Summary of the joint activity “The House Where I Live”

Lesson with presentation “The house where I live”

Presentation “The house where I live”

(you can go to): link.

1. Look at your home with your child. Answer the questions:

  • How many floors are there in your house?
  • What can it be called?
  • What floor do you live on?
  • Who builds houses? (Builders build houses.)
  • Who paints them? (Painters paint them.)

2. Count the floors in the houses. Tell me how many floors there are in each house. A house with one floor is called one-story

. What do we call a house in which there are two floors - ... (3 floors, 7 floors, 12 floors, many floors)?

3. Tell me the name of a house made of bricks - ... (brick house)

(what a child cannot name is worth learning!)


: concrete, wood, block, stone.

4. The roofs of houses are also made of different materials. - Iron roof - ... (iron roof). Tell me, which roof is made of tiles -..., metal -...?

5. Secure parts of the house. Name the parts of the house in the plural and with the word “many” according to the example: foundation - foundations - many foundations


: wall, window, balcony, roof, attic, stairs, floor, apartment, landing, basement, elevator.

6. Learn your address with your child and write it down.

7. Draw your house and, based on your drawing, write a story about it. For example: “The house is tall, nine stories, five entrances, red, block house with a gray foundation and a green roof.”

8. Complete the sentence with a suitable word - action:

  • Lena walked down the street, across the road... (crossed)
  • Lena came to the house... (approached)
  • She went around the corner of the house... (went)
    , from behind the house...
    (went out)
    , around the house...
    (walked around)
    , and into the entrance...
    , and then from the entrance...
    went out)
    , along the sidewalk to the store...

9. Look at your apartment with your child. Show and name what you see in the apartment.

(Hallway, rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.)

10. Look and say what is in each room. (Floor, walls, ceiling, window, door.)

11. The apartment has three rooms - this is a three-room apartment

. What do you call an apartment if it has one (2, 4, 5) room(s)?

12. The apartment has a children's room, living room, bedroom, hallway. Think and tell me why these rooms are called that. (This is the hallway because people come here from the street.)

Etc. Think and list what furniture you will put in what room (room).

13. Change the word “wardrobe” (wardrobe)

in accordance with the text of the proposals. Repeat each sentence.

  • In the bedroom there is a large...
  • There is no big...
  • The hallway also has a large...
  • I approached a big...
  • I hung my clothes in a large...
  • I took out underwear from a large...
  • I admire the big...
  • I told you about a big...

14. Color the drawing

Summary of GCD "The house where I live"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 9

Topic: “The house where I live”


Tarasova Svetlana Yurievna

First qualification category


Topic: “The house where I live”

