Lapbook “Autumn has come to visit us” for the younger group

Lapbooks on the theme “Autumn” for children of preschool and primary school age. Early, golden and late autumn in thematic game folders - lapbooks for children.

Signs of autumn, migratory birds, mushrooms - all this and much more can be told to children in a fun and interesting way with the help of riddles, rebuses, puzzles, coloring books and board games. Just download and print ready-made templates for making an autumn lapbook.

You can buy ready-made lapbooks at MAAM-Pictures. The picture shows “Lapbook “Autumn” by artist A. Sayapin, which you can download from the link.

Autumn lapbooks for educators at MAAM

Contained in sections:

  • Seasons. Lapbook 760
  • Autumn. Materials on an autumn theme for preschoolers 44960

Showing publications 1-10 of 202. All sections | Lapbook on the theme “Autumn”



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Lapbook on the theme “Autumn” for the preparatory group of kindergarten

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A selection of materials for the lapbook “Autumn”

As in lapbooks for other seasons, the information content of the manual can be supplemented every year; it is not necessary to change the design style.

Information block

The information block includes laconic notes:

  • about autumn and the autumn months, including materials about “Indian summer”, sports, the life of animals, birds and human activities during this period,
  • about folk signs of autumn,
  • about the holidays that fall in the autumn months,
  • about the rules of behavior in the forest in autumn with information about collecting edible and inedible mushrooms.

    These pictures can be used in lapbooks dedicated not only to autumn, but also to summer and spring


For kids, short rhymes are included in the poetry block, for example:

  • Foliage flutters in the air, All of Moscow is covered in yellow leaves. We sit by the window and look out. The leaves whisper: - Let's fly away! - And they dive into a puddle.
  • Here is a maple leaf on a branch. Now it's just like new! All ruddy and golden. Where are you going, leaf? Wait!
  • Autumn, autumn, don’t rush, And wait for the rains! Give us more summer, sunshine and light.
  • If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, If the rain is pouring, This time of year is called Autumn.

For children aged 3–4 years, it is worth adding poems about mushrooms to the laptop.

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups will be interested in the following lines:

  • Autumn looked into the garden - The birds flew away. Yellow snowstorms rustle outside the window in the morning. The first ice underfoot is crumbling and breaking. The sparrow in the garden will sigh, But he’s embarrassed to sing.
  • Suddenly it became twice as bright, the yard seemed to be in the sun’s rays - This golden dress was on the birch tree’s shoulders. In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, They rustle under our feet And they fly... they fly... they fly... Cobwebs fly by with spiders in the middle, And cranes fly high from the ground. Everything is flying! This must be our summer flying away.
  • The birds are seen off On the road of the forest: A long echo flies to the skies. The birds are seen off on their way to the meadows: The grass has grown into large stacks. Even after them, as if with a wing, the Scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.


The block with riddles is fully included in the laptop from the middle group. This is due to the fact that in the first junior, the “autumn” manual is a selection of thematic pictures that the teacher describes, and in the second junior, riddles are included only if the general level of the children allows them to work with such material. In this case, answers to riddles for kids should be given in rhyme. The same principle applies when choosing riddles for the middle group:

  • The wind will call the cloud, the cloud will float across the sky. And over the gardens and groves there is a cold drizzle... (rain),
  • In the gray sky low, clouds move close, covering the horizon. It will be raining. We took... (umbrella)
  • It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside... (puddles) appeared everywhere.

For older preschoolers, you can add riddles about the autumn months to the selection of riddles about natural phenomena:

  • It began to get colder at night, and the puddles began to freeze. And on the grass there is blue velvet. What is it? (Frost),
  • Following August comes, It dances with the falling leaves And it is rich in harvest, We, of course, know it! (September),
  • Our Queen, Autumn, We will ask you together: Tell your children your secret, Who is your second servant? (October),
  • Guess the month quickly: It is thirty days long (often these days are with rain), And it follows October. (November).

