Card index of didactic games on the legal education of preschoolers card index (preparatory group) on the topic

Goal: to give children a reason to think about the fact that not all children have parents.


1Teach to see social injustice in situations with fairy-tale characters, make suggestions for improving or correcting the situation.
2Reinforce the concept of “orphan”.
3Develop empathy for children without parents.

Material: illustrations for the fairy tales “The Three Little Pigs”, “Cinderella”, “Wild Swans”, “Snow White” and others.

Rules of the game: players must explain to the children their rights, what children’s rights have been violated.

Game progress: 2 or more children can play. An adult reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, and child players name the fairy tale, find a suitable illustration and explain to other children the rights whose rights have been violated. The game ends when all images have been viewed and explained.

Didactic game “Let every child know that he has different rights”

Goal: to consolidate in children knowledge about the rights to love and care, rest and leisure, good nutrition, education and medical care.

Material: cube with photo illustrations on children's rights.

Rules of the game: Players must explain the rights of the child, which are shown in the picture.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the cube into each other’s hands. When the signal sounds, the child receiving the cube looks at his picture and talks about the child's right side, which is depicted on it. The game continues until all the illustrations have been recycled.

Leisure scenario in the preparatory group “About the rights of the child - while playing”

Free time on legal topics in the preparatory group. Leisure scenario in the preparatory group “On the rights of a child - a game” with presentation.

Goal: To give children a general idea of ​​their rights. Contribute to the development of legal worldview and moral ideas. Develop the ability to reason, compare, and draw conclusions. Develop self-esteem and respect for others. Material: Demonstration: A book with “Child Rights” written on the cover; character Baba Yaga; Baba Yaga's House (hut) paper flower “Children's Rights”; ball; musical accompaniment: audio recording of the voices of forest birds. Delivery: each child - a pillow - “thought”, didactic game “Everyone has rights”, “Name”, “Home”, “Treatment”, “Education”, “Love and care”. In the group room there is a place for outdoor games, where there is Baba Yaga’s house, covered with white fabric (pillows are placed in front of it, flowers are placed on the side). Teacher: I'm glad to meet you. Today we will get acquainted with a wonderful book. This is called “Children's Rights” (shows). This wonderful book will teach you about children's rights.

Baba Yaga appears. (can be a doll or an adult role)

Baba Yaga (takes a book from the teacher) Mala, you still have the right to study! And I read this book. (goes to the open play area, hides behind his hut). Teacher: Well, Baba Yaga! He took our book and he did it! What are we going to do now? (children's answers) Well, let's contact her and return our book. Children and teacher move to the open playground. Teacher (pointing to the house covered with a white cloth). Behind this snow-capped mountain in the forest lives Baba Yaga. It is difficult to overcome the mountain, but magical clouds will help us. (points to the pillows). Get in quickly and fly! (Children sit on the pillows) We will fly very fast, so close your eyes so they don’t get wet from the wind, let’s take off! Hold on to the clouds. Feel how fast we fly! The mountain is already behind us.

What else to read: Games and exercises for speech development for younger preschoolers.