Type of lesson: educational and gaming. Type of lesson: integrated (integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”, “Labor”). Goal: to introduce children to different types of houses and parts of the house; give an idea of ​​the construction professions; increase knowledge about house designs. Objectives: 1. Educational: To instill in children respect for the work of builders; cultivate a caring attitude towards your home. 2. Developmental: Develop thinking, coherent speech, ability to compare, analyze, creative imagination, fine motor skills. 3. Educational: Teach children to navigate the types of residential buildings, the features of the construction profession. Continue teaching children to write creative stories and complex common sentences. Strengthen the ability to embody your idea in a drawing, depicting a house with colored pencils. Methods and techniques: surprise moments, construction from large building materials, work on speech development. Materials used: paintings of houses, small and large building materials, large format paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens. The course of direct educational activities: Educator: Hello, guys! Today is a very good day! Even though it’s cold late autumn outside, it’s warm and cozy in our group. (There is a knock on the door). Guys, who could it be? Let's get a look? The door opens. There is a letter on the doorstep. Educator: Guys, we have received a letter. (Shows to children). Who is it from? We'll find out now. Are we reading? Let's read. “Dear guys, we are in trouble! Winter is quietly approaching. We frolicked and played all summer and didn’t think at all about the upcoming cold weather. And now they are left without houses. Please help us each buy our own home. Three piglets". Educator: This is such a problem... Guys, can we help the three little pigs? (Children's answers). Of course, we will be happy to help. But first, let's remember where the animals live. I will read the beginning of the poem, and you will finish it: The bear lives in ... (den), Fox, badger - in ... (hole), Beaver built ... (hut), Squirrel lives in ... (hollow), Mole under ... (ground) ) huddles - There he is with his whole family. Where do you and I live? Who can tell me quickly? (Children's answers.) Educator: That's right, guys, you and I live in houses, in apartments. Where does the dog live? (In the booth.) Where does the rooster live? (In the chicken coop.) Where does the cow live? (In a barn, cowshed.) (Children's answers). Game "Whose house" with a ball. (Children stand in a circle or in a row. The teacher throws the ball to all the children in turn and asks questions). — At the bear, whose house? (Bearish). - At the hare, whose house? (Hare). - The wolf, whose house? (Wolf). - At the squirrel's, whose house? (Squirrel). — At the badger, whose house? (Badger). — At the turtle, whose house? (Turtle). - At the frog, whose house? (Frogish). Educator: Guys, where does the person live? (Children's answers). That's right, each of you has a home - a place where you live with your family. There are different houses and they are called differently: wooden, brick, panel. How do you understand these names? (Children's answers.) Indeed, guys, you are right. Wooden houses are houses built from wood, brick houses are made from bricks, panel houses are made from blocks. Houses can also be one-story or multi-story. How do you understand these names: one-story house, multi-story house? (Children's answers.) That's right, a house consists of one floor, a multi-story house means it consists of two or more floors. What kind of houses do you live in? Tell me, please. (Several children talk about their home. The teacher calls children living in different houses). Educator: You see, guys, some of you live in an apartment in a multi-story building, some live in your own small house. And there are people who live in a dorm next to many neighbors. A dormitory is a common living area, a house in which people live together. Repeat this word and try to remember it. (Children repeat the word “hostel” together, selectively). Educator: Guys, we found out what a house is for and what it is like. You need it to live, and it can be multi-story or one-story. But in order to build houses for the three little pigs, we need to know what they are made of. Please tell us what your house consists of? What's in it? How many rooms? (Children's answers). Educator: Let's imagine that we open the door, enter the house and see all this at once or not? (Children's answers). (We have all this in certain places - in our rooms.) Guess the riddles about which rooms we are talking about: Our mother is often in this room, Sometimes porridge escapes from the pan here. (Kitchen) - What is a kitchen for? What are they doing there? (Children's answers) We brush our teeth, wash our hands, and swim in the evening. Every morning we are bored, we just wash ourselves. (Bathroom.) - What is a bathroom for? (Children's answers) Sweet dreams I always dream at night in this room. And in the morning, a ray of sun sometimes wakes me up. (Bedroom.) In this room, the whole family gathers together, Sometimes to have fun, Sometimes to play, Everyone watches TV Or read books. (Hall.) This room welcomes everyone who comes to our house. (Hallway) Educator: Guys, you are great! All the riddles have been solved! - Guys, how should you treat your home so that it has order and comfort? How do you help adults with this? (Children's answers). - Well done! You will become wonderful helpers! Let's remember how old women from a distant village clean up the mess? Let's stand in a circle. Finger game for developing fine motor skills (performed while standing): There was a hut in a village. (children draw the outline of the hut with their index fingers in the air) Funny old women lived in it. (they touch their nose with their index finger, shake their head from side to side, holding imaginary handkerchiefs) The linen was sewn up with brooms, (One hand is held with