Games for teaching on the theme “Autumn”

The game block includes both outdoor and didactic, theatrical and finger games.

Table: games for the “Autumn” laptop

Name of the gameGame conditionsAge of target audience
"Find the Shadow"Children connect the image with its shadow.Junior, middle
Puzzle "Scarecrow"The guys are putting together a puzzle. To complicate the task, you can assemble at speed. Junior, middle
Puzzle "Squirrel"Senior
"Connect by numbers"Children complete the picture by connecting the sequence of numbers.Senior
"Sort from light to dark"The guys sort the leaves by shade from light to dark or vice versaMiddle, senior
"Leaf Fall"The teacher raises his hands, taking each autumn leaf. Children are divided into pairs. Participants in pairs approach an adult and try to jump, snatching a piece of paper. If the children fail to jump, the teacher throws leaves, imitating leaf fall. Jr
“But the rain won’t get us wet”Children scatter around the playground (room), at the words of the leader: “It’s raining!” quickly occupy the chairs arranged in a semicircle. Those who do not have time are eliminated. Middle, senior
“Show autumn” (mimic game)Children show using facial expressions:
  • early autumn (joyful, generous),
  • late autumn (sad, sorrowful),
  • surprise when we met a big mushroom,
  • disgust when we saw a morel mushroom.
Middle, senior
"Pickling cabbage"
  • We chop the cabbage, moving up and down with straight brushes. We are rubbing carrots, the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, the fists are moving towards and away from ourselves. We salt the cabbage, imitate sprinkling salt from a pinch. We are pressing cabbage. Clench and unclench your fingers.
"Autumn leaves"
  • One two three four five. Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb. We will collect leaves. They clench and unclench their fists. We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves, and take an autumn bouquet to Mom. (“They walk” with their fingers).

Photo gallery: materials for the games “Find the shadow”, “Match by numbers”, “Sort from light to dark” and puzzles “Scarecrow”, “Squirrel”

You can search for shadows at speed

A shade sorting game trains children's color perception

A puzzle with a scarecrow can be used in work with the second junior and middle groups

This puzzle is suitable for children of senior and preparatory groups

In this game, children practice ordinal counting.

Fiction on the topic

The manual should also include texts of fiction in the form of excerpts or a list, which can simultaneously be used as a methodological recommendation for parents. The selection of texts includes fairy tales and stories for children of all ages.


Visual materials are the basis of a laptop. And not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also as one of the most important techniques for working with preschool children: children practice writing descriptions of thematic pictures, and in older preschool age they also get acquainted with famous works of painting dedicated to autumn, also describing them. You can also put several autumn leaves (!) from different trees and shrubs into your lapbook.

Photo gallery: examples of pictures on the theme “Autumn”

When describing pictures, children need to take into account all the details of the image.

Harvesting is one of the main signs of autumn

When describing autumn, we cannot forget that at this time of year animals prepare supplies for the winter

Looking at thematic pictures, you can invite children to play associations: say the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the illustration

An important autumn event is the beginning of the school year

Leaf fall is also an important sign of autumn

Photo gallery: a selection of paintings on the theme “Autumn”

I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

I. Levitan “Sokolniki”

I. Levitan “Autumn. Road to the village"

I. Repin “Autumn Bouquet”

I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”


You can also include discs with themed cartoons in the visual block. After viewing, the content of the video is discussed with the children.

Video: fairy tales by V. Suteev “Apple” and “Magic Wand”

Video: cartoon “Autumn Ships”

Video: cartoon “Tig and Leo. Autumn in the taiga"

Intellectual and creative section

This section includes pictures for coloring, and for children 5–7 years old - rebuses, crosswords and puzzles.

