, and others, arranged in 2 or even 3 rows. Around the lush yellow inflorescences there is a bell-shaped wrapper, the number of leaves of which varies from 7 to 25. In total, one such basket contains from 20 to 150 reed-type flowers.
  • Not only the trunk, but also other parts of the plant have milky sap, which, although not poisonous, can easily provoke an allergic reaction of the skin. Nevertheless, this liquid has much more useful qualities; another thing is that you need to know how to properly use it to treat organs and treat the skin.

After complete ripening, a consistent formation of a fluffy ball of white or grayish tint occurs, consisting of flakes along with seeds, which easily spread over long distances, driven by all the winds.

Spread of culture

The dandelion's range is quite wide , covering almost the entire Eurasian mainland. For example, in Russia, the culture grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the harsh Arctic, limited in the north to Finland, the Arctic Circle and the White Sea. Residents of Western Siberia, except in the highlands, also have the opportunity to watch how a dandelion grows. As for the southern regions, here yellow spring heads tend to appear everywhere except in some lowlands in the Caucasus.

This small wild flower is found along the Caspian Sea, in the Urals and beyond, in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Belarus and other surrounding areas. But in the Arctic zones, where there is even very little grass, you can observe other rare flowers, most often endemic, that is, species found only in a specific area.

If we talk about the ideal area for the culture, then its pickiness is a very controversial issue, since dandelions love not only the sun and warmth, but also loose soil with a disrupted growth process of other plants, which is most often found in close proximity to human settlements. And if you don’t interfere with their growth, then in just a few weeks you can get a whole clearing of dandelions right under your house.

But in plowed fields, bright yellow flowers are found in single specimens, mainly concentrated in the wetter and swampy floodplains of rivers. Another thing is forest edges, paths with their green verges, meadows, borders of roadside ditches and other wild nature, where there is complete freedom for dandelions.

Reproduction and medicinal properties

The timing of the beginning of dandelion flowering directly depends on the climatic features and weather conditions in the region where they live. Typically this process starts between April and May, sometimes moving to early June. Despite the fact that the flower is considered a heat-loving plant, its seeds begin to germinate when the soil warms up to 2 degrees Celsius above zero.

However, dandelion propagation occurs not only by seed, because, among other things, the plant is also capable of producing new shoots that originate from dormant buds of the root collar and are activated from the very end of April until the end of summer. The strongest ability to adapt to the surrounding world allows the culture to live in almost any conditions, because it cannot be trampled down or drowned out by some other plants.

Dandelion roots contain a large amount of inulin (up to 40 percent) and other beneficial substances, which is why they are used for medicinal purposes. But in order to obtain truly effective raw materials, it is recommended not to collect rhizomes in the summer, since the plant spends a lot of energy on flowering. But spring and autumn, which marks the end of the plant’s fruit formation, are perfect for collecting and preparing.

Usually the whole procedure boils down to removing the remaining soil and dirt from the roots, rinsing them in clean cool water and drying them without direct sunlight for several days. The healing juice of dandelions, which has the property of being called milky, is also very popular. To prepare it, not only the short and long stems of the plant are used, but also its leaves, which are lightly squeezed and soaked in clean salted water to neutralize the bitterness.

The resulting raw materials are consumed in pure form or prepared together with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 1. Also, all kinds of healing decoctions and infusions are prepared from the milky juice. As for the medicinal properties of the plant, there are a lot of them, but most often dandelions in various forms help in the following cases:

  • A decoction of the dried root promotes digestive secretion, having a powerful choleretic effect, which has the best effect on liver function.
  • Root tincture significantly improves appetite, and also gives a powerful laxative and antispasmodic effect. It is known that its regular use helps cleanse the blood (we are talking about moderate doses).
  • Dandelion tincture is indicated for vitamin deficiency, which is especially acute in the spring, since the plant is rich in carotenoids and B2 vitamins.
  • It is used to prevent atherosclerosis and as a powerful antioxidant.
  • To enhance the effect, dandelion juice is mixed with carrot juice and used for cholecystitis.
  • The plant extract has been proven to have antitumor properties.
  • Diuretic and laxative properties make it possible to use dandelion-based medicines to relieve swelling and for weight loss.
  • Highly effective in treating anemia.
  • It is used in the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections as an expectorant and antipyretic.
  • The juice, when diluted, can be used to treat eczema and furunculosis.

