Folk art in the labor education of preschool children

Modern professions

The word “logistics” is not familiar to us, but we all know its meaning perfectly well.
This is “delivery” to the buyer, and they approach the matter very thoroughly. They deliver goods, everything accurately and on time, to any region and any road. © Accountant.
The company's profits are counted, and everyone's salaries are paid.
All expenses, all income, Every ruble - they know for sure. They count everything all day long and don’t know the word - laziness. © Lawyer.
There is a profession called lawyers. They are great specialists.
Their job is to ensure that every law, to everyone and in everything, is always observed. Any sales, transactions, decisions require legal permission. © Advertiser, PR specialist
Known to all people on our planet: Adults, schoolchildren, grandmothers, children.
What is popular, what is tasty, what is beautiful, what is actively worth buying today. The whole world knows about this and you and I, thanks to excellent advertising. © HR Specialist
In every company, it is necessary and important, So that everyone here feels good and comes to work with joy, The comfort of employees is their concern.
And when improvement is required, they organize urgent training for everyone. © Programmer
To make the computer count quickly, the programmer worked hard. After all, a computer from the beginning is just a blank sheet.
And for this, a special language must be known to him, So that everyone can see, What he has always been accustomed to. So programmers create program after program to make your computer work easier for you, dad and mom! Marketer.
He is always up to date with the news.
He studies the market and promotes many good ideas in the company. Where to sell what product, what to offer as a new product. He simply must know everything about every grain of sand. Top Manager
manages a large company both wisely and skillfully.
He distributes the money in such a way that the business grows and becomes stronger. He gives instructions to all his employees, so that the company moves forward and brings profit to them. Animator
The holiday needs a fairway, And fun for the guests, Know that a children's animator Will be able to captivate the children.
He is like a small theater, But delivered straight to your home, He is the hero of any fairy tale, He is your favorite hero. He has games with him, Jokes, laughter and miracles, Funny tigers made of balloons, A stripe of soap foam. Bubbles the size of the sun, Clouds made of paper, An animator is called, A man from a holiday. © Blogger
There is one profession, it’s amazing, Officially it doesn’t exist, it was created by the Internet, But now all over the planet both adults and children are involved in it. Experts in everything: money and intelligence, cooking, dexterity, makeup and gait. This is an omnipresent blogger, he knows what’s best! He rinses the minds of his subscribers from morning until late at night. He speaks, dances, eats, he will go to Everest, Into the forest, into a cave and into a swamp, just someone subscribe... Don't skimp, like, share and glorify, And then maybe he will have a million. Well, no, taxis are expensive, there are a lot of former bloggers there. ©

If you did not find the verse about the profession you were looking for. Write to us by email and we will write about this profession and post it here.

Children's poems help shape the development of a child's speech and diction in a fun way, and teach expressive intonations. Unlike narrative text, thanks to rhymes, they are easy to remember. But most importantly, all children adore poems, because they are like verbal songs, each poem has its own musical rhythm and beat, which is why they are so fun to read, teach and tell.

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Poems about gardening in kindergarten


gardener's confession":

Now I fight with birds, now with worms or aphids, And I rustle with a rake, the dust swirls above the ground. Of course, you can’t describe everything, you can’t tell it, you can’t take it into account. And so you can breathe air - you can barely drag your feet. And we dig and we plant, we pour water under the trees, and we know one road: here is the plot, here is our house.

Sundays are forgotten, I don’t even know Saturdays, I make jam during the day, and compote at night. I squeeze juice from tomatoes, pickle cucumbers, I’ll soon give up on such a fun life. And none of the gardeners will come to the grave, Because gardeners are very busy people.

I found round timber for my dacha on the cheap, and now they drag me to the OBHSS every day. My health is exhausted, I don’t have the strength to go for a walk, my pretty neighbor has stopped bothering me. All the novels are forgotten, there’s not even time to sleep, I’d better get bird droppings somewhere.

A thief made a hole in the fence, you need to nail down a board, or spend the night in your hands with a crooked stick near the hole. I never had any treatment, I was as healthy as a whale, but at the dacha I caught a cold and contracted sciatica. And only legs remained, only cheekbones and muscles, Apparently only round donkeys build their dachas!

I’m like a donkey day and night at work and in the garden. I can’t move, apparently I’ll soon die. Under such a load, I’ll collapse like a sack. They’ll bury me, put up a cross and write: “Sleep, kurkul”!


So that I could pick raspberries and not waste extra energy, I stretched my mind and invited my neighbor.

There are few raspberries in the package, they often end up in the mouth; The neighbor's chest was in the way, His gaze didn't let me work.

Ah, eyes like the sky, Ah, chiseled, marvelous figure! Instead of berries, I would like to drink into raspberry lips!

The raspberry harvest was completed, pining for love, on a green blanket of malachite grass.

I'll get up early in the morning, heat up the kettle, pour a ladle of cold water into the washbasin. I'll pick a handful of berries in the garden. It's good at the dacha! It's a pity, the vacation is running out... My daughter will wake up and open her eyes, laugh loudly - She dreamed of fairy tales. Bare feet ran through the dew, Thin little hands hugged mother. It's good that in the summer we live in the country! Happiness is that we are together - We cannot do otherwise.