Includes a voice recorder with bird sounds. Slowly increasing the volume. Removes fabric from Baba Yaga's house. Educator. Can you hear? Birds are singing. We're flying into the forest. We open our eyes. We land in a clearing. Here is Baba Yaga's hut. (Children get up from the pillows and come home). In a deep forest there is a hut with chicken legs on the edge. It is located a stone's throw from the forest where Grandma Yaga lives. - Shall we knock? (Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga: Who are they? Why did they come? I'm not expecting guests. Teacher (turns off the recorder). Oh Baba Yaga, how angry you are, what a rude voice you have and your hostile words. You even scared the birds with your scream. Baba Yaga. Stop talking! Why did you come? (Children's answers) Teacher: Yes, Baba Yaga, we came to pick up the book that you stole from us. Baba Yaga. He didn't steal anything from you, he just took it. You do not own the rights to this book. And only the children and grandchildren of the Tsar Sultan and the Nightingale the Thief can count on all the rights written in the book. And also children who believe in Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, and the same skin color as Baba Yaga, and in whom you believe. So, Baba Yaga, you are wrong, give us back the book! Baba Yaga. Oh oh! Gorgeous thing! Come on, come on! come here to me, you number one. Educator. Baba Yaga, why do you speak so strangely to children? After all, they have a name, each has its own. Baba Yaga: Names? Why give them names if the children are still small? They can handle the numbers too. Educator. Do you agree that all children are the same? (No) Prove it to Baba Yaga. (One child has black hair and blue eyes, he is tall and slow. The other child is blond, with brown eyes, with freckles. He is very cheerful and active. Etc.) Well, Baba Yaga, have we convinced you? Do you agree that every child has the right to his own name from the day he is born? Didactic game “Everyone has rights” Finger gymnastics “Lonely Grandma Yozhke” Lonely Grandma Yozhke. There's an owl and cats next to her, and she doesn't like chicken legs either. Everyone is afraid to meet her, they don’t want to sit in the oven. Grandma was wondering how to attract guests? She wouldn't like the devil and would go in for sports and invite her neighbors for tea and cake. And then the chicken legs danced on the path, and the owl and cats sang along with the guests. /TO. Strelnik / Baba Yaga: Well, I admit that you have the right to do so. Educator: Then let's introduce ourselves to Baba Yaga, and the echo will help us. Sitting game “Echo” Children stand in a circle, take turns saying their names and passing the ball to each other, the rest repeat them in chorus. Educator. And now, Baba Yaga, please return the book to us so that we can learn about the rights of other children. Baba Yaga: I will return it to you if your mother works for someone in the library. Teacher: And why? Baba Yaga: Since only the children of librarians have the right to read books, only the children of builders can live in houses, and the children of doctors are supervised. Teacher: Well, you said it! Children, do you think what Baba Yaga said is correct? (Children's answers). Baba Yaga, every child has the right to a home, food, care and education. (Hand out tokens - symbols “Home”, “Treatment”, “Education”, Baba Yaga goes to her home)

What else to read: Pronoun - what is it in simple words, what are the categories of pronouns and what are their permanent and non-permanent features

Educator: For some reason I felt sorry for Baba Yaga. Maybe she does bad things because no one loves her, no one cares about her. After all, everyone has the right to love and care. You all have the right to this. No one even wished Baba Yaga a happy birthday. Let's do it. We collect the flower by petals and give it to him as a gift. Outdoor game “Collect a flower”

They collect flowers and knock on the door of the hut. Baba Yaga comes out. The children congratulate her on her birthday and give her flowers. Baba Yaga is embarrassed, thank you, Teacher. it's time for us to return. Ride your clouds and fly home. Baba Yaga: Wait! Get your book. I am also capable of good deeds.

Educator: Thank you, Baba Yaga. Come. We have many other interesting books and games. Until we meet again! Baba Yaga. Until we meet again! Thank you for the invitation, I will definitely come. Educator. Everything is fine? Let's fly! Don't forget to close your eyes.

(Turns on a tape recorder with a recording of bird voices, throws a rag over Baba Yaga’s house. Baba Yaga leaves.) Did you like the trip? What did you like most? (Children's answers). What rights did you learn about your rights today? (Children’s token responses are symbols)

Well done, remember your rights. We will meet again in this book, which will introduce you to other rights. Thank you all. It was very pleasant and interesting for me to be with you.

Quiz game "Child's Rights" for students in grades 1-4

Scenario of a quiz game for children with intellectual disabilities in primary school “Rights and responsibilities?!”