an edge, the other imitates the movement of sweeping the floor) The floors were swept with needles, (Imitates the movements of sweeping the floor, connecting all fingers together, holding needles) They salted the waves in a pillow, (Imitate the movement of salting, rub their fingers against each other, then put their palms together - a pillow) And went to take a nap on the tub. (Stretch, connect fingers, taking the shape of a barrel). There was a hut in a village. (children draw the outline of the hut with their index fingers in the air) Funny old women lived in it. (they touch their nose with their index finger, shake their head from side to side, holding on to imaginary handkerchiefs) The linen was sewn up with needles, (imitate the movement of sewing with a needle) The floors were swept with brooms, (imitate the movement of sweeping the floor) They salted volushki in a tub, (imitation of the movement of salting, fingers rub against each other, a tub - the fingers are connected, taking the shape of a barrel) And they went to take a nap on the pillow. (Stretching, joining hands together, under the cheek). Educator: Guys, let's remember the proverbs about home: - At home as I want, and in people as they say. “At home, eat whatever you want, and when you’re away, whatever they give you.” — At home, the walls help. - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. Educator: Guys, now let's remember what everyone has at home? (Children's answers). That's right, the house has a roof, windows, doors, a kitchen and much more. And why this is needed, we will now find out. Didactic exercise “In order to...” (Children repeat the beginning of the sentence after the teacher and finish it independently). A house needs a roof in order... A house needs doors in order... A house needs windows in order... A house needs furniture in order... A house needs a kitchen in order... Educator: Guys, do you think it’s easy? build a house? Why do you think so? (Children's answers). — Before starting to build a house, the architect needs to draw up a plan for the future house. And only then will the builders build the house strictly according to this plan. Construction from building material "House". (Each child is offered a simple scheme for building a house from small building materials, which they use to construct). Educator: now each of you will receive a plan - a diagram of the future house. And you will try to build a house exactly according to this drawing. View all received houses. Educator: How many wonderful houses we have built with you! Well done! Guys, please tell me what the people who build houses are called? (Children's answers). Of course, these are builders. And we are young builders! There are many different construction professions. Let's remember them. Didactic game “What is... doing?” What does a mason do? (Children's answers) That's right, a mason lays bricks and builds the walls of houses. What does a carpenter do? (Children's answers) A carpenter makes doors, windows, and wooden stairs from wood. What does an electrician do? (children's answers) An electrician lays wires and repairs electrical appliances. What does a painter do? (children's answers) The painter paints the walls and whitewashes the ceilings. Educator: You see, guys, how many people with different construction professions are needed to build a house! Now you and I will turn into builders and try to build our own house! But first, let's stretch our hands. Finger game “Building a house”: Knock and knock all day long. A loud knock is heard. The hammers are knocking. We are building a house for the children. This is such a good house, How gloriously we will live! Hands clenched into fists, thumb raised. Movement from above with the thumb. Knock fist on fist. With your right fist, tap on top of your left fist. Clenching the fingers of both hands and unclenching them. Rotation of both hands. Physical education Educator: Guys, you need to divide into teams and line up. It is necessary to transfer a certain amount of large building material from hand to hand from the first participant to the last. Then all team members begin building a common house. (At the end of the game, the children tell what exactly they built). Educator: this is how we turned out at home! Do you think the three little pigs will like them? Why? Whose house is better? (Children's answers). All the teams did a great job! Well done! Educator: Guys, we talked a lot about construction professions. Among them there is one more – a designer. The designer deals with the design of an apartment, house, selects beautiful colors of walls, curtains, floors, and other things in the house, and deals with the appearance of the rooms and the house. I suggest you turn into architects and designers for a while and draw a house in which you would like to live. Drawing "My Dream House". (Colored pencils and felt-tip pens are offered for drawing. Children draw their houses, roads, trees on pre-prepared large-format paper). Educator: our work is ready. Look how many interesting houses we have created! Guys, let's come up with a name for the city where all our houses will “live.” (Children's suggestions). Compiling creative stories “My dream house” Educator: tell us about your house that you drew: what size is your house? What is he like outside and inside? What's unusual about it? Why would you want to live in it? (Answers, children's stories). Educator: Well done, guys, you turned out to be good architects, designers, and builders. Today we built houses for piglets. I think they will be pleased. And when you grow up, I really hope that one of you will become a professional builder and will build beautiful, reliable, cozy, modern houses for the people of our city. - And now, guys, I suggest you go outside, where you and I will try to give “new life” to our house, which, unfortunately, has a broken roof. And our carpenter, Sergei Alexandrovich, agreed to help us in this difficult task. Thank you very much everyone for your work!