The sun shines through my branches, sadly I tear wheatgrass from the beds, and behind the neighbor’s fence everything is thicker, more beautiful and lush:

You know, he doesn’t spare chemicals: it looks like a pure pesticide! Yes, she has everything she takes in her hands, it looks weighty.

From lunch to lunch frolics with her husband.. shame and disgrace.. My neighbor’s cucumber in her hands is like a banana.

I was just daydreaming about something: “the neighbor is lucky. I'd like one like this. " She sighed sadly: "What a pity. "Suddenly I looked closer - my husband...


x, spring will come, Oh, and it will be red! I'll go to the dacha to plow until dark. I’ll dig little beds, lose kilograms, and my male neighbors will drool


Friday, May 12, 2021

Poems about working in the garden

Interesting poems in which each line teaches children hard work and fosters love and respect for work.

A. Maksakova

Planted in the garden ;

Tomatoes and potatoes, a little carrots and cucumbers. For the tomboy brothers. Alyoshka picked the tomato. Now the cat is full. And Maxim eats a cucumber. Our boy is great. He sits deftly in the garden bed. So the carrot is pulled out. The cat is eating carrots, the cat who came into our garden. The boys give everyone a treat. They force you to eat the vitamin.

O. Molokanova Gray Zainka Sowed a vegetable garden .

The bunny will have a good year. I hilled up the beds and weeded out the weeds. In the summer, under the sun, the vegetable garden is sown. Juicy cabbage, Sweet carrots. The bunny will have fun all year long.

S. Krupa-Shusharina in the garden , planting vegetables! Peter grows parsley, and Prokop grows dill. Fekla planted beets, and Pavel planted green sorrel in the garden bed. Potatoes grow in Antoshka's garden every year. Marina and Karina grew a lot of raspberries. Beans will soon grow in Assol's garden. Alina, the artist, has a lot of pink radishes. And in Fedora’s greenhouse the tomatoes turned red. And the twin boys are watering the cucumbers. Alina is very clever at growing carrots from the ground. Zlata planted greens for salad.

T. Kazyrina And our garden is in order. We dug up ten beds. Like the first pea, it was ugly, not bad! On the second radish, close to each other. And on the third is a turnip, both sweet and strong. On the fourth, the cucumbers are ripening, well done! The fifth with carrots, grows up deftly. On the sixth green onion, He is both a healer and a friend. On the seventh huge bed, Berries are playing hide and seek. On the eighth zucchini, They have thick barrels. On the ninth watermelon Striped toddler. And from now on, the tenth will even give us melons!


ParaPhrases for kids

In the garden in red

In the garden, the Tomato turned red in the summer. A cucumber here, an onion there. Here's a bunch of lettuce.

There are many beds in the garden...

There are many beds in the garden, there are turnips and lettuce. There are beets and peas, but are potatoes really bad? Our green garden will feed us for a whole year.

In Yegor's garden...

In Yegor's garden there are pumpkin, turnips, tomatoes. In Ivan's garden there are zucchini and eggplants. You plant squash, get out of the circle.

Eat vegetables and fruits...

Eat vegetables and fruits - These are the best foods. You will be saved from all diseases. There is nothing tastier and healthier than them.

Make friends with vegetables, And with salads and cabbage soup. There are countless vitamins in them. So you need to eat it!

In summer, a garden is like a city!

In summer, a garden is like a city! It contains one hundred thousand citizens: tomatoes, peas, cabbage, zucchini and eggplant.

On a ridge from under a leaf

On the ridge, from under a leaf, two little friends are looking slyly, Two green fellows - Two crispy cucumbers.

From July to July...

From July to July Our backs were bent at work. And now in the garden “We’re relaxing”... It’s like a vacation.

Pepper is an interesting vegetable...

Pepper is an interesting vegetable, very tasty and not bland. Either sweet or bitter, cut it and eat a slice. Yellow or red, it is very beautiful. Or maybe green, baked or salty. And you can fry it, just be careful... Don’t burn the skin and take care of your hands.

You crawl slowly, barely breathing

You crawl slowly, barely breathing, and your soul can barely hold on in your body. Spring is coming and all the people are rushing in a crowd to the GARDEN.

After warm rain...

After the warm rain, the potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers grew, even me a little.

Once a zucchini was arguing...

Once a zucchini and a bean pod argued: Who blooms more beautifully, And who will grow up first? So they argued and decided, But they didn’t know the simple answer: Everyone, this always happens, Ripens in due time.

People are surprised...

People are surprised: What kind of miracle garden is this? There are radishes and lettuce, onions, parsley and spinach. Tomatoes and cucumbers are ripening together - well done! Both potatoes and cabbage grow thickly in the beds. And everyone says in unison: “We are growing here for the kids. For diligence and labor, the entire harvest will be collected.”

What grows in our garden...

What's growing in our garden bed? Cucumbers, sweet peas. Tomatoes and dill For seasoning and for testing. There are radishes and lettuce, Our garden bed is just a treasure. But watermelons don't grow here. If you listened carefully, you will definitely remember. Answer in order. What's growing in our garden bed?


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