The scenario will be interesting and useful for GPD educators working with children with intellectual disabilities of primary school age on the topic of legal education.
The scenario presents the development of tasks in a playful way, accessible for children with disabilities to study a complex legal topic. Topic: “Rights and responsibilities?!” Goal: to develop in students the correct attitude towards their rights and responsibilities while complying with their duties. Objectives: 1. Summarize students’ knowledge about rights and responsibilities, about basic legal concepts. 2. Correct and activate mental processes: memory, attention, perception, speech, recreating imagination based on quiz tasks. 3. Develop the skill of collective communication and activity, create a mood of positive competition, and cultivate positive emotions associated with legal culture. 4. Develop basic legal literacy. Materials: cards with tasks for the competitions “Cross out the extra”, “Guess the rebus” and “Words are inverted”, Diplomas for participants. Methods and techniques: artistic expression, questions and answers, didactic exercise, verbal-didactic exercise, visual material, comparison with reality. Preliminary work: conversations with students in classes about the rights and responsibilities of children, reading and memorizing poems about rights, looking at illustrations depicting rights and responsibilities, d/games “Guess the puzzle” and “What’s extra?”, making team emblems. Time: 15.00 – 15.40. Audience: students in grades 2-4, invited teachers.
Course of the lesson
Students sit at two tables, divided into teams (teams are made up of children from different classes), with a teacher in front of them. I. Organizational moment - Pay attention to the guests, say hello. - Warm up, get ready for work. II. Main part Educator: Today we gathered for a quiz to talk about rights and responsibilities, we will test your knowledge, and we will play different games related to this topic. We have two teams, which you will now introduce. Team presentation.
The commanders present the team names. Showing the emblems, they talk about them. Team "Knowledge" and team "Perform". Educator: First of all, we need to warm up, and the “Say the word” warm-up will help us with this (answers in chorus):
“Say the word” warm-up.
1) Mom worked, Dad worked, and I was still studying.
Everyone who is tired of hard work Have every right to ... (rest) 2) Everyone has a different name: The cat is Purr, The Dog is Barbos, Even our goat's name is beautiful - Rozochka Nastya, Vika and Danila Everyone has their own ... (name) 3) To grow up successful, you need to know and be able to do a lot. To grow big Lack of nutrition We must use the Right to... (education) 4) If children are sick Feeling bad And they have bronchitis, tonsillitis, Pneumonia, scarlet fever, You can hear a child's scream and cry Only... (doctor) 5) A fairy tale teaches us , friends You can’t live without a house. A fox, a bunny, a piglet, even a stupid mouse. Oh, how we need it. This is the right to... (housing) Educator: Well done, they finished the poems correctly, everyone was active. You can start the quiz. Ready? Children: Yes, we are ready! (in chorus) Educator: During the quiz, for each correct answer, the team receives 1 point, at the end the points are summed up and the team with the most points wins. The first competition “What is a right and what is a duty?” Each team is given the task by lot to explain the meaning of the concepts “Right and Responsibility”. Second competition “Rights of fairy tale heroes” 1. Who in relation to whom in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” violates the right to life? (Wolf in relation to kids). 2. Who subjected whom in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” to cruel, inhumane treatment? (Wolf - grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood). 3. Who kept whom in the fairy tale “Thumbelina” in a state of servitude? (Mouse - Thumbelina). Determine which of the fairy tale heroes is deprived of the following rights, choose one hero out of three. 1) Right to life: Cinderella, Kolobok, Puss in Boots. (Kolobok). 2) The right to inviolability of home: Sister Alyonushka, Three Little Pigs, Kolobok. (Three piglets). 3) The right to free work: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Balda. (Cinderella). 4) The right to freedom of marriage: Cinderella, Thumbelina, Alyonushka. (Thumbelina). Third competition “Remember the Fairy Tale” Each team in turn is asked to remember the name of the fairy tale:
- where was the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated?
(“Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”) - where could a literary hero complain that his right to the inviolability of his home was violated? (“Ice Hut”) - where is a person’s right to own their property violated? (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”) Physical education for everyone “Yes! No!" Educator: Let's play. I ask a question, and you, if the answer is “yes,” stand up and raise your hands up; if the answer is “No,” you squat, clasping your head in your hands. The answers are as follows: if what I read is in favor of a person, we say “Yes!” If this is against the law, we say “No!” – Is Russia our country? - Yes! – Does a person have the right to personal integrity? - Yes! – Is it possible to turn a person into slavery? - No! – Is it possible to treat a person cruelly? - No! – Is a person protected by law? - Yes! – Does a person have the right to defend himself in court? - Yes! – Is it possible to enter another person’s home without permission? - No! – Can a person move freely throughout his country? - Yes! – Is it possible to leave the country and then return back? - Yes! – Can a person own property? - Yes! – Does a person have the right to social security? - Yes! – Is it possible to prohibit free choice of labor? - No! – Does the law protect motherhood and infancy? - Yes! Fourth competition “Rights of students at school” Questions are asked to teams in turn.
A) The right to receive free general education in accordance with state educational standards;
B) The right to receive assessment of one’s knowledge; C) The right to study according to an individual curriculum, to an accelerated course of study; D) The right to paid use of books from the school library; D) The right to rest, health care, medical care. (Answer: A, B, C, D) Fifth competition “Responsibilities of students at school” Questions are asked to the teams in turn.
A) Conscientious study, attending classes according to the schedule;
B) Careful attitude towards school property; C) Permissibility of missing classes; D) Respect for the honor and dignity of other students and school employees. (Answer: A, B, D) Sixth competition “Blitz poll” Blitz poll among team commanders, for each correct answer the team is awarded a point.
The commanders answer in turns. 1. At what age does a child receive the right to life, to a name, to citizenship, the right to be raised in a family, to know his parents, to protect rights and interests, etc.
(Since birth). 2. At what age does a person become an adult, that is, he can have and acquire for himself through his actions all rights and obligations, and also bear full independent responsibility for his actions. (from 18 years old). 3. At what age is a child criminally responsible for any crime? (From 16 years old). 4. What international document establishes the fundamental rights of the child? (Convention on the Rights of the Child and Declaration of the Rights of the Child). Summing up the results of the quiz (you can turn on calm music to relax the students), presenting diplomas to the participants. III. Results Educator: Our quiz game has come to an end. Everyone worked great, actively answered questions, played, completed tasks, showing their knowledge and earning points for their team. Well done!

