Summary of a walk in the senior group on the topic: “Autumn”

Teacher Cherkasova O.N., SP5 Summary of a targeted walk to the autumn park for children of the older group.


1 Tasks: Teacher Cherkasova O.N., SP5 Summary of a targeted walk to the autumn park for children of the older group. Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the trees and shrubs that are near us; pay attention to the nature of the city. 1. To form ideas about the importance of trees and shrubs in the life of other living organisms, including humans. To create an understanding that trees not only beautify the city, but also improve the environment. 2. Introduce children to the simplest methods of examining trees. 3. Activate children’s vocabulary by deepening their knowledge about trees: introduce them to poems, songs, riddles about trees. To develop children’s ability to name the signs of autumn, changes in the weather, and to use figurative words and expressions to describe autumn. 4. Develop cognitive interest, desire and ability to observe natural phenomena and objects, establish cause and effect relationships. 5. Foster a caring and caring attitude towards plants, a desire to care for and protect them. 6. Develop the ability to see the beauty of nature.

2 Progress of the walk Game “Find a Pair” Children are given pictures depicting natural objects. On command: “One, two, three, find yourself a mate!” Each child must find and hold hands with someone who has exactly the same picture. Then the children name what is shown in their picture and what they know about this natural object. Introductory conversation -What time of year is it? -What autumn months do you know? -What month of autumn is now? -You and I got acquainted with the signs of early autumn. And now the most beautiful time of autumn has come, golden autumn. We go on an excursion to the autumn park to see how it has changed. Did it go gold? There you and I will play, observe, learn something new for ourselves. Safety instructions: we go in pairs, we don’t run away in the park without permission, we don’t pick up foreign objects, we listen carefully to the teacher. We pass through the gates of the park. Finally, they've arrived! You can probably lie on the grass, scream at the top of your lungs, jump on the flowers, break twigs. Guys, do you agree that we need to behave this way? (Children's answers). Tell us how you will behave in the park. (Children answer). That's right, you can't tear or break anything. You can't shout or throw trash. We are visiting nature here, and when visiting we need to behave politely and respectfully. Main part (in the park) Presenter: Now we will walk through the park and observe (At the excursion site) Offer to look around. - Look at the trees and tell me what happened to the leaves? They began to turn yellow and fall off. There are fewer leaves on the trees.

3 -And now, guys, let's admire the autumn trees. Look how beautiful they are. Get closer and try to reach the lowest branch of the tree. How tall it is! This is a birch. Tell us about her. What is she like? (Children's stories.) What kind of outfit does the maple tree have? But poplar, oak. -Who will show me the tree trunk? Wrap your fingers around it. -Can you wrap your fingers around a tree trunk? Why not? What trunk? “That’s right, the trunk of the tree is thick and you can’t wrap your fingers around it.” So we'll try to do it by hand. The teacher invites 2-3 children to hold hands and hug the tree. -Guys, who will show me the branches? That's right, how thick or thin are they? -Now let's look at the leaves. What are they? (Yellow, red, orange, brown, in some places still green.) - Are the leaves large or small? Some are very small, but these are big. Let's collect leaves, but only yellow ones. Then they collect the brown ones, then only the green ones). Then, at the request of the teacher, the children collect only small leaves, then large ones. Combine the collected leaves into a single bouquet, and invite the children to watch how they smoothly and quietly spin and fall to the ground. -Let us also spin around like leaves. Well done, beautiful. Now we'll play. Game "Trees". - A strong wind is blowing - ooh-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh As soon as “The wind stopped,” the leaves fell (squatted down) Educator: And now I’ll tell you riddles about nature. Riddles about nature Dresses in spring, undresses in autumn (forest, park). In the summer they grow, and in the fall they fall (leaves). A friend, green and good, will help us in the rain and in the heat. He will extend to us a dozen hands and thousands of palms (tree). It breathes, grows, but cannot walk (plant). You will always find her in the forest, let’s go for a walk and meet her: Standing prickly, like a hedgehog, in winter in a summer dress (spruce, pine).

