Abstract of OOD on drawing in the junior group on the topic: “The sun is shining”

Lesson summary “Radiant Sun”

Ortangs tobyndagy yimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetіnіn abstracts

Summary of organized educational activities
in the middle group
Otkizu kuni/Date: 08/27/19


Bentnoryus M.N.

Bilim take salas/Educational area:

Health Creativity


Physical education Drawing

Overall/Cross-cutting theme:

"Day of the Sun"


"Radiant Sun"


1. Tarbielik - educational:

To foster friendly relations between preschoolers
2.Damytushylyk developmental:
Expand children's understanding of the properties of the sun, its influence on the lives of people and all life on earth.
Develop sports skills through games. 3.Okytu-educational:
to generalize children’s knowledge and ideas about the sun, to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Pedagogical technology / pedagogical technology:

health-saving, gaming, research

Resurstarmen kamtamasyz etu/Resource support:

ICT, pictures of tambourine, crayons, hoop, rays-ribbons.

Bilingual component -
Bilingual component: the sun -
1.Ұйымдастырушылқ кезңі/organizational moment (2 min)

Hello girls and boys. Today we have gathered with you for a reason. In our kindergarten there is a holiday of the Sun. Guys, do you know who invented the Sun Festival? There is the International Solar Energy Society, where scientists work who study the sun and solar energy. So they decided to create a holiday dedicated to the Sun. On this day, the Day of the Sun, various events are held in many countries, during which they show and tell all people about the possibilities of using solar energy.


Guys, what do you know about Sunny? (Children's answers) The sun is the closest star to Earth, all the others are located at a greater distance from our planet. The sun is the most powerful source of cosmic energy for our planet. It gives us light and warmth, which are necessary for people, plants, and animals. Without the sun we would have no air and water. After all, then the air would turn into a liquid nitrogen ocean, the water would freeze, and the land would become icy. Since ancient times, people have worshiped the Sun as a deity and organized various holidays in his honor. In Rus' this is Maslenitsa, Summer Solstice Day and Spring Equinox Day. In honor of the Sun, chants, songs were composed, and games were played.

2. Negіzi bolіmі/main part:


(appears with the last words).
Hello children. Let's play a Russian folk game. Game “Zarya-Zaryanitsa”.
Children stand in a circle, hold hands and walk to the right.
The sun goes to the left with the words: Dawn, Red maiden, Walked across the field, Renewed the keys, Golden keys, Blue ribbons, Entwined rings. At the last words everything stops. Two children, opposite whom the Sun happens to be, are running in different directions. The one who touches the sun first wins. Sun.
Well done, children! Well played!


We will continue the holiday, we will play with the sun.
Folk game “Sun”
Children stand in a circle. “Sun” stands in the middle of the circle, everyone says the words: Shine, sun, brighter! Summer will be hotter, Winter will be warmer, And spring will be sweeter! One, two, three, sun, catch us. The children run away, the sun catches them. Those caught freeze in place.

A little ray comes: Hello guys, I’m a little ray and I want to play with you.


Now we will play the game
“Sun Rays”.
There is a hoop on the floor, with ribbon rays extending from it. Children run in a circle to the music, and when the music ends, they take one ray of light. Anyone who doesn't have enough rays is eliminated from the game.


And now we will draw the sun with crayons on the asphalt
Children are given crayons and they each draw their own sun.


What beautiful drawings you have drawn. But it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye.


: Goodbye, sunshine. Goodbye little ray

3. Korytyndy/final part (2 min)

Guys, who came to visit us today?

What color is the sun?

Why can't we live without the sun?

Open lesson on cognitive development in the junior group “Let’s help find the sun’s rays”

Goal: to develop the need in children to show empathy and do good deeds.


  1. To develop in children the need for friendly communication with others, to provide assistance to those in need;
  2. Cultivate a kind attitude towards “our smaller brothers”, encourage children’s initiative;
  3. Encourage the recitation of repeated phrases;
  4. Expand children's understanding of wild animals and nature;
  5. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes;
  6. Develop speech activity. Develop fine motor skills in different activities.

Equipment: trees, hedgehogs, bunny, sun - silhouette, basket (with rays in it), recording of birdsong. On the tables: silhouettes of boots, clothespins.

Methodical techniques : gaming, visual, verbal.

Vocabulary activation : enrich children's vocabulary with words: sun, yellow rays.

Preliminary work : reciting the poem “Hedgehog”, watching the sun, talking about the sun, getting to know geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

(I draw the children’s attention to the screen.)

— What time of year is it now? That's right, winter. And after winter comes spring.

- Why spring is red and clear

Bright light, hot sun,

The green leaf, the first flower,

The sky is clear, the sun is radiant.

- Oh, guys, where is our sun? Can not see? Here it is, the sun has rolled out (I show the sad sun without rays). What is it like for us? Rays of children scattered across the meadows and fields. The rays are lost. We need to help the sun find its rays. Shall we help? And for this we need to go on a journey. Do you agree? Let's see if someone needs our help and our good deeds. We walk onto our carpet - an airplane. Hold hands.

“The carpet lifts us up and quietly lowers us.

He leaned left, right and fell to the ground.”

Look, we're in a magical forest. It's beautiful and bright here. The air is clean and easy to breathe. Is it true? Now let's do a breathing exercise.

“We raise our hands to the sun (we inhale deeply through our nose, inhale and inhale)

Well, let’s lower our hands and exhale quietly.”

- Look who’s sitting under the Christmas tree? Hedgehogs. Oh, there are so many of them here! They are missing something. (Needles.) Shall we help the hedgehogs find the needles? Go to the table. Note. Hedgehogs have eyes of different colors. Anya, what color are your hedgehog’s eyes? Blue. Right. (I ask the children one by one.) Therefore, the spines should be the same color as the eyes. Well done! Happened. All hedgehogs have spines. That's how beautiful they are! They are delighted and say “Thank you.”

Let's move on. And who was it hiding under the birch tree? Bunny. The bunny is kind of sad. I'll ask him why he's sad? The bunny is sad because his throat hurts. He got his feet wet in the stream and lost his boots. Can we help the bunny find his boots? Go to the table. Here are boots with various geometric shapes drawn on them. Name which ones? (circle, triangle, square). That's right, well done! You need to choose boots so that their shapes are the same. (children select boots with the same shapes). Well done, let's leave the boots and, you know, what we'll say now. What should a bunny do to avoid getting sick? Everyone look at me and repeat after me.

“So that the throat does not hurt, we will quickly rub it,

To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose.

We'll massage your ears and even rub your forehead.

We will clap our hands and rub our feet.

We know, we know, yes, we don’t need a cold!

- Here, bunny boots for you, don’t ever get sick. Let's move on, guys. Oh, basket. What's in it? Rays! These are our rays! Found! We have done so many good deeds. Helped the hedgehog find needles. How did we help the bunny? (children's answers) So the rays have returned. And we still need to do a good deed, give some rays to the sun. (Children glue rays to the sun.) What color is the sun? (yellow).

- So the sun sparkled, began to play, cheered up and all the rays returned!

Birds began to sing in the forest (phonogram of birdsong), and the first grass appeared.

(The bright sun is shining on the screen.)

- Guys, we need to go back. Walk onto the carpet - an airplane. Take each other's hands.

“The carpet lifts us up and quietly lowers us. He tilted it left and right and lowered it to the ground.”

— Did you like our trip?

I thank you all very much!!!

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