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Didactic game “Fold the flower”

Goal: to consolidate in children knowledge about the great rights of the child. Teach children to understand their abilities by following certain rules and rights. Promote a negative attitude towards manifestations of aggression, cruelty, and exploitation. Encourage the desire to be honest.

Material: red and green circles with images of children's faces, multi-colored petals on which are pasted images depicting the child's rights to a good life or their violation.

Rules of the game: players must place petals around a green circle, on which are pasted images representing the rights of a child to a decent life, and around the red circle place petals representing a violation of the rights of a child.

Game progress: Two or more children can participate in the game.

Option 1

2 circles (green and red) are placed on the table in the center, and the petals on the table are placed with the image on the table. Children take turns choosing a petal, examining it, and explaining whether the child’s rights are protected or violated. If the petal depicts an image of protecting the rights of a child, it is located around a green circle, and if the rights of a child are violated, then around a red circle. The game ends when both flowers are collected.

option 2.

Two children are playing. The child is asked to fold a flower, the petals of which depict images of protecting the rights of the child, and the second child - images of violations of the rights of the child. The player who composes the flower first wins.

Didactic game “Chain of rights of the child”

Goal: to strengthen children's knowledge about the rights of a small child. Improve your reading skills. Develop fine motor skills of your hands. Cultivate attention and visual perception.

Material: parts of the “chain”: some are a graphic representation of the rights of the child, others are a verbal explanation of the graphic images.

Rules of the game: to verbally explain the rights of the child, children choose pictures with graphic images, explaining their content, forming a chain. Vice versa.

Game progress:

Option 1

The provider or child reads a verbal explanation of the child's rights to parts of the chain. Children find suitable graphics, connect them with a cable and talk about the child’s right that is depicted on it.

What else to read: Sports for children. Which section should I send my child to?

option 2:

Children choose for themselves parts with a graphic representation of the rights of the child and, with the help of the teacher, or independently find the appropriate verbal explanation. And they are connected with a cord. The one who connects the chain the fastest wins.


Tell children about their rights in an accessible way - this was the task faced by the participants in the competition for methodological developments “Through play to legal education” among teachers of primary schools and preschool educational organizations in the Kirov region.

The competition received more than 30 works from kindergarten teachers from different areas, including ours. Teachers presented various developments on legal topics. All work was carefully checked. No downloading from the Internet - all works must be copyrighted.

On January 30, at the Institute for Educational Development, Vladimir Valerievich Shabardin, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Kirov Region, met with the competition participants, awarded the winners with letters of gratitude and valuable prizes, congratulated the teachers and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation in the legal education of children.

Among the winners are teachers from Nolinsk: Fofanova Lyubov Aleksandrovna, teacher-psychologist at MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Solnyshko”, who took second place, and Vshivtseva Natalia Ivanovna, teacher at MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Solnyshko”, she was awarded third place.

Natalia Ivanovna Vshivtseva has been working at the Solnyshko kindergarten since 2014, and her total teaching experience is more than 20 years. This year, the senior group children are under her care. It was with them that she conducted the prepared lesson. Baba Yaga came to visit the children, who at this time became bunnies, foxes and other animals. Together they figured out what the child has the right to. Thus, in a playful way, preschoolers became acquainted with the rights of the child. Then the lesson notes and photographs were sent to the competition. “Third place was good news,” said Natalia Ivanovna. “We all earned it together.” I showed the children the thank you letter they received for participating in the competition. They were very happy."

“Natalia Ivanovna always knows how to find an approach to both children and parents. They hold holidays, set up booths for the kids, and even created a mini-museum of magnets in the group. Children are happy to bring new exhibits,” said the head of the kindergarten, E.G. Odegova.

Also in 2014, teacher-psychologist L.A. came to work in the kindergarten. Fofanova. Her teaching experience also spans over 20 years.