4 Do you know that there are plants whose appearance can indicate the presence of pollution in the environment. For example, when the air is polluted, the needles on the branches of spruce and pine trees turn yellow, that is, if you see that the needles on a coniferous tree have turned yellow, then the air in that place is polluted. We already know that it often rains in autumn. Now we will play another game “Sunshine and Rain” and see which of you is the most attentive. — The sun is shining, everyone is running and playing. But then it started to rain, the children ran under the umbrella. Guys, we walked around the park and watched the trees. Tell me: What trees grow in the park? (birch, aspen, bird cherry, spruce, pine, etc.) Why do they say about spruce and pine: the same color in winter and summer? (coniferous trees have needles instead of leaves, they are always green) What are the two types of trees? (coniferous and deciduous) What do they have in common? What do all trees have? (trunk, branches, roots) How can we tell trees apart? (by bark, shape of leaves) Before the children leave the park, the teacher offers to admire the beauty of the autumn park.

5 References 1. N.N. Veresov “Fundamentals of a humanitarian approach to environmental education of older preschoolers” D/V 7, 1993. 2. S.N. Nikolaeva S.N. “How to introduce a child to nature” (methodological recommendations for preschool institutions) M, 1993 3.S.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist” -M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, I.A. Lykova “Visual activities in kindergarten” - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, O.S. Ushakova “Familiarization of preschool children with literature and speech development” - M.: TC Sfera, 2011

6 Appendix Didactic game “Find a pair and tell us what you know about the depicted object of nature” Outdoor game “Leaves and wind”

7 Didactic game “Collect only yellow leaves.” Conversation: “What do we know about trees”


Summary of an autumn walk in the senior group. "Golden Autumn"

Summary of an autumn walk in the senior group. "Golden Autumn"


Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn (reinforce the concepts: early, golden, late);

Continue to get acquainted with rowan, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the time of year;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the work of adults in the fall. Develop knowledge of educational activities: the ability to logically answer questions posed, prove your point. Cultivate a love for nature and respect for it.

Accustom children to hard work, instill hard work and a desire to help others. Develop mobility

Develop dexterity when performing movements, speed, endurance;

Progress of the walk

1. Observation.


Guys, look what a wonderful day it is today, come closer to me. I'll tell you a riddle:

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

What is this time of year called? (autumn).


Yes, it's autumn. Who will tell a poem about autumn (children recite familiar poems)


Guys, what signs of autumn do you know? (It has become cold, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, it rains often, there are frosts in the mornings, the days are getting shorter, the nights are longer, insects and animals are preparing for winter)


Yes, autumn is a time of year when all nature changes. The days are getting shorter, the sun is not warming up, it is getting colder day by day, and it rains often. By the end of autumn there will be frosts. Migratory birds fly south, wintering birds move closer to people.


Guys, what do you think the weather is like today?

(Clear). Why? (The sun is shining brightly, there is no rain)

Let's take a breath of fresh, autumn air (breathing exercise).


Guys, look at the colorful carpet that covers the earth. What kind of carpet is this? (Autumn fallen leaves)

Let's take the leaves in our hands, what do they feel like? (dry, rough, rustling)

How do the leaves rustle? (sh-sh-sh-sh-sh)

- Yes, the leaves flew off all the trees, and beautiful berries remained on one tree:

Autumn has come to our garden, lit a red torch, here blackbirds have been scurrying around since the morning, and, chattering, they peck at it.


The teacher leads the children to a familiar rowan tree.

— What changes have happened to rowan? ( The leaves flew off, but the clusters of berries remained hanging.)

- Guys, look what we see on the ground? Where did the berries come from? (They were dropped by birds).

- What birds do you think visited our rowan tree?

Rowan is a favorite delicacy of blackbirds. They are called “Rowan Thrushes”. It can be seen that the blackbirds plucked the rowan berries hastily, leaving many scraps on the brushes. (If you manage to be sure to watch the birds pecking the rowan berries). In addition to blackbirds, other birds also love rowan. For example, waxwings. This beautiful bird is also called krasava. For thrushes and waxwings, rowan is a feeder.

2. Game “Migration of Birds”.

At one end of the site there are children (they are birds). At the other end there are aids on which you can “fly up” (gymnastic benches, cubes, etc.) - these are trees.

At the teacher’s signal: “The birds are flying away,” the children, flapping their arms like wings, scatter throughout the entire area. At the next signal “Storm” - they run to the heights and hide there from the driver - the “bird of prey”. At the signal “The storm has stopped,” they scatter around the area again.