Summary of the lesson “The House I Live In” for the senior group

Summary of the lesson “The house where I live” for the senior group


: Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about their home; clarify knowledge about your place of residence; Teach children to make a whole from parts.


Educational field "Social and communicative development"

- create conditions for the formation of kindness, friendliness, goodwill.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

- consolidate knowledge about parts of the house; — improve different types of attention, memory, logical thinking; - expand and enrich children’s knowledge about human housing;

Educational field "Speech development"

- practice the formation of complex adjectives; — replenish the active dictionary with antonyms; — improve children’s ability to solve riddles; — teach children to answer questions based on a plot picture; — develop free communication with peers and adults; - continue to expand and activate your vocabulary;

Progress of the lesson


Guys, today we have gathered to play a little. But this game is not simple, we will learn by playing. Listen to the poem:

- They say there was such a case somewhere, people were driving home from work. As soon as we got there, suddenly - miracles: Everyone forgot their addresses. They are searching, worried, looking around, Residents are rushing about: “Where is our floor?” Everything is confused, everything is lost! Fortunately, this only happened in a fairy tale. I told you about this on purpose, Where do you live? Where was your house built? And are you familiar with the house?


-What is this story about?


- About the house.


Today we will talk about houses, what they are like, what they are made of, what material they can be built from.
- There are different houses and they are called differently: wooden, brick, panel.

— How do you understand these names? (Children's answers.)

- Indeed, guys, you are right. Wooden houses are houses built from wood. - Brick - built from bricks - Panel - from blocks. — Houses can also be one-story or multi-story. How do you understand these names: one-story house, multi-story house? (Children's answers.) - That's right, a house consists of one floor, a multi-story house means it consists of two or more floors. -Please tell us what your house consists of? (roof, walls, window, doors, foundation). - What's in it? (It has rooms and furniture). - Now guess the riddles about which rooms we are talking about:

We brush our teeth, wash our hands, We take a bath in the evening, Every morning we are not bored, We just wash ourselves (Bathroom)

I always have a sweet dream at night In this room, And in the morning a ray of light sometimes wakes me up (Bedroom)

In this room, everyone is together. The family gathers. Sometimes to have fun. Sometimes to play. Everyone watches TV. Or reads a book (Living room, hall)

This room welcomes everyone who comes to our house (Hallway)


Guys, you are great! All the riddles have been solved!

- Guys, how should you treat your home so that it has order and comfort? How do you help adults with this? (Children's answers).

- Well done! You will become wonderful helpers!

4. Physical school

There is a house in a clearing (The fingers of both hands make a “roof”).

Well, the path to the house is closed.
(Hands turned with palms to the chest, middle fingers touching, thumbs up - “gate”)
We open the gate (Palms turn out).

We invite you to this house.

and now let’s play with you the game “Say it backwards”:

- My house is high, and my house is (low) - My house is light, and my house is (dark) - My house is one-story, and my house is (multi-story) - My house is big, and my house is (small) - My house is old, but my house (new) - My house is on the left of the road, and my house is on (the right of the road) - My house is on a wide street, and my house is on (narrow street)


and now we will learn and analyze the meaning of the most famous proverbs and sayings about home

"My home is my castle"

A fortress is a strong and reliable structure that prevents enemies from entering the property. This is how a home is a support for a person, because at home they will always support, help and listen.

“It’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.” When you come to visit, they always set the table and bring out treats, that’s why they say that it’s good to be away. But when you try all the treats, talk with the owners of the house, dance, have fun, you get tired and are drawn to your home, that’s why they say that home is better

“Like the owner, so is the house.” It is often said that by the house and its condition you can determine what kind of owner it has. When a house is neat and tidy, it means that it has a good owner who looks after his house, cares for it and loves it. If a house is falling apart and there is no harmony in it, then this means that its owner is mismanaged, a slob.

Lesson summary:

— Guys, tell me, what kind of houses are there? (wooden, brick panels). - What kind of rooms are there at home? (kitchen, bedroom, living room). — What are the names of the houses where people live? (dwelling). — What sayings and proverbs do you remember?

Well done guys, you answered very well in today's lesson.

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