— When there is a psychologist in a kindergarten, and even a full-time one, it’s wonderful. Lyubov Alexandrovna is also the chairman of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, conducts correctional work with children who have limited health capabilities, works with all kindergarten students on social and communicative development, and in addition created the author’s program “Gifted Children” and successfully embodies it,” shares Elena Gennadievna.

It must be said that the best works of the competition will be placed in the regional bank of pedagogical experience for use in practical activities by other teachers.

Legal education of preschool children

Children is our future. And our common tomorrow directly depends on what standards of moral behavior we lay down in them today. A child’s awareness of his rights contributes to the formation of a full-fledged, culturally self-sufficient personality.

Civic education of preschoolers

Civil law is described in detail in the following documents:

  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959).
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
  • World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

It is very important to present information about these laws in a way that preschool children can understand. It is recommended to introduce legal education for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years). The form of learning should be in the form of casual conversation, play, or through interaction between the teacher and the child. It is necessary to help the child realize his niche in society, understand his abilities and acceptable limitations. Teaching moral behavior and communication ethics. Explain who a citizen is, what a state is, get acquainted with the history and traditions of your home country, other states and nationalities.

Moral and legal education of preschool children

Moral and legal education is to inform children about their rights, explaining which actions are good and useful for society, and which, on the contrary, harm others. It is important to explain to the child that he is part of society and that many of his actions affect the development of the entire country.

Talk to your child about his rights:

  1. The right to love and care in the family.
  2. Right to education.
  3. Right to treatment.
  4. The right to rest.
  5. Right to information.
  6. The right to individuality.
  7. The right to express your thoughts and interests.
  8. The right to protection from all types of violence.
  9. The right to nutritious food.
  10. The right to comfortable living conditions.

Explain the meaning of each right.

Legal education of younger preschoolers

At a young age, emphasis should be placed on moral education. Lay the foundations of a behavioral line in the child’s mind, explaining what can and cannot be done and why. What actions of a child harm him and the people around him.

Card index of games for legal education

“Legal education of preschool children”

Key tasks of legal education of preschool children

Legal education in a preschool institution is aimed at achieving the following objectives.

  1. Give children an idea of ​​their own rights and responsibilities.
  2. Teach them to evaluate their behavior and the actions of other people in accordance with legal norms.
  3. Learn to resolve conflicts in normative ways, taking into account the positions and needs of those around you.
  4. To cultivate in children such personal qualities as activity and initiative, independence and politeness, respect for other people.
  5. Develop in children an interest in themselves, in their own inner world; this will later transform into the need for self-improvement.
  6. Familiarity with the basic legal documents that coordinate relations between people (including international ones).

In general, the process of preschool legal education includes the following components:

  • informational and educational;
  • emotional-evaluative;
  • behavioral-activity.

It is advisable to start mastering the legal space from the middle preschool level.

At this age (four to five years), the main attention should be paid to moral education. The teacher lays the foundations of legal behavior in the children’s minds: what to do and what not to do, helps them understand what actions bring harm to the person himself and the people around him.

With the help of the teacher, the children realize their uniqueness, the value of their own life, their family, and understand the most important needs.

Older preschoolers are already quite capable of managing their own behavior, making volitional efforts to achieve their goals, and understanding ethical standards. They are interested in relationships not only between individuals, but also entire nations, and normative legal acts (of course, the teacher presents them in an extremely accessible, engaging form).

Methods and means of successfully mastering legal concepts

When implementing the process of legal education in a preschool institution, the teacher uses various methods, means and forms of activity.

  1. Inclusion of a game component into the lesson. Fairy-tale characters or animals come to children and they help them solve a problem. The hero can tell them an amazing story (Pinocchio complains that Papa Carlo does not want to buy him the ABC). A character can be cross-cutting in all law classes: for example, he is a little man who finds himself in various situations.
  2. The basic principle of legal education is knowledge of social norms based on specific examples and actions. These are real life situations, as well as material from fiction, in particular fairy tales (a good option is fairy-tale videos).
  3. Solving problem situations, including fictitious ones. For example, what would you ask a goldfish for all people, or what would you do if you found a seven-flowered flower?
  4. Observation method. The teacher invites preschoolers to observe how loved ones treat each other, whether they forgive mutual insults, what may please and upset them (of course, the easiest way to do this is at the family level, watching mom and dad).
  5. Dramatization method. Allows children to “feel” another person, to enter into his position (for example, if I were a bunny who was kicked out of the hut by a fox, or Cinderella, whose stepmother does not allow her to rest). This technique fosters sensitivity in children and the ability to react more sharply to the problems of people around them.
  6. Problem-search method. This is solving riddles, in the senior preschool level - solving crosswords and puzzles.
  7. Productive activity. Collective creation of albums and posters, production of emblems and symbols (pupils of the senior and preparatory groups can make cards for didactic games themselves).
  8. The teacher, together with the children, can periodically organize exhibitions of favorite things (toys, books, drawings of a favorite dish, etc.) in the group. When selecting exhibits, the children are reinforced with the concept that each person has his own personal belongings and values ​​them. These subjects and hobbies require careful, respectful treatment from others. Each student is asked to talk about their exhibit and explain why they like it so much.
  9. The developmental environment in the group must meet the principles of democracy: each member of the children's group has free access to all toys and aids.
  10. Since legal concepts are quite complex for preschoolers, maximum visual aids should be present in classes: various pictures, posters, diagrams, etc.