Unfortunately, there are some contraindications, because any products prepared with dandelions are not recommended for use in the presence of peptic ulcers and gastritis. In addition, its use is prohibited in case of blockage of the bile ducts.

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Poems about dandelion for children 5-6 years old


On a hot day - a fun carpet! Bees love him very much. The bumblebee hurries from afar to the amber flower. Dandelion - the cunning dandelion Shines like a clear sun. He puts parachutes on the children - Oduvans. Sends you on your way in the morning, Trusting all the winds. The meadow-sofa turns green, the dandelion falls asleep. L. Dunina


Cheerful yellow bobbleheads blossomed, and dandelions covered our land. They show off their curious, cute little faces, and try to be friends with different bugs. Soon, very soon, These dandelions will replace their yellow miracle sundresses. Earth suns will become snow-white, Light, airy, tender balls.


A bright yellow dandelion was chilled all over in the rain, and when it dried out in the sun, it could not recognize itself: it turned white and swollen, and crumbled like fluff. A swarm of fluff flew over the quiet grass, over the fence, over the river, over the meadow path, to the cheerful cry of the children: “Parachutes are flying!” S. Shushkevich


At my grandmother's dacha we picked all the dandelions to make jam for my mother on her birthday.

We boldly got down to business, And the work began to boil: We closed a lot of jars - They gave them to Mom and relatives.


As soon as the sun warmed up, along the path in a row, the flowers dressed up in their sunny outfit. They bask in the sun, bathe in dew, glow like stars, in the short grass. Time flies and the flower turns into a bubble! I blew softly on it - And it’s not in the palm of my hand! L. Aleynikova


He grew up today Right on the path - Yellow dandelion, Sun on a leg! Soon he dressed up in new clothes: He became white, airy - A cloud on a leg! The breeze scattered all the fluffy crumbs. He's gone bald, poor thing, a button on a leg... D. Elovikova


Near the ditch, in the green grass, the dandelion became depressed, the white light is not pleasant to him. It’s not easy to keep Sheika’s voluminous hairstyle thin, I don’t have the strength! Dandelion is sad. The sea cried tears. The wind saved me from grief - It blew once and in an instant Dandelion was tonsured! A. Kanin


One morning summer came out for a walk, splashing splashes of sunlight. Where the Golden Bunny touched the ground, the Yellow Dandelion immediately woke up. At first they were all golden, and then suddenly they became white and gray. The wind blows light fluffs - It seems that in the summer snowflakes are spinning. I will pick a bouquet of clouds on a stem, I will hide them from the wind on my window. N. Radchenko


On the lawn, where the bushes are, Bright yellow flowers woke up with the sun, stretched sweetly.

The mosquitoes were surprised: There are no flowers, only balls, Delicate, fluffy, Light silver.

A breeze ran past, The wind shook the balloons, And a row of parachutes flies behind them. N. Chuprova

How sweetly the little girl Serafima Karpova reads a poem about an “airy” flower! She seems to feel a dandelion and asks the flower if she can pick it and take it home.

Dandelion, the whole world, round like the earth...

Dandelion poems by Russian poets may be a little challenging for your little ones, but older children will appreciate the beauty of the poetic lines.


June has arrived. "June! June!" — Birds are chirping in the garden. Just blow on a dandelion and it will all fly away. Samuel Marshak


... Moment after moment, star-shaped snowflakes curl in the Sky, Fall with the wind to the Earth, and lie like a white layer, But snowflakes cherish a dream, then - flower fluffs, Delicate, fresh dandelion with wet Spring. K. Balmont

Gray dandelion

Dandelion, the whole world, Round as the earth, You call me to a feast, Silver fields.

You will turn grey, you will fade, you will all fly away. But melancholy and fears are lies, Happiness is forever here.