3. Labor activity.


Yes, in the fall you can often see leaves falling, what is this phenomenon called? (leaf fall)

There were a lot of leaf attacks on our site. Let's see what trees they come from.

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

After the game, the teacher is given an envelope with a letter.


Guys, we received a letter. It's from Lesovich, let's read it.

"Dear Guys. I, Lesovichok, help nature prepare for winter. Please help me collect autumn leaves. I can't do it alone.



Guys, can we help Lesovik clean up our area? (We'll help)

Let's distribute who will do what.

(Children are divided into groups to complete tasks. After completing the tasks, they suddenly find a basket of apples in the gazebo.)


Guys, there's a basket of apples here, I wonder who it's from? Yes, this is from Lesovik. He thanks us for our help and treats us to autumn apples. In the group we will wash them and eat them.


Well, guys, I think we did a great job, collected autumn leaves, hung feeders, and removed all the garbage.

Now is the time to relax and play your favorite games

Children's games with take-out material based on their interests.

4.Individual work:

“What wind?”

Goal: expand vocabulary; consolidate the pronunciation of sound (c).

5. Independent play activities for children with external equipment:

Organization of creative games “Family”, “Sailors”.

Goal: to teach children to independently agree on the game and distribute roles.

After the game, the children enter the kindergarten.

Summary of an autumn walk in the senior group of kindergarten

Summary of a walk in the senior group on the topic: “Autumn”
Purpose: - Organize children’s recreation. Objectives: - To consolidate children’s knowledge about the changes that occur with trees in the autumn; — To consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and leaves, to enrich children’s vocabulary; — Exercise children in running, develop endurance (start running only after finishing the words); — Form in children the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area, the desire to work for the common benefit. Equipment: Children's rakes, brooms, buckets. 1. Introductory part: While walking, I ask the children a riddle: Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn) - Guys, what time of year is it now? What month? (autumn, September) - How many autumn months are there? What are their names? (Three: September, October and November) - What autumn signs do you know? (cold days have arrived, it has become windy, it rains often; the leaves on the trees change color from green to yellow, orange, red, crimson; leaves are falling; insects are hiding; migratory birds are flying south; the nights have become longer and the days are short; people harvest from the fields, vegetable gardens and orchards; you need to dress warmly when you go outside, because it has become cold; the new school year has begun, the children began to go to school). — Who loves autumn and who doesn’t? Why? (children's answers) 2. Main part:

Observing trees in autumn. I read the poem: Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle of the sun in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around. Yellowness, yellowness, So autumn is not spring. V. Nirovich I ask the children questions: - How do trees change with the onset of autumn? —Have all the trees changed? — What is the name of the phenomenon: “falling of autumn leaves”? — What happened to the leaves? Has their color changed? — What colors are autumn leaves? Why do they change their color? I listen to the children's answers. 2.2. Individual work. I’m conducting a didactic game “Which tree did the leaf fall from?” » From oak - ... oak, From linden - ... linden, From rowan - ... rowan, From poplar - ... poplar, From aspen - ... aspen, From maple - ... maple, From birch - ... birch, From alder - ... alder. I praise children for correct answers. Didactic game “Find an extra word in each chain”, justify your choice: - spruce, rowan, tulip, maple; - poplar, birch, rose hips, oak; - rowan, apple, bird cherry, currant; - oak, aspen, spruce, linden. 2.3. Outdoor game “Burn, burn clearly” Contents of the game: I help the children stand in pairs and say the following words: Burn, burn clearly, So that it doesn’t go out Look at the sky - the birds are flying, The bells are ringing: 1, 2, 3 - run. The child runs between the pairs, chooses anyone, takes them by the hand and stands at the end of the pairs. Game continues. 2.4. Work “Cleaning leaves in a group plot.” With a subgroup of children we go to the part of the site where we will clean. I distribute rakes, brooms, and buckets to the children. To arouse interest in the upcoming activity, I use artistic words: - “Labor adorns a person”, - “Without labor there is no good”, - “Play is play, but business is business.” As work progresses, I organize and correct the children, give instructions, and monitor the quality of performance. At the end of the work, I praise the children for their efforts and ask them to assemble the equipment. 3. Final part. End of the walk. I call the children together and ask: “Guys, what did we observe today?” - What games did you play? What interesting things did you remember? I listen to the children's answers and praise them for their good work. After which I line up the children in pairs and lead them to the group.

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