Games for legal education in kindergarten

A universal means of creating a legal space in a preschool educational institution is a game.

It helps the preschooler to get to know the surrounding social world, master the skills of legal communication and behavior, and gain personal experience. Games on this topic can be of various types: verbal, didactic, board games, role-playing games, imagination games, active games, dramatization games, travel games (for example, around the globe).

Let's look at specific examples.

Word games

One of the easiest legal concepts for a child is the right to a name. There are many word games you can come up with on this topic.

An element of mobility will help make them more exciting - for example, using a ball or a flag, which the children pass to each other after the answer.

  1. “Call me kindly.” The student says his name, and then tells how his parents affectionately call him at home. In each case there may be not one, but several options. For each answer, the teacher gives a chip, and at the end of the game the results are summed up - the winning name is determined.
  2. “Call me kindly.” A similar game, only the preschooler must give a diminutive name to the child standing next to him (thus, knowledge of the right to a name is consolidated and a polite, respectful attitude towards each other is fostered).
  3. “How a name grows.” First, the teacher shows the children her childhood photos and tells how her name has changed over the years (for example, Irishka - Ira - Irina - Irina Petrovna). Then the guys also have to modify their name - determine how it will sound when they become adults.
  4. “What are the names of my mom and dad?” Passing a ball or a flag to each other, preschoolers must quickly say the first and middle names of their parents.

Games to consolidate other rights

  1. “Who lives in which house” (the right to housing, as well as its inviolability). The teacher throws a ball to each child, naming an animal or insect, and the preschooler must respond by naming its home (for example, a bee is a hive, a bear is a den, etc.).
  2. “Who lives where” (the right of peoples to self-determination). The teacher names a country for the pupil, and he names its inhabitants (France - French, Japan - Japanese, etc.).
  3. “My home address” (right to housing). The guys take turns (passing the flag around) name their home address. Alternatively, you can first tell everyone only the street, then the house, floor, apartment number.
  4. “Let's get to know each other better” (a game exercise helps preschoolers realize the individuality and value of each person, as well as comprehend the similarities and differences of different people). Children move freely around the group to the music. When it calms down, you need to pair up with someone and ask a question. For example, “Do you have a brother or sister, and what is their name?”, “Your favorite color (dish, season, clothing, etc.), “How do you like to spend your free time?” etc. During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children create new pairs each time.
  5. “I can” (preschoolers consolidate their understanding of the right to life, realize that it is given to a person for good deeds). Standing in a circle, the kids pass each other a ball and tell each other what good deeds they do towards their loved ones (for example, helping mom clean the house, and helping dad in the garage).

Dramatization and imagination games

In the process of such activities, the teacher asks preschoolers to act out a short scene - to reproduce a certain situation from life or a fairy tale (at the same time they will consolidate legal knowledge), or to come up with their own story.

  1. “Ask politely” (the right to own property and its inviolability). The child is invited to ask a friend to borrow his toy. This must be done politely; in return, you can offer to play with your item.
  2. “A fairy tale inside out” (everyone has the right to their personal opinion). This is a tabletop or puppet theater based on a familiar fairy tale. Preschoolers can come up with their own version with changed characters and act it out. The plots can be the most unexpected. For example, the bun will be evil and wants to poison the forest inhabitants, while the fox, on the contrary, will be kind and strives to save them. Or the good wolf and the angry Little Red Riding Hood.
  3. “The fairy tale goes in circles” (the right to have your own opinion and freely express your thoughts). Preschoolers all come up with a fairy tale together: one starts it, and the rest take turns composing a continuation.
  4. The teacher suggests closing your eyes and imagining yourself, for example, as a small insect. Children should feel the defenselessness of this creature, talk about their feelings and how to behave to others so that the insect is confident in its safety. In this way, the children reinforce their understanding of the right to life and its inviolability.
  5. “My dream kindergarten.” The teacher gives the children a task - to come up with their own kindergarten, in which there would be no usual rules (classes, daily routine, etc.) and come up with their own, tell what the children will do there. After listening to several stories, the teacher leads the kids to conclusions about how such behavior can end and why order must be maintained in any society.