You will turn grey, but grey-haired Remember your turn. You will be golden again, In the morning, in a year. K. Balmont


Here they are! Silently, silently, the roots prepare white juice, the hollow stem is fed with bitter milk.

And again, silently, silently, They skillfully close, And under the red cap, a white holiday is ripening.

All yards will be renewed, every single lawn. Beautiful balls, Cheerful gray hairs.

A light sigh or a breeze - Pooh flies after a handful of handfuls. And a circle will remain, like a thimble. V. Berestov


Parachutists Made of fluffy balls Over a colorful summer meadow Parachutists are flying, chasing each other. As soon as they touch the ground, they fall asleep, as if on a sofa. And in the spring they will wake up... And there will be dandelions! I. Tokmakova


The roadside dandelion was like the golden sun, but it faded and became like fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow and over a quiet river. I will wave my hand after you for a long time, as a friend.

You carry Golden seeds on the wings of the wind, So that spring will return to us with a sunny dawn. V. Stepanov


A girl in a green sash fussed about, planting two yellow plantings on the sand.

They don’t even hold on: Isn’t the sand happy for them? And the sun is already in the west and the garden is golden.

“Nasty, stubborn!” - Be silent, little daughter, If the pits are unpleasant to them, We will send the stems away to them.

You see: everything is for the better - Child, have fun, Along the shifting hill Two stars lit up.

Shaggy, saffron stars made of flowers... Well, my beloved, And your garden is ready.

The little legs will jump off, the laughter will pour out, and the night will come - the little god has beds for everyone...

You will fall asleep, angel-girl, in fluff, on your elbow... And two yellow ones are spread out in the sand.

Short poems and quatrains about dandelion for kids

The yellow dandelion took off his sundress, and replaced his boring dress with a white, airy one.


Dandelion flowers are dazzling yellow! And our lawn is burning Like a fairytale bowl, Where the sun splashed on the round bottom!


Along the path, a dandelion dropped its yellow sundress. Became fluffy, like fluff: - Brothers! How swollen I am!


Dandelion! How much do you look like a cloud? It’s scary even to look: No matter how much the cloud blows away!


Dandelion is a good friend, Helped me decorate the meadow. Dunu hard once, twice, Parachutes in a crowd

They will fly away, and in the spring there will be our golden meadow!


The dandelion has grown round, the dandelion has fluffed up! I had a green sundress and changed into a fur coat overnight!

It’s very hot in the summer in a fur coat, The breeze helped the flower: It flew in, leaving it in the skirt. It will only be chilly at night.


The sun dropped a golden ray. The dandelion grew, the first one, young. It has a wonderful golden color. He is a big sun Small portrait.


The dandelion is dressed up in a yellow velvet caftan and radiates under the balcony in the lush green lawn.

And when it fades, a wonderful gift awaits us - a White Ball. You'll blow... Wow! The fluff will fly in the wind.


The breeze got wild: It blew strongly, skillfully... And the white dandelion took flight!


The dandelion was sleeping in the field, the breeze was shaking it. The sun's ray touched it - the Dandelion perked up: it opened its petals - it gave beauty to everyone.

He is a small portrait of the big sun...

Very beautifully written poems about dandelion by such authors as Alexandrova, Blaginina, Serova, Vysotskaya.


The sun dropped a golden ray. The dandelion grew, the first one, young. It has a wonderful golden color. He is a big sun Small portrait. O. Vysotskaya


How cool it is in the spruce thicket! I am carrying flowers in an armful. White-headed dandelion, Do you feel good in the forest?

You grow at the very edge, You stand in the very heat. Cuckoos crow over you, Nightingales sing at dawn.

And a fragrant wind blows, And drops leaves on the grass. Dandelion, fluffy flower, I will quietly pick you.

I'll rip you off, honey, can I? And then I'll take it home. ...The wind blew carelessly - My dandelion flew around.

Look what a blizzard it is in the middle of a hot day! And the fluffs fly, sparkling, on the flowers, on the grass, on me. E. Blaginina


Wears a dandelion yellow sundress. When he grows up, he will dress up in a little white dress: Light, Airy, Obedient to the Wind E. Serova

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