Report on the road safety week “I am a pedestrian”

“Traffic rules week in 4th grade”

deepening students' knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road and on the street, the importance of observing them.

development of the ability to analyze; classify, summarize the material being studied; formation of positive motivation for studying traffic rules;

development of students’ communication skills, ability to work in a group; culture of communication between children, ethical standards of behavior.


road signs, each student has a table, a ball of thread, cards with situations, an envelope with pictures,


I. Organizational moment

II. Updating students' knowledge

– When do we become pedestrians? (When we walk down the street, we cross the road)


And if we got on a bus or tram, then who are we?
(The teacher introduces the statistics of road accidents caused by passengers and pedestrians).
- Guys, is this a little or a lot?
Why do people get into various accidents? (They violate the rules of safe behavior on the roads). -
Yes you are right. This is precisely the reason.

Conversation about safety.

Tell me, what is security? This means protecting yourself from any danger, being careful, attentive, strictly following the established rules, i.e. protect yourself from danger. Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class today? That's right, you and I will repeat the rules of safe behavior on the road and street. Knowledge of traffic rules is necessary for both children and adults. Not only knowledge, but also compliance with them. Compliance with any rules is necessary, and on the road it is simply mandatory.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Filling out the table

You have tables on your tables, fill out two columns: what rules I know, what rules I would like to know. Complete the third column at the end of the lesson.

What rules do I know? What rules would you like to know? What rules did you learn in class?

2. Review of traffic rules

(Students read prepared poems and show signs).

Everyone drives on the roadway on the right side. This is the traffic rule that applies in the country. Pedestrians on the road would be in danger, but for them there is a sidewalk along the roadway. People on the side of the road must move towards traffic on the left side. Crossing the road We will always find: A striped path Painted on it. A road sign is placed nearby: “Pedestrian crossing.” All conscious people cross the road here. If there is an underground passage under the intersection, every pedestrian walks along it across the road. You can't cross the intersection and cross the road at the same time without colliding on the way. Regulates the movement of a complex device called a TRAFFIC LIGHT. The red light comes on, which means there is no movement. The traffic light signals strictly: “Don’t walk on the road!” And when the green light is on, it means the path is clear. The traffic light tells you: “The crossing is open for you!” If there is no traffic light at the crossing, Look to the left Before you go. In the middle of the road, look to the right, let the traffic pass, and then go. Where there is a barrier along the street, There is no crossing. The transport moves behind him, without slowing down. Behind the barrier you can immediately fall under the wheels: After all, a heavy car is not easy to stop. On the roadway, children, do not ride, neither on a scooter, nor on a bicycle. If transport on the road is standing at the side of the road, it usually blocks the general view of pedestrians. It's dangerous to walk around a truck or a bus. Every pedestrian should know this very well. Hey, driver, be careful, It’s impossible to drive fast, People know everything in the world They walk in this place (Children)

If a friend's bicycle rushes you faster than rockets, You should never go Where you see this sign.
(Bicycles are prohibited)
Football is a good game, Let everyone train in stadiums, in courtyards, But not on the streets.
(Residential area)
If you are going with a friend to the zoo or to the cinema, You will have to make friends with this sign anyway, And it will take you quickly, deftly Sign...
(bus stop)
You can see a sign like this On the expressway, Where there is a large hole And walk It’s dangerous right there, where a district is being built, a school, a house or a stadium.
(Road repair)
There is not just one sign here, but many: There is a railway here! Rails, sleepers and tracks - Don't joke with the train. A sign indicates that there is an airfield nearby. If you hear a terrible noise, know that it is not dangerous.

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