Board-printed games

There are also printed board games for preschoolers on legal topics. Basically, they are pictures from the series “Doing the right thing,” “Good and bad,” etc. These can be pairs of cards (10–20 pieces) dedicated to the same topic (one depicts a good deed, the other a bad one) or lotto.

It will also be interesting for the children to trace the consequences of each action. For example, he made a bird feeder and poured grains there - the birds will not starve in the winter, grabbed a cat by the tail - it hurts, etc. The main conclusion that preschoolers should make is that no one has the right to offend another, punish him, or hurt him.

Outdoor games

Preschoolers love outdoor games; they can be combined with easy learning of important legal concepts.

  1. “Walk along the stream” (everyone’s right to rest, to be able to relax together). A stream is depicted on the floor, its width varies (using ropes or cut out of wallpaper). Children (these are tourists) become a “train” (hands are placed on the shoulders of the person walking in front) and as they move, they spread their legs to the desired width. A child who stumbles is sent to the end of the “locomotive”.
  2. “Rescuers” (reinforcing the right to life). Toys are placed in the hoop: they ended up on a desert island or in a burning house. The teacher gives tasks to get to the hoop and save the toys one by one. Each time, children move in different ways (you can hold a relay race between two teams with two hoops): “spider,” in pairs, holding hands, with eyes closed, etc.
  3. Pantomime “I help my parents around the house” (reinforcing the concept of responsibilities). A preschooler uses body movements to show how he does some housework. And the rest of the guys have to guess what exactly is meant.
  4. The teacher explains that fighting is not good (this is a violation of the right to personal integrity), and invites preschoolers to channel negative emotions into the game “Cockfighting.” Two participants become “roosters” - they squat down and clasp their knees with their hands, pushing each other sideways. The one who falls first or removes his hands from his knees loses.

Role-playing games

Role-playing play plays an important role in the development of friendly relationships among preschoolers and their awareness of legal relations, since it is very close to real life. Thus, by playing out such scenes as “Hospital”, “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”, “Ambulance”, kids reinforce the knowledge that every person has the right to medical care, and must also take care of their own health).

The game “Rescuers” fosters important moral qualities: the children understand the value of human life and the fact that every person has the right to help and salvation in a difficult situation. Legal education is also facilitated by modeling scenes from family life (“Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”): preschoolers understand that everyone has certain responsibilities at home, and adults are responsible for their children.

Types of activities in legal education classes

Legal education classes are usually held in preschool educational institutions once a month in senior preschool age (at the middle level - much less often, two to three times a year, since they are of an introductory nature) as part of educational activities to understand the world around us (block “Socialization” ). However, preschoolers best master the legal space through concrete examples and their own experience. Therefore, such work is closely related to search-experimental and communicative activities.

Reading fiction that touches on legal topics, in particular, turning to Russian and foreign fairy tales, is of great educational importance. After all, many of them clearly demonstrate how this or that right is violated. Let's give specific examples.

  1. "Cat, fox and rooster." The fox violated the rooster's right to personal integrity.
  2. "Zayushkina's hut." A gross invasion of privacy, the right to inviolability of the hare’s home was violated. A similar situation can be found in the fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.
  3. “Geese and Swans”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Kolobok”. Violation of the right to life and freedom of characters.
  4. "Masha and the Bear". Restriction of human freedom, keeping him in captivity.
  5. Using the example of the literary fairy tale “Aibolit,” you can explain to preschoolers that everyone has the right to count on medical care and assistance, and in connection with the fairy tale “Buratino,” you can tell the preschooler about the right to education.

Comprehensive and integrated classes on the topic of law can also include productive activities.

For example, after the teacher talks about the symbols of countries, older preschoolers are asked to draw the flag and coat of arms of their country. After a conversation about the rights and responsibilities of family members, the children can draw a story picture “How I help my parents at home.”

Subjects of classes

Since legal education classes are not held so often in preschool educational institutions, their topics will not be too diverse. We can highlight the main topics that the teacher should introduce children to.

In the middle group, when preschoolers are just beginning to become familiar with the legal field, the following topics can be considered.