Photo gallery: samples of autumn-themed coloring books

In this picture, only the butterflies can be made bright, the rest of the elements can be painted in pale, gray tones

An additional task for coloring a picture can be to compile a description of it

To add texture to the hedgehog's needles, the picture can be painted using a non-standard technique - with the imprint of a fork

While coloring the leaves, you can invite the children to name which trees they come from.

To color leaf fall, you can use pencils or paints

Photo gallery: examples of puzzles and crosswords on the theme “Autumn”

Answer: autumn

Answer: puddle

Crossword puzzle questions can be riddles

Answer: leaf fall

Lapbook on the theme “Autumn” - Lapbook “Once Upon a Time in Autumn”

Publication “Lapbook “Once upon a time...”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Lapbook “Autumn”

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Lepebook “Autumn” educational and methodological manual on the world around us (junior group)

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Lepbook “Autumn” Cognitive and speech development (first junior group) Prepared by: teacher of the highest qualification category Selyutina Marina Leonidovna “Oktyabrsky kindergarten No. 8” Chelyabinsk region Oktyabrsky district Oktyabrskoye village

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Goal: To consolidate and enrich the ideas of children of the first junior group about autumn (vegetables and fruits). To develop speech.

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Tasks to consolidate and systematize the studied material; learn to classify vegetables and fruits; develop children’s ability, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects by name, color, size; promote the use of learned words in children’s independent speech. develop the ability to name vegetables and fruits from pictures, tell poems, riddles, repeat excerpts from fairy tales about autumn (vegetables, fruits); help children master the expressive means of language, answer the simplest (“What?”, “Who?”, “What is he doing?”) and more complex questions (“What is he wearing?”, “What is he doing?”, “To whom?”, “Which?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “Where?”). — expand children’s understanding of the health benefits of vegetables and fruits.

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Contents of the lapbook “Autumn” Card file of the riddle; — Pictures of vegetables, fruits; -Didactic games: “Fruit basket”, “Vegetable basket”, “Red, green, yellow”; Tales about vegetables: “The Cheerful Garden”, “Turnip”, “Dispute of Vegetables”, “Tale about Vegetables”, poems: “Poems about Vegetables”; “In the Mushroom Meadow”; Tabletop theater “Methodius the Goat”; Manual for blowing “Rain”; Pictures with the subsequent developing plot “Turnip”; Pictures “Signs of Autumn”; -Finger gymnastics card index: “We salt the cabbage”, “We will cook compote”, “Collecting leaves”, “Fingers went for a walk”, “Vegetables”; Card index: Dynamic pause “Gardeners”, “Autumn walks along the path”, “We sweep the paths”, “We are autumn leaves”.

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Card index of riddles Purpose: To teach how to solve simple riddles.

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Pictures of fruits and vegetables

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d/i “Vegetable Basket” Purpose: to develop the ability of children, according to the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects by name, color, size;

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d/i “Fruit Basket” Purpose: To promote the use of learned words in children’s independent speech.

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Tales about vegetables

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Tabletop theater “Methodius the Goat” Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the fairy tale, encouraging children to repeat and pronounce individual phrases or words after the teacher; promote the development of intonation expressiveness of speech in children; introduce words into children's active dictionary; to teach children to play and act together.

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Exercise for blowing “Rain” - improving the function of external (nasal and oral) exhalation; — production of a stronger, more directed, smooth air stream; - development of speech breathing.

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Pictures with a subsequent developing plot “Turnip” Purpose: To help children master the expressive means of language, answer the simplest (“What?”, “Who?”, “What is he doing?”) and more complex questions (“What are you wearing?”, “ What does it do?”, “To whom?”, “Which?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “Where?”).

Slide 13

Pictures “Signs of Autumn” Purpose: To teach children to tell stories from the picture, to expand and deepen children’s ideas about social and natural phenomena.

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Card index “Finger gymnastics” Purpose: Stimulate the development of speech in children of primary preschool age, Promote the development of emotional expressiveness.

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Card index dynamic pause “Autumn”

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Dynamic pause “Autumn Leaves”

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