  1. “My rights and responsibilities” (everyone, even small children, has their own rights and responsibilities).
  2. “Me and my name” (“The right to a name”, “Everyone is given a name, it means a lot”).

In the senior preschool level, the topics are more extensive. These topics are studied in more depth and new ones are added.

  1. “My country” (each country has its own laws and rules that all citizens must comply with).
  2. “We are citizens” (“We are different, but we have the same rights”).
  3. Familiarity with the most important legal documents: “Constitution”, “Declaration of Human Rights” and “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (of course, at an extremely accessible level).
  4. “The right to have a family” (“The right to love and care”).
  5. "Right to Housing".
  6. "Right to property."
  7. "Right to freedom and equality"
  8. “The right to rest, play, entertainment.”
  9. The final lesson can be designated as “Journey to the country of Pravdiviya” (or Pravoznaykino, etc.)

Motivating start to a lesson on legal education

Since legal concepts are quite complex for preschoolers, the teacher’s task is to interest children in cognitive activities as much as possible.

Exciting motivation is very important here. For example, the teacher invites the children to go to the extraordinary Land of Names. Every child can turn into a trailer - to do this, you need to give your name.

Another example. The teacher tells the preschoolers that he wants to introduce them to a wonderful book called “The Rights of the Child.” But then the evil Baba Yaga appears (it could be a toy), who takes the book and leaves (says that the children are still too young to study it). Thus, children's interest in the book increases, and they set off in the footsteps of Baba Yaga to return what was lost, quietly mastering important concepts along the way.

Guys always love to help the weak, while feeling their importance. In this regard, you can think about the appropriate motivation. A little man, Kiryusha, appears in the group. In the country from which he came, big and small people live. Big ones are always serious, busy, and often talk about their rights. But everyone is silent about the rights of little people, as if they don’t exist at all. Preschoolers will be happy to introduce Kiryusha to the main international document “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”: he will learn that people’s rights do not depend on their external characteristics, for example, height.

This option would also work: sad Pinocchio comes to visit the preschoolers. He is worried that he will not be accepted into school, but he so wants to study. The teacher informs the character that they will definitely take him to school, because there is a special right - to education, so that everyone who wants can study.

The teacher can use his imagination and come up with a whole fairy-tale story about the fictional country of Pravdilia. People and animals, plants and insects lived happily here. Everyone had different rights: to life, freedom, happiness, rest, etc. There was a wonderful garden in the country that everyone protected, because the “flower of Happiness” grew there: all the rights were written on its petals.

But then one day a black cloud and an evil wind came, and the inhabitants of the country hid to wait out the bad weather. And when it was all over, they were surprised to see that there was not a single petal on the “flower of Happiness”. And terrible times came in Pravdivia - a nightmare and confusion, because no one now knew their rights. Residents are always looking for the treasured petals and hope that someone will help them, for example, kindergarten students. And by helping to find the loss, preschoolers will at the same time become familiar with basic rights (after all, in our country they are exactly the same).

Working with parents on legal education

Instilling in his students the basics of legal consciousness, the teacher must work closely with their parents.

After all, many families experience significant difficulties in raising children - they do not know how to behave in certain situations (disobedience, aggression, child passivity, etc.). Some adults use an authoritarian communication style when communicating with their son or daughter, intimidate them, show excessive severity, and even practice corporal punishment. Such parents usually do not attach importance to children's experiences, considering them pointless and without a serious reason. This situation is very dangerous for the mental development of the child and the formation of his personality.

As practice shows, in many families the legal culture is not at a high level.

And violation of the rights of a small child often becomes commonplace (we are not even talking about socially disadvantaged families). That is why the role of the educator becomes very important - it is he who should be involved in the legal education of parents.

Methods of working with parents in the field of legal education.

  1. Parent meetings on this topic (for example, “Respecting the rights of the child in the family”).
  2. Design of the right corner for parents.
  3. Individual conversations.
  4. Visiting families.
  5. Regular oral and written consultations for parents.

Self-education of a teacher in legal education

The foundations of the legal culture of preschoolers can become a direction for the teacher’s self-education. The following topics may be considered.

  1. “Introducing a preschooler to the social world through legal education”
  2. “Tolerance and legal culture of preschool children.”
  3. “Didactic games as a means of developing legal consciousness”
  4. “The role of role-playing games in the legal education of a child.”
  5. “Project activity as a modern form of legal education in preschool educational institutions.”
  6. “The use of new educational technologies in the process of legal education of preschool children.”
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